Pipe Catalogue
Pipe Catalogue
Pipe Catalogue
• Laminate meets requirements of API specification 15LR and ISO 14692;
• Pipe wall design based on hydrostatic design basis (procedure B) with a 0.5 service factor;
• Maximum operating temperature: 93 °C. Temperatures up to 121 °C are possible. Please consult NOV Fiber Glass
• Pipe sizes: 50 - 1000 mm (2” - 40”);
• Standard pressure rating up to 50 bar. Higher pressure ratings are possible. Please consult NOV Fiber Glass Systems;
• ASTM D-2310 classification: RTRP-11AW.
Filament wound Glassfiber Reinforced epoxy (GRE) pipe with an integral Taper female x shaved spigot adhesive bonded joint
or Key-Lock integral female x male mechanical joint.
Filament wound Glassfiber Reinforced epoxy (GRE) fittings with integral Taper female bell ends. A wide range of fittings, such
as elbows, tees and reducers are available.
Filament wound GRE heavy duty and stub end flanges with integral Taper female bell end. Standard flange drilling pattern as
per ASME B16.5 and B16.47A class 150. Other drilling patterns such as class 300, DIN and JIS are also available.
For dimensional data and standard configurations for fittings, please refer to the respective fitting guides. Optionally, the
system can be supplied conductive (Bondstrand 2400C) or with fireproofing (Bondstrand 2400FP).
Note: pipe nipples, saddles and flanged fittings have different end configurations.
Pipe sizes
From 50 - 100 mm (2”- 4”): 5.8 - 6.2 m or 9 m random length
For 150 mm (6”): 5.8 - 6.2 m, 9 m or 11.6 - 11.9 m random length
From 200 - 1000 mm (8” - 40”): 11.6 - 11.9 m random length
Note: Overall pipe length depends on size, end configuration and production location.
Typical physical properties
Pipe property Units Value Method
Thermal conductivity pipe wall W/m°K 0.33 NOV FGS
Thermal expansion @ 21 °C mm/mm °C 18x10-6 ASTM D696
Thermal expansion @ 93 °C mm/mm °C 24x10-6 ASTM D696
Flow coefficient Hazen-Williams 150 -
Absolute roughness m 5.3x10-6 -
Density kg/m3 1800 -
Specific gravity 1.8 ASTM D792
Specific heat J/kg°K 910 -
Grounding resistance @500 Volt - pipe Ohm/m < 1x10-6 ASTM D257
Grounding resistance @500 Volt - fitting Ohm/ea < 1x10-6 ASTM D257
Shielding capability Volt 100 -
* at 65°C
Note: Pipe wall thickness measured according to NOV Fiber Glass System procedure.
External pressure
Ultimate Collapse pressure at 21 °C
Nominal pipe size Bondstrand series
Note: At 93°C. the values for collapse pressure are approximately 37% lower.
Specific Tangential Initial Stiffness (STIS) per NEN 7037 at 21 ºC
Nominal pipe size Bondstrand series
Stiffness (C’tnd)
Stiffness Factor (SF) per ASTM D-2412 at 21°C
Nominal pipe size Bondstrand series
Span lengths
Single span recommendations at 21°C
Nominal pipe size Bondstrand series
Notes: 1. Span lengths are based on 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) mid span deflection.
2. Span lengths are based on pipes filled with water having a density of 1000 kg/m3 and include no provisions for weight caused by
insulation material, valves, flanges or other heavy objects.
3. At 93 °C, span lengths are approximately 10% lower.
4. Span lengths do not include provisions for occasional loads like, snow, ice, wind etc.
1 psi = 6895 Pa = 0.07031 kg/cm2
1 bar = 105Pa = 14.5 psi = 1.02 kg/cm2
1 MPa = 1 N/mm2 = 145 psi = 10.2 kg/cm2
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 Btu•in/(h•ft2 • °F) = 0.1442 W/(m•K)
°C = 5/9 (°F-32)
National Oilwell Varco has produced this brochure for general information only. and it
is not intended for design purposes. Although every effort has been made to maintain
the accuracy and reliability of its contents. National Oilwell Varco in no way assumes
responsibility for liability for any loss. damage or injury resulting from the use of information
and data herein nor is any warranty expressed or implied. Always cross-reference the
bulletin date with the most current version listed at the website noted in this literature.
www.fgspipe.com • [email protected]