Curriculum For RET in Education-UGB, 2018: Group-A

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Curriculum for RET in Education- UGB, 2018


Educational Research Methodology

Module – I:
 Research: Meaning, Nature, Characteristics
 Educational Research: Fundamental, Applied & Action, Longitudinal and Cross-
Sectional& Interdisciplinary.
 Identification of research worthy Problems,
 Planning of Scientific Investigation & Research Designs
 Research Objectives & Questions
 Review of related studies.

Module – II : Hypothesis, Sampling and Tools

 Hypothesis: Meaning, type, Formulation & Testing; Characteristics of Good
 Variables: Concepts, types & Method of Control
 Population and Sample, Sampling methods: Probability & Non Probability.
 Tools and techniques of data collection: needs criteria of good research tools,
Construction and uses of – observation, interview, questionnaire, rating, and
attitude scale and tests of performance.

Module – III : Research Methods and Reporting

 Strategies of Research: Historical, Descriptive and Experimental. Importance &
critical Evaluation of thestrategies
 Writing Research Report: As per style & format
 Evaluating a research report, its criteria.
Module – IV:Educational Data and Descriptive Analysis
 Educational Data- Quantitative & Qualitative; Descriptive & Inferential
 Tabulations of Educational data
 Graphical Presentation- Histogram, Polygon and Ogive,
 Percentile Point & Percentile Rank
 Measures of Central Tendencies and variabilities: Uses and computation
 Normal probability curve, characteristics and uses. Non-normality: Skewness &
 Standard Scores-Derived Score, Z-Score, T-score, Stanine.
Module – V : Measures of Correlation and Regression
 Product moment, Rank difference, Bi-serial and Point–biserial, Phi Coefficient,
Tetrachoric Coefficient and Partial correlations and Multiple correlation.
 Regression and Prediction: concepts, types, methods for estimation of linear
regression and prediction.
Module – VI :Inferential Analysis
 Parametric Statistics-Significance of Statistics, one tailed & two tailed tests, Types
C. R.-test, t-test and ANOVA
 Non-Parametric Statistics: Chi-Square and Median test.

Group- B

Educational Philosophy
Module –I: Philosophy of Education
 Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance of Educational Philosophy.
 Concepts of Metaphysics, Epistemology and Axiology.
 Relationship between Education and Philosophy.
Module – II: Indian Philosophy and Education
 Nature of Indian Philosophy
 Branches of Indian Philosophy- Nyaya, Samkhya and Vedanta, Jainism, and
Buddhism with special reference to Knowledge, Reality, Values and their
Educational Implication.
 Islamic Philosophy of Education.
Module – III: Western Philosophy and Education
 Western Schools of Philosophy- Idealism, Realism, Naturalism, Pragmatism,
Existentialism, Marxism, Logical Analysis, Logical Positivism, Logical
Empiricism and Positive Relativism with special reference to Knowledge, Reality,
Values and their Educational Implication.
Module-IV: Contributions of Modern Educational Thinkers
 Sri Aurobinda
 S. Radhakrishnan
 J. Krishnamurthy
 J. Dewey
 B. Russel
 A. N. Whitehead
Module-V: National Values
 National Values as enshrined in Indian Constitution (Secularism, Democracy, and
Socialism) and their Educational Implications
Module-VI: Modern Trends in Educational Philosophy
 Ivan Illich and De-Schooling Society
 Paulo Friere and Conscientisation
 Charles Wedemeyer and Independent Study
 Learning: The Treasure Within (UNESCO, 1996)

Educational Psychology
Module – I: Schools of Psychology in Education
 School of Psychology and their implication in Education:a) Behaviorism, b)
Gestalt, c) Cognitivism, d) Psychoanalysis, e) Humanistic, f) Constructivistic
Module – II: Growth and Development
 Concepts and Principles of Growth and Development.
 Different aspects of Development :a) Physical, b) Social, c) Emotional, d)
Cognitive, e) Moral and Language Development and relevant theories.
Module – III: Personality and Adjustment
 Personality - Concept, Process of Development and Personality Traits. Theories of
Personality by Eysenck, Erikson, Rogers and Big-5 and their educational
 Adjustment – Concept and Nature. Different Maladjusted Behaviour – Causes and
Preventive Measures and Adjustment Mechanisms.
Module – IV: Intelligence, Creativity and Individual Difference in Classroom Diversity
 Intelligence: Concept, Nature, and Theories – Cattell, Guilford, Sternberg &
Gardner. Educational significance of these theories. Measurement of Intelligence.
 Creativity: Concept, Factors, Development of Creativity. Measurement of
Creativity. Creativity & Intelligence
 Individual Difference – Concept, Nature and Factors.
Module – V: Learning
 Learning: Concept, Nature, & Types.
 Theories of Learning: Skinner, Hull, Tolman, Lewin.
 Concept Learning - Bruner.
 Social Learning – Bandura.
 Constructivism – Piaget, Vygotsky.
 Educational significance of the Theories
Module – VI: Factors affecting Learning
 Influencing Factors of learning: Attention, Interest, Maturation and Motivation
and their relations with learning.
 Theories of Motivation: Hierarchy of needs, Achievement motivation,Attribution
Theory and their Educational Implications.Factors affecting motivation.
 Remembering & Forgetting. Information Processing Model.

Educational Sociology
Module – I : Education and Sociology
 Educational Sociology: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Importance.
 Relationship between Sociology and Education.
 Socialization: meaning, Emile Durkheim’s Theory of Socialization, Education as
a process of Socialization.
 Social sub-system: Meaning and theory of Talcott Parsons (Structural
Module – II : Social Stratification and Mobility
 Social Stratification: Concept, special features, role of education in social
 Social Mobility: Concept, special features, types, role of education in social
 Equality of educational opportunity: meaning, strategies taken.
 Gender Discrimination: meaning, trends, strategies to overcome, and role of
education to overcome this discrimination.
Module – III :Social Change and Social Group
 Social Change: Concept, Factors affecting social change, role of education in
social change
 Social group: meaning, nature, types, educational importance of social group.
 Education& Economic Growth: Concept of: Urbanization, Westernization, and
Sanskritization, Modernization & Globalization.; with special reference to Indian
 Folkway and Mores, Customs, and Traditions: meaning and educational
Module -1V: Culture and Education
 Culture: meaning, characteristics, factors affecting culture, education as a cultural
 Cultural change: meaning, characteristics, factors affecting cultural change, role of
education in cultural change
 Cultural Lag: meaning, Ogburn’s theory of cultural lag
 Education for Multicultural Society

Module -V:Education and Backward Community

 Education and Backward Community: context, education of the socially and
economically disadvantaged sections of the Indian Society
 Scheduled Caste: Constitutional Provisions, Government Strategies and obstacles
 Scheduled Tribes: Constitutional Provisions, Government Strategies and obstacles
 OBC: Constitutional Provisions, Government Strategies and obstacles
Module -VI: Indian Social Thinkers
 Binoy Kumar Sarkar: Contribution in Education as a social thinker
 Dhurjati Prosad Mukherjee: Contribution in Education as a social thinker
 Radhakamal Mukherjee
 Govind Sadashiv Ghurye.

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