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What is Engineering?


• It is the application of science and math to solve • Civil Engineering has been an aspect of life
problems. since the beginning of human existence.
• It is the use of scientific principles to design and • The earliest practices of Civil Engineering
build machines, structures, and other things, may have commenced between 4,000 and
including bridges, roads, vehicles and buildings. 2,000 B.C.in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia
• The term engineering is derived from the Latin (Ancient Iraq).
ingenium, meaning “cleverness”, ingeniare, • Transportation became increasingly important
meaning “to continue, devise”. during this time leading to the development of
the wheel and sailing.
What is Civil Engineering?
Pyramid of Djoser
• Involves design, contruction and maintenance of
works such as roads, bridges, and building • Construction of pyramids in Egypt (2700-2500
• Once considered a science within architecture, BC) might be considered the first instances of
later evolved as an independent field. large structure construction.
• Around 2550 BC, Imhotep, built a famous
What does an Engineer do?
stepped pyramid for King Djoser located at
• Design, Evaluate, Develop, Test, Modify, Saqqara Necropolis. His greatest contribution
Install, Inspect, Recommend and specify to Engineering was discovery of the art of
materials, Supervise, Conduct Analysis, building with shaped stones.
Consulting Services, Teach. Qanat Water System
John Smeaton (June 8,1729- October 28, 1792)
• An ancient Iranian invention to bring the
• The “Father of Civil Engineering”- coined the groundwater to the surface using the
term “Civil Engineering” to distinguish form gravitational force.
military engineers. • This system is still in use and some of them back
• Was born in Austhorpe Lodge in the parish of to 3000 years ago. This is the main contribution
Whitkirk. He is a son of Yorkshire Lawyer. of Iranians to Hydraulic
• He was responsible for the design of bridges, Parthenon
canals, harbours and light houses.
• By Iktinos and Kallikrates in Ancient Greece
The Eddystone Lighthouse (447-438 BC)
• Used dovedetailed blocks of Portland stone to • It was dedicated to the Goddess Athena Pallas or
withstand the pounding of waves. Parthenos (virgin). The temple’s main function
• This lighthouse remained is use until 1877 when was to shelter the monumental statue of Athena
the rock underlying the structure’s foundations Building was burned bu the Persians while it
had begun to erode. was under construction in 480 BC

The Appian Way

• The Appian Way by Roman Engineers in Rome

(,c.312 BC).It is a crucial road for Roman
• It connected Rome to some of its most distant
settlement. Originally built by Appius Claudius
Great Wall of China

• With a length of 21,196.18 kilometer.

• It was built in different areas by different
dynasties to protect different territorial borders.
The great wall was built to prevent invasion and
to protect silk road trade.
• It was built by soldiers, peasants and rebels.
The materials are stone, soil, sand and brick.
The built by hand, rope, cart and goat. The
height of the great wall is 5-8 meters.

• The (Pre-) Warring States Period (770-221

BC) – A Qi State duke first built walls to
prevent invasion from other states.
• The Qin Dynasty(206 BC- 220 AD)- Emperor
Qin state walls to secure China’s northern
• The Han Dynasty(206 BC- 220 AD)- The Han
Great Wall was extended to protect Sil Road
• The Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)- Most of
today’s Great Wall was built or restored in the
Ming Dynasty.
• The Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) – The
emperors of the Qing Dynasty didn’t build the
Great Wall and even forbade it.
• Modern Times- Great Wall reconstruction and
protection began in 1957.
Civil Engineering in the 18th -20th Century

• It was in the 18th century that the term civil

engineering was firstly used independently from
the term military engineering.
• The 1st private college in the United States that
included Civil Engineering as a separate
discipline was Norwich University established
in the year 1819.
• 19th Century- Civil Engineering societies were
formed in United States and Europe countries.
• The number of universities in the world that
include civil engineering as a discipline have
increased tremendously during the 19th and the
20th centuries, indicating the importance of this

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