Module 6: System Administration: E-Series Routing Protocols
Module 6: System Administration: E-Series Routing Protocols
Module 6: System Administration: E-Series Routing Protocols
Juniper Networks
FTP Server FTP Server
Change the software release configuration and
reload the router
– Configure the router to use the new software release:
ERX1(config)#boot system erx_4-0-2.rel
WARNING: It is recommended that you copy the current running-configuration
to a file prior to running with a different release of software.
– Verify the boot settings:
ERX1#show boot
System Release: erx_4-0-2.rel
System Configuration: running-configuration
Note: This system is not configured with backup settings.
– Reload the router
– Verify and test the new software release
Copyright © 2003, Juniper Networks, Inc.
Upgrading Software: A Special Case
Upgrading to a significantly different software release:
– Create a configuration script of the current configuration
Store a copy on the flash
Store a copy on the workstation
– Configure the router to boot from a factory default
– Configure the router to use the new software release
– Verify the boot settings
– Reload the router
– Verify that all line modules are online
– Configure the router using the configuration script
– Verify and test the new software release
Possible solutions:
– Option 1: Type reload at the boot## prompt
– Option 2: If the flash is accessible, configure the router to
boot using a system release on the flash card and the
factory-default configuration file:
:boot##boot system erx_4-0-2.rel
:boot##boot config factory-default
User Password Privileged
Exec Exec
Username Password
gary miata
diane piano
– Configure the router authentication scheme used for console
ERX1(config)# aaa authentication login loginlist radius
tacacs line none
– Configure the console line to use the authentication scheme
defined above, and configure a console password:
ERX1(config)# line console 0
ERX1(config-line)# login authentication loginlist
ERX1(config-line)# password consolepass
– Configure the appropriate RADIUS components
– Configure the router authentication scheme used for
Telnet sessions (this authentication scheme could be
same one used for the console):
ERX1(config)# aaa authentication login telnetlist
radius line
– Configure the virtual or Telnet lines to use the
authentication scheme defined above, and configure a
Telnet password:
ERX1(config)# line vty 0 4
ERX1(config-line)# login authentication telnetlist
ERX1(config-line)# password telnetpass
Password User Password Privileged
Exec Exec
ERX1>enable 10
Enable passwords:
– Can be configured per level
– Stored locally on the E-series router
– Access the boot## prompt
Reset button on SRP
Control X at console login prompt
Power cycle the router (last resort)
For all, type mb during countdown
– Disable console authentication and reload router:
:boot##disable console authentication
Configure the FTP server host record:
client(config)# host server ftp
2 FTP the file from the server to the
Client using the copy command:
client#copy server:/outgoing/start.scr start.scr
1 Configure the E-series router to be an FTP server:
server(config)#ftp-server enable