Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences: MSC Programme
Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences: MSC Programme
Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences: MSC Programme
Building Sciences
MSc Programme
The MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences programme at TU Delft’s Faculty
of Architecture and the Built Environment is underpinned by the renowned Dutch
experience in architecture, spatial planning and the built environment professions. The
teaching approach borrows from the Dutch tradition of working in a multi-disciplinary
way with students collaborating in groups to create integrated solutions for the built
environment. Our aim is to enable students to build the practical skills needed to make
an effective contribution to practice, whilst also laying the foundations of understanding
principles that will guide long-term career development.
Degree Master of Science Programme The faculty is keen to receive applications from
This programme sets itself apart from other ambitious and talented students in the Neth-
Starts September architecture programmes in the diversity of erlands and other countries. International and
directions available. Blending knowledge and home students benefit from the reputation of
Type full-time
skills from design practice, from the physical the faculty, which attracts students from all over
Credits 120 ECTS, 24 months and social sciences, technology and engi- the world, creating a truly cosmopolitan ambi-
neering, this programme explores innovative ence. Teaching draws on a very wide variety
Language English
ways to create more sustainable development. of examples of the built environment from the
Admission and Students can choose between five tracks: Netherlands and many other countries, encour-
application Architecture, Urbanism, Management in the aging students to actively share knowledge and
Built Environment, Building Technology or Land- experience. Students are able to develop an
More information scape Architecture. independent and academic attitude and are giv-
Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences
en the opportunity to design their own projects age the urban development and construction
in the specialty of their choice, supported by an process so as to guide the many stakeholders
excellent infrastructure of model-making facil- to achieve high quality and financially rewarding
Faculty ranking in the world
ities, studio spaces and frequent excursions, development.
workshops and seminars. Themes:
• Design & Construction Management
Specialisations • Real Estate Management
Architecture • Urban Development Management
Programme ranking in the world
The Architecture track draws on the rich archi- • Housing Management
on Architecture
tectural culture of the Netherlands. Students
learn how to develop innovative building Building Technology
projects that use design as a means to deal The Building Technology track encompasses a
with the technical, social and spatial challenges broad spectrum of engineering and architectural
encountered in the built environment. design skills that lead to one of the dominant
Master students
professions of the future: the sustainable de-
Specialisations: signer. Through focusing on structural, façade,
• Architectural Engineering product, climate and computational design,
• Architecture and Dwelling students learn how to innovate and contrib-
• Architectural Design Crossovers ute to smart buildings/environments that are
International MSc students
• Architecture and Public Building sustainable, comfortable and environmentally
• Borders & Territories intelligent.
• Complex Projects
Explore Lab
Form studies
• Structural Design 95%
• Heritage and Architecture • Climate Design Graduation rate
• Interiors Buildings Cities • Façade & Product Design
• Methods and Analysis • Design Informatics
• The Why Factory
• Urban Architecture Landscape Architecture
The Landscape Architecture track deals with Job placement
Urbanism design through all scales as an architectonic
The Urbanism track draws on the Dutch composition of natural and artificial materials.
tradition of combining urban design, landscape Students learn to see landscape as a contextual
architecture and spatial planning. Students underlay for understanding, ordering and acting
learn to integrate social, cultural, economic and in spatial transformations. We emphasise the
political perspectives with the natural and man- historical continuity of landscape as a process
made conditions of the site in order to shape of time and flows.
and plan for more sustainable development.
Themes: • Architecture and Landscape
• Urban Fabric • Dutch Landscape
• Transitional Territories - Water, Land and • Urban Landscape
Infrastructure • Flowscapes
• Urban Metabolism
• Regional governance Career prospects
• International planning and developing Graduates from this programme have an
regions integrated, design-led approach to tackling to
• Metropolitan spatial structures complex issues of the contemporary built en-
• History and heritage vector vironment allowing them to take up a diversity
• Complex Cities of career prospects in architecture and related
fields. Given the university’s connection to
Management in the Built Environment important industry figures, graduates have good
The track Management in the Built Environment access to job opportunities in the Netherlands
engages with the managerial dimension and and abroad.
processes of the built environment and the con-
struction industry. Students learn how to man-