Detailed Lesson Plan Math
Detailed Lesson Plan Math
Detailed Lesson Plan Math
Division of Rizal
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students can:
a. Define the circle and it’s parts
b. Solve problems involving parts of the circle
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Geometry (Circle )
Sub Topic: Lines on the Circle
Reference: New Mathematics for G7 Textbook
Materials: pictures, images, visuals,
Values : Critical Thinking , Cooperation, Determination
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance
B. Priming
Before we proceed to our lesson, let us first recall our previous lesson.
What is a distance?
What is an angle?
1. Activity :
For those students who wants to win prizes he/she must be able to follow my
instructions and the first group of students who will finish the activity will have
it.I have here some pieces of bond papers, pencils and rulers. ( Are you ready? )
Draw a point somewhere in the middle of the piece of paper. Now using your
ruler, mark 10 other points that are having distance of 5 cm. from the first point.
Connect the 10 points that surrounds the first point .
Let us check what happens with your work
2. Abstract :
From our activity, and the images shown who could guess the topic for today?
Circle – is the set of all points that are the same distance from a fixed point. This
fixed point is called the center of the circle.
Radius (radii in plural form) is a line or segment from the center whose endpoint
is a point on the circle.
Diameter is a line or segment that passes through the center of the circle.
Secant is a line that passes through the circle at two distinct points.
Tangent is a line that touches the circle at exactly one point. That point is called
the point of tangency.
3. Analysis
Determine whether each statement is true or false.
4. Generalization:
What is a Circle
5. Application:
Practice: Identify the different parts of the circle using the figure
1. O 4. SQ
2. PT 5. OR
3. PR 6. T
IV. Evaluation
A. On a piece of paper draw your own circle and illustrate the following
1. Chord AB
2. Center C
3. diameter DE
4. radius CE
5. secant FG
6. tangent HI
B. The table refers to radius and diameter of a circle. Complete the table.
Radius Diameter
6. 12 cm.
7. 244 cm.
8. 136 mm.
9. 47 cm.
10. 88 mm.
V. Assignment:
Cut out pictures ( at least 5 ) of things around us that best represent a circle.
Paste it on your notebook.