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Non Derogation Decommissioning Programme Template - November 2018

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November 2018

Version 3

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Note: Annotate the Contents table to indicate which sections refer to installation or pipeline
programmes or both. INST = Installations PL = Pipelines INST PL
Delete options and brackets where appropriate. Remove red help text throughout document
1 Executive Summary 5
1.1 Decommissioning Programme/Combined Decommissioning Programmes 5 √ √
1.2 Requirement for Decommissioning Programme(s) 5 √ √
1.3 Introduction 5 √ √
1.4 Overview of Installation(s)/Pipeline(s) Being Decommissioned 6 √ √
1.5 Summary of Proposed Decommissioning Programme(s) 7 √ √
1.6 Field Location Including Field Layout and Adjacent Facilities 8 √ √
1.7 Industrial Implications 11

2 Description of Items to be Decommissioned 12

2.1 Installation(s): Surface Facilities 12 √
2.2 Installation(s): Subsea including Stabilisation Features 12 √
2.3 Pipelines including Stabilisation Features 14 √
2.4 Wells 16 √
2.5 Drill Cuttings 16 √
2.6 Inventory Estimates 17 √ √

3 Removal and Disposal Methods 18

3.1 Topside 18 √
3.2 Jacket(s) 20 √
3.3 Subsea Installations and Stabilisation Features 21 √
3.4 Pipeline(s) 22 √
3.5 Pipeline Stabilisation Features 23 √
3.6 Wells 24 √
3.7 Drill Cuttings 25 √
3.8 Waste Streams 26 √ √

4 Environmental Appraisal Overview 27

4.1 Environmental Sensitivities (Summary) 27 √ √
4.2 Potential Environmental Impacts and their Management 28 √ √

5 Interested Party Consultations 29 √ √

6 Programme Management 30
6.1 Project Management and Verification 30 √ √
6.2 Post-Decommissioning Debris Clearance and Verification 30 √ √
6.3 Schedule 31 √ √
6.4 Costs 31 √ √
6.5 Close Out 32 √ √
6.6 Post-Decommissioning Monitoring and Evaluation 32 √ √

7 Supporting Documents 33 √ √

8 Partner Letter(s) of Support 34 √ √

Terms and Abbreviations
Include a table of the terms and abbreviations used in the document (examples in blue below).

Abbreviation Explanation
OPRED Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning
EA Environmental Appraisal
CA Comparative Assessment

Figures and Tables

Include a table of Figures and Tables used in the document.

Include a table of the Appendices which are to be included as part of this document (example in blue below).

Appendix Description Page

1 Copy of Public Notice

Note: The Environmental Appraisal (EA) and any Comparative Assessment (CA) for pipelines are separate,
referenced documents in support of the decommissioning programme(s). They should not be included as an
Appendix but listed in Section 7 (Supporting Documents).

A copy of the Public Notice should be attached as an appendix to the final version of the programme.


1.1 Decommissioning Programme/Combined Decommissioning Programmes

This document contains ______ decommissioning programme(s) for ______installation(s) and _______

Combined Decommissioning Programmes: Please provide a clear statement confirming that there is a separate
programme for each set of associated notices served under Section 29 of the Petroleum Act 1998.

1.2 Requirement for Decommissioning Programme(s)

Delete appropriate paragraph below if only one decommissioning programme.

In accordance with the Petroleum Act 1998, the Section 29 notice holders of the ________________
installation(s)/field (see Table 1.2) are applying to the Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and
Decommissioning (OPRED) to obtain approval for decommissioning the installations detailed in Section 2.1 and
2.2 of this programme. (See also Section 8 - Partner Letter(s) of Support).

In accordance with the Petroleum Act 1998, the Section 29 notice holders of the ________________ pipelines
(see Table 1.4) are applying to the Offshore Petroleum Regulator for Environment and Decommissioning
(OPRED) to obtain approval for decommissioning the pipelines detailed in Section 2.3 of this programme. (See
also Section 8 – Partner Letter(s) of Support).

In conjunction with public, stakeholder and regulatory consultation, the decommissioning programme(s) is/are
submitted in compliance with national and international regulations and OPRED guidelines. The schedule
outlined in this document is for a _____ year decommissioning project plan due to begin in ________________.

1.3 Introduction
Insert introductory paragraphs outlining the background of the decommissioning proposal with information on
topsides, jacket and pipelines (where applicable). Freeform text as per example paragraphs below. (Suggested
maximum of 250 words)

The Welland Field is located in the Southern Basin of the UKCS in license block 53/4a. Welland was discovered in
1983 and consists of three gas reservoirs with condensate traces. It received Annex B approval in 1989 for a
single platform remotely operated from Thames platform. The platform was installed, and production started in
1990. Production ceased in 2003 due to excessive water rates and equipment failures. Cessation of Production
notification was submitted in 2004.

Welland Platform is a 1000 Te topside minimum facilities structure in 37m water depth. It was designed and
operated as a normally unattended satellite installation. Gas was exported to the nearby Thames complex.
Subsea tie-backs to 3 remote wells comingle with production from the 2 platform wells.

Following public, stakeholder and regulatory consultation, the decommissioning programme(s) is/are submitted
without derogation and in full compliance with OPRED guidelines. The decommissioning programme(s) explains
the principles of the removal activities and is supported by an environmental appraisal (EA).

1.4 Overview of Installation(s)/Pipeline(s) Being Decommissioned
1.4.1 Installation(s)

Table 1.1: Installation(s) Being Decommissioned

Field(s) Production Type
Water Depth (m) UKCS block
Distance to Distance from nearest UK
median (km) coastline (km)
Surface Installation(s)
Number Type* Topsides Weight (Te) Jacket Weight (Te)

Subsea Installation(s) Number of Wells

Number Type** Platform Subsea

Drill Cuttings pile(s)

Number of Piles Total Estimated volume (m3)
* fixed steel jacket/floating facility/FPSO/etc
**template/manifold/WHPS etc

Table 1.2: Installation(s) Section 29 Notice Holders Details

Section 29 Notice Holder(s)* Registration Number Equity Interest (%)
If zero show 0%

Any companies which are Exited companies on the Section 29 Notice should also be listed here. Do not include
withdrawn companies.
*Please use full registered company names as recorded on Companies House.

1.4.2 Pipeline(s)

Table 1.3: Pipeline(s) Being Decommissioned

Number of Pipeline(s) Details given in Table 2.3

Table 1.4: Pipeline(s) Section 29 Notice Holders Details

Section 29 Notice Holder(s)* Registration Number Equity Interest (%)
If zero show 0%

Any companies which are Exited companies on the Section 29 Notice should also be listed here. Do not include
withdrawn companies.
* Please use full registered company names as recorded on Companies House.

1.5 Summary of Proposed Decommissioning Programme(s)

Complete Table 1.5, as per examples in blue below.

Table 1.5: Summary of Decommissioning Programme(s)

Selected Option Reason for Selection Proposed Decommissioning Solution
1. Topsides
Complete removal and re-use Perenco subsidiary indicated that Cleaned equipment refurbished for
(or N/A if subsea installation(s) Welland installation suitable for re-use where possible. Remove
only or pipeline(s) only development of new well outside wholly by HLV. Equipment which
programme) UKCS waters. cannot be re-used will be recycled or
other disposal routes as appropriate.
2. Substructures (Jackets/FPSO etc)
Complete removal and recycling Leaves clean seabed, removes a May need to be cut at the -11m level
(or N/A if a subsea installation(s) potential obstruction to fishing (26m above sea-bed) to allow re-use
only or pipeline(s) only operations and maximises at proposed new location. Legs will
programme) recycling of materials be removed with piles and cut on
vessel/ barge decks or at an onshore
location. Lower 26M of the jacket
and piles and subsea wellhead
protection frames will be
transported ashore for recycling.
3. Subsea Installation(s)
Wellhead protection frames will To remove all seabed structures Wellhead protection frames will be
be removed by HLV or crane and leave a clear seabed removed along with the top sections
vessel with crane (or N/A if none of piles. Piles for wellhead protection
present or pipeline(s) only structures will be removed to -3
programme) metres.
4. Pipelines, Flowlines & Umbilicals
Flush and leave buried in situ (or Minimal seabed disturbance, The 16 inch pipeline, 3inch piggy-
N/A if an installation(s) only lower energy usage, reduced risk back line, three 8 inch flowlines and
programme) to personnel three 4” umbilicals will be left in situ,
with the cut ends re-buried as
recommended by the Fishermen’s
Federation. Surveys indicate
pipelines and umbilicals will remain
buried with flooding. Degradation
will occur over a long period within
seabed sediment, not expected to
represent a hazard to other users of
the sea.
5. Wells

Abandoned in accordance with Meets OGA and HSE regulatory A PON5/ Portal Environmental
Oil & Gas UK Guidelines for the requirements. Tracking System (PETS)/Marine
Suspension and abandonment of Licence application under the
Wells. relevant regulations will be
submitted in support of works
carried out.
6. Drill Cuttings
Leave in place to degrade Cuttings pile is small, thin and Left undisturbed on seabed.
naturally. widely dispersed and falls below
both of OSPAR 2006/5 thresholds
7. Interdependencies
Provide (as appropriate) a comment on any interactions between the different elements of the
decommissioning programme e.g. drill cuttings/drilling templates etc.
Whole of jacket can be removed; cuttings pile has little influence on jacket options. Jacket piles can be cut
with minimal disturbance to the thin layer of cuttings around bottoms of legs. Small amounts of sediment and
cuttings may have to be displaced to allow pile cutting.

1.6 Field Location Including Field Layout and Adjacent Facilities

Figure 1.1: Field Location in UKCS

Include a figure which shows the field location in UKCS (see example)

Figure 1.2: Field Layout

Insert a diagram to show the layout of the field, including subsea installation(s) (see example)

Note: Adjacent facilities refer to those potentially impacted by this programme.

Complete Table 1.6 (examples in blue below) listing any adjacent facilities (e.g. platforms, pipelines, pipeline
crossings and telephone cables). Please use full company names and use pipeline numbers as per OGA PWA

Table 1.6: Adjacent Facilities

Owner Name Type Distance/Direction Information Status
Perenco UK Thames Platform 17km North West Gas/liquids e.g. Operational;
Limited processing, MEG Out-of-use;
and control
system links for
Welland, onward
export to Bacton
Perenco UK PL674 16” Pipeline From Welland to Crosses 2 disused
Limited Thames (17km NW) cables and Sean
30” gas pipeline
to Bacton
Perenco UK Gawain Subsea Well 500m From Gawain to
Limited umbilical Thames, crosses
Impacts of Decommissioning Proposals
If appropriate describe any impacts the adjacent facilities may have on the decommissioning proposals.
(Suggested maximum of 50 words)

Include details in this section of decommissioning arrangements for any pipeline crossings that are impacted
by the decommissioning activity.

Figure 1.3: Adjacent Facilities

Insert a diagram to show the specified adjacent facilities (see example)

1.7 Industrial Implications

Provide a summary describing how the contract/procurement strategy is to be undertaken. (Suggested
maximum of 250 words)


2.1 Installation(s): Surface Facilities (Topsides/Jacket(s)/FPSO etc.)

Complete Table 2.1 (example in blue below). Repeat for each installation in the programme. Insert N/A (not
applicable) or N/D (no data) as appropriate.

Table 2.1: Surface Facilities Information

Topsides/Facilities Jacket (if applicable)
Facility Location** Weight
Name Weight No of Weight Number Number
Type* of piles
(Te) modules (Te) of legs of piles
WGS84 58.050772 942 1 570 3 3 300
Welland Small Decimal 0.351589
South fixed WGS84 580
Platform steel 3.046’N
Minute 00 21.095’E
*fixed steel jacket/floating facility/FPSO etc.
** Location to be given in both WGS84 decimal and WGS84 decimal of a minute (3 decimal places) formats.

2.2 Installation(s): Subsea including Stabilisation Features

Complete Table 2.2 Insert n/a if not applicable. See example in blue below.

Table 2.2: Subsea Installations and Stabilisation Features

Subsea Number Size/Weight Location** Comments/Status***
installations* (Te)
Wellheads 2 1 x 31.96 WGS84 58.050772 Both wells are suspended
tonnes Decimal 0.351589 and will undergo plug and
abandonment. Neither
WGS84 58⁰ 3.046’N structure is piled to seabed
Decimal Minute 00 21.095’E
1 x 4.5 WGS84 58.049972
tonnes Decimal 0.3495
WGS84 58⁰ 2.998’N
Decimal Minute 00 20.970’E
Manifold 1 15m x 6m x WGS84 58.073333 Structure is secured to the
5m 105 Decimal 0.436111 seabed by four steel piles.
WGS84 58⁰ 4.400’N
Decimal Minute 00 26.166’E
Wellhead n/a

Concrete n/a
Grout bags n/a
Formwork n/a
Frond Mats n/a
Rock Dump n/a
Other (describe n/a
*Template/manifold/WHPS/Manifold etc.
** Location to be given in both WGS84 decimal and WGS84 decimal of a minute (3 decimal places) formats.
***Indicate in comments/status if piled to seabed.

2.3 Pipelines Including Stabilisation Features
Complete Tables 2.3 and 2.4 with details of pipelines, flowlines and umbilicals. Please use pipeline details as per OGA PWA consent.

Note – Structures including SSIV’s, SDU’S and other similar subsea structures which have been captured in the relevant PWA documentation as components of the
pipeline system should be listed in the relevant pipelines sections and tables of the decommissioning programme. As these are substantial structures full removal is
required. For such structures please include a brief sentence or footnote to the Subsea Installation section of the DP i.e. Section 3.3 to note that X subsea structure
associated with the X pipeline system will be fully removed to shore.

Table 2.3: Pipeline/Flowline/Umbilical Information

Description Pipeline Diameter Length Description of Product From – To Burial Status3 Pipeline Current
Number (inches) (km) Component Conveyed2 End Points Status4 Content5
(as per PWA) Parts1

Export line PL674 16" 17.5 Concrete Gas Welland South Platform Trenched with Operational Hydrocarbon
coated steel – SSIV on Thames AW 7m section
Platform exposed
MEG line PL675 3" 17.5 Composite Chemicals Thames AW Platform – Surface laid Operational Chemicals
Flexible Welland South Platform No free spans
Well 2 Subsea flowline PL678 8" 4.2 Concrete Gas Well-53/04a- 5 – Trenched and Operational Hydrocarbon
coated steel Welland South Platform buried
Well 2 Subsea control PL681 4"/0.75" 4.2 Composite Chemicals Welland South Platform Trenched and IPR Chemicals
umbilical & MEG line Flexible - Well-53/04a- 5 buried
FTP FEPA Exempt 0.17 Composite DC1 – U61R Out of Use
e.g. Concrete; Steel; Umbilical; Flexible; Bundle
e.g. Oil; Gas; Water; Chemicals
e.g. Laid on seabed; Trenched; Trenched and Buried; Spanning
e.g. Operational; Out-of-use; Interim Pipeline Regime (IPR)
e.g. Cleaned; Flushed; Hydrocarbons and/or Chemicals in line

Table 2.4: Subsea Pipeline Stabilisation Features
Stabilisation Feature Total Number Weight (Te) Location(s) Exposed/Buried/Condition
Concrete mattresses 5 6 tonnes each At PL123 and PL456 crossing Exposed
Can only be recovered when cross
over lines are decommissioned
Grout bags 80 25kg each Around the subsea tee piece Exposed
Formwork n/a
Frond Mats n/a
Rock Dump n/a 2000 2 Locations on PL674
Other (describe briefly) n/a

2.4 Wells
Complete Table 2.5 (examples in blue below)

Table 2.5: Well Information

Platform Wells Designation1 Status Category of Well
16/03a-E18 (East) Gas Condensate Producer Suspended PL 4-3-3
49/9b-W1 Gas Production Shut-in PL 2-1-1
211/19a-M56 Water Injection Producing PL 2-1-3
211/23-A34 Oil Producer Phase 1 Abandoned PL-0-4-3
Subsea Wells
16/03b-08y (Braemar) Gas Condensate Producer Producing SS 3-3-3
11/30a-C1 Water Injection Abandoned SS 3-4-3
e.g. Production; Injection; Oil; Gas

For details of well categorisation see OGUK Guidelines for the Suspension or Abandonment of Wells. Issue 5,
July 2015.

2.5 Drill Cuttings

(See Section 3.7 for further information)

Complete Table 2.6 for each cuttings pile (examples in blue below)

Table 2.6: Drill Cuttings Pile(s) Information

Location of Pile Centre Seabed Area Estimated volume of
(Latitude/Longitude) (m2) cuttings (m3)

Schiehallion Central 8371 11352

Schiehallion West 6731 7224
Schiehallion North 4476 1548
Loyal 5501 4128

2.6 Inventory Estimates
Provide a table or graph (see pie chart example shown) giving the inventory estimates for the decommissioning
programme(s) contained in this document. Refer to tables or data in the supporting Environmental Appraisal.
Please list the inventories in both tonnage and percentage.

Figure 2.1: Pie Chart of Estimated Inventories (Installations)

Estimated Inventory: Installation(s)

12% Concrete

15% Non-Ferrous

Insert Total Mass in Tonnes [= x Te]

Reference the Environmental Statement for detailed data.

NORM/Hazardous Waste - reference the supporting evidence in EA.

Figure 2.2: Pie Chart of Estimated Inventory (Pipelines)

Estimated Inventory: Pipeline(s)

2% 4%

7% Steel
5% Concrete

70% NORM/Haz

Insert Total Mass in Tonnes [=x Te]

Reference the Environmental Statement for detailed data

NORM/Hazardous Waste – reference the supporting evidence in EA.

In line with the waste hierarchy, the re-use of an installation (or parts thereof) is first in the order of
preferred decommissioning options. OPRED is keen to encourage the re-use of facilities wherever this is
practical and will expect the decommissioning programme(s) to demonstrate that the potential for re-use has
been examined fully.

The programme(s) should therefore include a statement of how the principles of the waste hierarchy will be
met, including the extent to which the installation(s) (or parts thereof) will be reused, recycled or scrapped.
(Suggested maximum 250 words)

3.1 Topsides
3.1.1 Topsides Decommissioning Overview
Indicate N/A if no topsides. Briefly describe the topsides and decommissioning methodology (see example in
blue below). Insert a diagram to illustrate. Repeat for each topside in the programme(s). Note: For floating
facilities, provide a brief description of the decommissioning method. (Suggested maximum 150 words)

Topsides Description: The Welland Topside Structure comprises three levels and weighs 942 Te. The lower
level is the cellar deck with process, hydraulic pressure equipment and wells. The 20m x 14m main deck
supports the control room, generation and temporary accommodation facilities with a pedestal crane and vent
boom. The main deck is 25.6m above sea level. A helideck is located at the upper level.

Figure 3.1: Diagram of Topsides

Preparation/Cleaning: Outline in Table 3.1 the methods that will be used to flush, purge or clean the topsides
offshore, prior to removal to shore, (see examples in blue below).

Table 3.1: Cleaning of Topsides for Removal

Waste Type Composition of Waste Disposal Route
Onboard hydrocarbons Process fluids, fuels and Drained and transported ashore for re-
lubricants use/disposal
Other hazardous materials NORM, LSA Scale, any radioactive Transported ashore for re-use/disposal
material, instruments containing by appropriate methods
heavy metals, batteries
Original paint coating Lead-based paint May give off toxic fumes / dust if
flame-cutting or grinding/blasting is
used so appropriate safety measures
will be taken
Asbestos and Ceramic Fibre Appropriate control and management
will be enforced

Removal Methods: Topsides must be completely removed and returned to shore. Possible methods should be
outlined in Table 3.2 (see examples in blue below). Tick which methods you are considering for topsides
decommissioning. Then briefly describe those applicable to your project.

Table 3.2: Topsides Removal Methods

1) HLV (semi-submersible crane vessel) ☐ 2) SLV ☐ 3) Piece small ☐ 4) Other (describe briefly)
Method Description
Single lift removal by SLV/HLV Removal of topsides as complete units and
transportation to shore for re-use of selected
equipment, recycling, break up, and/or disposal
Modular removal and re-use/recycle by HLV Removal of parts/modules of Topsides for transportation
and reuse in alternate location(s) and/or
Offshore removal ‘piece small’ for onshore Removal of topsides by breaking up offshore and
reuse/disposal transporting to shore using work barge. Items will then
be sorted for re-use, recycling or disposal
Proposed removal method and disposal route State the method you propose for removing and
(Make sure this section appears in BOLD font) disposing of the topsides, recognising any potential
issues regarding trans-frontier shipment of waste.

Highlight if more than one option is being carried

forward into competitive tendering. If applicable add
the phrase – “A final decision on decommissioning
method will be made following a commercial tendering
process.” (Suggested maximum of 50 words).

3.2 Jacket(s)
3.2.1 Jacket Decommissioning Overview

Indicate N/A if no Jacket. Provide an overview of the Jacket(s) Decommissioning methods. See example in blue
below. Outline any special considerations affecting the options. Insert a diagram to illustrate. Repeat for each
jacket in the programme(s). (Suggested maximum 150 words)

The jacket legs may need to be cut at the -11m level (26m above sea-bed) to allow re-use of the topsides by a
Perenco subsidiary at a proposed new location. Although the full engineering process is not yet finalised, it is
envisaged that the Legs will be removed with piles in completeness and then cut on the vessel/barge decks or
at an onshore location to the required length. The lower 26m of the jacket and piles and the subsea wellhead
protection frames will be transported ashore for recycling.

Figure 3.2: Jacket Elevation

3.2.2 Jacket Removal Methods

Tick the different methods that you are considering for the removal and disposal of the jacket. Complete Table
3.3 (examples in blue below) to describe how the jacket would be removed completely and returned to shore.
Any piles should be severed below the natural seabed level at such a depth to ensure that any remains are
unlikely to become uncovered. Operators should aim to achieve a cut depth of 3m below the natural seabed
level, however consideration will be given to the prevailing seabed conditions which should be detailed below.

Table 3.3: Jacket Removal Methods

1) HLV (semi-submersible crane vessel) ☐ 2) SLV ☐ 3) Piece small ☐ 4) Other (describe briefly)
Method Description
Single lift removal by SLV/HLV Removal of topsides as complete units and
transportation to shore for re-use of selected
equipment, recycling, break up, and/or disposal
Modular removal and re-use/recycle by HLV Removal of parts/modules of Topsides for transportation
and reuse in alternate location(s) and/or
Offshore removal ‘piece small’ for onshore Removal of topsides by breaking up offshore and
reuse/disposal transporting to shore using work barge. Items will then
be sorted for re-use, recycling or disposal
Proposed removal method and disposal route State the method you propose for removing and
(Make sure this section appears in BOLD font) disposing of the topsides, recognising any potential
issues regarding trans-frontier shipment of waste.
E.g. All necessary permits and consents required for
trans-frontier shipments of waste will be in place prior
to leaving UK waters.

Highlight if more than one option is being carried

forward into competitive tendering. If applicable add
the phrase – “A final decision on decommissioning
method will be made following a commercial tendering
process.” (Suggested maximum of 50 words).

3.3 Subsea Installation(s) and Stabilisation Feature(s)

Outline in Table 3.4 how the items will be decommissioned (examples in blue below). If mattresses are buried to
a minimum depth of 0.6m below the seabed, OPRED would consider a proposal in the form of a comparative
assessment to leave the mattresses in situ (robust evidence of the mattress burial status should be submitted
with the comparative assessment). It is expected that mattresses buried to less than 0.6m below the seabed are
recovered to shore.

Table 3.4: Subsea Installation(s) and Stabilisation Feature(s) Decommissioning Options

Subsea installation(s)
and stabilisation Number Option Disposal Route (if applicable)

Wellhead(s) 2 Full recovery as part of MODU Return to shore for reuse or
campaign to P&A wells recycling
Manifold(s) 1 Full recovery Return to shore for reuse or
Protection Frame(s)
Concrete mattresses 200 Full recovery Recover to shore
20 It is intended that the mattresses
will be recovered to shore, however Transport ashore for disposal
in the event of practical difficulties
during the removal execution ,
OPRED will be consulted and an
alternative method of
decommissioning will be examined
through a comparative assessment.
Grout bags
Frond Mats
Rock Dump
Other (describe briefly)

3.4 Pipelines

Decommissioning Options: In Table 3.5 summarise the pipeline(s) or pipeline groups that fall within the
decommissioning programme. (See examples in blue below). Include a cross reference to Table 2.3. Remedial
rock-dump is not OPRED’s preferred decommissioning solution and should only be selected following discussion
with OPRED and if a comparative assessment shows this is the best outcome and other options are not feasible.

*Key to Options:
1) Remove - reverse reeling 2) Remove - Reverse S lay 3) Trench and bury
4) Remedial removal 5) Remedial trenching 6) Partial Removal

Table 3.5: Pipeline or Pipeline Groups Decommissioning Options

Pipeline or Group (as Condition of line/group Whole or part of Decommissioning options*
per PWA) (Surface laid/trenched/ pipeline/group considered
PLX Untrenched Part. Section within Show which options are
500m zone of the being considered by
Thames AW platform inserting relevant number(s)
will be decommissioned from the list above i.e.
at a later date 1,3,6
PLXX, PLXXX Trenched, buried Whole of pipelines 2,5,9

Comparative Assessment Method: Briefly outline the method used to undertake a Comparative Assessment in
line with the requirements of OPRED Guidelines. Cross reference to Comparative Assessment document.
(Suggested maximum of 100 words)

Outcome of Comparative Assessment: Produce a table similar to example in Table 3.6 below for each pipeline
or pipeline group, summarising the outcome of the Comparative Assessment. Identify the recommended option,
and briefly present your justification for this recommendation. Cross-reference any separate Comparative
Assessment document. Repeat for each pipeline/pipeline group

Table 3.6: Outcome of Comparative Assessment

Pipeline or Group (as Recommended Option* Justification
per PWA)
PLX Option 3 Line condition made lifting impractical; burial will
remove snagging risk for fishermen
PLXX, PLXXX Option 9 Already trenched and buried to 0.7m, stable, no
snagging hazards

3.5 Pipeline Stabilisation Feature(s)

Outline in Table 3.7 how the items will be decommissioned (examples in blue below). If mattresses are buried to
a minimum depth of 0.6m below the seabed, OPRED would consider a proposal in the form of a comparative
assessment to leave the mattresses in situ (robust evidence of the mattress burial status should be submitted
with the comparative assessment). It is expected that mattresses buried to less than 0.6m below the seabed are
recovered to shore.

Table 3.7: Pipeline Stabilisation Feature(s)

Stabilisation feature(s) Number Option Disposal Route (if applicable)
Concrete mattresses 200 Full recovery Recover to shore
5 To remain in situ until pipeline n/a
crossings decommissioned
20 It is intended that the mattresses Transport ashore for disposal
will be recovered to shore, however
in the event of practical difficulties
during the removal execution ,
OPRED will be consulted and an
alternative method of
decommissioning will be examined
through a comparative assessment.
Grout bags 80 Full recovery To shore for disposal in
Frond Mats
Rock Dump (Te) 2000Te To remain in place n/a

3.6 Wells
Provide a short statement, similar to the example in blue below, to indicate your approach to well plug and
abandonment. (Suggested maximum of 150 words)

Table 3.8: Well Plug and Abandonment

The wells which remain to be abandoned, as listed in Section 2.4 (Table 2.5) will be plugged and
abandoned in accordance with Oil and Gas UK Guidelines for the suspension and abandonment of wells.
A PON5/Portal Environmental Tracking System (PETS)/Marine Licence application will be submitted in
support of any such work that is to be carried out.

3.7 Drill Cuttings
Drill Cuttings Decommissioning Options: OSPAR recommendation 2006/5 has indicated that if the oil release
rate from a cuttings pile is less than 10Te/yr and the area persistence is less than 500 km2years then the best
environmental option for the management of the pile is to leave it in place undisturbed to degrade naturally.
Complete Table 3.9 to give details of each of the drill cuttings pile(s). Repeat for each pile and delete or add
extra columns as appropriate. Note any interactions between the cuttings pile(s) and jacket removal.

Table 3.9: Drill Cuttings Decommissioning Options

How many drill cuttings piles are present?
Tick options examined:
☐Remove and re-inject ☐Leave in place ☐Cover
☐Relocate on seabed ☐Remove and treat onshore ☐Remove and treat offshore
☐Other (describe briefly)
Review of Pile characteristics Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4
How has the cuttings pile been screened? (desktop Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
exercise/actual samples taken) – delete as necessary
Dates of sampling (if applicable)
Sampling to be included in pre-decommissioning survey? Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
Does it fall below both OSPAR thresholds? Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
Will the drill cuttings pile have to be displaced in order to Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
remove the jacket?
What quantity (m3) would have to be displaced/removed?
Will the drill cuttings pile have to be displaced in order to Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
remove any pipelines?
What quantity (m3) would have to be displaced/removed?
Have you carried out a Comparative Assessment of options for Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
the Cuttings Pile?

Comparative Assessment Method: Briefly outline the method used to undertake a Comparative Assessment in
line with requirements of OSPAR recommendation 2006/5 (if applicable). Cross reference to the Comparative
Assessment document. (Suggested maximum of 100 words)

Outcome of Comparative Assessment: Provide a brief summary of the outcome of the Comparative
Assessment for each cuttings pile and of the proposed action to deal with the pile. (Suggested maximum of 100
words for each pile)

3.8 Waste Streams
Provide a summary in Table 3.10 (similar to example in blue below) describing how the main waste streams
arising from the proposed programme(s) would be managed. If applicable, recognise any potential issues
regarding the trans-frontier shipment of waste. Also, complete Table 3.11 detailing the planned final disposition
of the inventories from the installation(s) and pipeline(s).

Table 3.10: Waste Stream Management Methods

Waste Stream Removal and Disposal method
Bulk liquids Removed from vessels and transported to shore. Vessels, pipework and
sumps will be drained prior to removal to shore and shipped in accordance
with maritime transportation guidelines. Further cleaning and
decontamination will take place onshore prior to recycling / re-use.
Marine growth Removed onshore. Disposed of according to guidelines.
NORM/LSA Scale NORM may be partially removed offshore under appropriate permit.
Asbestos Will be contained and taken onshore for disposal.
Other hazardous wastes Will be recovered to shore and disposed of under appropriate permit.
Onshore Dismantling sites Appropriate licenced sites will be selected. Facility chosen by removal
contractor must demonstrate proven disposal track record and waste
stream management throughout the deconstruction process and
demonstrate their ability to deliver innovative recycling options.

Table 3.11: Inventory Disposition

Total Inventory Tonnage Planned tonnage to shore Planned left in situ

Include a statement/graph/table giving your aspirations for the percentages of materials recovered to shore
that will be reused, recycled or disposed of to landfill. Refer to the appropriate sections of the EA to provide
additional detail. (Suggested maximum of 100 words)


4.1 Environmental Sensitivities (Summary)

Complete Table 4.1 to describe the important/sensitive features of the receiving environment(s) in the area(s) in
which the decommissioning activities will take place. Reference details in the EA, which should be cited as a
supporting document. (Discuss with OPRED whether an area- or a field-specific EA is required). (Suggested
maximum of 100 words for each section)

Table 4.1: Environmental Sensitivities

Environmental Receptor Main Features
Conservation interests




Marine Mammals


Onshore Communities

Other Users of the Sea


4.2 Potential Environmental Impacts and their Management
Environmental Impact Assessment Summary:
Provide a summary of the main impacts identified in the EA, taking into account feedback from consultees - see example in blue below. (Suggested maximum of
250 words)

Overview: Although there is expected to be some environmental impact during the decommissioning of the Welland infrastructure (53/4a, 49/28a and 49/29b),
long term environmental impacts from the decommissioning operations are expected to be negligible. In addition, incremental cumulative impacts and trans-
boundary effects associated with the planned decommissioning operations are expected to be negligible. There will be no planned use of explosives during
these activities. We acknowledge that there will be a requirement for an environmental protection plan to be produced and submitted to OPRED should this
plan change.
Complete Table 4.2 identifying the main environmental impacts associated with decommissioning each of the facilities and summarising how these impacts will
be managed. (Suggested maximum of 100 words for each section)

Table 4.2: Environmental Impact Management

Activity Main Impacts Management
Topsides Removal

Jacket(s)/Floating Facility Removal

Subsea Installation(s) Removal

Decommissioning Pipelines

Decommissioning Stabilisation Features

Decommissioning Drill Cuttings

Consultations Summary: (This section should be updated when the statutory consultation phase is
1) Informal Stakeholder Consultations – Include a brief summaries of other consultations you have
undertaken to date and reference any supporting documents. Under “Response” indicate how
stakeholder concerns have been addressed and/or influenced your decision-making process. Updates
should be provided to OPRED as consultations progress.
2) Statutory Consultations – To be completed after public consultation. - Summarise key comments received
to date from statutory consultees (similar to example in blue below). Provide copies of the public notice
and correspondence from statutory consultees as an Appendix.

Table 5.1: Summary of Stakeholder Comments

Who Comment Response
Informal Stakeholder Consultations

Statutory Consultations
National Federation of “Dismantling process … Regular risk assessments to be agreed
Fishermen’s Organisations presents an ongoing danger to and discussed with NFFO
fishermen … Perenco must
ensure arrangement in place …
which updates risk assessment”
Scottish Fishermen’s
Northern Ireland Fish
Producers Organisation
Global Marine Systems Limited


6.1 Project Management and Verification

Provide a summary of the project management/verification which will be undertaken, similar to the example
in blue below. (Suggested maximum of 100 words)

A Project Management team will be appointed to manage suitable sub-contractors for the removal of the
installation. Standard procedures for operational control and hazard identification and management will be
used. Where possible the work will be coordinated with other decommissioning operations in the SNS. The
Management team will monitor and track the process of consents and the consultations required as part of
this process. Any changes in detail to the offshore removal programme will be discussed and agreed with

6.2 Post-Decommissioning Debris Clearance and Verification

This should detail proposals for identification and removal of oil and gas debris following decommissioning
works. Include a statement similar to the example in blue below. See OPRED Guidance Notes for further
details on post-decommissioning requirements. (Suggested maximum of 100 words)

A post decommissioning site survey will be carried out around a 500m radius of installation sites and a 100m
corridor (50m either side) along each existing pipeline route to identify any debris. Any seabed debris related
to offshore oil and gas activities will be recovered for onshore disposal or recycling in line with existing
disposal methods. Independent verification of seabed state will be obtained by trawling the installation sites
and pipeline corridors. This will be followed by a statement of clearance to all relevant governmental
departments and non-governmental organisations.

Please make reference to any existing PON2 submissions if applicable.

6.3 Schedule
Project Plan: Insert a Gantt chart version of the simplified project plan, with key dates and defined milestones,
as per example below.

Figure 6.1: Gantt Chart of Project Plan

6.4 Costs
This should include an overall cost estimate in GBP sterling of the preferred decommissioning option. The
estimate should be broken down to reflect the different activities, preferably in accordance with the ‘Element
Level’ of the Oil & Gas UK Decommissioning Cost Estimating Guidelines, work breakdown structure. Cost
detail will be kept confidential with a separate programme including costs provide to OPRED.

Table 6.1: Provisional Decommissioning Programme(s) costs

Item Estimated Cost (£m)
Platform(s)/Jacket(s) - Preparation/Removal and Disposal Provided to OPRED
Pipeline(s) Decommissioning Provided to OPRED
Subsea Installation(s) and Stabilisation Feature(s) Provided to OPRED
Well Abandonment Provided to OPRED
Continuing Liability – Future Pipeline and Environmental Survey Requirements Provided to OPRED
TOTAL Provided to OPRED

6.5 Close Out
Include a statement similar to the example in blue below. (Suggested maximum of 100 words)

In accordance with the OPRED Guidelines, a close out report will be submitted to OPRED within 1 year of the
completion of the offshore decommissioning scope including debris clearance, verification of seabed
clearance and the first post-decommissioning environmental survey. The report will detail the outcomes of
surveys as well as explain any major variances from the programme.

6.6 Post-Decommissioning Monitoring and Evaluation

Provide a statement, similar to the example in blue below, which details your proposed monitoring and
evaluation programme. See OPRED Guidance Notes for further details. (Suggested maximum of 100 words)

A post decommissioning environmental seabed survey, centred around sites of the wellheads and
installations, will be carried out. The survey will focus on chemical and physical disturbances of the
decommissioning and be compared with the pre decommissioning survey. Results of this survey will be
available once the work is complete, with a copy forwarded to OPRED. All pipeline routes and installation
sites will be the subject of surveys when decommissioning activity has concluded. After the surveys have
been sent to OPRED and reviewed, a risk based post monitoring survey regime will be agreed by both parties.
Typically, a minimum of two post decommissioning environmental surveys and structural pipeline surveys are

Provide a list of supporting documents (and supporting diagrams, graphics or other material) that you have
referenced in the programme(s) which are not presented in the Appendices. See examples in blue below.

Table 7.1: Supporting Documents

1 Environmental Appraisal
2 Comparative Assessment

For latest document versions provide a web link for all stakeholder/interested parties (or access to other
document control mechanism).

Copies of letter(s) of support from current equity holders in the field should be provided here. Originals should
be submitted with final version of the Programme(s).


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