Teaching Profession Assignment

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Name: JUN-JUN B.

GALLOSA Date: September 20, 2019

A. Based on the philosophies you have examined make a comparison of the
philosophies guided by the categories provided in the matrix below
Comparison Matrix of Major Philosophies
Idealism Realism Pragmatism
Aims of Education Idealism aims to Realism aims to Pragmatism aims to
develop the teach students enhance the potential
intellectual potential about the world in of students to adopt
of learners and which they live to a constantly
to build up the through the wide changing world
learner’s variety of teaching
appreciation methods.
of body of
knowledge that
transcends different
Role of Teachers Teachers should set Teachers should Teachers should
as models in provide a wide encourage students to
living an upright range of methods do research to
way of life. and strategies of enhance their
teaching to bring analytical skills in the
students’ ideas future.
about the world
into reality.
Role of Students Students should Students should Students should learn
master important bring ideas of the the process of
subjects such as world into realty problem solving.
Philosophy, by the aid of They are expected to
Theology and technology. do researches and
Mathematics. apply them to do the
Students solution of the
are should use problem.
internet to improve
their skill in
researching and
Curriculum The curriculum of The curriculum of The curriculum of
realism centered realism is pragmatism is
on the subjects that deductive and centered to the
hones their abstract inductive logic. students in making
thinking Realism uses life decision. This
(Philosophy, computer program curriculum aims to
Theology and for knowledge to help students to learn
Mathematics). This be realistic and the process of
curriculum exercises effective. problem-solving and
the Socratic uses social media to
Method to lighten up share ideas, insights
the students in and experiences.
B. By means of a Venn Diagram, compare the following philosophies
Perennialism and Essentialism
Progressivism and Social Reconstruction


Perennialism Essentialism

- Truth is fixed - The teacher

- To promote the
- Reality is a word of is
authoritarian intellectual growth
reason - Students of the individual’s
- Goodness is to be study hard learner.
found in reality to gain
itself knowledge
- Teachers are
- To develop the role model
power of thoughts to the

Perennialism Essentialism

- Learning by doing - Produce

- Teachers are agents
individuals who
rather than just by are ready to face of change
reading changes in their - Teaching method:
- Against authoritarian daily lives
- Education for Pupil-centered
teacher and change and - School is a
classroom social reforms
platform to build a
management - Pupils are active
seeker of new society
- Responsible to knowledge - Teachers are the
create conductive builders of great
learning nation

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