Microwave and RF Design

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V (z ) I(z ) IL
Z 0 ,β VL
_ ZL


Figure 4-15 A terminated transmission line.

To complete the analysis consider the characteristic impedance

s r s
R + ωL L R/L + ω
Z0 = = (4.83)
G + ωC C G/C + ω

and referring to Equation (4.80) it is seen that the second square root is just
1, so r
Z0 = , (4.84)
which is frequency independent. So the important characteristics describing
signal propagation are independent of frequency and so the transmission
line is dispersionless.

4.7 The Terminated Lossless Line

4.7.1 Total Voltage and Current
Consider the terminated line shown in Figure 4-15. Assume an incident
or forward-traveling wave, with traveling voltage V0+ e−βz and current
I0+ e−βz , respectively, propagating toward the load ZL at z = 0. The
characteristic impedance of the transmission line is the ratio of the voltage
and current traveling waves so that

V0+ e−βz V0+

+ −βz = = Z0 . (4.85)
I0 e I0+

The reflected wave has a similar relationship (but watch the sign change):

V0− eβz V0−

− βz = = Z0 . (4.86)
−I0 e −I0−

The load ZL imposes an additional constraint on the relationship of the total

voltage and current at z = 0:

VL V (z = 0)
= = ZL . (4.87)
IL I(z = 0)

When ZL 6= Z0 there must be a reflected wave with appropriate amplitude

to satisfy the above equations. Now the total voltage, V (z), is related to the
traveling voltage waves by

V (z) = V0+ e−βz + V0− eβz , (4.88)

and the total current, I(z), is related to the traveling current waves by

V0+ −βz V0− βz

I(z) = e − e = I0+ e−βz + I0− eβz . (4.89)
Z0 Z0
Thus at the termination of the line (z = 0),

V (0) V + + V0−
= ZL = Z0 0+ .
I(0) V0 − V0−

This can be rearranged as the ratio of the reflected voltage to the incident
V0− ZL − Z0
= .
V0+ ZL + Z0
This ratio is defined as the voltage reflection coefficient

V0− ZL − Z0
ΓV = + = . (4.90)
V0 ZL + Z0

This relationship can be rewritten so that the input load impedance can be
obtained from the reflection coefficient:
1 + ΓV
ZL = Z0 . (4.91)
1 − ΓV
Similarly the current reflection coefficient can be written as

I0− −ZL + Z0
ΓI = + = = −ΓV . (4.92)
I0 ZL + Z0

The voltage reflection coefficient is used most of the time, so the reflection
coefficient, Γ, on its own refers to the voltage reflection coefficient, ΓV = Γ.
The total voltage and current waves on the line can be written as

V (z) = V0+ [e−βz + Γeβz ] (4.93)

I(z) = [e−βz − Γeβz ] . (4.94)
From the above equations, it can be seen that the voltage and current
on the line consist of a superposition of incident and reflected waves. This

superposition is also a wave, but not a propagating wave, and is referred

to as a standing wave. There are several special cases that are noteworthy.
The most important of these is the case when there is no reflected wave and
Γ = 0. To obtain Γ = 0 the value of load impedance, ZL , is equal to Z0 ,
the characteristic impedance of the transmission line as seen from Equation
(4.90). Such a load is then said to be matched to the line (it is a matched
termination) since there is no reflection of the incident wave.

EXAMPLE 4. 7 Reflection Coefficient

A load consists of a shunt connection of a capacitor of 10 pF and a resistor of 60 Ω. The load

terminates a lossless 50 Ω transmission line. The operating frequency is 5 GHz.

(a) What is the impedance of the load?

(b) What is the normalized impedance of the load (normalized to Z0 of the line)?
(c) What is the reflection coefficient of the load?
(d) What is the current reflection coefficient of the load? (When the term reflection
coefficient is used without a qualifier it is assumed to be the voltage reflection

(a) C = 10 · 10−12 F ; R = 60 Ω ; f = 5.109 ; ω = 2πf ; Z0 = 50 Ω

ZL = R||C = (1/R + ωC)−1 = 0.168 − 3.174 .

(b) zL = ZL /Zo = 3.368 · 10−3 − 0.063 .

(c) ΓL = (zL − 1)/(zL + 1) = −0.985 − 0.126 = 0.9936 187.3◦ .
(d) ΓiL = −ΓL = 0.985 + 0.126 = 0.9936 (187.3 − 180)◦ = 0.9936 7.3◦ .

4.7.2 Power Flow and Return Loss

Now consider the power flow on the lossless line. The incident (forward-
traveling) wave carries the power
(  + −βz ∗ ) 2
1 + −βz V0 e 1 V0+

= ℜ V0 e = (4.95)
2 Z0 2 Z0

and the reflected wave carries the power

2 2
− 1 V0− |Γ| V0+
P = = ,
2 Z0 2 Z0

where Equations (4.93) and (4.94) are used. Considering the conservation of
power, the power delivered to the load is

PL = ℜ{VL IL∗ } = P + − P − = P + 1 − |Γ| . (4.96)
Thus the total power flow on the line is equal to the incident power minus
the reflected power. The other noteworthy cases are when there is an open
circuit, a short circuit, or a purely reactive load at the end of a transmission
line. These have |Γ| = 1. Thus all power is reflected back to the source and
PL = 0.
The power that is absorbed by the load appears as a loss as far as the
incident and reflected waves are concerned. To describe this, the concept of
return loss (RL) is introduced and defined as

RL = −20 log |Γ| dB . (4.97)

RL is a measure of how much of the available power is not delivered to the

load. A matched load (Γ = 0) has a return loss of ∞ dB, whereas a total
reflection (|Γ| = 1) has a return loss of 0 dB.

EXAMPLE 4. 8 Transmission Line Model at the Load

A transmission line with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ω supports a forward-traveling

wave with a power of 1 µW. The line is terminated in a resistance of 100 Ω. Draw the
lumped-element equivalent circuit at the interface between the transmission line and the

The equivalent circuit will have the form


E Z L = 100 Ω

where ETH is the Thevenin equivalent generator and ZTH is the Thevenin equivalent
generator impedance. The amplitude of the forward-traveling voltage wave is obtained by
calculating the power in the forward-traveling wave:
1 + 2
P+ = (V ) /Z0
= (V + )2 /150
= 1 µW = 10−6 .


Z 01 Z 02


Figure 4-16 Transmission line network with a finite-length line of characteristic

impedance Z01 and an infinitely long transmission line of characteristic impedance
Z02 .

So V + = 150.10−6 = 12.25 mV. Note that V + is not ETH . To calculate ETH , consider the
following circuit which will result in maximum power transfer:

75 Ω
E V 75 Ω
TH = 12.25 mV

So ETH = 2V + = 24.5 mV. Since the line has a characteristic impedance of 75 Ω,

then ZTH = 75 Ω. So the lumped-element equivalent circuit at the load is

75 Ω

24.5 mV 100 Ω

EXAMPLE 4. 9 Transmission Line Power Calculations

The transmission line shown in Figure 4-16 consists of a source with Thevenin impedance
Z1 = 40 Ω and source E = 5 V (peak), connected to a quarter-wavelength long line of
characteristic impedance Z01 = 40 Ω, which in turn is connected to an infinitely long
line of characteristic impedance Z02 = 100 Ω. The transmission lines are lossless. Two
reference planes are shown in Figure 4-16. At reference plane 1 the incident power is PI1 (the
maximum available power from the source), the reflected power is PR1 , and the transmitted
power is PT 1 . PI2 (the maximum available power from Z01 ), PR2 , and PT 2 are similar
quantities at reference plane 2. PI1 , PR1 , PT 1 , PI2 , PR2 , and PT 2 are steady-state quantities.

(a) What is PI1 ?

(b) What is PT 2 ?


(a) PI1 is the available power from the generator. Since the Thevenin impedance of the
generator is 40 Ω, PI1 is the power that would be delivered to a matched load (the
maximum available power). An equivalent problem is

Z 1 = 40 Ω

E V Z L = 40 Ω

where V = 21 E = 2.5 Vpeak .

PI1 = Power in ZL
1 1 1 1
= (V)2 = (2.5)2
2 ZL 2 40
= 0.07813 W = 78.13 mW . (4.98)
Note that the 2
is used because peak voltage is used.
(b) Now the problem becomes interesting and there are many ways to solve it. One of
the key observations is that the first transmission line has the same characteristic
impedance as the Thevenin equivalent impedance of the generator, Z01 = Z1 , and
so can be ignored where appropriate. This observation will be used in this example.
One way to proceed is to directly calculate PT 2 , and a second approach is to calculate
the incident and reflected powers at reference plane 2 and then to determine PT 2 .
(i) First approach: Looking to the left from Port 2 the circuit can be modeled as an
equivalent circuit having a Thevenin equivalent resistance of 40 Ω and a Thevenin
equivalent voltage that produces the right amount of power. So consider the
following circuit:
40 Ω
E2 V_ ZL = 100 Ω

Here, E2 is the voltage required to deliver the maximum possible power to the load
and we know that this power is PI1 (= 78 mW), as calculated above. The load is 100 Ω
as the second transmission line is infinitely long. So based on the previous problem we
know that E2 is just E or 5 V. A reasonable question would be why is it not 2.5 V, as
this would be the voltage across ZL = 40 Ω in Part (a). However, 2.5 V is the voltage
of the forward-traveling voltage wave on the first transmission line with characteristic
impedance Z01 = 40 Ω. So the voltage across the load is
100 100
V =E =E = 3.57 Vpeak . (4.99)
40 + 100 140

1 1
PT 2 = PL = (V )2
2 ZL
1 1
= (3.57)2
2 100
= 0.0638 W = 63.8 mW. (4.100)

A quick check is that this is less than PI1 , as it should be.

(ii) Second Approach: This time PR2 , the reflected power at reference plane 2, will
be calculated. The incident power at plane 2, PI2 , is just PI1 , so PI2 = PI1 =
78.13 mW.
PR2 can be calculated from the voltage reflection coefficient at plane 2:

ZL − Z01 100 − 40
Γ2 = = = 0.429
ZL + Z01 100 + 40
PR2 = Γ22 PI2 = 0.4292 × 78 mW = 14.36 mW .

So PT 2 = PI1 − PR2 = 78.13 mW − 14.36 mW = 63.7 mW, which is the same

transmitted power as in the first approach, allowing for rounding error.

EXAMPLE 4. 10 Advanced Power Calculations

This example is similar to Example 4.9. Again, the transmission line network of Figure 4-16
is considered, but now the characteristic impedance of the first transmission line is not the
same as the generator impedance so the simplification used in the previous example can
no longer be used. Now the generator has a Thevenin impedance Z1 = 40 Ω and source
E = 5 Vpeak , connected to a one-quarter wavelength long line of characteristic impedance
Z01 = 30 Ω which in turn is connected to an infinitely long line of characteristic impedance
Z02 = 100 Ω. The transmission lines are lossless. Two reference planes are shown in Figure
4-16. At reference plane 1 the incident power is PI1 (the maximum available power from
the source), the reflected power is PR1 and the transmitted power is PT 1 . PI2 (the maximum
available power from Z01 ), PR2 , and PT 2 are similar quantities at reference plane 2. PI1 , PR1 ,
PT 1 , PI2 , PR2 , and PT 2 are steady-state quantities.

(a) What is PI1 ?

(b) What is PT 2 ?
(c) Determine PT 1 , PI2 , PR1 , and PR2 .

One of the first things to note is that the infinitely long 100 Ω transmission line is
indistinguishable from a 100 Ω resistor, so the reduced form of the problem is as shown


40 Ω
30 Ω

E 100 Ω


(a) PI1 was calculated in Example 4.9 in Equation (4.98):

PI1 = 78.13 mW . (4.101)

(b) The problem here is finding PT 2 . Recall that the powers here are steady state quantities
so that we are not considering multiple reflections of, say, a pulse. Since the system
is lossless, the power delivered by the generator must be the power delivered to the
infinitely long transmission line Z02 (i.e., PT 2 ). The telegraphist’s equation can be used
to calculate the input impedance, Zin , of the two transmission line system; that is, the
input impedance of Z01 from the generator end. However, a simpler way to find this
impedance is to realize that the Z01 line is a one-quarter wave transformer so that
√ √
Z01 = 30 = Zin Z02 = 100Zin , (4.102)

and so
Zin = 9 Ω . (4.103)
The equivalent circuit is thus
40 Ω
E V_ ZL = 9 Ω

where E is the original generator voltage of 5 V and

V = 5 = 0.9184 V . (4.104)
40 + 9
The power delivered by the generator to the 9 Ω load is
1 2
PT 2 = V /9 = 0.04686 W = 46.86 mW . (4.105)

(c) The power transmitted into the system at reference plane 1, PT 1 , is the same as the
power transmitted to the 100 Ω load, as the first transmission line is lossless; that is,

PT 1 = PT 2 = 46.86 mW . (4.106)

PR1 = PI1 − PT 2 = (78.13 − 46.86) mW = 31.27 mW. (4.107)
The two remaining quantities to determine are PI2 and PR2 . There can be a number of
interpretations of what these should be, but one thing that is certain is that

PT 2 = PI2 − PR2 = 46.86 mW . (4.108)

One interpretation that will be followed here is based on the equivalent circuit at
reference plane 2. Let Zout be the impedance looking to the left from reference plane 2.
Again, using the property of a one-quarter wavelength long transmission line,

Z01 = 30 = Zout × 40 (4.109)

and so
Zout = Z01 /40 = 302 /40 = 22.5 Ω . (4.110)
The equivalent circuit at reference plane 2 is then
Z 3 = 22.5 Ω
E3 Vx
_ Z L = 100 Ω

Now determine Vx that results in a power PT 2 being delivered to the 100 Ω load, so
1 2
PT 2 = V /100 = 0.04686 W, (4.111)
2 x
Vx = 3.06 V . (4.112)
From the circuit above,
Vx = E3 , (4.113)
100 + 22.5
and so
E3 = 3.75 V. (4.114)
The available power from this source is obtained by considering
Z 3 = 22.5 Ω

3.75 V 22.5 Ω
The available power at reference plane 2 is

1 (E3 /2)2 1.8752

PI2 = = = 0.07813 W = 78.13 mW. (4.115)
2 22.5 2 × 22.5
From Equation (4.108),

PR2 = PI2 − PT 1 = (78.13 − 46.86) mW = 31.27 mW. (4.116)

Note that PR2 = PR1 , as expected.


V( z)

Vmax = 1.5

Vmin = 0.5

−3λ/4 −λ/2 −λ/4
l 0

Figure 4-17 Standing wave pattern on a line with Zin = 3Z0 .

4.7.3 Standing Waves and Voltage Standing Wave Ratio

If the load is matched to the line, Γ = 0, then the magnitude of the total
voltage on the line, |V (z)|, is equal to V0+ , which is a constant. For this

reason, such a line is said to be “flat.” If the load is mismatched, the presence
of reflected waves leads to standing waves where the magnitude of the
voltage on the line is not a constant (see Figure 4-17). Thus from Equations
(4.93) and (4.94):

|V (z)| = V0+ 1 + Γe2βz = V0+ 1 + Γe2βl ,

where z = −l is the positive distance measured from the load at z = 0

toward the generator. Or, setting Γ = |Γ|eΘ ,

|V (z)| = V0+ 1 + |Γ|e(Θ−2βℓ) , (4.117)

where Θ is the phase of the reflection coefficient (Γ = |Γ|eΘ ). This result

shows that the voltage magnitude oscillates with position z along the line.
The maximum value occurs when e(Θ−2βℓ) = 1 and is given by

Vmax = V0+ (1 + |Γ|) .


Similarly the minimum value of the voltage magnitude occurs when the
phase term e(Θ−2βl) = −1, and is given by

Vmin = V0+ (1 − |Γ|) .


As |Γ| increases, the ratio of Vmax to Vmin increases and the mismatch defined
by the Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) is given by

Vmax (1 + |Γ|) VSWR − 1

VSWR = = . Also |Γ| = . (4.120)
Vmin (1 − |Γ|) VSWR + 1

Notice that, in general, Γ may be complex, but VSWR is necessarily always

real and 1 ≤ VSWR ≤ ∞. For the matched condition, Γ = 0 and VSWR = 1,
and the closer VSWR is to 1, the better the load is matched to the line and the
more power is delivered to the load. The reflection coefficients and standing-
wave ratios for short-circuit and open-circuit terminated conditions are −1
and +1, respectively, and in both cases the VSWR is infinite.
To determine the position of Vmax , the voltage maxima, using Equation
(4.117) we have
Θ − 2βℓmax = 2nπ , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .

This can be rewritten in the form

Θ − 2nπ = 2 lmax .

Thus the position of voltage maxima, lmax , normalized to the wavelength is

given by
ℓmax 1 Θ
= − n , n = 0, −1, −2, . . . . (4.121)
λg 2 2π
Similarly the position of the voltage minima can be found using Equation
Θ − 2βℓmin = 2n + 1π .

Rearranging the terms, we get lmin normalized to the wavelength:

ℓmin 1 Θ 1
= −n+ , n = 0, −1, −2, . . . . (4.122)
λg 2 2π 2

Summarizing from Equations (4.121) and (4.122):

1. The distance between two successive maxima is λg /2.

2. The distance between two successive minima is λg /2.

3. The distance between a maximum and an adjacent minimum is λ/4.

In a similar manner to that employed above, the magnitude of the total

current on the line is found to be
|I(ℓ)| = 0 1 − |Γ|e(Θ−2βℓ) . (4.123)


Hence the magnitude of the current has its maxima where the voltage is
minimum and has its magnitude minima where the voltage magnitude is

EXAMPLE 4. 11 Standing Wave Ratio

In Example 4.7 a load consisted of a shunt connection of a capacitor of 10 pF and a resistor

of 60 Ω. The load terminates a lossless 50 Ω transmission line. The operating frequency is
5 GHz.

(a) What is the standing wave ratio, SWR?

(b) What is the current standing wave ratio (ISWR)? (When SWR is used on its own it is
assumed to refer to VSWR.)

(a) From Example 4.7 on Page 196, ΓL = 0.9936 187.3◦ and so

1 + |ΓL | 1 + 0.993
VSWR = = = 285 .
1 − |ΓL | 1 − 0.993

(b) ISWR = VSWR = 285 .

EXAMPLE 4. 12 Standing Waves

A load has an impedance ZL = 45 + 75 and the system reference impedance, Z0 , is 100 Ω.

(a) What is the reflection coefficient?

(b) What is the current reflection coefficient?
(c) What is the SWR?
(d) What is the ISWR?
(e) The power available from a source with a 100 Ω Thevenin equivalent impedance is
1 mW. The source is connected directly to the load, ZL . Use the reflection coefficient to
calculate the power delivered to ZL .
(f) What is the total power absorbed by the Thevenin equivalent source impedance?
(g) Discuss the effect of inserting a lossless 100 Ω transmission line between the source
and the load.


(a) The voltage reflection coefficient:

ΓL = (ZL − Z0 )/(ZL + Z0 ) = (45 + 75 − 100)/(45 + 75 + 100)

= (93.06 2.204 rads)/(163.26 0.4773 rads)
= 0.5706 1.726 rads = 0.5706 98.9◦
= −0.0881 + 0.563 = ΓV . (4.124)

(b) The current reflection coefficient:

ΓI = −ΓV = 0.0881 − 0.563

= 0.5706 (98.9◦ − 180◦ ) = 0.5706 81.1◦ . (4.125)

(c) The SWR is the VSWR so

SWR = VSWR = Vmax /Vmin = (1 + |ΓV |) /(1 − |ΓV |)

1 + 0.570
= = 3.65 . (4.126)
1 − 0.570

(d) The current SWR is ISWR = VSWR.

(e) To determine the reflection coefficient of the load we begin by developing the
Thevenin equivalent circuit of the load. The power available from the source is
PA = 1 mW, so the Thevenin equivalent circuit is

R TH =100 Ω

The power reflected by the load is

PR = PA Γ2L = 1 mW · (0.570)2 = 0.325 mW

` ´

and so the power delivered to load is

PD = PA 1 − Γ2L = 0.675 mW.

` ´

(f) It is tempting to think that the power dissipated in RTH is just PR . However, this is not
correct. Instead, the current in RTH must be determined and then the power dissipated
in RTH found. Let the current through RTH be I, and this is composed on forward- and
backward-traveling components:

I = I + + I − = (1 + ΓI )I + ,

where I + is the forward-traveling current wave. Thus

1 +2 1
PA = |I | RTH = |I + |2 × 100 = 1 mW = 10−3 ,
2 2
I + = 4.47 mA,

I = (1 + ΓI )I + = (1 − 0.881 + 0.563) × 4.47 × 10−3

|I| = 2.57 mA.

Γin ΓL

Z in Z ,β ZL Z in Z ,β ZL
0 0

(a) (b)

Figure 4-18 Terminated transmission line: (a) a transmission line terminated in a

load impedance, ZL , with an input impedance of Zin ; and (b) a transmission line
with source impedance ZG and load ZL .

Power dissipated in RTH is

1 2 1
PTH = |I| RTH = (2.57 × 10−3 )2 RTH = 331 µW.
2 2
Recall that the 21 comes about because in electromagnetics the voltage and currents are
peak values and not RMS values.
(g) Inserting a transmission line with the same characteristic impedance as the Thevenin
equivalent impedance will have no effect on power flow.

4.7.4 Input Impedance of a Lossless Line

The impedance looking into the line varies with position, as the forward-
and backward-traveling waves combine. At a distance z = −ℓ, the input
impedance seen looking toward the load is given by
V (z = −ℓ) 1 + |Γ| e(Θ−2βℓ)
Zin |z=−ℓ = = Z0 , (4.127)
I(z = −ℓ) 1 − |Γ| e(Θ−2βℓ)
and so
ZL + Z0 tan βℓ
Zin = Z0 . (4.128)
Z0 + ZL tan βℓ
This equation is also known as the lossless telegraphist’s equation. Also βℓ
is called the electrical length and is expressed in degrees or fractions of
a wavelength, but in calculations it must be converted to radians with 1
wavelength being 2π radians.
Let us note here that Zin is a periodic function of ℓ with period λ/2 and it
varies between the Zmax and Zmin , where
Zmax = = Z0 (VSWR) (4.129)
Vmin Z0
Zmin = = . (4.130)

EXAMPLE 4. 13 Forward-Traveling Wave Calculations

A transmission line is driven by a generator with a maximum available power of 20 dBm

and a Thevenin equivalent impedance of 50 Ω. The transmission line has a characteristic
impedance of 50 Ω.

(a) What is the Thevenin equivalent generator voltage?

(b) What is the magnitude of the forward-traveling voltage wave on the line? Assume the
line is infinitely long.
(c) What is the power of the forward-traveling voltage wave?
ZG = 50 Ω 50 Ω


(a) Maximum available power is delivered to the load when it is conjugately

matched to the generator impedance (see right diagram). Then PLOAD =
1 2

V R (V is peak voltage) (i.e., PLOAD = 20 dBm = 0.1 W) and
√ √
V = 2PLOAD · R = 2 × 0.1 × 50 Vpeak
V = 3.16 V
EG = 2 V = 6.32 V.
(b) This is just V above, so V + = 3.16 V.
(c) P + = 20 dBm.

EXAMPLE 4. 14 Coaxial Line Resonator

A shorted coaxial line is used as a resonator. The first resonance is determined to be a parallel
(or shunt) resonance and is at 1 GHz.

(a) Draw the lumped-element equivalent circuit of the resonator.

(b) What is the electrical length of the resonator?
(c) What is the impedance looking into the line at resonance?
(d) If the resonator is λg /4 longer, what is the input impedance of the resonator now?



LC is an open circuit at resonance. If the line is lossless, R = 0.

(b) λg /4 = 90◦ = π/2.

λg /4

(c) Zin = ∞ (for a lossless line).

(d) Zin = 0 Ω.

EXAMPLE 4. 15 Resonator Model

This example builds on Example 4.6. Communication filters are often constructed using
several shorted transmission line resonators that are coupled to each other. Consider a
coaxial line that is short-circuited at one end. The dielectric filling the coaxial line has
a relative permittivity of 20 and the resonator is to be designed to resonate at a center
frequency, f0 , of 1850 MHz.

(a) What is the wavelength in the dielectric-filled coaxial line?

(b) What is the form of the equivalent circuit (in terms of inductors and capacitors) of a
one-quarter wavelength long resonator if the coaxial line is lossless?
(c) What is the length of the resonator?
(d) Determine the derivative with respect to frequency of the admittance of the LC
equivalent circuit developed in (b). Determine an analytic expression of the derivative
at the resonant frequency.
(e) If the diameter of the inner conductor of the coaxial line is 2 mm and the inside
diameter of the outer conductor is 5 mm, what is the characteristic impedance of the
coaxial line?
(f) Calculate the input admittance of the dielectric-filled coaxial line at 0.99f0 , f0 , and
1.01f0 . Determine the numerical derivative of the line admittance at f0 .
(g) Derive the numeric values of the equivalent circuit of the resonator at the resonant
frequency. Hint: Match the derivative expression derived in (d) with the actual
derivative calculated in (f).
The first thing to realize with this example is that the first resonance will occur when the
length of the resonator is one-quarter wavelength, λ/4, long. Resonance generally means
that the impedance is either an open or a short circuit and there is energy stored. When the
shorted line is λ/4 long, the input impedance will be an open circuit. When the line is of
zero length, one of the resonance conditions is met (the input impedance is zero) but energy
is not stored, so a zero-length line is not a resonator.
√ √
(a) λg = λ0 / εr = 16.2 cm/ 20 = 3.62 cm.


Y = 0 at resonance
1 ω −1
Y = YL + YC = + ωC = + ωC.
ωL L

(c) ℓ = (0.0362 m)/4 = 9.05 mm.

(d) From (b),
ω −2
„ «
∂Y  1
=− + C = 2 + C =  +C . (4.131)
∂ω L ω L ω2L
(e) From Equation (4.65), Z0 = 12.28 Ω.
(f) The input impedance of the line can be calculated from Equation (4.128), repeated below:

ZL + Z0 tan βℓ
Zin = Z0 . (4.132)
Z0 + ZL tan βℓ

In this problem ZL = 0 Ω, ℓ = (0.0362 m)/4 = 9.05 mm, β = β0 εr , where β0 is the phase
constant of free space. From Equations (4.56) and (4.57),

β = 20.958 × f0 |( GHz) × 20 = 173.4 rad/m

At 0.99f0 , Zin = 781.7 Ω; Yin = −0.001279 S.

At f0 , Zin = −∞ Ω; Yin = 0 S.
At 1.01f0 , Zin = −781.7 Ω; Yin = 0.001279 S.
So the derivative of the input admittance is

∂Y ∆Yin (0.001279 + 0.001279)

≈ = = 1.101 · 10−11 . (4.133)
∂ω ∆ω 2πf0 (1.01 − 0.99)

(g) The equivalent circuit resonates at f0 = 1.85 GHz when 1/(ω0 L) = −ω0 C; ω0 = 2πf0 .
That is,
LC = ω0−2 = 0.7401 × 10−20 s−2 . (4.134)
Equating Equations (4.131) and (4.133),
+C = 1.101 × 10−11 F
ω02 L
C = 1.101 × 10−11 − F. (4.135)
ω02 L

Substituting this in Equation (4.134)

„ «
−11 1
L 1.101 × 10 − 2 = 0.7401 × 10−20 H
ω0 L
1.101 × 10−11 L = 1.4802 × 10−20 H
L = 1.345 × 10−9 H = 1.345 nH. (4.136)


Z 01

Z1 Z1 Z 01 Z 01
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)


Z 01

Z1 Z1 Z 01 Z 01
(f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

Figure 4-19 Transmission line stubs: (a)–(e) short-circuited stubs; and (f)–(j) open-circuited stubs.

From Equation (4.134),

C = 0.7401 × 10−20 /L = 5.503 × 10−12 F = 5.503 pF. (4.137)

So the equivalent circuit of the resonator is

, with L = 1.345 nH and C = 5.503 pF.
This equivalent circuit is valid for a narrow range (say 5%) of frequencies around 1.85 GHz.

4.7.5 Short-Circuited Stub

A short-circuited transmission line is commonly used as a circuit element
that is called a stub. Figures 4-19(a)–(e) show short-circuited stubs. In Figure
4-19(a), and noting that in Equation (4.128) ZL = 0, the transmission line has
an input impedance

Z1 = Z01 tan βℓ . (4.138)

With the stub one-quarter wavelength long at a frequency fr , the input

impedance is an open circuit and the stub is said to be resonant at a
frequency fr . Then, at a frequency f , the input impedance of the stub is

π f
Z1 = Z01 tan . (4.139)
2 fr

When f = 12 fr , the stub is one-eighth of a wavelength long and the

argument of the tan function in Equation (4.139) is π/4 and Z1 becomes
Z1 = Z01 tan = Z1 = Z01 . (4.140)
Figure 4-19(b) is a shunt short-circuited stub with input impedance Z1 .
The representation of the stub in Figure 4-19(c) indicates the characteristic
impedance of the stub, Z01 , and in this representation it is necessary to know
the resonant frequency (at which the stub is one-quarter wavelength long) of
the stub. If Z1 or Z01 are replaced by numbers, a real number (such as 10 Ω)
would indicate the characteristic impedance of the stub, but an imaginary
number (such as 10 Ω) would indicate the input impedance of the stub. If
the characteristic impedance of the stub is given, then the length of the stub
must be indicated by the context, typically by its resonant frequency, fr , the
frequency at which the stub is one-quarter wavelength long. Figure 4-19(d)
shows a short-circuited stub inserted between two transmission lines, while
Figure 4-19(e) shows the stub in series connection.

4.7.6 Open-Circuited Stub

An open-circuited transmission line is commonly used as a circuit element
that is called an open stub. Figure 4-19(f–j) show open-circuited stubs. In
Figure 4-19(f), and noting that in Equation (4.128) ZL = ∞, the transmission
line has an input impedance of
Z1 = −Z01 . (4.141)
tan βℓ
With the stub one-quarter wavelength long at a frequency fr , the input
impedance is a short circuit and the stub is said to be resonant at a frequency
fr . Then at a frequency f , the input impedance of the stub is
Z1 = −Z01  . (4.142)
π f
tan 2 fr

Figure 4-19(g) is a representation of a shunt open-circuited stub with input

impedance Z1 . The representation of the stub in Figure 4-19(h) indicates
the characteristic impedance of the stub, Z01 , and in this representation it is
necessary to know the resonant frequency (at which the stub is one-quarter
wavelength long) of the stub. Figure 4-19(i) shows an open-circuited stub
inserted between two transmission lines, while Figure 4-19(j) shows the stub
in series connection.
The stub introduces an impedance in shunt across a transmission line.
This can be used in tuning. A common microstrip trick is to allow for
optimization of a design using the layout shown in Figure 4-20, where
bonding to different pads enables a variable length stub to be realized.


Figure 4-20 Open-circuited stub with variable length realized using wire bonding
from the fixed stub to one of the bond pads.

Z 1 = 30 Ω
Z 01 = 60 Ω Z 02 = 40 Ω

Γin Z in
A Τ21 B Τ21
Γ11 Γ11
Τ12 A Τ12 B
Γ22 Γ22

Figure 4-21 Transmission line network with a finite length line of characteristic
impedance Z01 and an infinitely long transmission line of characteristic impedance
2 2
Z02 . Power conservation at an interface requires that A Γ11 + A T21 = 1, etc.

4.7.7 Bounce Diagram

The bounce diagram follows reflections at the interfaces between networks.
The utility of bounce diagrams will be addressed using an example.

EXAMPLE 4. 16 Bounce Diagram

In the transmission line system in Figure 4-21 there are two planes at which reflection
and transmission (or scattering) occur. The electrical length of the Z01 line is 45◦ and
the Z02 line is infinitely long. The aim here is to find the input impedance, Zin . This
will be arrived at in two ways. The first technique uses a bounce diagram approach and
emphasizes reflection and transmission at the interface planes. The second approach uses
the telegraphist’s equation. It is more subtle to use the bounce diagram technique, but it
yields the same answer as using the telegraphist’s equation.

(a) What are the scattering parameters at reference plane A?

Γ11 is the reflection coefficient of signals incident on reference plane A from the left.
T21 is the transmission coefficient at the plane for signals from the left. A Γ22 and A T12
are the corresponding parameters for scattering from signals coming from the right to
the plane. So, normalizing to Z1 ,

A Z01 − Z1 A
Γ11 = = 0.333; Γ22 = −A Γ11 = −0.333 (4.143)
Z01 + Z1
q q
T21 = 1 − A Γ211 = 0.943; T12 = 1 − A Γ222 = 0.943 (4.144)

While A T12 is greater than one, this does not indicate power gain because of the
differences in impedance levels.
(b) What are the scattering parameters Γ2 and T2 at reference plane B? Now the reference
is Z0 , and so
B Z02 − Z0
Γ11 = . (4.145)
Z02 + Z0
The question now is what should the system reference impedance be—should it
be Z1 , Z01 , or even Z02 ? The problem could be solved using any of these, but the
simplest procedure is to use the same reference impedance throughout, and since the
eventual aim is to calculate the overall input reflection coefficient, the appropriate
choice is Z0 = Z1 . Note, however, that the actual voltage levels on the lines are not
being calculated (which would need to be referenced to the characteristic impedance
of the lines they are on), but instead to a traveling wave referenced to a universal
system impedance. If it were required that the actual voltages be calculated, then a
system reference impedance change would be necessary. So the scattering parameters
at reference plane B referenced to the impedance Z1 are

B Z02 − Z1 B
Γ11 = = 0.143; Γ22 = −B Γ11 = −0.143 (4.146)
Z02 + Z1
q q
T21 = 1 − A Γ211 = 0.990; T12 = 1 − B Γ222 = 0.990 . (4.147)

The second transmission line is infinitely long and so no signal from the line will be
incident at reference plane B from the right.
(c) What is the transmission coefficient of the Z01 transmission line?
Using a reference impedance of Z01 , the transmission coefficient is one and rotates by
45◦ or 0.785 radians (it is the ratio of the forward traveling wave at the end of the line
and its value at the start of the line):

T01 = exp (−0.785) = 0.707 − 0.707 .

(d) Draw the bounce diagram of the transmission line network.

The bounce diagram is shown in Figure 4-22.
(e) What is Γin and hence what is Zin ? Γin is the steady-state input reflection coefficient
and is obtained by adding all of the reflections leaving to the left from plane A in
Figure 4-22. So
A 2 B
Γin = Γ11 + A T12 A T21 T01 Γ11
4 B 2 A 6 B 2 A 2
+A T12 A T21 T01 Γ11 Γ22 + A T12 A T21 T01 Γ11 Γ22 · · ·
A A A 2 B 2
ˆ ˜
= Γ11 + T12 T21 T01 Γ11 1 + x + x + · · · , (4.148)
2 B
where x = T01 Γ11 A Γ22 . Now 1/(1 − x) = 1 + x + x2 + · · · , and so

A T12 A T21 T01
2 B
Γin = Γ11 + 2B A
1 − T01 Γ11 Γ22
0.943 × 0.943 × (0.707 − 0.707)2 × (−0.2)
= 0.333 +
1 − (0.707 − 0.707)2 × (−0.2) × (−0.333)
= 0.345 − 0.177 . (4.149)

Γin is the reflection at reference plane A and is referenced to Z1 = 30 Ω. So the

input impedance is
1 + Γin 1 + 0.345 − 0.177
Zin = Z1 = 30 = 55.39 + 23.08 Ω. (4.150)
1 − Γin 1 − 0.345 − 0.177

(f) Use the lossless telegraphist’s equation, Equation (4.128), to find Zin .
The infinitely long line presents an impedance Z02 to the 60 Ω transmission
line. So the input impedance looking into the 60 Ω line at reference plane A is,
using the lossless telegraphist’s equation,
Z02 + Z01 tan βl
Zin = Z01 ,
Z01 + Z02 tan βl

where the electrical length βl is 45◦ or π/8 radians. So

40 + 60 tan (π/8)
Zin = 60 = 55.39 + 23.08 Ω,
60 + 40 tan (π/8)

which is the same result obtained using the bounce diagram method.
In the above, two techniques were used to evaluate the input impedance of a
transmission line system. The bounce diagram technique required a subtle choice
of several different reference impedances which were required to keep track of
real power flow. It is quite difficult to make these choices. It can be viewed
that the bounce diagram considers instantaneous reflections of pulses. These are
summed to yield the steady-state input reflection coefficient, and thus the input
impedance. The telegraphist’s equation directly captures the steady-state response.
So while the bounce diagram technique aids in physical understanding, using the
telegraphist’s equation is a much less error prone approach to solving transmission
line problems.

4.8 Special Cases of Lossless Terminated Lines

A number of special cases of lossless terminated transmission lines are
useful circuit elements in RF design.

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