Examination Patient Kent
Examination Patient Kent
Examination Patient Kent
J.T. kent
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The most important things in
securing the image of a sickness
is to preserve in simplicity what
the patient tells us in his own
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The most important
things in forming the
record of a patient is to
be able to read it at a
subsequent examination.
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Proceed to make
enquiry of some one
who has been with this
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The physician then notes
his own observations
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If you neglect making a
careful examination the patient
will be the first sufferer, but in
the end your yourself will suffer
from it, and Homoeopathy also.
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Question the patient,
then the friends, and
observe for yourself;
if you do not obtain enough
to prescribe on, go back to
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• Do not ask:-
Direct question
Yes or no question
Question with choice of
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• Homoeopathy is applicable
in every curable case, but the
great thing is to know how to
apply it.
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• It is important for the
physician to know the value
of expression.
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A physician is supposed to set his
mind to work instantly, to
ascertain the condition of the
patient and what relation the
symptoms maintain to the Materia
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The symptoms that arise after the
taking of a dose of powerful medicine
are not indicative of a remedy they
present no true image of the disease
and hence the physician has nothing to
do but wait, or at most administer a
well known antidote to the drug taken.
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