Bigbelly Provides A Public Right-Of-Way Platform To Deliver Smart City Solutions and Host Communications Infrastructure
Bigbelly Provides A Public Right-Of-Way Platform To Deliver Smart City Solutions and Host Communications Infrastructure
Bigbelly Provides A Public Right-Of-Way Platform To Deliver Smart City Solutions and Host Communications Infrastructure
Communities and solution providers share the challenge of how and where
to deploy Smart City solutions and communications infrastructure in the
public right-of-way without additional clutter or negative aesthetic impact.
Wi-Fi Hotspot
Smart Waste
& Recycling
Urban Sensors
First Responder
Small Cell
Bigbelly is the world leader of smart waste & recycling solutions for public spaces.
Communities deploy smart, solar-powered, sensor-equipped waste & recycling stations
that communicate their real-time status to streamline waste management operations.
spaces with reduced truck traffic, noise & congestion. No Windblown Litter No Overflows
or Access for Critters or Visible Waste
Increased Productivity
Automated Real-Time
vehicle wear, and fuel consumption. Informed decision
Collection Notifications
making with data and analytics enables labor to be
Increased Capacity Operational Insights,
reallocated to more meaningful projects. (5x Traditional Bin) Analytics & Reporting
Measurable Sustainability
Smart stations communicate real-time status directly into CLEAN Management Console.
Auto-generated email, text, and online notifications indicate which stations need to be collected
to drive increased productivity while eliminating overflows and unnecessary collections.
Users can optimize collection routines, measure and benchmark operations, and realize location-
based waste patterns (volume, fill rate, collection activity) across a Bigbelly smart waste fleet.
CLEAN Management Console Software
Two capacities Stations are Each smart Sensors located On-board GPS Smart stations
(high & standard) self-powered station analyzes inside each station provides accurate communicate their
are available (compactors are and monitors its continuously and up-to-date real-time status
to match the solar-powered) status to make measure the geolocation and activity to the
varying waste & do not require decisions about fullness status, for the most cloud management
volume needs in connection to an communications, door opens, and precise location- system via cellular
every location. electrical grid. fullness & alerts. collection activity. based data. connection.
High Capacity Stations Multi-Stream Configurations
Smart, Solar-Powered Compacting Model
Stations are modular and support any
• Senses & Communicates Fullness Level combination of waste streams at each location.
• Capacity: 150 Gallons (~570 liters) Waste Streams Available: Trash, Single Stream,
• Built-in Compactor (5:1 Compaction Ratio) Bottles & Cans, Paper, and Compost/Organics.
• Enclosed Design with Hopper
• Senses & Communicates Fullness Level • Graphic Wraps, Message Panels and Stickers
Communities deploy the Bigbelly Smart Waste & Recycling System to eliminate the
common challenges of managing public space waste. They can take advantage of required
public waste infrastructure as a host location for other applications and equipment.
Stations are densely installed across public spaces to The core waste infrastructure has a proven form factor
keep communities clean and to capture waste where the and offers a multi-purpose platform capable of hosting
people are. Cities can take advantage of shared space in Smart City technologies. City-wide deployments enhance
the stations to deploy other technologies without adding the urban experience without negative aesthetic impact
clutter in dense urban areas. by hiding equipment in plain sight.
Smart Waste &
Wi-Fi Hotspots
Smart Waste
Recycling System Wi-Fi Hotspot
& Recycling
The core smart waste & recycling system includes The smart station form factor doubles as a sealed
smart stations on the street which communicate location to conceal a Wi-Fi hotspot in the public
their status into an cloud-connected software to drive right-of-way. No plugs or grid power are required for
up to 80% collection reduction and cleaner spaces. instant Internet access with up to 200′ signal radius.
A beacon network can be deployed within a smart waste Placed discretely inside smart waste stations, urban
& recycling fleet to deliver location-based messages intelligence sensor networks can be deployed exactly
and notifications, such as neighborhood alerts, public where the people are to capture data from footfall and
service announcements, or local business promotions. noise, to environmental status and pollution levels.
Leverage the Bigbelly platform as a multi-purpose Consider the platform extended to be a cabinet-like
infrastructure in dense urban areas. It can host small hosting location for essential city safety networking
cell and other wireless equipment in an easy to access equipment right on the street, such as separate first
sidewalk location while being hidden in plain sight. responder networks or emergency broadcast systems.
#1 World Leader in Smart Waste & Recycling Systems
Bigbelly Smart Solutions for Cities
Bigbelly is the #1 provider of smart waste & recycling solutions around the globe, deployed across Smart Cities,
campuses, and organizations in all 50 United States and in over 50 countries worldwide.
The company was founded in 2003 with the goal of transforming one of the least efficient and resource-intensive
industries: waste collection. Since then, the company has evolved to offer a unique and complete solution by
leveraging renewable solar energy and information technology.
Today, Bigbelly is a multi-purpose platform for building smarter cities. Uniquely positioned as a public right-of-way
platform, it delivers Smart City solutions and hosts communications infrastructure. It enables communities to
beautify public spaces, increase productivity, and improve quality of life.
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