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United States Office of Air Quality EPA-450/2-78-042b

Environmental Protection Planning and Standards October 1978

Agency Research Triangle Park NC 27711


Stack Sampling GQ$\\, ~~L’~~‘“(

Technical Information
A Collection of
Monographs and Papers
Volume II


Stack Sampling Technical Information

A Collection of Monographs and Papers
Volume II

Emission Standards and Engineering Division


Office of Air, Noise, and Radiation
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711

October 1978
This report has been reviewed by the Emission Standards and Engineering
Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Office of Air, Noise
and Radiation, Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publica-
tion. Mention of company or product names does not constitute endorsement
by EPA. Copies are available free of charge to Federal employees, current
contractors and grantees, and non-profit organizations - as supplies permit -
from the Library Services Office, MD-35, Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; or may be obtained, for a fee, from the
National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield,
VA 22161.

Publication No. EPA-450/2-78-042b


The Clean Air Act of 1970 requires the Administrator of the

Environmental Protection Agency to establish national emission standards
for new stationary sources (Section 111) and hazardous air pollutants
(Section 112). The development of these emission standards required the
concurrent development of reference test methods and procedures. The
reference test methods and procedures are published in the Federal Register
along with the appropriate regulations.

From time to time, questions would surface concerning the methods and
procedures. In many cases, specific studies would be needed to provide
informed, objective answers. The papers and monographs resulting from these
studies were usually distributed to people involved in emission measurement;
a major method of distribution has been the Source Evaluation Society

To provide a readily available resource for new and experienced personnel,

and to further promote standardized reference methods and procedures, it has
been decided to publish the papers and monographs in a single compendium.
The compendium consists of four volumes. The Table of Contents for all
four volumes is reproduced in each volume for ease of reference.

Congratulations and sincere appreciation to the people who did the

work and took the time to prepare the papers and monographs. For the most 2i
part the work was done because of personal commitments to the development
of objective, standardized methodology, and a firm belief that attention
to the details of stack sampling makes for good data. The foresight of
Mr. Robert L. Ajax, the former Chief of the Emission Measurement Branch and
now the Assistant Director, Emission Standards and Engineering Division, in
providing the atmosphere and encouragement to perform the studies is
gratefully-acknowledged. Tbe skill and dedication of Mr. Roger Shigehara,
in providing personal supervision for most of the work, is commended.

Don R.‘Go'odwin
Emission Standards and
Engineering Division



Method for Calculating Power Plant Emission Rate 1

by R. T. Shigehara, R. M. Neulicht, and I*!. S. Smith

Emission Correction Factor for Fossil Fuel-Fired Steam 10

Generators (CO2 Concentration Approach)
by R. M. Neulicht

Derivation of Equations for Calculating Power Plant Emission 20

Rates (02 Based Method - Wet and Dry Measurements)
by R. T. Shigehara and R. M. Neulicht

Summary of F Factor Methods for Determining Emissions from 29

Combustion Sources
by R. T. Shigehara, R. M. Neulicht, W. S. Smith,
and J. W. Peeler

Validating Orsat Analysis Data from Fossil-Fuel-Fired Units 44

^ ';‘
by R. T. Shigehara, R. M. Neulicht, and W. S. Smith

A Guideline for Evaluating Compliance Test Results 56

(Isokinetic Sampling Rate Criterion)
by R. T. Shigehara


A Type-S Pitot Tube Calibration Study

by Robert F. Vollaro

The Effect of Aerodynamic Interference Between a Type-S 24

Pitot Tube and Sampling Nozzle on the Value of the
Pitot Tube Coefficient
by Robert F. Vollaro

The Effects of the Presence of a Probe Sheath on Type-S 30

Pitot Tube Accuracy
by Robert F. Vollaro

An Evaluation of Single-Velocity Calibration Technique as 48

a Means of Determining Type-S Pitot Tube Coefficients
by Robert F. Vollaro

Guidelines for Type-S Pitot Tube Calibration 63 z

by Robert F. Vollaro

The Effects of Impact Opening Misalignment on the Value of 89

the Type-S Pitot Tube Coefficient
by Robert F. Vollaro

Establishment of a Baseline Coefficient Value for Properly 95

Constructed' Type-S Pitot Tubes
by Robert F. Vollaro

A Survey of Commercially Available Instrumentation for the 104

Measurement of Low-Range Gas Velocities
by Robert F. Vollaro

The Use of Type-S Pitot Tubes for the Measurement of Low 122 _
by Robert F. Vollaro



Thermocouple Calibration Procedure Evaluation 1

by Kenneth Alexander

Procedure for Calibrating and Using Dry Gas Volume Meters 10

As Calibration Standards
by P. R. Westlin and R. T. Shigehara

Dry-Gas Volume Meter Calibrations 24

by Martin Wortman, Robert Vollaro, and Peter Westlin

Calibration of Dry Gas Meter at Low Flow Rates 33

by R. T. Shigehara and W. F. Roberts

Calibration of Probe Nozzle Diameter 41

by P. R. Westlin and R. T. .Shigehara

Leak Tests for Flexible Bags 45.;. ':

by F. C. Biddy and R. T. Shigehara

Adjustments in th e EPA Nomograph for Different Pitot Tube 48

Coefficients and Dry Gas Molecular Weights
, by R. T. Shigehara

Expansion of EPA Nomograph (Memo) 60

by R. T. Shigehara

EPA Nomograph Adjustments (Memo) 63

by R. T. Shigehara

Graphical Technique for Setting Proportional Sampling 65

Flow Rates
by R. T. Shigehara


Recommended Procedure for Sample Traverses in Ducts Smaller 1

Than 12 Inches in Diameter
by Robert F. Yqllaro

Guidelines for Sampling in Tapered Stacks 24

by T. J. Logan and R. T. Shigehara

Considerations for Evaluating Equivalent Stack Sampling 28

Train Metering Systems
by R. T. Shigehara

Evaluation of Metering Systems for Gas-Sampling Trains 40

by M. A. Wortman and R. T. Shigehara

An Evaluation of the Current EPA Method 5 Filtration 49

Temperature-Control Procedure
by Robert F. Vollaro

Lsboratxry Evaluation of Silica Gel Collection Efficiency 67

Under Varying Temperature and Pressure Conditions
by Peter R. Westlin and Fred C. Biddy

Spurious Acid Mist Results Caused by Peroxides in Isopropyl 79
Alcohol Solutions Used in EPA Test Method 8 (Memo)
by Dr. Joseph E. Knoll

Determination of Isopropanol Loss During Method 8 Simulation 80

Tests (Memo)
by Peter R. Westlin

Comparison of Emission Results from In-Stack Filter Sampling 82

and EPA Method 5 Sampling
by Peter R. Westlin and Robert L. Ajax

EPA Method 5 Sample Train Clean-Up Procedures 98

by Clyde E. Riley

Mnher 15, 1975


Robert F. Vollaro

A study in which 51 Type-S pitot tubes were calibrated against a standard

(Type-P) pitot tube was recently undertaken in response to growing concern over

reports of pitot calibration work in which certain observers had obtained Type-S

pitot coefficient values consistently below the range 0.83 to 0.87.' The 51

Type-S tubes selected for calibration varied a great deal in physical condition

and geometry. Some of the tubes were commercial models, representing various

manufacturers; the rest had been made within the U. S. Environmental Protection

Agency. This paper discusses the calibration study, its results, and its signi-



The following things were done prior to calibration:

1. Each Type-S pitot tube was assigned a permanent identification number.

2. Each pitot tube was assigned an "A" side and a "B" side. Both the A

and B sides were calibrated (see Figure 1).

3. The physical condition of each Type-S pitot tube was evaluated. The

appearance of each tube was described in detail and, when necessary,

sketches were made to supplement the verbal description.

Figure 1. Type-S pitot tube, top view, with A and B sides


4. The following dimensions of each tube were measured and recorded:

a. Tube length, in inches, measured from the center of the impact

openings to the quick-disconnect fittings (Figure 2, dimension a);

b. Distance between the A-side and B-side impact openings*, expressed

in inches (Figure 2, dimension b);

Figure 2. Measurement of Type-S.pitot tube length (dimension “#at,“) and impact-plane

separation distance (dimension “b“).

C. Length and width, in inches, of A-side and B-side elliptical impact

openings. Since some of the tubes were made of thin-walled stainless

steel and others of heavy-walled material, impact opening dimensions

were measured as shown in Figures 3a (thin-walled) and 3b (heavy-


Figure 3a. Measurement of Type-S pitot Figure 3b. Measurement of Type-S pitot
tube impact-opening dimensions (thin- tube impact-opening dimens/&&(heavy-
wailed tube). walled tube).

* Measured with a digital micrometer.


5. The alignment of the A-side and B-side impact openings of each tube

was checked, as follows:

a. First, the tube was examined in end view to determine whether its

impact planes were perpendicular to the transverse tube axis (see

Figure 4a). Micrometer readings (M

1 and M2 in Figure 4b, below)

were taken to confirm the visual observations.*


Figure 4a. Type-S pitot~._._

__ end Figure 4b. Micrometer readings Ml
viiGj.itipact-opening planes per- and Nl&~aken to check i%jjact-plane
pendicular to transverse tube axis. alignment w7G-1respect td~ransveise

b. Second, the.tube was examined in top view to determine whether its

impact planes were parallel to the longitudinal tube axis (see

Figure 5a). Micrometer readings (M, and M4 in Figure 5b) were taken

to confirm the visual observations.**


Figure 5a. Type-5 tube, top view; impact-open- Figure 5b. Micrometer readings Ma
ing planes parallel to longitudinal tube axis. and M4, taken to check impact-
plane alignment with respect to
longitudinal axis.

* Note that M and M readings were taken approximately halfway

across the i lliptl * ? al impact openings (points 1 and 2, Figure 3b).
** M and M readings were taken halfway down the elliptical openings
~~~~~~sz4,",",di"a,n~~~~~e 3b) - Note that M3 and dimension b in

C. Third, the tube was examined in side view (from both sides), for two

specific types of misalignment: (1) length misalignment (A and B

tubes of unequal length) and (2) planar misalignment (impact opening

center-lines noncoincident). Figures 6a, 6b, and 6c illustrate pro-

perly aligned openings, length misalignment, and planar misalignment,


Figure 6a. Type-S pitot tube, side view; Figure 6b. Type-S pitot tube, side
impact-openings properly aligned. view, showing length misalignment
(dimension “X”).

Figure 6c. Type-S pitot tube, side view; show-

ing planar misalignment (dimension “‘f”).


The calibrations were done in a wind tunnel (see Figure 7) consisting of a cen-

trifugal blower with adjustable speed drive unit , a surge tank, and a long, straight

duct section made of 12 in. i.d. smooth-walled polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The pur-

pose of the surge tank was to dampen pulsations in the blower discharge; the long

straight run of pipe was necessary to ensure the presence of stable, well-developed

flow profiles in the test section. Test section velocities during calibration ranged

from approximately 1500 ft/min to 3500 ft/min; the A and B sides of each Type-S pitot

tube were calibrated at six different velocities within this range, spaced at approxi-

mately equal intervals.

-FLOW __)L ‘f;;;

Figure 7. Pitot tube calibration system.

Two test ports were cut in the test section of the PVC duct, 90" apart.*

One port was cut slightly upstream of the other, to ensure that the impact open-

ings of both the standard pitot tube and the Type-S tube would be in the same plane

during calibration (see Figure 8). To minimize misalignment of the pitot tubes

with respect to the flow (yaw and pitch angles), the tubes were not hand-held;

instead, special holders, properly aligned with the ductwork, were used.

* Figure 7, for illustrative purposes only, shows the ports 180" apart.



Figure 8. Experimental se$-up.

An inclined-vertical gage-oil manometer (Dryer Model 421-10) was used to

read all AP values. The inclined part of the manometer scale had a range of

0 to 1.0 in. of water, graduated in divisions of 0.01 in. H20. All of the cali-

bration data were within this 0 to 1 in. range; AP readings falling in between

two divisions were read to the nearest 0.005 in. H20, as shown in Figure 9.

The "Experimental Error Considerations" section of the Appendix discusses the


0.298 in. 0.303 in. 0.308 in. 0.313 in.

I 0.300 in. I I 0.310 in. I
1 ,
! I I I
” AS 1 AS AS 1
0.300 in. 0.305 in. 1 0.310 in.

Figure 9. Reading of pP to the nearest 0.005 in. H20.

implications of reading AP this way.

For convenience, the Tygon lines from both the Type-S and standard pitot

tubes were connected to a pair of panel-mounted Z-way valves, which, in turn,

were connected to the manometer. By opening these valves to the correct posi-

tion, either APT or ~~~~~ could be read without disconnecting any pitot lines.

The calibration standard used in these tests was a Prandtl-type pitot tube,

meeting certain design criteria that ensure its coefficient to be 0.99 + 0.01

(for velocities above 600 ft/min). 2,4

The following procedures were used to perform the A and 6 side calibrations

of each Type-S pitot tube:

a. The manometer was cleaned, filled, leveled, and zeroed. All pitot

lines and fittings were leak-checked.

b. The standard pitot tube was inserted into the duct, with its im-

pact opening at the duct center.

C. The valves were opened to the AP,~~ position.

d. The fan was turned on to setting #l; the flow was allowed to


e. The value of ~~~~~ was read and recorded.

f. The standard pitot tube was withdrawn from the duct.

g* The Type-S pitot tube was inserted into the duct, with its im-

pact opening at the duct center.

h. The valves were positioned to read aPs.

i. The value of hPs was read and recorded.

j. The Type-S pitot tube was withdrawn from the duct.

k. The standard pitot tube was reinserted into the duct; the valves

were re-positioned to read APHID.

Steps d through k above were repeated at fan settings #2 through #6.


The following formula was used to determine the coefficients of the Type-S

pitot tubes:

Cp = Cp (Standard)
J &P
(Equation 1)


Cp = Type-S pitot tube coefficient

Cp(Standard) = coefficient of standard pitot tube = 0.99

AP = standard pitot tube reading (in. H20)

= Type-S pitot tube reading (in. H20)
For each calibration (A or B side), six values of Cp were computed using

the above formula, i.e., one at each fan setting. From these six Cp values, an

average coefficient was determined, as follows:

c c
cp (A or B side) = 6 (Equation 2)


A. Preliminary Considerations - The results of the preliminary examinations

and measurements of the 51 Type-S pitot tubes are presented in Table I (see Appendix).
From Table I, it is evident that there was considerable dimensional variation among

the tubes; for example, their lengths varied from 29 in. to 113 in., their impact

plane separation distances (Figure 2, dimension b) ranged from 0.679 in. to 1.079 in.,

and their impact opening sizes ranged from 0.43 in. to 0.59 in. in length and from

0.26 in. to 0.39 in. in width. Table I also shows that 39 of the 51 tubes had seen

at least some field use; 22 of 51 had been used extensively. Finally,Table I shows
that nearly all of the tubes were imperfect geometrically. The four most frequently

observed types of geometric misalignment were as follows:

1. Minor impact-plane misa'lignemnt (one or both planes) with respect

to the transverse tube axis (88 percent of the tubes).

2. Minor impact-plane misalignment (one or both planes) with respect

to the longitudinal tube axis (61 percent of the tubes).

3. Length misalignment (16 percent of the tubes).

4. Planar misalignment (16 percent of the tubes).

Sixty-seven percent of the tubes exhibited two or more of the above types of misalign-

, ment.

B. Calibrations - The results of the calibrations are also presented in

Table I. One hundred-two values of cp were obtained (i.e., 51 A-side and 51 B-

side coefficients), ranging from 0.805 to 0.880, with a mean value of 0.848 and

an average deviation of 0.008 (see "Statistical Considerations" section in the

Appendix). Ninety-four of the 102 coefficients (92 percent) fell within the

range 0.83 to 0.87, which is cited in the literature as "normal" for the Type-S

instrument. 3 The average A-to-B-side coefficient difference was 0.005, and 46

of 51 tubes (90 percent) had an A-to-B-side difference of 0.010 or less.


A recent study in which 51 isolated (i.e., not attached to sample probes)

Type-S pitot tubes were calibrated against a standard pitot tube has demonstrated

the following:

1. It is highly probable that a given Type-S pitot tube will have A-side and

B-side coefficients within the range 0.83 to 0.87 and an A-to-B-side coef-

ficient difference of 0.010 or less. Therefore, in reference to the pre-

viously mentioned studies in which Cp values consistently below the range

0.83 to 0.87 were obtained (see Introduction), it appears unlikely that

the pitot tubes themselves were responsible for the low coefficient values;

other factors were probably involved. It has recently been learned that

when a Type-S pitot tube is used in the presence of a sampling nozzle,

there must be adequate separation distance between the tube and nozzle, or

they will interfere aerodynamically, causing a reduction in the value of C .

In the studies reporting low coefficients, calibration was done in the

presence of a nozzle; hence, aerodynamic interference is a possible explana-

tion for the consistent departure of the Cp values from the 0.83 to 0.87 range.

For each calibration (A or B side), six values of Cp were computed using

the above formula, i.e., one at each fan setting. From these six Cp values, an

average coefficient was determined, as follows:

c c
Cp (A or B side) = --6- (Equation 2)


A. Preliminary Considerations - The results of the preliminary examinations

and measurements of the 51 Type-S pitot tubes are presented in Table I (see Appendix).

From Table I, it is evident that there was considerable dimensional variation among

the tubes; for example, their lengths varied from 29 in. to 113 in., their impact

plane separation distances (Figure 2, dimension b) ranged from 0.679 in. to 1.079 in.,

and their impact opening sizes ranged from 0.43 in. to 0.59 in. in length and from

0.26 in. to 0.39 in. in width. Table I also shows that 39 of the 51 tubes had seen

at least some field use; 22 of 51 had been used extensively. Finally,Table I shows

that nearly all of the tubes were imperfect geometrically. The four most frequently

observed types of geometric misalignment were as follows:

1. Minor impact-plane misalignemnt (one.or both planes) with respect

to the transverse tube axis (88 percent of the tubes).

2. Minor impact-plane misalignment (one or both planes) with respect

to the longitudinal tube axis (61 percent of the tubes).

3. Length misalignment (16 percent of the tubes).

4. Planar misalignment (16 percent of the tubes).

Sixty-seven percent of the tubes exhibited two or more of the above types of misalign-


B. Calibrations - The results of the calibrations are also presented in

Table I. One hundred-two values of cp were obtained (i.e., 51 A-side and 51 B-

side coefficients), ranging from 0.805 to 0.880, with a mean value of 0.848 and

an average deviation of 0.008 (see "Statistical Considerations" section in the

Appendix). Ninety-four of the 102 coefficients (92 percent) fell within the

range 0.83 to 0.87, which is cited in the literature as "normal" for the Type-S

instrument. 3 The average A-to-B-side coefficient difference was 0.005, and 46

of 51 tubes (90 percent) had an A-to-B-side difference of 0.010 or less.

A recent study in which 51 isolated (i.e., not attached to sample probes)

Type-S pitot tubes were calibrated against a standard pitot tube has demonstrated

the following:

1. It is highly probable that a given Type-S pitot tube will have A-side and

B-side coefficients within the range 0.83 to 0.87 and an A-to-B-side coef-

ficient difference of 0.010 or less. Therefore, in reference to the pre-

viously mentioned studies in which Cp values consistently below the range

0.83 to 0.87 were obtained (see Introduction), it appears unlikely that

the pitot tubes themselves were responsible for the low coefficient values;

other factors were probably involved. It has recently been learned that

when a Type-S pitot tube is used in the presence of a sampling nozzle,

there must be adequate separation distance between the tube and nozzle, or

they will interfere aerodynamically, causing a reduction in the value of C .

In the studies reporting low coefficients, calibration was done in the

presence of a nozzle; hence, aerodynamic interference is a possible explana-

tion for the consistent departure of the Cp values from the 0.83 to 0.87 range.

2. Generally speaking, the value of the Type-S pitot tube coefficient

(Cp) seems to be relatively unaffected by the following: (a) variations

in tube dimensions (length, impact opening size, etc.), (b) various types

of minor imperfections in tube geometry, and (c) deterioration in the

physical condition of the tube, resulting from field use. It is not

readily apparent, however, why 8 percent of the tubes calibrated in this

study had coefficients outside the range 0.83 to 0.87, or why 10 percent

of them had A-to-B-side coefficient differences greater than 0.010. Im-

pact-opening misalignment may have been a factor, but this cannot be as-

certained without further study. Therefore, although it is likely that

the coefficient of a given Type-S pitot tube will be between 0.83 and

0.87 and that its A-to-B-side coefficient differe will be 0.010 or

less, these points are by no means certain and should not be assumed with-

out calibration.


1. tierrick, R..General Environments Corporation. Springfield, Virginia.

(Unpublished data). 1973.

2. Fluid Meters, Their Theory and Application. Published by the American

Socity of Mechanical Engineers. 5th Edition. New York, 1959.

3. Smith, W. S., W. F. Todd, and R. T. Shigehara. Significance of Errors

in Stack Sampling Measurements. Presented at the Annual Meeting of APCA.

St. Louis, Missouri. June 14-19, 1970.

4. Perry, Robert H., Cecil H. Chilton, and Sidney D. Kirkpatrick. (editors).

Chemical Engineers' Handbook. Fourth Edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company.

New York, 1963.

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