Acid Citric-đã Chuyển Đổi

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Volume 8, Number 3, September .2015

ISSN 1995-6673
Pages 211 - 215
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences

Production of Citric Acid by Aspergillus niger Using Sugarcane

Molasses as Substrate

Shami E. A. Bakhiet* and Ehood A. I. Al-Mokhtar

Department of Microbiology & Molecular Biology – Faculty of Science and Technology - Al-Neelain University – Khartoum, Sudan
Received: March 16, 2015 Revised: April 27, 2015 Accepted: May 5, 2015


Citric acid (CH2COOH.COH.COOH.CH2COOH) is a tricarboxylic acid, soluble in water with a pleasant taste; it is an
important acid used in food Industries. It exists in nature when carbohydrates are oxidized to carbon dioxide. Because of its
high solubility, palatability and low toxicity it can be used in food, biochemical, and pharmaceutical industries. The aims of
this study are citric acid production from fungi (Aspergillus niger) using by-product of sugar (sugarcane molasses) and to
evaluate its concentration. Indigenous strains of A. niger were isolated from soil (depth 15cm), air and bread and identified
using ordinary medium Sabouraud's dextrose agar medium supplemented with Rose Bengal. A pure culture of tested
microorganisms were inoculated into different flasks containing different concentrations of molasses and incubated for 144
hrs at 28°C. The production of citric acid determined by the appearance of air bubble and colour's change; the mixtures
were distilled at 175ºC for one and half hr. After the distillation process; the citric acid was detected and titrated to
determine its percentage by adding bromocryesol green and NaOH (N 0.1), respectively. Citric acid production from the
soil sample was of high amount, when compared with air, and bread. The soil sample produced 9.6 % of citric acid
compared with air 6.7% and bread 7.7 %. The maximum citric acid production was produced on the 6th day of
fermentation in all samples. By recycling and reusing waste material from cane molasses citric acid production can be
easily achieved by using microorganisms that have the ability to produce citric acid efficiency such as Aspergillus niger.

Keywords: Aspergillus niger, Sugarcane molasses, Citric Acid production, Sucrose, Distillation, Fermentation.

capacity of using cheaper raw material (like cane

1. Introduction molasses) and absence of undesirable reactions (Murad et
al., 2003). Many useful enzymes are produced using the
Citric acid is a weak organic acid with the formula industrial fermentation of A. niger. For example, A. niger
C 6 H 8 O 7 . It is a natural preservative conservative and is glucoamylase is used in the production of high fructose
also used to add an acidic or sour taste to foods and corn syrup, and pectinases are used in cider and wine
drinks. In biochemistry, the conjugate base of citric acid, clarification. Alpha-galactosidase, an enzyme that breaks
citrate, is important as an intermediate in the citric acid down certain complex sugars, is a component of beano
cycle, which occurs in the metabolism of all aerobic and other products that decrease flatulence. Another use
organisms. It consists of 3 carboxyl (R-COOH) groups for A. niger within the biotechnology industry is in the
(Berovic et al., 2007). The basic substrates for citric acid production of magnetic isotope-containing variants of
fermentation using submerged technique of fermentation biological macromolecules for nuclear magnetic
are beet or cane molasses (Pazouki et al., 2000). Other resonance (NMR) analysis (Hess et al., 2000).
different methods are being used for citric acid The objectives of this study are: to produce citric acid
production, extraction of citric acid from fruits and its from sugarcane molasses as a substrate using A.niger with
chemical synthesis, citric acid from whey and other dairy charcterize and to determine citric acid yield and
product wastes, citric acid from beet molasses as concentration.
substrates. But the most commercially used method for
the production of citric acid is by Aspergillus niger using
cane molasses as an example of fungal over flow
metabolism (Kabera et al., 2010). Many microorganisms,
such as fungi and bacteria, can produce citric acid but A.
niger remained the organism of choice for the production
of citric acid due to its genetic stability, high yields,

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212 © 2015 Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved - Volume 8, Number 3

2. Material and Method 2.5. Production of citric acid from raw sugarcane
2.1. Area of study Isolates of A. niger were transferred to the 15 flasks
This study was conducted at the Department of containing raw sugarcane molasses media with different
Microbiology and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science concentrations, i.e., each three flasks have the equal
and Technology, Al-Neelain University, Khartoum – amount of molasses (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60%) by
Sudan. All experiments were accomplished aseptically in taking 100 ml, 150 ml, 200 ml, 250 ml, and 300 ml of
the laboratory of microbiology. sugarcane molasses and the volume was completed to 500
ml using sterile distilled water. The flasks were
2.2. Collection of sample autoclaved at 115°C for 10 minutes. An amount of 50 ml
Three samples were collected from air, bread, and soil of distilled water was added to the fungal pure culture to
in depth of 15 cm from Tuti islands’ farms (Erika et al., make a fungal suspension and then 10 ml from this
2013). Forty litres of sugarcane molasses sample were suspension was transferred to the sugarcane molasses
obtained from the Distillery Unit of Kennan Sugars media. All flasks were incubated at 28°C for 144 hrs till
(D.U.K.S) Company – White Province – Sudan. The 10 days. After incubation, the suspension was distilled to
sugarcane molasses were collected in clean, durable monitor the growth and observe the results (Elholi and Al-
plastic container and stored at room temperature for Delaimy, 2003).
further uses. 2.6. Production of citric acid from sugarcane molasses
2.3. Isolation of test microorganism (Aspergillus niger) with determined concentration of sucrose
One gram of the soil sample was placed in the test tube In another experiment, different concentrations of
containing 10 ml of sterile distilled water to make a soil sucrose (10%, 25%, 35%, and 50%) were measured using
suspension and tenfold serial dilution was made by a hand refractometer device. After sterilization, an amount
transferring one ml of the soil suspension to another test of 0.5 grams of urea powder was added to each flask
tube containing 9 ml of sterile distilled water. This step containing sugarcane molasses with known concentration.
was repeated ten times to obtain a dilution of 10-10. An Then 3 ml from pure A. niger were added to the media
amount of 0.1 ml from each of the first three test tubes and the culture was incubated at 28°C for144 hrs till 10
(10-1, 10-2, and 10-3) was taken and placed on the plate days. After incubation, the suspension was distilled to
containing Sabouraud dextrose agar medium monitor the growth and observe the results (Dubey,
supplemented with rose bengal to inhibit the growth of 2003).
saprophytes fungi other than A. niger. Another plate was 2.7. Detection of citric acid
opened inside the laboratory of microbiology to isolate A.
niger from the air; the third plate was inoculated with the The detection of citric acid was done chemically by
A. niger from infested bread; all plates were incubated the addition of three drops of bromocrysol green indicator
aerobically at 25°C for 72 hrs. After the incubation to the 10 ml of distillation yield (Soccol1 et al., 2006).
period, the culture characteristics were observed and the 2.8. 2.8. Determination of citric acid concentration
growth was examined microscopically to confirm its Citric acid was determined by titration using 0.1N
purity using lactophenol cotton blue stain technique NaOH and Phenonphthalein as indicator and calculated as
(Cheesbrough, 2008). percentage according to the following formula (Soccoll et
2.4. Physical characteristics of the sugarcane molasses al., 2006):
sample  Normality of Citric acid = normality of NaOH× NaOH
The physical characteristics of sugar cane molasses, volume ÷ volume of Citric acid
such as moisture content, ash measurement and pH, were  Concentration of Citric acid = Citric acid normality
analyzed following standard methods (APHA, 2000). ×equivalent ×100 ÷ volume of distillation
 (Equivalent = 96, volume of distillation = 10)
2.4.1. Moisture content and ash measurement
The moisture content and ash measurement of
molasses was performed by taken 10 grams of molasses 3. Results and Discussion
sample and oven dried in a crucible at 104°C for 30
minutes (Hubert, 2006). Then the results were calculated 3.1. Isolation of Aspergillus niger
using the following equations:
Moisture content(%)=(A –X ÷A) x 100 (1) Three isolates were isolated from three different
Ash (unit) = Weight of molasses before burning (A) - sources air, bread, and soil using sterile culture media, the
Weight of molasses after burning (X) (2) isolates were purified, examined microscopically to show
where A is the weight of molasses before burning. While its purity and characterized by its culture characteristics.
X is the weight of molasses after. 3.2. Physical characteristics of the sugarcane molasses
2.4.2. The pH value
The physical characteristics of sugarcane molasses
The pH value was measured before and after
were determined and calculated. The present study shows
inoculation of molasses samples using pH meter device
that the percentage moisture content was 65%. The ash
(pH 213 Microprocessor-based Bench pH/mV/C Meters.
was calculated as 6.50%.While the pH shown 6.0±0.2.
Hanna Instruments).
© 2015 Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved - Volume 8, Number 3 213

These findings were in disagreement with the findings of

Gasmalla et al. (2012) who reported that the pH value of
obtained molasses was 5.8±0.35. The ash was 12.69% on
wet weight basis. Also these findings were in
disagreement with the findings of Osunkoya and
Okwudinka (2011) who reported that the pH value of
obtained molasses was 5.1. The ash was 8.24%.
3.3. Production of citric acid from raw sugarcane
As can be seen in Table 1, the best yield by all strains
was 37.5 ml, 37.0 ml, 35.0 ml which were obtained at
concentration of 20%. At concentration 30% they were Figure 1. Citric acid indicated by pH reduction
37.0 ml, 37.5 ml, and 33.5 ml, while at concentration 40%
the two strains that were isolated from soil and bread gave 3.4. Production of citric acid from molasses with
a similar yield 35.0 ml and the air isolate strains gave 20.0 determined concentration of sucrose
ml citric acid. The present study was almost in agreement As can be seen in Table 2, the yield of citric acid was
with Sikander et al. (2002) who reported four A. niger high when using the A. niger which was isolated from soil
isolates produced citric acid with the concentration of at all concentrations compared with other isolates (air,
18.86±1.8 – 42.56±2.0 g/l on 150g/l molasses sugar. bread), followed by bread isolates, then air isolates which
The lowest yields were obtained at the concentration was the lowest yield. These findings were in disagreement
of 50% as 10.0 ml, 5.5 ml, and 8.0 ml citric acid. At 60% with Kareem et al. (2010) who stated that the inoculation
sugarcane molasses concentration the microorganism did of A. niger on medium supplemented with sucrose (15%
not exhibited any growth due to the effect of hypertonic w/v) gave the highest citric acid value (36.6 g/kg). Also
solution. These findings were in disagreement with these findings were in agreement with the same author
Sikander et al. (2002) who stated that three A. niger who stated that A. niger, when inoculated on medium
cultures gave concentrations of citric acid ranged between containing pineapple peels, gave 17.23 g/kg at 5 days
58.14±2.7 – 78.18±18 g/l on 150g/l molasses sugar. Also, fermentation period. The increase in citric acid production
the present study was in agreement with Peksel and and biomass values was accompanied with a steady
Kubicek (2003) who reported that the concentration and decrease in sugar along the incubation time.
type of sugar influence the yield of citric acid production The addition of urea as a nitrogen source did not affect
by A. niger. The present findings also were in agreement the production of citric acid; this is in agreement with
with Laboni et al. (2010) who reported that the citric acid Sadia et al. (2011) who reported that all concentrations
production increased with the increase of the fermentation (0.1 to 0.6%) of ammonium sulphate, peptone and yeast
period and the maximum citric acid production was found extract, used as a nitrogen source, were found to be
on day 13. Also, the present results were in disagreement inhibitory to fungal growth, sugar utilization and citric
with Helen et al. (2014) who stated that the production of acid production. Also, the findings of this study were in
citric acid by A.niger, cultured on Parkia biglobosa fruit agreement with Laboni et al. (2010) who stated that in the
pulp, showed that the highest yield (1.15 g/L) of citric presence of prescott salt, citric acid production was found
acid was obtained at pH 2 and it declined as the pH lower than it is with the absence of prescott salt and
increased from being acidic to alkaline (pH8) with the mixed substrate prepared with molasses and pumpkin
yield of (0.86 g/L). media proved to be the best and potential for citric acid
During the fermentation process there was a gradual production. The present study was in disagreement with
reduction (Figure 1) of pH noticed in all the experiments Nehad (2002) who reported that the natural oils with high
and it indicated the production of citric acid. These unsaturated fatty acids content when added at
findings were in agreement with Thangavelu and concentrations of 2% and 4% (v/v) to Beet Molasses
Murugaiyan (2011) who stated that, in control production (BM) medium caused a considerable increase in citric
medium, the initial pH 6.5 is gradually reduced to 1.5 acid yield from A. niger. The maximum citric acid yield
during fermentation. was achieved in surface culture in the presence of 4%
Table 1. Production of citric acid from raw molasses olive oil after 12 days incubation.
Sugarcane Solids/ Soil yield Bread Air yield Table 2. Production of citric acid from molasses (sucrose + urea)
Molasses g (ml) yield (ml) (ml) Sucrose% Solids/g Urea Soil Bread Air
concentration% /g yield yield yield(ml)
20 28.50 37.5 37.0 35.0 (ml) (ml)
30 42.75 37.0 37.5 33.5 10 14.25 10.6 10.0 9.0
40 57.00 35.0 35.0 20.0 25 35.63 0.5 18.0 15.0 13.0
50 71.25 10.0 5.5 8.0 35 49.88 19.5 17.0 10.5
60 85.50 No No No 50 71.25 9.0 7.5 8.5
production production production
214 © 2015 Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved - Volume 8, Number 3

3.5. Determination of citric acid concentration done by using microorganism that has the ability to
produce citric acid efficiency such as Aspergillus niger.
As can be seen in Table 3 and figure 3, the percentage The result of this study indicates that the use of Sugarcane
of citric acid was determined. The concentration of citric molasses for fungal production of citric acid might
acid varied due to the sucrose percentage; it showed high represent an efficient method of cost reduction in the
at the concentration of 35% (9.6%) for soil isolate, and production and concomitantly producing organic acid of
(7.7%) for bread isolate, similar to the concentration 25% valuable importance.
(7.7%) for soil isolate. At the concentration 25% of
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