442 Lecture Presentation
442 Lecture Presentation
442 Lecture Presentation
In the next 4 minutes, jot down anything you already know about
Korea (culture, politics, the Korean War, etc.) and write a brief answer
to today’s prompt:
Why do you think the Korean War is often called the “Forgotten
You’ll share your responses with your partner and as a class, so be
Background to the Korean War
Kim Il-sung
The Truman Doctrine
After WWII, President Truman believed that the rising power of the
USSR and the spread of communism were the largest threats to the
His 1947 speech to Congress outlined the “Truman Doctrine,” which
defined US foreign policy during the Cold War:
“We shall not realize our objectives, however, unless we are willing to help free peoples
to maintain their free institutions and their national integrity against aggressive
movements that seek to impose upon them totalitarian regimes. This is no more than a
frank recognition that totalitarian regimes imposed on free peoples, by direct or indirect
aggression, undermine the foundations of international peace and hence the security of
the United States. […] I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support
free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside
In reality, this sometimes meant supporting governments like Rhee’s,
which resorted to violence to suppress communism and dissent
Two Koreas
Initially, the US and USSR intended to negotiate a reunification
of Korea
By 1948, both Kim and Rhee had consolidated power and
neither of the Korean governments were willing to compromise
for a successful reunification
Kim and Rhee’s propaganda created animosity between
communists in the north and nationalists in the south
The US attempted to bring the reunification to a vote in the North Korean flag
United Nations. However, the outcome favored Rhee and was
not recognized in the north
Thus, the south became the Republic of Korea (South Korea),
and the north became the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea (North Korea) in 1948
In the next five minutes discuss the prompt in your small groups:
Role-play as President Truman’s cabinet. Explain how you would
have advised him on these issues to avoid war:
Reunifying Korea
Settling political differences between the northern and southern
Whether or not to enforce the Truman Doctrine
Outbreak of the War
The US and USSR removed their troops from Korea in 1948 but
continued political, financial, and military support
Tensions were high: North and South Korea quickly armed
themselves for conflict
Violent opposition from communist factions continued to destabilize
Rhee’s government in the years leading up to the war
This encouraged Kim to send guerilla units across the border in the
hopes of sparking a large-scale rebellion Seoul, 1950
This instability gave the north a military advantage, which Kim used
to convince the USSR and China to support an invasion of the south
Finally, on June 25, 1950, Kim sent over 100,000 troops across the
border to overwhelm South Korean forces and capture Seoul
The American Response
President Truman skipped a congressional declaration
of war and ordered General Douglas MacArthur to
aid South Korea
Next, Truman petitioned the United Nations (UN) to
order North Korea to halt its invasion
On June 27, the United Nations Security Council
resolved to send military support to South Korea
US Marines
This coalition force was called the United Nations arriving at
Command (UNC) and led by MacArthur Pusan
Neither side won a significant advantage in the late stage of the war
As, Dwight D. Eisenhower took office in January 1953 political support for
the war in the US and UN had significantly dropped
In March 1953, the USSR gave the US assurances that it would not
obstruct a negotiated peace
Mao could not continue the war without support form the USSR and
began to compromise in negotiations
Likewise, Kim Il-sung could not continue without support from China or
the USSR
The US promised Rhee a security alliance and financial aid in return for
accepting a negotiated peace
The armistice was signed on July 27, 1953
Legacy of the Korean War
3 million people were killed or injured during the war, with at least 800,000 civilian
The US dropped 635,000 tons of bombs in Korea—20% more than was dropped
in the entire Pacific and more than were dropped on Germany during WWII
Truman’s decision against using nuclear weapons was significant as this was the
first major international conflict after WWII
The front line became the Demilitarized Zone and remained a site of tension as
both the north and south diverged politically, socially, and economically in the
following decades
The end of the Korean War guaranteed that the US would have a consistent
presence in South Korea
The war represented the first test of the US’ political willingness to uphold the
Truman Doctrine
The war was also a test of the UN’s ability to settle international disputes
Summary Activity
For the next 5 minutes, discuss each point in your small groups:
Identify at least one theme that connects the Korean War to the
Cold War
Evaluate the American response to the crisis in Korea
Can you make any new connections between what you already
knew about Korea and what we learned today? You may wish to
refer back to your anticipation guides.