Christine Schaffner 10 Step Detox
Christine Schaffner 10 Step Detox
Christine Schaffner 10 Step Detox
Sleep is one of the most critical things you can • Melatonin not only improves sleep, but it
do to improve your brain’s ability to detoxify. The is a potent neuroprotective that clears the
glymphatic system is the waste clearance system brain of heavy metals and pathogens
that our brain uses to clear toxins. During sleep,
the glymphatic system becomes 10 times more • Liposomal delivery enhances absorption
active than during wakefulness. Simultaneous-
ly, your brain cells shrink by about 60 percent, Choose a high quality liposomal melatonin
allowing for greater efficiency of waste removal. to ensure that it can be readily absorbed and
utilized by your brain
Create a safe sleeping location that improves restor-
ative sleep and optimizes your glymphatic system. Order Now: Biopure liposomal Melatonin
• Improve your pineal gland’s production of • Reduce blue light exposure before bedtime
melatonin by sleeping in a completely dark to improve melatonin production
room. Use black out shades in your bed-
room. • Flux Screen Saver: Download Now
Drink silica rich water (Volvic or Fiji) to increase • Test your home
your urinary excretion of aluminum
ERMI: Get Your Home Tested
• Lead can interfere with the production of
BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor)
and GABA. BDNF facilitates the growth of • Unburden your liver from mycotoxins
new neurons. GABA signals astrocytes to with binders
decrease inflammation in the brain and also
supports the glymphatic system Coffee enemas: Order Now
Biopure Chlorella: Order Now • Find a doctor who understands mold illness
Essential Fats
Our brains are made up of fat. Support your brain
health, nerves, and cell membranes by incorporat-
ing healthy fats into your diet.
• Phosphitidyl Choline
Improving the lymphatic drainage in your neck Some examples of supporting your organs of
will allow the lymph from your brain to flow elimination include:
more readily downstream.
• Skin - sweat
Self Lymphatic Drainage Video: Find Out More • Kidneys - drink water, ionic foot baths, electrolytes
• Liver - castor oil packs, coffee enemas
Cranial Compressions: Find Out More • Colon - avoid food allergies, balance the
microbiome, and having daily bowel movements
Biokind Deo-apply to neck, collar bones, un- • Lungs - clean air, deep breathing
derarms, groin, and bottom of feet at bedtime • Lymphatic system - dry skin brushing,
Order Now rebounding, walking
Binders bind to toxins that are eliminated from the
liver through bile. Binders can bind specifically to
heavy metals, mycotoxins, endotoxins, biotoxins,
and other environmental toxins. Binders help
eliminate these toxins through the stool so they
are not re-circulated through the enterohepatic