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EDM - Literature Survey

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EDM is one of the emerging technologies for micro-fabrication

methods on which research attempts are being made around the world in the
scientific community to explore its potential. After going through related
literature, the survey is broadly classified into three different categories such as
(i) Machining performance (ii) Micro-hole machining by varying EDM
Specifications and (iii) Process optimization.


Chen et al. (1999) have investigated the machining characteristics of

Ti–6A1–4V with kerosene and distilled water as the dielectrics. The results show
that the MRR is greater and the relative electrode wear ratio is lower when
machining in distilled water rather than in kerosene. By using X-ray diffraction,
it is confirmed that Titanium carbide (TiC) and Titanium oxide (TiO) are formed
on the workpiece surface when using kerosene and distilled water, respectively.
The lower removal rate when machining Ti–6A1–4V alloy in kerosene can be
explained by both the formation of TiC, which has a higher melting temperature
and therefore requires a larger discharge energy, and carbon deposition on the
electrode, causing further retardation of the discharge process. A larger amount

of debris and more micro cracks are also found when using distilled water as the

Yeo et al. (1999) investigated the current attempts to improve micro

hole drilling. The focus is to develop a novel technique that enhances the
capabilities of Micro-EDM for realization of micro holes with a high aspect ratio.
Based on theories in fluidization engineering and ultrasonic degassing, a method
of introducing ultrasonic vibrations into Micro-EDM processes is conceptualized
and developed. A comparative analysis has revealed that the new technique can
produce a significant increase in the aspect ratios over the current methods of
micro hole drilling. The potential of the capabilities of ultrasonic vibrations in
Micro-EDM drilling is thus emphasized.

Masuzawa (2000) has summarized the basic concepts and applications

of major methods of micromachining. The basic characteristics of each group of
methods are discussed based on different machining phenomena. Capable
methods are introduced in detail hinting at suitable areas of application. Finally,
the present state of micromachining technologies is explained with examples of
experimental and practical applications.

Wansheng et al. (2002) have introduced ultrasonic vibration into

micro-EDM and analyzes the effect of ultrasonic vibration on the EDM process.
A four-axis EDM machine tool which combines ultrasonic and micro-EDM has
been developed. With a cylindrical tool electrode, made of hard carbide, which
has high stiffness, a single-side notch is made along the electrode. Ultrasonic
vibration is then introduced into the micro-EDM. Experiments have been carried
out and results have shown that holes with a diameter of less than Ø0.2 mm and a

depth/diameter ratio of more than 15 can be drilled steadily using this equipment
and technology.

Yan et al. (2002) adopted a machining method that combined Micro

Electrical Discharge Machining (MEDM) and Micro UltraSonic Machining
(MUSM). They showed that the Diameter Variation between the Entrance and
Exit (DVEE) could reach a value of about 2 mm in micro-holes with diameters of
about 150 mm and depth of 500 mm. They obtained micro-holes with a
roundness value of about 2 mm (the maximum radius minus the minimum

Kaminski and Capuano (2003) have reported that the parameters

affecting the micro holes machining process when there are diameters smaller
than 0.1 mm and aspect ratio bigger than 20 used by electro-erosion penetration
process in sheets. And circularity deviation provided by the experiment is smaller
than 0.01 for 0.1 mm diameter holes.

Wong et al. (2003) have investigated the micro-EDM material

removal characteristics using single RC-pulse discharges. They have reported
that the estimated erosion efficiency of material removal at low-energy (<50 J)
discharges is found to be seven to eight times higher than that at higher-energy
discharges. They have also observed that the volume and size of the micro-
craters are more consistent at lower energy discharge than at higher energy
discharges. A single discharge erosion RC circuit with DC voltage power supply
(0-300V) is developed.

Tsai and Masuzawa (2004) have discussed the machining accuracy of

the EDM process. Although EDM is an efficient machining process for the
fabrication of a micro-hole, tool wear leads to significant problem resulting in
deterioration in the machining accuracy. The machining accuracy of EDM is
limited by tool wear, which is unavoidable consequence in EDM process because
the sparks generated for the machining remove the part of the electrode
simultaneously. The tool wear is characterized by corner and end wear which
mean tool material removal in radial and axial directions, respectively. Therefore,
the tool wear deteriorates both the depth and the shape of a machined hole in
EDM drilling. In particular, this problem becomes intensified in the fabrication
of a blind hole. Electrode wear is inversely related to the melting point of the
material used as the electrode that is the higher the melting point, the lower the
tools wear.

Singh et al. (2004) discuss the evolution of effect of the EDM current,
pulse on-time and flushing pressure on MRR, TWR, Taper, ROC, and surface
roughness on machining as-cast Al-MMC with 10% SiCp and use of metal
matrix composites. ELEKTRAPLUS spark erosion machine is used for the
purpose and jet flushing of the dielectric fluid, kerosene, is employed. Brass tool
of diameter 2.7mm is chosen to drill the specimens. An L27 OA, for the three
machining parameters at three levels each, is opted to conduct the experiments.
ANOVA is performed and the optimal levels for maximizing the responses are
established. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis is done to study the
surface characteristics.

Kunieda et al. (2005) aims to show the prospects of EDM technology

by interrelating recent achievements in fundamental studies on EDM with newly
developed advanced application technologies. Although gap phenomena in the

EDM are very complicated and hence not yet very well understood, recent
improvements in computers and electronic measuring instruments are
contributing to new discoveries and inventions in the EDM technology. Such
newly acquired insight sometimes raises questions on the validity of the
established theories of the EDM phenomena, and the EDM processes once
believed to be impossible or unrealistic are now becoming practical.

Rajurkar et al. (2006) have reported that there are worldwide technical
developments and the state-of-the-art of electro-physical and chemical micro-
machining processes. Issues related to the supporting technologies such as
standardization, metrology and equipment design are briefly discussed.
Additionally non-technological issues including environmental effects and
education are also discussed.

Weng (2006) investigates the manufacturing of micro-parts with an

array of micro holes using the machined micro-graphite copper electrode in the
EDM. This electrode is fabricated by using electrochemical process of anodic
etching combined with electroforming process. He indicates that yielding parts
can be utilized as a micro-water spray nozzle in the biotechnology applications.

Han et al. (2006) have developed a new transistor type iso-pulse

generator for micro-EDM. Their experiments show that the machining
characteristics prove that the transistor type iso-pulse generator is suitable for
micro-EDM. Their experimental results reveal that the transistor type pulse train
generator is unsuitable for micro-EDM due to its low removal rate. The removal
rate of the transistor type isopulse generator is two or three times higher than that
of the traditional RC pulse generator.

Son et al. (2007) have investigated about the influences of EDM

machining conditions on micro-EDM characteristics. The pulse condition is
particularly focused on the pulse duration and the ratio of off-time to on-time,
and the machining properties are reported on tool wear, MRR, and machining
accuracy. Their experimental results show that the voltage and current of the
pulse exert strongly to the machining properties and the shorter EDM pulses is
more efficient to make a precision part with a higher MRR.

Bhattacharyya et al. (2007) have studied the white layer thickness

which is formed on the machined surface due to intense heat generation in the
EDM process. Li et al. (2007) have discussed the latest technologies in micro-
machining. Based on the study, they have concluded that challenges still exist in
the fields like innovation in workpiece and tool material, and development of
auxiliary tooling equipment together with processes combination.

Nakaoku et al. (2007) have investigated about the basic characteristic

of micro-EDM by machining micro holes in sintered diamond. They have
reported that micro-holes with a diameter of 50 m can be machined in sintered
diamond and machining characteristic is similar to the tungsten carbide alloy. In
addition, they have observed that side gap between electrode and hole wall
increases with increasing open-circuit voltage.

Pham et al. (2007) have studied the electrode wear during micro-
electrical discharge drilling with micro rod and micro tube electrodes. They have
reported that wear measurement increases dramatically after a certain depth while
rod electrode is used. This is mainly expected due to deteriorated flushing

conditions. Good flushing should be enabled to avoid from side sparking on the
electrode. However, tubular electrode is more stabilized in deep depth when
compared to the rod electrode.

Ali et al. (2009) have discussed the characterization of form of micro-

holes produced by micro Electrical Discharge Drilling (micro-EDD) on
beryllium copper alloy using tungsten carbide electrode of 300 m diameter.
Using a fixed set of micro-EDD parameters, micro-holes of different aspect ratio
are drilled. The selected form characteristics diameter, roundness, and taper angle
are investigated. The hole diameter and roundness are estimated by using SEM
and graphical calculation. The micro-hole is sectioned to measure the depth and
taper angle. The variations of these form characteristics are plotted against aspect
ratio. This experimental study shows that diameter, roundness error, and taper
angle of the micro-hole increase with the increase of aspect ratio almost at the
same rate. The electrode wear ratio is not insignificant for low aspect ratio micro-
hole. However, it increases sharply with the increase of aspect ratio.

Pradhan et al. (2009) attempts to optimize the micro-EDM process

parameters for machining Ti-6Al-4V super alloy. To verify the optimal micro-
EDM process parameters settings, MRR, TWR, OC and T are chosen as
observed performance criteria. In addition, four independent parameters such as
peak current, pulse-on time, flushing pressure, and duty ratio are adopted for
evaluation by the Taguchi method. From the ANOVA and S/N ratio graph, the
significant process parameters and the optimal combination level of machining
parameters are obtained. It is seen that machining performances are affected
mostly by the peak current and pulse-on time during micro-electro discharge
machining of titanium alloy. The mathematical models have been developed to
establish the relationship between various significant process parameters and

micro-EDM performance criteria. In-depth studies have also been made to

examine the influence of various process parameters on the white layer and
surface topography through SEM micrographs of machined micro-hole.

Nagahanumaiah et al. (2009) have presented the spectroscopic

measurement of temperature and electron density in the micro-EDM process. A
systematic study using L18 OA experiments based on the Taguchi method is
conducted to understand the effect of varying process parameters including
voltage, current, spark gap and electrode size on the plasma characteristics. The
line pair method and the Stark broadening of the spectral line are used to
compute plasma temperature and electron density, respectively. The spark gap
and electrode size are found to have a significant influence on the plasma
characteristics. The plasma produced by low energy discharge in micro-EDM is
more non-ideal, denser, and colder than the high-energy discharge plasma
produced in the conventional EDM process. The inter particle distance is roughly
equal to the Debye length, resulting in more electrostatic interactions between

Yu et al. (2009) have presented a new method of drilling high aspect

ratio micro-holes by EDM, in which the planetary movement of an electrode,
with enhancement from ultrasonic vibration, provides an unevenly distributed
gap for the debris and bubbles to escape from the discharge zone easily. Micro-
holes with aspect ratio of 29 have been drilled.

Opoz et al. (2009) have investigated experimentally of the shape and

dimensional geometry of blind micro-holes produced by micro-EDM to explore
the relational dependency with respect to machining time. For this purpose,

micro-holes are machined with machining times ranging from 1-80 minutes on
plastic mould steel samples using tungsten carbide tool electrode and hydro
carbide dielectric liquid composed of mineral and synthetic oils. All other
operational machining parameters such as pulse time, gap voltage, average
current, and so forth, are kept constant during machining. Depth, diametric
expansions, end-tip shape, wall side parallelisms of holes are analyzed both on
surface and cross-sections of the samples. Consequently, nine different end-tip
shape formations are observed, and these shapes discussed on basis of dielectric
liquid circulation and sparking conditions during machining. Enlargement in hole
diameter is predicted by defining a band-width of 20 m hole expansion.
Moreover, parallel wall-side length is expressed as the micro-hole depth where
5% reduction in entrance diameter is measured at the tapered section.

Aligiri et al. (2010) have proposed a new tool wear compensation

method in the micro-EDM. Owing to the reduced tool area and poor flushing
conditions in deep holes, tool wear in the micro-EDM is more significant than in
macro-EDM. In micro-EDM drilling, the z-axis of the tool position is monitored
as machining progresses. However, due to significant electrode wear, the
machined hole depth is not identical to the programmed depth of the hole, and
thus this will result in geometrical inaccuracy. New micro-EDM drilling method
is used, in which the material removal volume is estimated as machining
progresses. The compensation length is calculated and adjustment is made
repeatedly along the tool path until the targeted material removal volume is
reached. A real-time material removal volume estimator is developed based on
the theoretical electro-thermal model, number of discharge pulse and pulse
discrimination system. Under various energy input and machining depth settings,
the experimental and estimated results are found to be in satisfactory agreement
with average error lower than 14.3% for SS, titanium, and nickel alloy work
materials. The proposed drilling method can compensate the tool wear and

produce more accurate micro-holes as compared to other methods. The

experimental work also shows that the proposed method is more reliable as
compared to the uniform wear method. In drilling micro-holes of 900 m depth,
the depth error can be reduced to 4% using the proposed method.

The micro-EDM process has proved to be an appropriate

nonconventional machining method for manufacturing accurate and complex
three-dimensional structural micro-features which are difficult to be produced by
conventional processes. However, the miniaturization of the EDM process needs
special requirements on the machining equipment. The pulse generators which
can produce small input energy pulses and high precision systems are the two
major requirements. In this paper, newly developed technologies regarding these
aspects are explored with the aid of a commercial micro-EDM machine. By
examining the pulses, innovative strategies implemented in the pulse generator
are studied. The pulse measurements reveal the correlation between the discharge
pulses and the machine parameters in order to provide an overview of process
capability. The conclusions are applied on machining of a ceramic composite
Si3N4-TiN and optimized machining settings for different machining conditions
are achieved. Accordingly, applications of two- and three-dimensional micro-
structures on different types of materials such as a stainless steel micro-
compressor and a ceramic miniature gas turbine are demonstrated. By inspecting
the machining geometry and surface integrity, process characteristics of micro-
EDM are discussed (Liu et al 2010).

Wang et al. (2011) investigates the micro-hole machining performance

for Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) by micro-EDM. The experimental results
indicate that negative polarity machining is suitable for micro-EDM of PCD
because of the protection brought over by the adhesion sticking to the electrode.

An appropriate volume of adhesion on the tool electrode can help increase the
MRR and reduce the relative TWR. By contrast, an excessive volume of
adhesion can make the machining into a vicious circle in which micro-holes are
drilled with overlarge diameters. An optimal set of machining conditions is
chosen among the investigated ranges of nominal capacitance and electrode
rotation speed. An exemplary PCD through-hole, machined under the chosen
optimal machining conditions, shows satisfactory machining results.

Jahan et al. (2011) have reviewed the conventional and micro-EDM of

tungsten carbide. The capability of machining intricate features with high
dimensional accuracy in hard and difficult-to-cut material has made EDM
process as an inevitable and one of the most popular non-conventional machining
processes. In recent years, both EDM and micro-EDM processes are being used
extensively in the field of mould making, production of dies, cavities and
complex 3D structures using difficult-to-cut tungsten carbide and its composites.
The objective of this paper is to provide a state of the art in the field of EDM and
micro-EDM of tungsten carbide and its composites. The review begins with a
brief introduction on the EDM and micro-EDM processes. The research and
developments in EDM of tungsten carbide are grouped broadly into conventional
EDM of tungsten carbide, micro-EDM of tungsten carbide and current research
trends in EDM and micro-EDM of tungsten carbide. The problems and
challenges in the area of conventional and micro-EDM of tungsten carbide and
the importance of compound and hybrid machining processes are discussed. A
summary of the future research directions based on the review is presented at the
final section.



Micro-EDM is one of the most powerful methods for drilling micro-

holes in any electrically conductive materials, since circular rod electrode with a
very small diameter of 5 m can be fabricated by using WEDG unit placed on the
micro-EDM machine (Masuzawa 1997). The depth of the holes which can be
drilled will be rather limited, since the side gap between electrode and workpiece
is very narrow in micro-EDM. This is an obstacle to remove away debris from
sparking area, and result in bad discharge called arc and short circuit. The recent
study in micro-EDM is generally condensed to get high aspect ratio in micro-
holes, inner and exit diameter differences, surface and geometrical shape quality,
and minimum achievable size in micro-hole manufacturing. A literature survey
on micro-hole machining by using micro-EDM with different decisive
specifications is presented below.

Her et al. (2001) have studied on micro-hole machining of copper with

traditional EDM machine using a tungsten carbide tool electrode. They reported
that electrode wear and hole enlargement are both smaller, and a better profile of
micro hole can be obtained when positive polarity machining is selected,
however, electrode wear is higher when positive polarity machining is selected.
In addition, the author has also emphasized that MRR is higher when negative
polarity machining and tungsten carbide electrode are selected.

Yan et al. (2002) have studied precise micro-hole machining with high
aspect ratios in borosilicate glass. They use a machining method which combines
micro-EDM and MUSM. Their experimental results show that using appropriate
machining parameters; the diameter variations between the entrances and exits

(DVEE) can be decreased to nearly 2 m in micro holes with a diameter of 150

m and depth of 500 m. In that paper, authors claim that DVEE can be
enhanced by improving an ultrasonic amplitude or rotational speed and they have
also reported that the degree of micro-hole roundness is mostly related to the
machining tool rotation speed.

Yu et al. (2002) have proposed a model which provides planetary

movement to the electrode. The planetary movement in micro-EDM results in
sufficient gap to remove debris during drilling high aspect ratio micro holes,
blind noncircular micro holes as well. Their approach is verified by
manufacturing micro holes with an aspect ratio of 18 and blind noncircular micro
holes with sharp corners and edges.

Li et al. (2002) have proposed an inchworm type micro feeding

mechanism in micro-EDM. With the aid of this mechanism, micro holes and
micro-rods with an aspect ratio of more than 20 and 10 are obtained respectively.
Wansheng et al. (2002) have introduced the ultrasonic vibration into micro-EDM
when they make their experiments with a single side notched cylindrical tool
electrode. They have reported that holes with a diameter of less than Ø0.2 mm
and aspect ratio of more than 15 can be machined steadily using this technology.

Kaminski and Capuano (2003) have reported that the parameters

affecting the micro holes machining process when diameter smaller than 0.1 mm
and aspect ratio bigger than 20 by electro-erosion penetration process in sheets.
And circularity deviation provided by the experiment is smaller than 0.01 for 0.1
mm diameter holes.

Diver et al. (2004) investigated of the fabrication of reverse tapered

holes in EDM systems. They have emphasized that the existing EDM system is
not fully qualified and produce low quality reverse tapered holes. According to
their novel technique, tapered holes with a entry diameter of 100 m and exit
diameter of 160 m can be produced. The other alternative ways of producing
tapered holes are listed below;

Modify the EDM parameters (e.g. voltage, frequency, current,

gap, gain, and pulse width) during machining to remove more
material radially as the depth of machining increases.

Move the workpiece relative to the electrode to achieve the

desired hole taper.

Change the electrode angle and position radially during


Feed and rotate the electrode at the angle required to achieve

the desired hole taper.

Yeo et al. (2004) have investigated of feasibility of a magnetic field to

obtain higher aspect holes on hardened tool steel using micro-EDM process.
They have reported that the magnetic field can assist to improve debris
circulation, and they achieve to machine a hole with a depth of 1177 m in 360
min, which is 26% higher than that of the achievement in conventional micro-

Kim et al. (2006) have proposed a method to reduce the difference

between the entrance and exit diameters of the hole. By reducing secondary
discharge, electrode wear, and capacitance when the tool is closed to the exit of
the hole by introducing ultrasonic vibration to the EDM, a mostly straight hole is
fabricated and inner shape of hole is not influenced from the proposed method.

Hung et al. (2006) have used a helical micro-tool electrode to drill and
finish micro-holes by using micro-electro-discharge machining combined with
ultrasonic vibration. They have reported that this method can substantially reduce
the EDM gap, taper and machining time for deep micro-hole drilling. Moreover,
using a helical micro-tool with micro ultrasonic vibration finishing, good surface
quality and less taper of the hole wall can be obtained.

Weng (2006) has investigated the manufacturing of microparts with an

array of micro holes using the machined micrographite–copper electrode in
EDM. This electrode is fabricated by using electrochemical process of anodic
etching combined with electroforming process. He indicates that yielding parts
can be utilized as a microwater spray nozzle in the biotechnology applications.

Nakaoku et al. (2007) have investigated that the basic characteristic of

micro-EDM by machining micro holes in sintered diamond. They have reported
that micro-holes with a diameter of 50 m can be machined in sintered diamond
and machining characteristic is similar to the tungsten carbide alloy. In addition,
they have observed that side gap between electrode and hole wall increases with
increasing open-circuit voltage.


Lin et al. (2000) have described the application of the Taguchi method
with fuzzy logic for optimizing the EDM process with multiple performance
characteristics. Based on the experiments, the performance characteristics such as
electrode wear rate and MRR are improved through this approach. Hence the
optimization methodology developed with this study is useful in improving
multiple performance characteristics in the EDM operations.

Huang et al. (2003) have applied Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) to

determine the optimal selection of machining parameters for the Wire-EDM
process. Based on Taguchi quality design concept, an L 18 mixed-OA table is
chosen for the experiments. With both GRA and a statistical method, it is found
that the table feed rate has a significant influence on the metal removal rate,
whilst the gap width and surface roughness are mainly influenced by pulse on
time. Moreover, the optimal machining parameters setting for maximum metal
removal rate and minimum surface roughness (or a desired surface roughness or
a desired gap width) could be obtained by this approach.

Fung (2003) has studied the optimization of injection moulding

process parameters using the GRA method. Nine experimental runs based on the
Taguchi method of OA’s are performed to determine the best factor level
condition. The wear volume losses of fiber-reinforced polybutylene terephthalate
in different sliding directions are selected to be the quality targets. The degree of
influence that the controllable process factors exert on the wear volume losses is
studied by investigating the correlation between them. By analyzing the grey
relational grade matrix, the most influential process factor and the most easily
influenced wear property could be picked.

Lin (2004) has addressed an approach based on the Taguchi method

with GRA for optimizing turning operations with multiple performance
characteristics. A grey relational grade obtained from the GRA is used to solve
the turning operations with multiple performance characteristics. Optimal cutting
parameters can then be determined by the Taguchi method using the grey
relational grade as the performance index. Tool life, cutting force, and surface
roughness are important characteristics in turning. Using these characteristics, the
cutting parameters, including cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut are
optimized in the study. Experimental results have been improved through this

Singh et al. (2004) have suggested that OA with GRA is useful for
optimization of multiple response characteristics which are more complex
compared to optimization of single performance characteristics. They have
obtained optimal EDM parameters settings of MRR, TWR, DOC, T and surface
roughness during the EDM of Al-10%SiCP as cast metal matrix composites.

Chiang and Chang (2006) have presented an effective approach for the
optimization of the wire Electric Discharge Machining (WEDM) process of
Al2O3 particle-reinforced material (6061 alloy) with multiple performance
characteristics based on the GRA. The machining information for the difficult-
cutting particle-reinforced material is inadequate and complicated. The response
table and response graph for each level of the machining parameters are obtained
from the grey relational grade, and select the optimal levels of machining
parameters. In this study, the machining parameters namely the cutting radius of
working piece, the on time of discharging, the off time of discharging, the arc on
time of discharging, the arc off time of discharging, the servo voltage, the wire
feed and water flow are optimized with considerations of multiple performance

characteristics, such as the surface removal rate and the maximum surface
roughness. It is clearly shown that the above performance characteristics in the
WEDM process are great improved together through this approach.

Rajurkar et al. (2006) have been reviewed the micro-EDM research.

Research on micromachining has been pursued only by few research groups
worldwide. A recent review of -EDM reported in the CIRP proceedings has
concluded that the gap phenomena in -EDM are not fully understood, and there
exists a need for significant advancements in the theoretical understanding of -
EDM technology at the micro-nano scale, the influence of the material’s grain
size, crystallographic orientation, melting/boiling point, elastic strength, the
effect of residual stress, environmental control with dielectrics or under nearly
dry EDM machining conditions, and the scaling up of these processes for
parallel processing

Zhang et al. (2007) have studied the Taguchi design application to

optimize surface quality in a CNC face milling operation. This study has
included feed rate, spindle speed and depth of cut as control factors, and the noise
factors are the operating chamber temperature and the usage of different tool
inserts in the same specification, which introduces tool condition and
dimensional variability. An OA of L9 is used; ANOVA analyses are carried out
to identify the significant factors affecting surface roughness, and the optimal
cutting combination is determined by seeking the best surface roughness
(response) and S/N ratio. Finally, confirmation tests verify that the Taguchi
design is successful in optimizing milling parameters for surface roughness.

Nalbant et al. (2007) have used Taguchi method to find the optimal
cutting parameters for surface roughness in turning operations of AISI 1030 steel
bars using TiN coated tools. Three cutting parameters, namely, insert radius, feed
rate, and depth of cut, are optimized with considerations of surface roughness.
However, very few studies have been conducted to investigate roundness under
different turning parameter.

Sundaram et al. (2008) investigates of the optimal combinations of

process parameters to maximize the MRR and minimize the tool wear by
applying Taguchi experimental design. Experimental investigation of ultrasonic
assisted micro EDM is performed by introducing ultrasonic vibration to
workpiece. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is performed and signal-to-noise
(S/N) ratio is determined to know the level of importance of the machining
parameters. Based on ANOVA, ultrasonic vibration at 60% of the peak power
with capacitance of 3300PF is found to be significant for best MRR. The
machining time plays a significant role in the tool wear. The results are
confirmed experimentally at 95% confidence interval.

Tzeng et al. (2009) have investigated the optimization of CNC turning

operation parameters for SKD11 using the GRA method. Nine experimental runs
based on an OA of Taguchi method are performed. The surface properties of
roughness average and roughness maximum as well as the roundness are selected
as the quality targets. An optimal parameter combination of the turning operation
is obtained via GRA. By analyzing the Grey relational grade matrix, the degree
of influence for each controllable process factor onto individual quality targets
can be found. The depth of cut is identified to be the most influential on the
roughness average and the cutting speed is the most influential factor to the
roughness maximum and the roundness. Additionally, the analysis of variance is

also applied to identify the most significant factor; the depth of cut is the most
significant controlled factors for the turning operations according to the weighted
sum grade of the roughness average, roughness maximum and roundness.

Patel et al. (2009) have investigated of EDM-machinable ceramic

composite material (Al2O3–SiCw–TiC). Experiments are conducted using
discharge current, pulse-on time, duty cycle and gap voltage as typical process
parameters. The GRA is adopted to obtain grey relational grade for EDM process
with multiple characteristics namely MRR and surface roughness. ANOVA is
used to study the significance of process variables on grey relational grade which
shows discharge current and duty cycle to be most significant parameters. Other
than discharge current and duty cycle, pulse-on time and gap voltage have also
been found to be significant. To validate the study, confirmation experiment has
been carried out at optimum set of parameters and predicted results have been
found to be in good agreement with experimental findings.

Pradhan et al. (2009) have optimized micro-EDM process parameters

for machining Ti-6Al-4V super alloy. To verify the optimal micro-EDM process
parameters settings, MRR, TWR, OC and T are chosen as observed performance
criteria. In addition, four independent parameters such as peak current, pulse-on
time, flushing pressure, and duty ratio are adopted for evaluation by the Taguchi
method. From the ANOVA and S/N ratio graph, the significant process
parameters and the optimal combination level of machining parameters are
obtained. It is seen that machining performances are affected mostly by the peak
current and pulse-on time during micro-EDM of titanium alloy. Mathematical
models have been developed to establish the relationship between various
significant process parameters and micro-EDM performance criteria. In-depth
studies have also been made to examine the influence of various process

parameters on the white layer and surface topography through SEM micrographs
of machined micro-hole.

Bhaduri et al. (2009) have discussed that the effects of EDM process
parameters on MRR, electrode wear rate, radial OC, and taper angle while
machining TiN–Al 2O3 composite. The characteristic features of the EDM process
are explored through Taguchi L9 OA design–based experimental studies with
various process parametric combinations. Finally, optimum parameter settings
for each response factor are obtained and tested through verification experiments.
The whole experimental study indicates that EDM has a very good potential in
machining of TiN–Al2O3 ceramic composite in some particular ranges of process

Lin et al. (2009) have optimized the magnetic force assisted EDM
using Taguchi technique. Based on the experimental results, the magnetic force
assisted EDM has a higher MRR, a lower electrode wear ratio, and a smaller
surface roughness as compared to standard EDM.

Ponappa et al. (2010) evaluates the effects of EDM parameters on

drilled-hole quality such as taper and surface finish. Microwave-sintered
magnesium nano composites are used as work materials. Experiments are
conducted using Taguchi methodology to ascertain the effects of EDM process
parameter. The process parameters such as pulse-on time, pulse-off time, voltage
gap, and servo speed are optimized to get better surface finish and reduced taper.
ANOVA analyses are carried out to identify the significant factors that affect the
hole accuracy and the surface roughness. Pulse-on time and the servo speed are
identified as major response variables. Micro structural changes and the effects of

nano particle reinforcement in the drilled hole are studied through SEM

Jaswin and Lal (2010) have investigated the optimization of the deep
cryogenic treatment for En 52 valve steel using the Taguchi method in
combination with the GRA. The factors considered for the optimization are the
cooling rate, soaking temperature, soaking period, and tempering temperature,
each at three different levels. The mechanical properties such as the tensile
strength, hardness, and wear resistance are selected as the quality targets. Nine
experimental runs based on L9 OA of the Taguchi method are performed. An
optimal parameter combination of the deep cryogenic treatment is obtained via
the GRA. The ANOVA is applied to identify the most influential factor and it is
found that the soaking period is the most influential factor for the deep cryogenic
treatment of En 52 valve steel. The results of the confirmation tests prove that the
tensile strength, hardness, and wear resistance of the deep cryotreated En 52
valve steel samples have improved simultaneously through the optimal
combination of the deep cryogenic treatment parameters obtained from the
proposed method. The improvement in the tensile strength, hardness, and wear
resistance of the deep cryotreated samples at the optimized treatment condition
on the samples without deep cryogenic treatment is 7.84%, 11.16%, and 46.51%,
respectively. Through the deep cryogenic treatment the wear resistance of the En
52 valve steel has improved more compared to the other responses.

Kao et al. (2010) have discussed parameter optimization of the

electrical discharge machining process to Ti–6Al–4V alloy considering multiple
performance characteristics using the Taguchi method and GRA. The process
parameters selected in this study are discharge current, open voltage, pulse
duration and duty factor. Experiments based on the appropriate OA are

conducted first. The normalized experimental results of the performance

characteristics are then introduced to calculate the coefficient and grades
according to GRA. The optimized process parameters simultaneously leading to
a lower electrode wear ratio, higher MRR and better surface roughness are then
verified through a confirmation experiment. The validation experiments show an
improved electrode wear ratio of 15%, MRR of 12% and surface roughness of
19% when the Taguchi method and GRA are used.

Jagan et al. (2010) have investigated the feasibility of machining deep

micro-holes in two difficult-to-cut materials: cemented carbide (WC-Co) and
austenitic stainless steel (SUS 304) using the micro-EDM drilling. The effect of
discharge energy and electro-thermal material properties on the performance of
the two work materials during the micro-EDM drilling has also been
investigated. The micro-EDM drilling performance of two materials has been
assessed based on the quality and accuracy of the produced micro-holes,
machining stability, MRR, and electrode wear ratio. The results show that deep-
hole micro-EDM drilling is technically more feasible in WC-Co as it offers
micro-holes with smooth and burr-free surfaces at the rim in addition to
improved circularity and lower OC than those provided by SUS 304. Moreover,
WC-Co exhibits better machinability during the deep-hole micro-EDM drilling,
providing relatively higher MRR and stable machining.

Jung and Kwon (2010) have resolved the complicated

interrelationships among the multiple performance characteristics by GRA. They
have attempted to find the optimal machining conditions under which the micro-
hole can be formed to a minimum diameter and a maximum aspect ratio. The
Taguchi method is used to determine the relations between machining parameters
and process characteristics. It is found that electrode wear and the entrance and

exit clearances have a significant effect on the diameter of the micro-hole when
the diameter of the electrode is identical. The GRA is used to determine the
optimal machining parameters, among which the input voltage and the
capacitance are found to be the most significant.


From the analysis of aforementioned literature survey, it can be

concluded that EDM technique is evolving rapidly and it requires further
research to optimize various process variables for effective utilization in micro-
machining domain. The machined surface of micro-hole suffers from thermal
stresses, formation of recast layer, OC, white layer thickness and geometrical
inaccuracy. To minimize such problematic issues heuristic study of the process
parameters is needed to achieve higher productivity i.e. higher MRR, least tool
wear, lesser OC and higher dimensional accuracy. Researchers have studied the
influence of various process parameters such as machining voltage, pulse on-
time, pulse off-time, current, and tool vibrations on machining accuracy and
machining performance. To exploit full potential of EDM, a thorough research is
needed to improve the machining performance, surface quality and accuracy by
optimizing the various EDM process parameters. The optimal use of the EDM
process for higher production rate with better accuracy demands proper control
of machining parameters. Therefore, by controlling the various process
parameters, optimal quality of the workpiece can be obtained.

This research attempts to conduct experiments in micro-EDM

machine and two commercially available sinking EDM machines such as
ELECTRONICA and SPARKONIX using SS. These EDM machines have many
undisclosed parameters which are effective in the determination of machining

characteristics. In order to reveal the machining characteristics and predict the

machined shape of holes, this research aims to disclose the parameters which are
more effective for finding out MRR, TWR, OC and Taper.

In EDM, the debris particles produced during machining are to be

flushed out properly from the machining area in the views of increasing the
machining rate and minimizing the OC and avoiding workpiece tool contact. To
avoid such problems, tube electrode is used to remove debris particles.

Hence, analysis based on Taguchi method with GRA has been carried
out to obtain significant process parameters by using their optimal combination
level for effective micro-hole generation in 304 & 316 SS.


The present state of research indicates a potential scope for production

of micro-turbine impeller and micro-compressor, nozzle for diesel fuel injectors,
inkjet printer manufacturing, cooling holes in turbine blades and the production
of microgrooves for self-acting fluid film bearings and complex shapes.
Furthermore optimization of the process parameters has been carried out to
achieve higher productivity i.e. higher MRR, lesser tool wear, lesser OC and
higher dimensional accuracy.


Literature review on machining performance, micro-hole machining

by varying EDM specifications and process optimization can be summarized in
the form of table is shown in Table follows:

Table 2.1 Summary of literature review

S. Author & Parameters Novelty of the work

No. Year of considered
1 Chen et al. kerosene and MRR is greater and the relative
& 1999 distilled water as the electrode wear ratio is lower when
dielectrics machining in distilled water rather
than in kerosene.
2 Wong et al. Investigated the Estimated erosion efficiency of
& 2003 micro-EDM material material removal at low-energy
removal (<50 J) discharges is found to be
characteristics using seven to eight times higher than
single RC-pulse that at higher-energy discharges.
3 Singh et al. current, pulse on-time MRR, TWR, Taper, ROC, and
& 2004 and flushing pressure surface roughness on Al-MMC
with 10% SiCp metal matrix
4 Han et al. A new transistor type The removal rate of the transistor
& 2006 iso-pulse generator type isopulse generator is two or
for micro-EDM. three times higher than that of the
traditional RC pulse generator.

5 Son et al. pulse duration and the Machining properties are reported
& 2007 ratio of off-time to on tool wear, MRR, and machining
on-time, accuracy.
6 Pradhan et peak current, pulse- Machining performances are
al. & 2009 on time, flushing affected mostly by the peak current
pressure, and duty and pulse-on time during micro-
ratio electro discharge machining of
titanium alloy.
7 Diver et al. voltage, frequency, Fabrication of reverse tapered holes
& 2004 current, gap, gain, in EDM systems.
and pulse width
8 Kim et al. secondary discharge, mostly straight hole is fabricated
& 2006 electrode wear, and
9 Singh et al. pulse on time, Optimal EDM parameters settings
(2004) current, pulse off of MRR, TWR, DOC, T and
time, voltage surface roughness during the EDM
of Al-10%SiCP as cast metal
matrix composites have been
10. Rajurkar et reviewed the micro- A need for significant
al. (2006) EDM research advancements in the theoretical
understanding of -EDM
technology at the micro-nano scale,
the influence of the material’s grain
size, crystallographic orientation,
melting/boiling point, elastic
strength, and the effect of residual

11. Sundaram Capacitance, voltage, Ultrasonic vibration at 60% of the

et al. and vibration peak power with capacitance of
(2008) frequency. 3300PF is found to be significant
for best MRR. The machining time
plays a significant role in the tool
12. Patel et al. discharge current, discharge current and duty cycle
(2009) pulse-on time, duty are found to be most significant
cycle and gap voltage parameters
13. Pradhan et peak current, pulse- Machining performances are
al. (2009) on time, flushing affected mostly by the peak current
pressure, and duty and pulse-on time during micro-
ratio EDM of titanium alloy.
14. Bhaduri et machining of TiN– EDM has a very good potential in
al. (2009) Al2O3 ceramic machining of TiN–Al2O3 ceramic
composite composite
15. Ponappa et pulse-on time, pulse- Pulse-on time and the servo speed
al. (2010) off time, voltage gap, are identified as major response
and servo speed variables.
16. Kao et al. Discharge current, The optimized process parameters
(2010) open voltage, pulse simultaneously leading to a lower
duration and duty electrode wear ratio, higher MRR
factor. and better surface roughness are
then verified through a
confirmation experiment.
17. Jagan et al. Voltage, Discharge Deep-hole micro-EDM drilling is
(2010) energy per pulse, technically more feasible in WC-
Resistance and Co as it offers micro-holes with
capacitance smooth and burr-free surfaces at

the rim in addition to improved

circularity and lower OC than those
provided by SUS 304. Moreover,
WC-Co exhibits better
machinability during the deep-hole
micro-EDM drilling, providing
relatively higher MRR and stable
18. Jung and Input voltage, current The GRA is used to determine the
Kwon and capacitance optimal machining parameters,
(2010) among which the input voltage and
the capacitance are found to be the
most significant.

It is observed that many researchers have studied the influence of

various process parameters such as pulse-on time, voltage, current, and frequency
on MRR, TWR and accuracy using micro-EDM machine. Very few have studied
the performance using conventional EDM machine. Hence further studies are
required to make the micro-holes and study the performance using conventional

The optimal use of the EDM process for higher production rate with
better accuracy demands proper control of machining parameters. Therefore, by
controlling the various process parameters, optimal quality of the workpiece can
be obtained. However, till date, the findings available in the field of drilling of
micro-holes using EDM with regard to optimization of process parameters are

not adequate as there are no established optimal machining parameters. Thus,

there is a great demand for extensive research of finding out the reliable and
repeatable optimal combinational machining parameters. Taguchi method is very
effective to deal with response influenced by multi-variables. This method
focuses on minimizing the effect of causes of variation. In comparison with a
traditional full factorial design of experiments, Taguchi’s methods in general,
provide a significant reduction in the size of experiments thereby speeding up the
experimental process. Two important techniques used in Taguchi design are
OA’s and S/N ratios.

The grey relational theory provides an efficient management upon the

uncertain data, multi-input and discrete data. On the other hand, the GRA reveals
the necessary information of the interactions among parameters. It provides a
solution of a system in which the model is not sure or the information is
incomplete. Hence, analysis based on Taguchi method with GRA has been
carried out to obtain significant process parameters and their optimal
combination level for effective micro-hole generation in 304 &316 SS.

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