A Detailed Lesson Plan For Grade 10 in Salesmanship Recovered

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Hanzel D. Nietes
February 2018

I Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Identify themselves with the bad and good traits of salesman;
2. Give the Importance of Strategies of Salesmanship
3. Appreciate Salesman in one’s Life.
II. Subject Matter

a. Topic:
Strategies of Salesman

b. References:
K to 12 Business Curriculum Guide


c. Materials:
Visual aids, Lap top, power point presentation

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer

Please stand up for a prayer

Students are praying.
Who is assign to lead the prayer

2. Greetings:

Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

3. Daily Routine: Students pick up pieces of paper

Before you take your seats, kindly pick-

up pieces of paper.

Please take your sit.

4. Checking of Attendance None, ma’am!

Who is absent today?

Very good, everybody is present.

B. Drill/ Review : Spelling

Ok class, I have a picture here.

Its Salesman Ma’am

What picture is all about? The picture is all about the product

Very Good, Last meeting we discuss

about the Product.

Can you tell me what is Product? A product is the item offered for sale.
Raise your right hand, please.

A product is the item offered for sale? A product is anything that can be offered
Yes what else? to a market that might satisfy a want or

Yes, very good a product is anything that

can be offered to a market that might
satisfy a want or need. It is the process
of bringing a product to market. This
includes deciding the products
positioning and messaging, launching the
product and ensuring salespeople and
customers understand it.
C. Motivation

Before our lesson proper, we will have

a game

Are you familiar to 4 pics 1 word?

Here is how it will be played, I will be Yes Ma’am

showing pictures and if you know the
correct answer, you may raise your


Good job guys! You’ve guessed the

pictures that i show you.

These pictures are related to our

discussion and activity today

So, what do you think our lesson will Strategies of Salesman

be for today class?

D. Discussion

“Class I have prepared a video clips for

you to watch and identify the bad and Students watch the video
good strategies of a salesman”

“Okay Class, Did you enjoy watching the Yes Ma’am

video clips?”

“Anyone can identify the good and bad Ma’am the bad salesman is on the video
strategies of Salesman?” clip number 1 and the good salesman is
on the video
Clip number 2.
What do you think that video clip number Video clip number 1 is considered bad
1 is considering bad strategy of strategy of a salesman because the
Salesman? salesman trying to sell the necklace even
without asking the customer what she

Very Good!

How about the video clip number 2 what Video clip number 2 is considered good
do you think why it is considered good strategy of a salesman because he
strategy of a salesman applies the demonstration technique. He
actually does a DEMO on how to use the
peeler so that the customer knows how
to use the peeler. And this would
convince the customer to buy the peeler.

Very Good!

Class, what you think the importance of

Strategies as a Salesman?

Anyone? Can you please raise your Ma’am I think sales Personality.
hands please?

Yes, Sales Personality is all about the

salesman itself. Personality can be
produced and improved by developing
the qualities in the positive traits. The
positive qualities to be developed, in
order to increase and improve the
salesman’s personality such as kindness,
courage, confidence, honesty, loyalty,
good health, and cheerfulness.

The second one is the Knowledge of

goods; salesman should have the
knowledge about the products he is

Class, what if the salesman without Ma’am the Salesman cannot explain well
technical knowledge about the product? about the product he cannot convince the
customer to buy the product.

Yes, would be a danger to the customer,

because Naturally he cannot explain
something prospective to the customers,
which he himself doesn’t understand .If
the salesman has the knowledge about
the product he would be able answer all
the queries raised by the customers.
Even if a single answer were not given
clearly, the customer would doubt about
the quality of the product.

And lastly the Importance buying

motives, buying motives is the reason
why the customer purchases the goods.
So, motive refers to thought, feeling,
emotion and drive which make the buyer
to react in the form of a decision.
Motivation explains the behaviour of why
they are going to buy the goods. They
buy the goods due to several motives
such as economic, social, psychological,

Did you understand class? Yes ma’am

Ok class; give me example of buying


Raise your right hand please? Ma’am for example we are motivated to
purchase the fans in summer season to
get relief from the hot.
Very Good!

E. Activity : Role-Play as a Good


Now Class we have a group activity can

you group yourself into 5 groups, Can
you please count 1 then continue.

Ok class, you have already group I want

you to have role-play in Good Strategy
as a Salesman.

I have a piggy bank here, this can be

your product, and how can you convince
the customer to buy piggy bank.

I give you 3 minutes to discuss to your



Group 1 please present here in front of

your classmates.
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4

Very good...

F. Application:

Now class, when you are at the shopping

mall, You only watch a shoes the
suddenly the saleslady

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