Earth and Life Science Performance Task

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Earth and Life Science

ICT 11 and HUMSS 11 Vasadre

1. Make a Report on the following Organ Systems.
1. Digestive System
2. Circulatory System
3. Respiratory System
4. Endocrine System
5. Excretory System
2. Format of the Report
1. Introduction
2. Parts of the Organ system
3. Function of the Organ system
4. Drawing of the Organ system (separate sheet)
5. References (at least 2 References per Organ system)

Criteria/Points 5 Tony Hawk 4 Ranked 3 Pretty Decent 2 Better keep 1 Crash and
the pads Burn
Overall Explained 5 fully explained 4 highly 3 moderately 2 fairly explained 1 not explained
explained explained
Accuracy of No mistakes 1 mistake 2 mistakes 3 mistakes 4 mistakes
Scientific Terms

Organ Systems Fully explained Partially Explanation Explanation Explanation

and relevant explained and incorrect or not incorrect and not missing
relevant relevant relevant
Format All is present 4 is present 3 is present 2 is present 1 is present

3. Put it in a Brown Envelop. (individual performance task)

Portfolio in Earth and Life Science

Yra Salazar

4. Hand written or Computerized. (Short bond paper)

5. Present your task in 5 minutes on Friday.
Submit it on Friday!!!

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