Bearings in Twin Screw Compressors
Bearings in Twin Screw Compressors
Bearings in Twin Screw Compressors
Application handbook
1 Developments and advantages of twin 1
screw compressors
2 Bearing applications in twin screw
7 Bearing damage and failure
Bearings in twin screw
Application handbook
Preface 9
Developments and advantages of twin screw compressors 11
Twin screw compressor function 11
Compressor designs 12
Future trends 15
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors 17
Bearing function and selection criteria 17
Bearing arrangement examples 21
Bearing lubrication 27
Bearing rating life 31
Operational limitations 38
Shaft and housing tolerances 40
Ball bearings in twin screw compressors 43
Deep groove ball bearings 43
Single row angular contact ball bearings 46
Four-point contact ball bearings 54
Hybrid angular contact ball bearings 57
Roller bearings in twin screw compressors 59
Cylindrical roller bearings 59
Needle roller bearings 64
Tapered roller bearings 65
PTFE seals in twin screw compressors 69
PTFE seal material and manufacturing 69
PTFE seal applications in twin screw compressors 71
Screw compressor types 77
Air compressors 77
Refrigerant compressors 84
Natural and sour gas compressors 88
Bearing damage and failure 93
Root cause analysis 94
Developments and advantages 1
Twin screw Increased number of lobes increases the cavity increases in size and moves forward,
rotor stiffness and allows for higher pres- drawing in more gas until the cavity has
compressor function sures which is common in refrigerant com- passed the suction opening At this point the
pressors (ig. 1) cavity begins to decrease in size as it contin-
In a twin screw compressor, two meshing On the suction side of the compressor, ues moving forward As the cavity reaches
rotors are turning in opposite directions inside gas is drawn into the suction opening in the the discharge side, the compressed gas is
the compressor housing The rotor proile can housing and into the cavity produced pushed through the discharge opening in the
be either symmetric or asymmetric Asym- between the housing wall and the two rotors housing (ig. 2a to d, page 12)
metric rotors allows for higher performance As the rotors turn in opposite directions, the
Fig. 1
Developments and advantages of twin screw compressors
Fig. 2
a b c d
A slide valve can vary the position of the tips of the rotors and the cylindrical surface Oil-injected screw
suction and discharge openings This makes in the housing (1, ig. 3), the clearance compressors
it possible to control both the volume and between the end faces of the rotors and the
the pressure ratio The pressure increase housing ends (2, ig. 3), and the clearance In oil-injected compressors, oil performs all
depends on the volume ratio, but for a given between the rotors (3, ig. 3) The rotor end four functions The sealing of leakage gaps
volume ratio, the pressure ratio depends on clearance is adjusted by adjusting the axial and lubrication of the rotor contacts is very
the thermodynamic properties of the gas An positioning of the thrust bearings during eficient The injected oil passes out of the
alternative way to control volume low only, compressor assembly The clearance compressor with the discharge gas, which
is to use variable speed control of the drive between rotor and housing and between the then goes through an oil separator This sep-
motor rotors is inluenced by the clearance in the arates most of the oil from the gas The
Several cavities in various stages of com- radial bearings return oil from the separator is delivered to
pression are being compressed simultane- an oil reservoir, to be used again for injection
ously The most common drive arrangement in the compressor and to lubricate the bear-
is that the male rotor drives the female In ings (ig. 4)
such case, the number of cavities equals the Compressor designs Oil-injected compressors operate with
number of lobes of the male rotor Since rotor tip speeds in the range 30 to 60 m/s,
each cavity has a different pressure, a small It is possible to classify screw compressor which means bearing ndm1) values of
amount of gas will leak from a cavity with types in many different ways The following 250 000 to 650 000 Typical shaft speeds
high pressure to one with a lower pressure distinctions between compressor designs are in the range of 3 000 to 6 000 r/min
The leakage results in loss of eficiency The are important: Typical discharge pressures for single stage
leakage will be minimized by reducing the oil-injected screw compressors are 7 to
clearance between the rotors and the hous- • Fluid injected compressors 13 bar, and for two stage compressors
ing Three different clearances (ig. 3) must • Dry running compressors 25 bar
be considered; the clearance between the
In luid injected compressors, a luid is
Fig. 3 d+D
injected into the rotor cavities during com- n dm = n ——
pression The purpose of the luid injection is:
1) ndm is the bearing speed n in r/min multiplied
by the bearing mean diameter dm in mm
Compressor designs
Fig. 4
Developments and advantages of twin screw compressors
Fig. 5
Future trends
Future trends
Energy eficiency, reliability, noise level and
cost continue to be the main drivers in screw
compressor development For bearings, this
means requirements for improved rotor
positioning accuracy, low friction, varying
speeds and low cost
Smaller bearing operating clearances,
narrower tolerances, energy-eficient com-
pressor designs and higher load capacities
enable bearings to meet those require-
ments Optimized bearing arrangements will
enable compressor designs to take advan-
tage of high performance bearings
Variable speed drive (VSD) technology has
a strong inluence on screw compressor
design and performance This technology is
not in itself new, but cost reductions have
made it economically feasible to use the
technology in screw compressors VSDs
make it possible to operate at peak eficiency
as operating conditions vary The speed of
direct drive compressor designs is no longer
limited to 3 000 or 3 600 r/min, so compres-
sors are able to run at both higher and lower
speeds Gear drive designs can be replaced
by direct drive designs This requires bear-
ings that can also run at varying speeds,
both high and low
Another future trend is the introduction of
new refrigerants, with lower global warming
potential (GWP) The new refrigerants, such
as R1234ze, have different pressures and
cooling capacities, that will affect bearing
loads, speeds and lubrication
Bearing applications in twin
screw compressors
Bearing function and affected by the accuracy of the end clearance less oil for lubrication and cooling, and are
adjustment during assembly Thrust bear- less sensitive to momentary loss of lubricant
selection criteria ings mounted with interference its make the and looding of refrigerant than hydrody-
end clearance adjustment more dificult namic bearings
Bearings in twin screw compressors provide The rotor centre distance can be a limita-
accurate radial and axial positioning of the tion in the bearing selection Since the rotor
rotors and support rotor loads These func- design affects the centre distance, the rotor
tions must be performed reliably, with low design and bearing selection process is
friction and low noise generation With accu- sometimes iterative The centre distance
rate rotor positioning, it is possible to design limits the outer diameters of the bearings
compressors with small clearances for high Therefore, if one rotor carries a higher load,
eficiency A high radial positioning accuracy it is possible to select a larger bearing for this
is achieved by using bearings with small rotor and a smaller bearing for the other
operating clearances and small runout toler- rotor This design option, however, conlicts
ances Axial positioning accuracy is accom- with the desire to minimize the number of
plished by small axial bearing clearance or different bearings in the compressor It also
preload requires additional tooling for the production
Axial positioning is also affected by the it of the compressor housing
between the thrust bearing inner ring and The rotors can be supported on rolling
the rotor shaft and bearing delection and bearings or on a combination of hydrody-
displacement due to centrifugal forces namic and rolling bearings Small operating
Interference its will change the relative axial clearances are the main advantage of rolling
position of the bearing rings after mounting bearings Rolling bearings also have lower
Axial positioning of the rotor is further friction than hydrodynamic bearings, require
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
Balance pistons
Stationary or rotating balance pistons can be
used to reduce the net axial force acting on
the thrust bearings A rotating balance piston
is a disc mounted at the suction end of the
rotor Gas at discharge pressure from the Fig. 3
compressor is allowed to act on the end face A stationary balance piston uses a bearing for transmission of the balancing force
of the disc, producing an axial force directed to the rotor
towards the discharge side This force bal-
ance axial gas force on the rotor (ig. 2)
A stationary balance piston uses a bearing
for transmission of the balancing force to the
rotor (ig. 3)
Bearing function and selection criteria
Gear forces The addition of the belt load must be Reverse thrust and backup
accounted for in the selection of compressor bearings
In a gear-driven compressor, (ig. 6, input shaft bearings
page 20) the forces from the gears are also The compressor generates pressure as soon
supported by the rotor bearings By varying as the rotors start rotating That ensures
the gear helix angle, it is possible to control Separation of radial and that there is always an axial gas force on the
both the magnitude and direction of the gear axial forces rotors acting towards suction 2
axial forces This can cause the net axial There are situations, however, when the
force on the rotors to reverse and can cause In cylindrical roller and angular contact ball, net axial force can reverse One such situa-
rubbing between the ends of the rotors and or four point contact ball bearing arrange- tion is when the compressor starts up There
the housing on the discharge side It can also ments, the loads are separated such that the are then inertial moments acting on the
cause instability A reverse thrust bearing radial loads are taken by the cylindrical roller rotors The inertial moments generate axial
can be used to avoid rotor rub and instability bearing (ig. 4), and the axial loads by the forces On the female rotor the direction of
Reverse thrust bearings can either be spring angular contact ball or four point contact ball the inertial axial force counteracts the direc-
loaded or arranged such that the axial bear- bearing (ig. 5) The load separation is accom- tion of net gas force and the direction of the
ing clearance is limited or eliminated com- plished by a radial gap between the outer ring net axial force can be towards discharge
pletely If there is an axial bearing clearance, of the angular contact ball bearing or the four There is also a speed dependent reverse
then the rotor end clearance must be larger point contact ball bearing and the housing thrust force generated by the thrust bear-
than the axial bearing clearance (ig. 4 and 5) With this design it is not possi- ings This force is produced by centrifugal
Too low an axial force on the bearings can ble for the angular contact ball bearing or forces acting on the rolling elements
be detrimental if the loads become less than four-point contact ball bearing to take radial Because of the contact angle with the outer
the minimum required load for satisfactory load, or for the cylindrical roller bearing to ring, when the rolling elements are forced
operation The timing gear forces and iner- take axial load, since it is axially compliant against the outer ring, an axial component of
tial forces from transmission of torque The advantages with this arrangement are: the centrifugal force is produced This force
between the rotors are usually small, except tends to separate the bearing rings If there
at compressor startup Analysis of bearing • The angular contact ball or four point con- is not enough axial gas force present, rotor
loads in screw compressors is complicated tact ball bearing bearing operates with rub can occur This is seldom a problem, but
and should be performed through detailed axial load only; all balls have the same can happen at ndm speeds greater than
analysis of compressor design parameters contact loads and contact angles In this 450 000 It can be avoided if a backup bear-
and operating conditions way, cage forces are minimized and load ing is used Diagram 1, page 49 shows the
capacity maximized ring separation (and rotor displacement) in a
• The load capacity of the arrangement is single angular contact ball bearing at various
Belt drive forces optimized with the separation of axial and speeds In diagram 2, page 50 a backup
radial loads into two bearings bearing has been added to the single
An alternative way to change the speed • It is easy to set the rotor end clearance bearing
between the drive motor and the compressor when the angular contact ball or four- In tapered roller bearings used to take
input shaft is to use a belt drive This is only point contact ball bearing is mounted with combined loads, there is also an induced
possible in an open drive arrangement and a light shaft it There are many ways to do reversed axial force from the radial force
typically used in oil injected air compressors set the rotor end clearance (ig.6, page 66)
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
Fig. 6
Bearing arrangement examples
A pair of two angular
contact ball bearings
at discharge-side 2
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
1 mm
Bearing arrangement examples
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
F 0,75
—a > ——
Fr Y
but at least
Fig. 19
Fa 0,5
— > ——
Fr Y
Fa = total axial load on bearing [N]
Fr = applied radial load [N]
Y = bearing axial load factor, according to
the SKF catalogue Rolling bearings
Bearing arrangement examples
0,5 F
Fa = ——–r
Fa = total axial load on bearing [N]
Fr = applied radial load [N]
Y = bearing axial load factor, according to
the SKF catalogue Rolling bearings
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
Fs = Spring load [N] Fig. 29
Fr = Radial load [N]
Fig. 27
Bearing lubrication
200 IS
10 G 15
00 00
100 0
32 0
22 0
15 0
50 0
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
κ =— 20
ν1 200
κ = viscosity ratio 50
ν = actual operating viscosity of the lubri- 100 n[
cant [mm2/s] 10 in]
ν1 = rated viscosity of the lubricant depend-
ing on the bearing mean diameter and 20
50 0
rotational speed [mm2/s]
20 10
1 5 00
2 00
3 0 000
50 0
10 00
20 0
5 100 0 000
10 20 50 100 200 500 1 000 2 000
dm = 0,5 (d + D) [mm ]
Bearing lubrication
Diagram 5 Diagram 6
Correction factor for κ vs dilution weight %, POE oil, ISO VG 68 and Correction factor for κ vs dilution volume % of gasoline in mineral oil
0,80 0,80
0,60 0,60
0,40 0,40
0,20 0,20
0 0
0 10 20 30 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
% %
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
Filter selection
The ilter speciication in compressors is typ-
ically in the range of β3(c) = 200 to β40(c) = 75
Finer ilters increase bearing life, but the
degree of increase depends also on the vis-
cosity ratio κ and the bearing load intensity
Pu/P If the κ value is high, a change to a iner Fig. 30
ilter can give signiicant improvement in Oil low path for oil jet lubrication at ndm greater than 800 000
bearing life If κ is low, a iner ilter cannot
compensate for the poor lubrication condi-
tion and the beneit may be questionable In
such a case it may be more effective to
increase the bearing size For evaluation of
ilter speciications, SKF computer programs
are available which take into account all of
the above mentioned factors
Bearing rating life
Lubrication by oil jet The nozzle should have a minimum 1 mm Care should also be taken when selecting
diameter to prevent the risk of being clogged the bearing load used in the calculation If
In dry running (oil free) air compressors by debris As a rule of thumb, a 1,0 mm noz- the compressor will be operating at different
operating at ndm speeds in excess of zle diameter and a pressure across the noz- loads and speeds at different times, then
800 000, oil is supplied to the bearings by oil zle of 100 kPa will produce a jet velocity of load cycles should be used in the calculation
jet (ig. 30) The compression cavity is sealed 15 m/s and a low of 0,5 l/min If instead, the maximum load and speed are
from the bearing housing used, the selected bearings may be too big, 2
The oil jet must be directed axially with too much friction and higher risk of fail-
between the bearing inner ring and cage ure from overheating and/or light load
(ig. 30) The oil viscosity and low rate must Bearing rating life skidding
be suitable to lubricate and cool the bear- For calculation of load cycle life, the loads
ings The jet speed should be 15 to 20 m/s to Three different life calculations can be used and speeds should be represented as a his-
avoid delection from the air curtain of the for selection of bearings and calculation of togram, where the load and speed are con-
bearing The shaft and housing temperature bearing life: stant for each block The life for each block is
of dry air compressors is high because the then calculated and the total life is the sum
heat of compression is not removed by oil • basic rating life of the life in each block, using the formula on
injection Depending on speed and tempera- • SKF rating life page 37 in chapter Bearing life at varying
ture, the bearings are lubricated by a syn- • SKF advanced fatigue life operating conditions
thetic oil with an ISO VG 32 to ISO VG 68
viscosity The lubrication system should
include ine iltration The oil low to the SKF basic rating life
bearings should not be too great, as that
would cause excessive friction and tempera-
1 000 000 ⎛ C ⎞p
ture rise In order to drain off excessive oil, L10h = ————– –
60 n ⎝P⎠
SKF recommends drainage on both sides of
the bearings The oil low required should be
determined by testing, whereby the low and where
jet speed are varied and the temperature L10h = basic rating life (at 90% reliability)
rise of the oil is measured [operating hours]
The oil low path upstream of the jet hole, n = rotational speed [r/min]
or nozzle, should be designed to minimize C = basic dynamic load rating [kN]
pressure drop before the nozzle The pres- P = equivalent dynamic bearing load [kN]
sure drop should take place in the nozzle p = exponent of the life equation
The jet velocity can be calculated by the Ber- – for ball bearings, p = 3
noulli equation: – for roller bearings, p = 10/3
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
Bearing rating life
Table 3
For ilter rating β3(c) = 200, it can be esti- Contamination factor ηc values for:
mated that in-line ilters will produce • circulating oil lubrication with on line
cleanliness class 11/8 and the following ηc ilters
values can be used if the contaminates • ilter rating β3 = 200
are predominately hard metallic particles: • κ > 1,0
dm ηc
mm –
25 – 40 0,9 – 0,93
40 – 100 0,93 – 0,95
100 – 250 0,95 – 0,96
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
Diagram 11
a S K F
50, 0
20, 0
10, 0
5, 0
k =
0, 8
0, 6
0, 5
2, 0
0, 4
1, 0
0, 5
0, 2
0, 2
0, 15
0, 1
0, 1
As the value of ηc (Pu/P) tends to zero, aSKF tends to 0,1 for all values of κ
Bearing rating life
Diagram 12
50, 0
20, 0
10, 0
5, 0
2, 0 1
1, 0
0, 5
0, 2
0, 1
0, 05 S K F Basic design
0 ,0 0 5 0, 01 0, 02 0, 05 0, 1 0, 2 0, 5 1, 0 2, 0 5, 0
hc –––
SKF Explorer design
0, 005 0, 01 0, 02 0, 05 0, 1 0, 2 0, 5 1, 0 2, 0
hc – –u–
As the value of ηc (Pu/P) tends to zero, aSKF tends to 0,1 for all values of κ
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
ISO cleanliness ƞc aSKF SKF L10 rating Filter size ISO cleanliness ƞc aSKF SKF L10nmh Filter size
class life class rating life
– – – – μm β – – – – μm β
–/13/10 0,84 50 > 1 000 000 6 200 -/13/10 0,63 13 393 000 6 200
–/11/8 0,93 50 > 1 000 000 3 200 -/11/8 0,931) 32 > 1 000 000 3 200
Bearing rating life
L10m = SKF rating life (at 90% reli- P3
ability) [million revolutions] P4
L10m1, L10m2, … = SKF rating lives (at 90%
reliability) under constant
conditions 1, 2, … [million N
revolutions] N3
U1, U2, = life cycle fraction under
the conditions 1, 2, …
Note: U1 + U2 + … Un = 1
The use of this calculation method depends
very much on the availability of representa-
tive load diagrams for the application U1 U2 U3 U4
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
Table 4
Operational limitations
Table 5 Table 6
Bearing applications in twin screw compressors
t2 A-B
t1 A-B
t2 A-B
t1 A-B
Shaft and housing tolerances
Ball bearings in twin screw
Ball bearings are used in twin screw compressors, either as main
thrust bearings , or as reverse thrust bearings, or backup bearings to 3
control axial clearance or preload in a set of bearings Angular contact
ball bearings with large contact angles are well suited as main thrust
bearings because of their higher axial load capacity, compared to
bearings with smaller contact angles Angular contact ball bearings
can also be used as backup bearings Deep groove ball bearings are
also a good choice as spring loaded reverse thrust bearings If the
loads are light, deep groove ball bearings can also be used to take
radial loads
Ball bearings in twin screw compressors
Table 1
mm µm
18 24 0 10 5 20 13 28 20 36
24 30 1 11 5 20 13 28 23 41
30 40 1 11 6 20 15 33 28 46
40 50 1 11 6 23 18 36 30 51
50 65 1 15 8 28 23 43 38 61
65 80 1 15 10 30 25 51 46 71
80 100 1 18 12 36 30 58 53 84
100 120 2 20 15 41 36 66 61 97
120 140 2 23 18 48 41 81 71 114
The axial clearance is 5 to 15 times the radial, depending on bearing series and radial clearance class
Deep groove ball bearings
Table 2
Cage type R i v eted, ball centered Snap-type, ball centered Riveted, ball, outer ring
or inner ring centered
Ball bearings in twin screw compressors
Single row angular For dry air compressors, which operate combined with a spring loaded reverse
at ndm speeds over 800 000, bearings of thrust bearing also provide accurate axial
contact ball bearings 70 and 72 series with 15° and 25° contact positioning, but the reverse axial force capa-
angles are used, 70 ACD, 70 CD, 72 ACD, bility is limited by the spring force If the axial
Single-row angular contact ball bearings are 72 CD See table 1, page 79 and table 2, load of the compressor is heavy, two axial
the most commonly used ball bearings in page 83 load carrying bearings can be arranged in
twin screw compressors They support pure tandem, with a third bearing as a backup
axial loads or combined radial and axial bearing in ig. 16, page 23
loads The most important features of this Universally matchable single The standard SKF bearings available for
bearing type are its high axial load capacity row angular contact ball universial matching have the CB or GA sufix,
combined with a high speed rating Single- e g 7310 BECB or 7310 BEGA The CB sufix
row angular contact ball bearings operating
bearings denotes that the bearing is universally
with a small clearance or a light preload pro- Bearings for universal matching are intended matchable and that a pair of these bearings
vide good axial positioning accuracy of the to be used in double and triple arrange- will have a certain axial clearance when
rotor For oil injected screw compressors, the ments in screw compressors Single row mounted in the arrangements shown in
most commonly used SKF single row angu- angular contact bearings are usually ig. 2 The GA sufix denotes that the bearing
lar contact ball bearings are of the 72 BE and mounted in face-to-face arrangements to is universally matchable, but a pair of these
73 BE series which have 40° contact angle facilitate easy adjustment of the rotor end bearings will have a light preload when
Also used are series 72 AC and 73 AC with clearance and for easy dismounting mounted in any of the arrangements shown
25° contact angle The standoff between the rings is manu- in ig. 2
factured to close tolerances When two bear- Tables 4 and 5, page 48 lists the values of
ings are mounted immediately adjacent to unmounted axial clearance and preload for
each other, a given speciied internal clear- the universally matchable bearings The ini-
ance or preload, for example CB or GA, will tial bearing clearance or preload is only
be produced without shimming (ig. 1) assured when the bearing rings are axially
Bearings mounted in tandem will distribute clamped together The initial clearance in a
the load equally between the bearings bearing pair is reduced or initial preload is
(ig. 2) increased by interference its and if the shaft
Universally matchable bearings can also and inner ring operate with a higher tem-
be used as single bearings Most bearings perature than the outer ring and housing
belong to the SKF Explorer design and as SKF Explorer universally matchable bearings
such have smaller dimensional and geomet- are produced with P6 precision class dimen-
rical tolerances, increased load carrying sional tolerances and P5 precision class
capacity and speed capability geometrical tolerances as standard
Universally matchable bearings in the
72 B(E) and 73 B(E) series are identiied by
the sufix CA, CB or CC for internal clearance
or GA, GB or GC for preload
Arrangements of universally matchable
bearings used to support axial loads, provide
Fig. 1 accurate axial positioning of the rotor Bearing
Clearance / Preload class sets made for preload (e g : GA sufix) provide
axial positioning on both directions without
C clearance Angular contact ball bearings
Fig. 2
Single row angular contact ball bearings
Table 3
Sufix P PH Y M F
Ball bearings in twin screw compressors
Table 4
Axial internal clearance of BE and AC design universally matchable single row angular contact ball bearings arranged back-to-back or
mm µm
– 18 5 13 15 23 24 32 – –
18 30 7 15 18 26 32 40 – –
30 50 9 17 22 30 40 48 – –
50 80 11 23 26 38 48 60 – –
80 120 14 26 32 44 55 67 – –
120 160 17 29 35 47 62 74 26 76
160 180 17 29 35 47 62 74 20 72
180 250 21 37 45 61 74 90 20 72
250 280 – – – – – – 20 72
Table 5
Preload of BE and AC design universally matchable single row angular contact ball bearings arranged back-to-back or face-to-face
mm µm
10 18 +4 –4 –2 –10 –8 –16
18 30 +4 –4 –2 –10 –8 –16
30 50 +4 –4 –2 –10 –8 –16
Single row angular contact ball bearings
Bearing minimum axial load ball bearings can be calculated from the
following equation:
Fo r sa t i s f a c t ory operation, an angular con-
tact ball bearing must carry a certain mini-
q n w2
mum axial load At increased speed, centrif- Fa min = A ———
⎝ 1 000 ⎠
ugal forces on the balls will cause a change
in the contact angle between the inner and
outer raceways, (ig. 3) The differences in where
contact angle will cause sliding, in particular Fa min = minimum required axial load [kN]
at the inner ring, which increase friction and A = minimum load factor
can cause adhesive wear At increased n = rotational speed [r/min]
speed, the gyroscopic moment acting on the 3
balls will increase and cause spinning motion Values of minimum load factor A are listed in
of the balls, causing additional sliding on the table 6, page 50
raceways Adequate axial load minimizes the Bearings with small contact angles are
risk of sliding, both from centrifugal force better suited for high speed and light axial
and gyroscopic moment With effective load applications because of their lower
lubrication, the negative effect of insuficient requirement for axial load
axial load is reduced At increased speed, During operation, the minimum required
axial displacement of the bearing inner ring axial load can be internally maintained by
relative to the outer ring will also occur limiting the internal axial clearance This can Fig. 3
(diagram 1) The axial displacement can be accomplished with a backup bearing With Contact angles
cause the compressor rotor end clearance to small axial clearance, the balls are loaded by
decrease If the axial force is insuficient, this centrifugal force against the raceways with
a ao
may result in the rotor coming into contact low variation of contact angles (diagram 2,
with the housing The magnitude of the ring page 50) As the axial clearance increases,
displacement varies with rotor speed Insuf- so does the difference in the inner and outer
icient axial load also reduces traction of the ring contact angles This allows increased
balls on the raceways and can cause ball internal sliding The minimum axial load can
skidding and variation in ball orbital speed also be maintained by spring preloading
from ball to ball This will result in increased
loads on the cage and possibly cause cage at low speed at high speed
damage The minimum required axial load
for satisfactory operation of angular contact
Diagram 1
–100 + –
Direction of rotor
–125 displacement
–175 — 0 r/min
— 300 000 ndm
–200 — 600 000 ndm
0 1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000
Axial load [N]
Ball bearings in twin screw compressors
Table 6
SKF single row angular contact ball bearing, minimum axial load factor
– mm
For hybrid bearing A factors, multiply the values in the table by 0,4
Diagram 2
5 + –
Direction of rotor displacement
Single row angular contact ball bearings
Preload 0 Clearance
Ball bearings in twin screw compressors
Table 7 Table 8
Criteria for selecting axial preload spring Criteria for selecting clamping spring force
1 T h e s p ri n g p r e l o a d s h o u l d b e g r e a t e r 1 T h e c l a m p i n g s p ri n g f o r c e s h o u l d b e
t h a n t h e m a xi m u m p o s si b l e r e v e r s e g r e a t e r t h a n t h e m a xi m u m p o s si b l e
a xi a ll o a d fr o m t h e r o t o r r e v e r s e a xi a ll o a d fr o m t h e r o t o r
2 T h e s p ri n g p r e l o a d s h o u l d b e g r e a t e r 2 T h e c l a m p i n g s p ri n g f o r c e s h o u l d b e
t h a n t h e m i n i m u m l o a d r e q u ir e d f o r g r e a t e r t h a n t h e i n d u c e d a xi a ll o a d
t h e s p ri n g p r e l o a d b e a ri n g f r o m c e n t r if u g a l f o r c e i n t h e t h r u s t
3 T h e s p ri n g p r e l o a d s h o u l d g i v e a n b e a ri n g s
a c c e p t a b l e L 1 0 lif e o f t h e s p r i n g 3 F o r b e a ri n g s t h a t s h o u l d n o t b e r a d i -
p r e l o a d b e a ri n g a ll y f r e e a n d f o r b e a r i n g i n n e r r i n g s ,
4 T h e s p ri n g p r e l o a d s h o u l d b e g r e a t t h e cl a m p i n g f o r c e s h o u l d b e l e s s t h a n
e n o u g h t o p r e v e n t a n y r e v e r s e d is - C o / 4 , w h e r e C o i s t h e l o w e s t s t a ti c l o a d
pla c e m e n t o f t h e m ain t h r u st b e a r - c a p a c it y o f a b e a r i n g w h i c h i s p a r t o f a
i n g s d u e t o c e n t r if u g a l f o r c e s g e n e r - s e t o f b e a r i n g s T h i s c r it e r i o n i s b a s e d
a t e d i n t h e m a i n t h r u s t b e a ri n g s o n d e f o r m a ti o n / d i s t o r ti o n o f b e a r i n g
5 T h e a d d iti o n o f t h e s p r i n g p r e l o a d t o r i n g s w h i c h c a n o c c u r if t h e c l a m p i n g
t h e l o a d o f t h e m a i n t h r u s t b e a ri n g s f o r c e is t o o h i g h
s h o u l d b e a c c e p t a b l e f o r t h e L 1 0 lif e 4 T h e cl a m p i n g f o r c e s h o u l d n o t b e
r e q u ir e m e n t o f t h e m a i n t h r u s t l a r g e r t h a n n e c e s s a r y t o li m it r a d i a l
b e a ri n g s l o a d i n g o f t h r u s t b e a ri n g s
Single row angular contact ball bearings
Diagram 4
Preload diagram for two angular contact ball bearings in face to face arrangement
Axial load
F0 K
F0 preload force
K external force
δA0, δB0 initial preload displacement
δA0 δB0
Axial displacement
Diagram 5
Preload diagram for two angular contact ball bearings in face to face arrangement
Axial load
Axial load Axial load
bearing B bearing A
K At speed: blue and red curve
At zero speed: blue and red dotted curve
F0 preload force
K external force
Axial delection
Diagram 6
Preload diagram for one angular contact ball bearing (A) and one spring loaded deep groove ball bearing (B)
Axial load
Axial load
bearing A A B
Axial load F0 preload force = spring force
bearing B K external force
Axial displacement
Ball bearings in twin screw compressors
Four-point contact At high speed and light axial load, the balls speed, the load at which three-point contact
are forced radially outwards by centrifugal ceases is higher than at lower speed
ball bearings force contacting both raceways of the outer If the axial load reverses, the relative axial
ring and the load-carrying inner ring position of the outer and inner ring shifts
F o u ! contact ball bearings (QJ preix) raceway and the previously unloaded inner ring
are primarily used in oil looded refrigeration If the axial load increases, the load on the becomes loaded
and high speed dry air compressors to sup- outer ring increases on one raceway and By applying a spring loaded backup bear-
port axial load only The bearings have a two decreases on the opposite one, but there is ing, it is possible to shift the axial load at
piece inner ring and an outer ring with two little change in contact angle The contact which the clearance shifts (diagram 7) With
raceways (ig. 4) This design makes possible motion is a combination of rolling and sliding the contact angle more or less constant, the
a large contact angle, small axial and radial at all three contacts With increased load, the delection curve of the four-point contact
clearance and a large number of balls The rolling motion increases at the loaded con- ball change very little with speed and load,
contact angle is 35° The cage is outer-ring tacts At high load the contact at the opposite compared to angular contact ball bearings
guided made of machined brass or PEEK side of the outer ring ceases (ig. 5, (diagram 1, page 49)
(table 9) The above mentioned features page 55) Because of the partial rolling and sliding
make the bearing well suited for high speed If the speed increases, then the centrifugal motion, it is important that four-point con-
applications force on the balls increases and the contact tact ball bearings operate with the lubrica-
If loaded with pure radial load, the bearing force on the outer ring increases, but again tion parameter κ equal to or greater than 1,5
will have two contact points on the inner ring there is little change in contact angle At high
and two on the outer ring This explains why
it is called a four-point contact ball bearing, Fig. 4
but it is not intended to be used that way In Loads and contact points
screw compressors the bearing should be
used for thrust loads only The thrust load
can act in both directions (ig. 4b and 4c)
Because it cannot be preloaded and must
always operate with clearance, functionally it
is similar to but not the same as a pair of
single-row angular contact ball bearings
The inner rings must be clamped axially to
ensure correct axial clearance and the side
face of the inner ring is recessed to avoid
warping if clamped too high up on the side a b c
Table 9
Four-point contact ball bearings
Bearing minimum load and accuracy In oil looded twin screw compres- of the rotor, positioning tolerances of the
clearance sors, C2L clearance is a common choice for radial bearing housings and clearances
this reason For dry air twin screw compres-
F o u "#$%&'( contact ball bearings should sors, which operate at high speed and high
carry a minimum axial load for satisfactory temperature, it may be necessary to use Bearing loads
operation The criteria for determination of larger clearances, such as C2H, CN, or C3L
minimum axial load is gyroscopic spinning of (table 11, page 56) Four-point contact ball bearings can theo-
the balls, as described for single row angular retically carry combined loads, but radial
contact ball bearings loading should be avoided because it can
The formula for calculating the minimum Allowable misalignment lead to severe three-point contact on one
required axial load is the same as for single side and cause bearing damage Because it
row angular contact ball bearings, but with Operation under misalignment reduces is dificult to predict the ratio of axial to radial 3
the A factor adjusted for the difference in ball bearing life The maximum allowable mis- force in screw compressors, use four-point
complement and contact angles of the two alignment is 2 to 4 minutes SKF recom- contact ball bearings for thrust loads only
bearing types: mends limiting misalignment to less than and in combination with another bearing to
1,5 minute in screw compressors For take the radial load (ig. 17, page 23)
detailed recommendation see table 1,
q n w2
Fa min = A ——— page 79 Misalignment is caused by bending
⎝ 1 000 ⎠
where Fig. 5
Fa min = minimum required axial load [kN] The effect of centrifugal force in a four-point contact ball bearing
A = minimum load factor The centrifugal force Fc moves the ball radially outwards, but the movement is constrained
n = rotational speed [r/min] by contact with the opposite side of the outer ring This is causing three point contact
Diagram 7
10 + –
–1 500 –500 Direction of rotor displacement
+ –
–50 Direction of rotor displacement
— One Four point contact ball bearing, SKF QJ 210 C2L
External axial load [N] — One four point contact ball bearing SKF QJ 210 C2L and
one spring loaded angular contact ball SKF 7210 CD
Ball bearings in twin screw compressors
18 90 0,106 0,26
19 95 0,138 0,317
20 100 0,176 0,442
Table 11
QJ axial clearance
mm μm
10 18 15 40 28 53 40 65 15 65 50 95 85 130
18 40 25 50 38 63 50 75 25 75 65 110 100 150
40 60 35 60 48 73 60 85 35 85 75 125 110 165
140 180 90 123 106 139 123 155 90 155 135 200 185 250
180 220 105 140 123 158 140 175 105 175 155 225 210 280
Hybrid angular contact ball bearings
Roller bearings in twin screw
R o l l e r )*a rings, primarily NU type cylindrical roller bearings and
tapered roller bearings, are used in twin screw compressors as radial
bearings Cylindrical roller bearings can operate at high speed, have
high load capacity and are axially compliant, facilitating easy separa-
tion of axial and radial load when used in combination with angular 4
contact ball bearings The inner and outer rings can be mounted sep-
arately in the compressor Tapered roller bearings are also used, tak-
ing combined radial and axial loads
Cylindrical roller
Bearing design and features
SKF cylindrical roller bearings of EC design
are used in twin screw compressors for their
high speed and high radial load capability
They have a large number and size of rollers,
logarithmic roller proile, and optimized Fig. 1
lange geometry The bearings are available
with ranges of internal radial clearance for
optimization of rotor position accuracy The
SKF EC cylindrical roller bearing is produced
standard with ISO P6 radial runout All SKF
cylindrical roller bearings are made to
Explorer speciications The NU type cylindri-
cal roller bearing is commonly used in twin
screw compressors since it allows separate
assembly of the inner ring and outer ring/
roller assemblies onto the shaft and into the
housing respectively (ig. 1) The NU type Interchangeable components
bearing accommodates axial displacement
Roller bearings in twin screw compressors
due to thermal expansion of the shaft NU Minimum load The minimum load required to avoid skid-
type bearings allow both the inner and outer ding and skid smearing can be calculated
rings to be mounted with interference its for Cylindrical roller bearings (like all bearings) from the formula below
more precise positioning of the rotors must be subjected to a certain minimum
The SKF NU cylindrical roller bearings load in order to create enough traction (fric-
q 4 n w q dm w2
have two integral langes on the outer ring to tion) between the rollers and the inner ring Frm = kr 6 + —— ——
⎝ nr ⎠ ⎝ 100 ⎠
guide the rollers The bearings have “open” Without traction, the rollers will slide (skid)
langes, i e the inward face of the lange is on the inner ring If there is some but not
inclined by a deined angle (ig. 2) The lange enough traction, the rollers will partially roll where
design, together with the roller end design and skid Traction is the main driving force Frm = minimum radial load [kN]
and surface inish, promote the formation of There are also braking forces, viscous fric- kr = minimum load factor; see bearing
a lubricant ilm to reduce friction and fric- tion drag from lubricant on the roller and tables in the SKF catalogue Rolling
tional heat The roller logarithmic proile cage assembly and rolling resistance in the bearings
(ig. 3) optimizes the stress distribution in raceway contacts, lange contacts, cage to n = operating speed [r/min]
the roller/raceway The logarithmic proile outer ring contacts as well as inertial forces nr = reference speed [r/min]; see bearing
also reduces sensitivity to misalignment and from rapid acceleration tables in the SKF catalogue Rolling
shaft delection (ig. 3) Skidding can lead to metal smearing bearings
The optimized inish of the contact sur- between the bearing rings and the rollers dm = mean diameter of bearing
faces of the rollers and raceways maximizes The greatest risk is smearing on the inner = 0,5 (d + D) [mm]
the formation of a hydrodynamic lubricant ring of a NU type bearing, which is com-
ilm and minimizes friction monly used in screw compressors
The following factors maximizes traction
and minimizes braking;
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Cylindrical roller bearings
Table 1
Sufix • P or PA • – • ML • M
• PH or PHA • J • MA
• MB
Roller bearings in twin screw compressors
Selection of its and radial Radial internal clearance rings between bearings are interchanged
internal clearance ranges from different bearings This is a unique fea-
ture of SKF EC design cylindrical roller
In order to achieve maximum positioning The internal clearance speciications in cylin- bearings
accuracy of the rotors and to maximize bear- drical roller bearings are according to Not all cylindrical roller bearing variants
ing life, cylindrical roller bearings should ISO 5753 -1 The standard ranges of clear- (CNM, CNH, C3L, etc ) are currently in pro-
operate with a small radial internal clear- ance are the normal range and greater than duction Please contact SKF sales for details
ance However, the initial bearing clearance normal range (C3 sufix) on availability
must be selected to avoid risk of the bearings Additional clearances with a reduced In the withdrawn clearance standard
becoming preloaded in operation The oper- range are also available as non-standards DIN 620-4:1887-08 the clearance values
ating radial internal bearing clearance The reduced clearance ranges use the lower, were slightly different and were shown as
depends on the initial radial internal bearing middle, and upper half of the standard “interchangeable” and “matched assembly”
clearance, shaft and housing tolerances, and ranges For compressor applications, the values Bearings having the old matched
the temperature gradient from the shaft common reduced clearance ranges are CNM assembly clearance are marked by the sufix
through the bearings and into the housings and C3L The CNM sufix denotes that the R, for example C3R Table 2 lists the old and
In a screw compressor, it is important to half clearance range is centred on the mean current clearances
keep the operating radial internal clearance of the normal range The C3L sufix denotes
of a bearing small for the following reasons: that the clearance is the lower half of C3
range Bearings with reduced clearance
• The operating radial internal clearance range should be used for optimum rotor
affects the positioning accuracy of the positioning accuracy The radial internal
rotor and therefore also the compressor clearance ranges in the SKF catalogue Roll-
eficiency The ability to operate with a ing bearings and the reduced clearance
small radial internal clearance is a major ranges (CNM, C3L) are maintained even if
advantage of a cylindrical roller bearing
over a hydrodynamic bearing Diagram 1
• A smaller operating radial internal clear- Bearing life as a function of radial clearance
ance leads to low noise and vibration lev-
els in the compressor
• A smaller operating radial internal clear-
ance results in longer bearing life Bearing life [h]
(diagram 1), increased stiffness, and 500 000
reduced bearing delection under load Operating clearance
450 000
However, the radial internal clearance
should not be too small, for the following
reasons: 400 000
Mounted clearance
• There is risk of radial preload, higher tem- 350 000
peratures and premature bearing failure
• It can cause dificulties in assembling the 300 000
compressor and risks damaging the Unmounted clearance
250 000
• If an interference housing it is used the
housing seat may be ovalized due to the
effect of the press it on the unsymmetrical 200 000
housing This may increase the possibility
of preloading the bearings and cause difi- 150 000
culties with the assembly
100 000
50 000
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Radial internal clearance [μm]
Cylindrical roller bearings
Table 2
Comparison of cylindrical roller bearing clearances according to withdrawn standard DIN 620-4:1987-08 and current ISO 5753-1
µm – – 4
– 24 0…25 20…45 45…60 50…75 26…39 33…45 45…53 49…56
24 30 0…25 20…45 45…60 50…75 26…39 33…45 45…53 49…56
30 40 5…30 25…50 45…70 60…85 31…44 38…50 45…58 51…64
140 160 20…70 70…120 115…165 165…215 83…108 95…120 115…140 128…153
160 180 25…75 75…125 120…170 170…220 88…113 100…125 120…145 133…158
180 200 35…90 90…145 140…195 195…250 104…131 118…145 140…168 154…181
over incl C2R CNR C3R C4R C2R CNR C3R C4R
µm – –
140 160 15…80 50…115 100…165 130…195 35…65 65…100 115…150 150…180
160 180 20…85 60…125 110…175 150…215 35…75 75…110 125…165 165…200
180 200 25…95 65…135 125…195 165…235 40…80 80…120 140…180 180…220
Roller bearings in twin screw compressors
Tapered roller bearings
Y = 0,4 cot α
The value of Y can be found in the SKF cata-
logue Rolling bearings
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
The choice of a contact angle depends on the ratio axial to radial load
The larger the contact angle α, the higher the axial load carrying capacity
α α α
Roller bearings in twin screw compressors
Minimum load
B e c a u s e o f t h e t a p e r e d s h a p e o f t h e r o ll - See also the SKF catalogue Rolling bearings
e r s, t h e c o n t a c t a n g l e s o f t h e o u t e r a n d i n n e r A tapered roller bearing must operate with a for additional details If the axial force on the
r i n g s a r e n o t t h e s a m e , r e s u l ti n g i n a f o r c e certain minimum axial load, which may be bearing ring is too low, it may be necessary
p u s h i n g t h e r o ll e r s a g a i n s t t h e i n n e r r i n g applied by the compressor or produced by to apply an additional force to the bearing
l a n g e ( ig. 6) T h e c o n t a c t m o ti o n b e t w e e n the bearing mounted adjacent to it The axial outer ring to prevent rotation relative to the
t h e r o ll e r e n d a n d t h e i n n e r r i n g l a n g e i s a load must be greater than housing face See the section Housing toler-
c o m b i n a ti o n o f r o lli n g a n d s li d i n g T h e ances – bearings taking axial loads, page 41
g e o m e t r y o f t h e r o ll e r e n d a n d t h e l a n g e i s The face of the bearing can be slotted to
0,5 F
c r iti c a l f o r t h e f o r m a ti o n o f a l u b r i c a n t i l m Fa > ——–r mate with an anti-rotation pin mounted in
t h a t r e d u c e s f r i c ti o n a n d w e a r T h e f r i c ti o n the housing This is a non-standard feature
b e t w e e n t h e r o ll e r e n d a n d t h e l a n g e c a u s e s
h e a t a n d li m it s t h e s p e e d c a p a b ilit y o f where
t a p e r e d r o ll e r b e a r i n g s Fa = total axial load on bearing [N]
B e c a u s e o f t h e d if i c u lt y i n l u b r i c a ti n g t h e Fr = applied radial load [N]
r o ll e r / l a n g e c o n t a c t, S K F d o e s n o t r e c o m - Y = bearing axial load factor, according to
m e n d t a p e r e d r o ll e r b e a r i n g s i n r e f r i g e r a n t the SKF catalogue Rolling bearings
c o m p r e s s o r s T h i s i s e s p e c i a ll y d if i c u lt i n
a m m o n i a c o m p r e s s o r s b u t a ls o i n o t h e r
r e f r i g e r a n t s , s u c h a s R - 1 34a
The SKF Explorer design of tapered roller
bearing is well suited for compressor appli-
cations This design of tapered roller bearing
features logarithmic roller proile, low fric-
tion steel cage design, and optimized roller
end and lange proiles The SKF tapered
roller bearing is also available in the CL7C Fig. 6
execution This bearing has optimized roller Design and function of tapered roller bearings
end and lange geometry to reduce run-
ning-in wear The SKF tapered roller bear- Qe
ings are available in the common ISO series
The 313 series, having high contact angle is
well suited for the male thrust position in
compressor applications Qf
s = sa – sb
s = Shift in standoff
sa sb sa = Standoff after mounting
sb = Standoff before mounting
T a p.0.1 0233.0 4.a 0567-
Mounting considerations
B e c a+-. /a p.0.1 0233.0 4.a 0567- 12 62/ c 28.
w5/9 a -p.:5;.1 -t a 612<< 4./w..6 /9. 566.0
a n d o u t .0 0567-= -:0.w c o m p r .-s o r s i t t .1
w5/9 /a p.0.1 0233.0 4.a 0567- ar . 0.3a/5>.3y
c 28p35:a t .1 /o a s -.843. s ig. 7) A l s o ,
t a p.0.1 r 233.0 4.a 0567- 9av . /2 4. 82+n t .1
w5/9 a6 56/.0<.0.6:. ;/t 2 /9. -9a<t ?9.
0567 0.3a/5>. /2 /9. 566.0 0567 s ig. 7) ?95-
-95<t c a 6 4. :26-51.0.1 w9.6 /9. 0o t o r .61
:3.a r a n c . 5- a1O+-t .1 ?9. -95<t c a 6 4. :a l c u -
l a t .1 w5/9 /9. <208+3a 4.32w
s = Y 5
w9.0. 4
s = aP5a3 -95<t [ μ m ]
Y = 4.a 0567 aP5a3 32a1 <a c t o r, a c c o r 1567 /2 /9.
S K F c a t a327+. Rolling bearings
5 = 56/.0<.0.6:. 4./w..6 -9a<t a 61 4.a 0567
566.0 0567 Q μ m ]
6 7
P TFE seals in twin screw
Seals in twin screw compressors are designed to prevent luids from
leaking out of the compressor, protect against the entry of contami-
nants and reduce possible leakage inside the compressor PTFE lip
seals are well suited to perform these functions at a reasonable cost
Elastomeric seals, on the other hand, do not offer the service life and
chemical compatibility required for the application, while mechanical
face seals need more space than is normally available and cannot
perform all the required functions
• Favourable
– Low coeficient of friction
– High againg and chemical resistance
– Broad operating temperature range
• Unfavorable
– High wear rate in pure form
– High viscosity as melted makes injection
molding dificult
– Low creep resistance
PTFE seals in twin screw compressors
Fig. 1
before after
PTFE seal applications in twin screw compressors
screw compressors
Air compressor input shaft
D u ring normal operation, seal pressure is
below atmospheric pressure, and the input
shaft seal prevents air and contaminants
from entering the compressor At shutdown,
there is a sudden increase in pressure at the Single hydrodynamic Single hydrodynamic Single hydrodynamic lip with
lip all PTFE lip metal cased wiper metal cased
seal location and the seal prevents oil from
leaking out The input shaft seal can be used
in combination with a wear sleeve to avoid
wear of the shaft and to enable easier ield
repairs (ig. 4) A front lip with a spiral groove
is available as an option A typical design for
shop air compressors involves a primary seal Fig. 3
lip with a thread, a secondary seal lip without Double lip seal geometries 5
a thread and a wiper seal lip The threaded A secondary lip enables the seal to be used at pressures up to 13 bar with spikes to 20 bar
primary seal lip seals when the compressor
is running, but leaks at higher pressure dur-
ing shutdown The non threaded secondary
seal lip prevents leakage at shutdown When
the compressor is restarted, the threaded
primary seal pumps the oil collected
between the primary and secondary seal lips
back into the bearings
The wiper seal lip prevent contamination
from entering the compressor
Double lip all PTFE Double lip Double lip metal cased
metal cased with wiper
Fig. 4
PTFE seals in twin screw compressors
Internal rotor seals Mechanical seal replacement Mechanical seal oil retention
PTFE seals PTFE seals
Applied at the discharge end of air-condi-
tioning screw compressors, internal rotor For higher pressure applications, up to In refrigerant open drive compressors,
seals have several functions: 13 bar, a triple lip PTFE seal can be used as mechanical seals prevent refrigerants and oil
an economical and less complicated alterna- from leaking to the outside and air from
• To prevent hot gas and contaminants from tive to a mechanical seal A dust lip prevents leaking into the compressor Additionally a
entering the bearing housing air and contaminants from entering the PTFE dust seal is applied to prevent contam-
• To minimize the amount of internal gas compressor, double seal lips prevent refrig- inants to enter A PTFE oil-retention seal
leakage and thereby increasing compres- erant and oil from leaking out The lips can prevents oil from escaping the mechanical
sor eficiency be with or without spiral grooves The inner seal housing during shutoff and standstill
• To reduce bearing housing pressure which and outer lips are of different materials for and ensures lubrication of mechanical seal
reduces axial bearing load optimum performance faces Oil-retention seals have a single lip
• To reduce bearing housing temperature and can be metal cases or non metal cased,
and improve bearing lubrication depending on size (ig. 6)
Fig. 5
PTFE seal applications in twin screw compressors
Fig. 7
Butt joint
Angled joint
Overlap joint
Fig. 6
PTFE seals in twin screw compressors
Fig. 8
2,5 Acceptable
velocities / pressures
3 5 10 15 20 25 30
Velocity [m/s]
Table 1
Dimensions for commonly used PTFE seals and wear sleeves [mm]
mm mm
17 22 13 22 35 / 40 / 47
20 25 17 25 40 / 47 / 52
d d 1* D 25 30 18 30 42 / 47 / 52
30 35 20 35 50 / 52 / 55
40 45 20 45 62 / 65
45 55 22 55 72 / 80
50 55 25 55 72 / 80
60 70 25 70 90 / 95
65 75 28 75 95 / 100
70 80 25 80 100 / 110
75 85 30 85 110 / 120
* M a ting PTFE lip diameter 80 90 25 90 110 / 120
90 100 36 100 120 / 125 / 130
P TFE seal applications in twin screw compressors
7 5
Screw compressor types
Operating conditions
Air compressors rotor-to-rotor contact, seal leakage gaps
between the rootors and between the rotors Speeds
The irst air screw compressors were high and the housing, and cool the compressor
speed machines using external timing gears An oil separator on the discharge side ilters The rotor tip speed is typically 30 to 40 m/s
to synchronize the rotors The rotors were out the oil, but the air is not 100% oil free Oil The speeds are adjusted to the compressor
designed to rotate without contact with the injection makes it possible to generate capacity needed by exchange of gear sets or
compressor housing or with each other This higher pressures, operate at lower speeds drive belts The bearing ndm speeds less
compressor type was called “dry running” and with higher eficiency, compared to dry than 450 000
because the rotors operate without injection running compressors With oil injection,
of a luid into the compression cavity The manufacturing is also simpliied and less Radial bearing loads
irst oil-injected air compressor was intro- expensive The radial loads are highest at the female
duced in the late 1950s This design did not Compression can be in one or two stages, discharge position, lighter at the discharge
use timing gears Instead, the male rotor with discharge pressures of 10 to 13 bar for male position and less on the suction side
would drive the female rotor by contacts single stage and 20 to 35 bar for two-stage With gear drive, the radial loads are higher
through the rotor lobes This opened up a compressors The high pressure ratios are at the drive position, which is usually on the
larger market for air screw compressors, made possible by the oil injection, since the suction side
making it the leading design in medium-size oil is cooling the air during compression The
air compressors eficiency is reduced as the pressure ratio is Axial bearing loads
increased because more oil is needed and The axial force is usually higher on the male
the discharge temperature is increased An rotor and lighter on the female rotor The net
Oil-injected air compressors example of a gear-driven oil-injected air thrust bearing force is a combination of the
compressor is shown in ig. 1, page 78 gas force, axial gear forces, balance piston
In oil-injected screw compressors, oil is injected forces, backup bearing or reverse thrust
into the compression cavity to lubricate the bearing forces and, at startup, inertial forces
Screw compressor types
Fig. 1
Air compressors
Table 1
Bearing inal variant speciication and application recommendations for oil injected screw compressors
– – – mm minutes
RF = radially free
Additional recommendations
• For angular contact ball bearings and four point contact ball bearings taking axial loads only, it is possible to use the same shaft tolerance as for the
adjacent cylindrical roller bearing The inluence on clearance and/or stand-out between the rings shall be checked
• Total run-out, surface inish and housing tolerance recommendations refer to table 5 to 7 on page 39 to 40
• Tapered roller bearings are not recommended in refrigerant compressors
• Maximum temperature for cages, see table 4, page 38
• For more details on these recommendations, contact SKF application engineering service
Screw compressor types
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Four point angular contact ball bearing arrangement for dry air Four point angular contact ball bearing arrangement for dry air
compressor compressor, with a spring loaded 15° angular contact backup
Air compressors
Lubrication Fig. 6
L ubrica t i o n is by oil jet – see chapter Lubri- Drive gear bearing arrangement for dry air compressor.
cation by oil jet, page 31 for details A sepa- The large bull gear drives the pinions of the irst and second stage compressors
rate oil pump is used to circulate the oil and
an oil cooler is used for cooling The operat-
ing viscosity should be greater than ν1, this
means κ should be greater than 1,0 and
preferably greater than 1,5
Second stage drive pinion
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Angular contact ball bearing arrangement for dry air compressor Angular contact ball bearing arrangement for dry air compressor
with one 25° thrust bearings and one 15° backup bearing with two 25° thrust bearings in tandem and one 25° backup bearing
Screw compressor types
Diagram 1 Diagram 2
Axial rotor displacement vs axial load Axial rotor displacement vs axial load
at zero speed at ndm = 1 000 000
10 10
–1 500 –500 –1 500 –500
–20 –20
–30 –30
–40 –40
–50 –50
–60 –60
Diagram 3
Legends for diagram 1 to 3
L10 life vs axial load.
The life shown is the shortest among the axial bearings of the arrangement
— One four point contact ball
at ndm = 1 000 000
bearing, SKF QJ 210 C2L
70 000
60 000 — One four point contact ball bear-
ing SKF QJ 210 C2L and one
50 000 spring loaded angular contact ball
SKF 7210 CD
40 000
30 000
20 000
10 000
— Two 25° angular contact ball
–1 500 –500 0 500 1 500 2 500 3 500 bearings, SKF 7210 ACD, in tan-
dem arrangement
Axial load [N] NOTE: This arrangement is not
recommended because of the
large negative displacement at
high speed and low axial load (see
diagram 2)
Air compressors
Table 2
Bearing inal variant speciication and application recommendations for dry air screw compressors
– – – mm minutes
B CN CN CN 2,0
k6/RF k6/RF m6/RF
3,0 6
Additional recommendations
Use hybrid bearings (HC sufix) for highest speeds and/or to minimize reverse axial displacement
For angular contact ball bearings and four point contact ball bearings taking axial loads only, it is possible to use the same shaft tolerance as for the
adjacent cylindrical roller bearing The inluence on clearance and/or stand-out between the rings shall be checked
Total run-out and surface inish tolerance recommendations refer to tables 5, 7 and 8 on pages 39 to 40
Maximum temperature for cages, see table 4, page 38
Use ACD or AC backup bearings to minimize reverse axial displacement
Use CD backup bearings to minimize internal axial loads induced by centrifugal force
Use hybrid CD backup bearings (HC sufix) to further minimize internal axial loads induced by centrifugal force
For advice on how to select bearings and bearing arrangement, please contact SKF application engineering service
Screw compressor types
Fig 7
Refrigerant compressors
Screw compressor types
Fig. 8
Refrigerant compressors
Screw compressor types
Natural and sour gas compressors
In such applications, SKF recommends Other more accurate methods exist, how- For calculation of κ, the viscosity of the mix-
purging the compressor at a standstill with ever Please contact SKF applications engi- ture should be multiplied with a correction
sweet or nitrogen gas neering service for more information factor for the lower pressure coeficient of
The in situ pH for the process gas contain- Dilution using the density method is given the light hydrocarbon liquid natural gaso-
ing H2S and CO2 is given for various gas by assuming dilution by 0,68 natural line), see diagram 5, page 29, similar to the
compositions with additives in the ISO 15156 gasoline: adjustment for refrigerant/oil mixtures, see
and NACE MR0175 standards However, a refrigerating example page 36
ρlube – ρm
worst case estimate can be calculated with x0,68 = ————–
ρlube – ρ0,68
the formula below:
Lubrication where
x0,68 = Volume fraction of natrual gasoline
It is common for the oil in an oil-injected gas [mm2/s]
compressor to become diluted over time by νm = Viscosity of mixture [mm2/s] 6
light hydrocarbon liquids, if the compressor νoil = Viscosity of lubricating mineral oil
is handling hydrocarbon gases The viscosity [mm2/s]
of such an oil and light hydrocarbon mixture ν0,68 = Visocisty of natrual gasoline [mm2/s]
can be estimated by using the Irving equa-
tion on a volume fraction basis:
ln νm =O xi ln νi
where Table 3
νi = The viscosity of the i component in the Contaminants of process gases
blend/mixture [mm2/s]
xi = The volume fraction of the i component Contaminant Comment
νm = The viscosity of the blend/mixture
XYZ[\] ^ ]_`Zb] T h e c Z[dYe ase salinity of condensing water and therefore increase the
electrical conductivity Thus the ability to cause hydrogen charging,
A good approximation of the viscosity prop- sulide attacks, pitting corrosion and general corrosion increases The
erties of dilution by light hydrocarbon liquids solids may clog ilters etc at standstill and thus reduce oil-low, espe-
cially at start-up by forming scale
is to assume it to be natural gasoline (0,68
relative density) with the approximate Mercaptans (Thiols) Mercaptans are organosulfur compounds that often exhibit a strong
properties: odour and bond strongly with mercury compounds
Mercury Mercury (Hg) and mercury compounds such as HgS may be present in
• Density, ρ0,68 680 kg/m3 ppm levels in natural gases and reinery gases Mercury and its com-
• Viscosity, ν0,68 at 40 °C 0,19 mm2/s pounds can be aggressive to metals by attack of grain boundaries
• Viscosity, ν0,68 at 100 °C 0,12 mm2/s Quartz sand May cause wear and denting of rolling bearings if not separated or il-
tered from the gas stream
The actual amount of dilution can be esti-
mated by measuring the density of the
diluted oil and comparing it to the density of
the fresh oil, assuming no change of density
from any other source
Screw compressor types
Four point ball and cylindrical roller sour gas bearings with rings made of high nitrogen stainless
steel and ceramic rolling elements and PEEK cages
Diagram 1
In-situ [pH]
6,5 Re c ommendations for use of SKF sour gas
• In applications deined by the blue area in
6,0 the diagram
• When κ (adjusted for dilution of liquid gases)
is less than 1 0
5,5 • At high risk of water condensation
3,5 2)
0,01 0,1 0,3 1,0 10 100 1 000
Partial pressure (H2S) [kPa]
Natural and sour gas compressors
⎛―—894 ⎞ Methane CH4 Sweet gas – Used as purge gas at standstill, if clean and dry, of
⎝273 + T⎠
compressors 6
ν0,68 = 0,0109 e
Ethane C2H4 Molecular weight higher than methane
Hexane plus ≥ C5H14 Component in natural gasoline, even small quantities may over
time, dilute the lube oil
Drive arrangements
Drive arrangements are similar to those of
ammonia compressors (ig. 8, page 86),
with the exception that in gas ield applica-
tions, the driver is usually an engine ired by
the gas being extracted There are gears
between the compressor and the engine to
provide the correct compressor speed In
such drive arrangements, the same oil is
used for compressor, gear and engine
Hydrogen-rich gases, as often handled in reineries, frequently have a hydrogen content of about
60–80 mol%, with the remaining part comprising various hydrocarbons, acid and sour gases, and
being fully saturated with water
NOTE: Dry and pure hydrogen does not cause bearing issues by itself if not under extremely high
pressures (tens of thousands kPa, hundreds of bars or several thousands psi) Ethene: Ethylene
Propene: Propylene
Bearing damage and failure
Bearing damage and failure in screw com- Bearings in screw compressors can fail pre-
pressors is usually the result of surface maturely for a number of different reasons
damage caused by: In addition to the causes mentioned, prema-
ture failure can also result from damage
• inadequate lubrication during transport or standstill, mounting
• unforeseen contamination problems or improper handling
• water condensation Each cause of failure produces its own
• skidding of rolling elements particular type of damage and leaves its own
• the passage of electrical current special signature on the bearing
Consequently, by examining a damaged
bearing, it is possible in most cases to deter-
mine the root cause of the damage so that
appropriate actions can be taken to prevent
a recurrence
Bearing damage and failure
Root cause analysis ISO has done much work deining and classi- Subsurface initiated fatigue
fying different failure modes This has
I t is dificult if not impossible to undertake resulted in the ISO 15243 standard Material deterioration is caused by cyclic
root cause failure analysis on a damaged (diagram 1) When looking at bearing fail- loading and the build-up of stresses just
bearing, particularly if it has run to failure ures, a total of six main failure modes can be underneath the raceway surface, ulti-
(ig. 1) without information on the operating observed, which can be further classiied into mately resulting in material decay
conditions, a lubricant analysis, the bearing a number of sub modes The classiication is Cracks are initiated and propagate under-
assembly drawing, and the operating speed based on three major factors: neath the surface, and when they come to
and loads Initial damage can give clues the surface, spalling occurs (igs. 2 and 3)
about the likely root causes Often the initial • damage and changes that occurred during
damage is masked by secondary damage service (as soon as a bearing has left the Corrective actions
such as spalls, smearing or even ring cracks factory)
which ultimately lead to catastrophic bearing • characteristic forms of change in appear- Considerations during operation
failure For this reason, SKF recommends ance that can be attributed to a particular • Bearing steel manufacturing improve-
dismounting damaged bearings before they cause ments have made pure material fatigue in
fail This increases the chances of determin- • classiied by visible features (including the high-quality rolling bearings rare
ing the root cause and allows appropriate use of non-destructive equipment for • Fatigue spalling, where it does occur, is
corrective actions to be taken, reducing the magnifying, such as microscopes) usually the result of an abnormal operat-
risk of repeated bearing failures and collat- ing condition that leads to higher stress in
eral damage the bearing,
While some bearings can operate for
months with easily-detectable minor surface Actions
damage, in others the damage develops • Only use high quality bearings
more quickly The period between the irst • Check belt tension in a belt driven screw
detectable damage and failure can be less compressor
than the interval between two vibration • Check the bearing seating dimensional
analysis readings taken with a handheld and geometrical tolerances
device As a result, continuous online tem- • Make sure adjacent components are prop-
perature and vibration monitoring is often erly designed and manufactured
worth considering
Whether bearing damage is light or
severe, a thorough inspection can provide
valuable information about the root cause of
the problem During an inspection, the key is
to have a structured way of working It is
commonly understood that:
Root cause analysis
Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Spalling caused by fatigue Subsurface initiated fatigue on an angular contact ball bearing
outer ring raceway
0,3 – 0,5 mm
Diagram 1
Bearing damage and failure
Actions Fig. 6
• Revie |l }lx a|zh z~{}~z| } |l quvxz - Microspalls and cracks on the raceway surface (high magniication)
cah| |jzh j{ tujq }lx a|zh {}hkz|z}h~
zh|} {}h~zklxa|z}h
• Check |l {}hkz|z}h } |l seals
9 6
Root cause analysis
Corrective actions
Spalling of steel raceways caused by stress
Avoid water condensation in the oil loop of corrosion cracking
the compressor, e g by ensuring that the 7
discharge temperature is +10 °C above the
dew point In severe sulide stress cracking
regions (diagram 1, page 90) and for water
saturated hydrogen-rich gases it is recom-
mended to use so-called sour gas bearings
Calotte spalling of steel balls caused by hydro- Cracking of bearing shoulders in hydrogen-rich
gen induced cracking from CO2 and condensing gases due to stress corrosion cracking caused
water, causing general pitting corrosion by water condensation
Bearing damage and failure
Fig. 7 Fig. 8
Root cause analysis
Both raceways in the outer raceways of a four point contact ball bearings are loaded due to that the
bearing is loaded radially.
Fig. 9
Fig. 10 Fig. 11
Bearing damage and failure
outer/inner ring
Fig. 12
Fretting corrosion in the bore of bearings, resulting from
Moisture corrosion on the inner ring of a cylindrical roller bearing inadequate shaft it
Root cause analysis
F alse brinelling, also referred to as frictional Electrical erosion can occur when a current
corrosion damage, occurs in rolling element/ passes from one ring to the other through
raceway contact areas due to micro move- the rolling elements of a bearing Excessive
ments and resilience of the elastic contact current (high current density) and current
under cyclic vibrations Since it occurs when leakage (low current intensity) are two sub a
the bearing is stationary and loaded, the failure modes
damage appears at rolling element pitch When an electric current (ig. 13) passes
Depending on the vibration intensity, the from one ring to the other via the rolling
lubrication condition and load, a combination elements, damage will occur (a) At the con-
of corrosion and wear occurs, forming shal- tact surfaces, the process is similar to elec-
low depressions in the raceways Normally, tric arc welding high current density over a
Electric current passes
the vibration results in a local breakthrough small contact surface (b) The material is
of the (protective) lubricant ilm, metal-to- heated to temperatures ranging from tem-
metal contact, corrosion of the surfaces and pering to melting levels This leads to the
abrasive wear The appearance is therefore appearance of discoloured areas, varying in b
usually dull, often discoloured and some- size, where the material has been tempered,
times reddish due to corrosion Occasionally, rehardened or melted Craters also form
the depressions can be shiny False brinelling where the material has melted and conse-
damage results in spherical cavities for ball quently broken away due to the rotation of
bearings and lines for roller bearings the rolling element (c) The excess material
on the rolling element wears away (d) A kind of electric arc welding happens
Corrective action (against false brinelling) Appearance: Craters in raceways and rolling between the ring and rolling element
False brinelling can be minimized by install- elements Sometimes zigzag burns can be
ing spring preloaded bearings (page 52) seen in ball bearing raceways Local burns
Do not place non-rotating screw com- are visible on the raceways and rolling c
pressors close to vibrating machines or in elements
an environment where signiicant vibrations In the initial stage of current leakage ero-
occur sion damage, the surface is typically dam-
aged by shallow craters that are closely posi-
tioned to one another and smaller in 7
diameter compared to the damage from Melted material solidiies and breaks away
excessive current This happens even if the
current intensity is comparatively low These
are so small, they can hardly be seen without
Molten material
Rehardened material
Annealed material
Bearing damage and failure
Fig. 14
Corrective action – a solution to electrical
A ashboard pattern may develop from
Washboarding caused by current leakage craters over time The pattern appears on
erosion the raceways (igs. 14 and 15) In roller Currents traveling through the bearings can
bearings, the washboard pattern also originate from grounding problems, fre-
appears on the rollers (ig. 15) In ball bear- quency inverters, cabling and motors
ings, the balls typically become discolored The very irst stage of current leakage
(dull, light to dark grey) over their entire (electrical erosion) – current passing through
surface (ig. 16) the bearing is a grey dull surface in the race-
The extent of the damage depends on a way or on the rolling elements The dull sur-
number of factors: current intensity, dura- faces can easily be confused with other fail-
tion, bearing load, speed and lubricant ure modes It is therefore important to
(ig. 17) investigate the bearing with magniication
Solving the problem of electrical erosion
in compressor or motor bearings usually
involves insulating the shaft from the hous-
Fig. 15 ing so that stray currents are not grounded
Washboarding on inner and outer rings through the bearings Although there is no
and roller raceways single best way to do this, one solution is to
use insulated bearings SKF hybrid bearings
with ceramic rolling elements provide sufi-
cient insulation An alternative way to insu-
late the shaft is to use bearings with rings
that are coated with a ceramic material such
as SKF Insocoat
Fig. 17
Current leakage
Dull grey path pattern of the race way can be
a sign of microcratering
Fig. 16
Current leakage
Dull grey surface of the rolling elements can be a sign of microcratering
Root cause analysis
Plastic deformation
Permanent deformation occurs whenever
the yield strength of the material is
Overload results from peak loads and leads
to plastic deformation This appears as
depressions at rolling element distance in
the bearing raceways Often, wrong mount-
ing procedures are the reason for the prob-
lem, i e , applying the mounting force to the
wrong ring thereby producing a peak load
over the rolling elements Fig. 18 shows an
example of poor assembly of a cylindrical
roller bearing in the mounting stage The
rollers have made nicks on the inner ring
raceway at roller pitch If put into service,
high noise and eventually failure will result Fig. 18
Also, bearings must always be handled Inner ring of a cylindrical roller bearing with nicks that occurred during mounting
with care Although made of highest quality
steel, localized overloads, e g , from dropping
a bearing, might dent the surfaces and make
the bearing unserviceable
Fig. 19
Back of indentation
Bearing damage and failure
Corrective action (overload)
Corrective action
(against indentations from debris)
• Do not unpack the bearing until immedi-
ately before mounting
• Keep the workshop and tools clean
• Avoid using compressed air to clean
the compressor parts
• Flush the housing and the adjacent
components before assembly
Fig. 20
Root cause analysis
Forced fracture
Forced fracture is caused by a stress con-
cerntraction in excess of the material tensile
strength by local impact or over-stressing
One common cause is rough treatment Forced fracture
Forced fracture of a
(impact) when a bearing is being mounted or cylinder roller bearing
dismounted Hammer blows applied to a inner ring.
hardened chisel directly against the ring may
cause the formation of ine cracks The result
is that pieces of the ring break off when the
bearing is put into service
Fatigue fracture
This starts when the fatigue strength of the
bearing material is exceeded A crack is initi-
ated and will then propagate Finally, the
Fatigue cracking
whole ring or cage cracks through A fatigue fatigue cracking due to
fracture starts when the fatigue strength of high dynamic cage
a material is exceeded under cyclic bending pocket loads, also
observable in the cage
Repeated bending causes a hairline crack pocket guiding
which propagates until the ring or cage surfaces.
develops a through crack
Thermal cracking 7
Thermal cracking can occur when two sur-
faces slide heavily against each other One
example is an outer ring centred cage that
has seen poor lubrication conditions Crack-
ing can also occur if a ring is turning and
rubbing against an abutment or nut The
frictional heat that is developed causes
cracks, generally at right angles to the sliding
direction Thermal cracking
Thermal cracking of a
cylinder roller bearing
Corrective actions outer ring shoulder.
(against fracture and cracking)
• Apply its according to table 6, page 40
and use appropriate mounting tools and
• Handle bearings with care
• Ensure that minimum load requirement is
fulilled in high speed applications
• Ensure that an appropriate cages design
have been is selected for the operating
Thermal cracking
Metal smearing and
transverse thermal
cracks on the side face
of an inner ring caused
by rubbing against a
nut or abutment.
1 07
® S K F is a registered trademark of the SKF Group