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Statistics/Data Analysis

Project: STATA

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121 packages found (Stata Journal and STB listed first)


sbe17 from

STB-39 sbe17. Discrete time proportional hazards regression. / STB insert
by Stephen P. Jenkins, / ESRC Research Centre on Micro-Social Change,
University of Essex, UK. / Support: [email protected] / After
installation, see help pgmhaz.

sts7_6 from

STB-24 sts7_6. A library of time series programs. (part 1 of 2) / STB
insert by Sean Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX
913-888-6708 / After installation, see help ts for general information on
the time / series library. See help tsnew for information on recent

sts7_6_part2 from

STB-24 sts7_6_part2. sts7_6 continued. (part 2 of 2) / STB insert by Sean
Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX 913-888-6708 / After
installation, see help ts for general information on the time / series
library. See help tsnew for information on recent changes to / the

sts7_5 from

STB-23 sts7_5. A library of time series programs. (part 1 of 2) / STB
insert by Sean Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX
913-888-6708 / After installation, see help ts for general information on
the time / series library, and help tsnew for information on recent

sts7_5_part2 from

STB-23 sts7_5_part2. sts7_5 continued. (part 2 of 2) / STB insert by Sean
Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX 913-888-6708 / After
installation, see help ts for general information on the time / series
library, and help tsnew for information on recent changes to / the

sts7_4 from

STB-22 sts7_4. A library of time series programs. (part 1 of 2) / STB
insert by Sean Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX
913-888-6708 / After installation, see help ts for general information on
the time / series library. See help tsnew for information on recent

sts7_4_part2 from

STB-22 sts7_4_part2. sts7_4 continued. (part 2 of 2) / STB insert by Sean
Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX 913-888-6708 / After
installation, see help ts for general information on the time / series
library. See help tsnew for information on recent changes to / the

sts7_3 from

STB-20 sts7_3. A library of time series programs. (part 1 of 2) / STB
insert by Sean Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX
913-888-6708 / After installation, see help ts for general information on
the / time series library. See help tsnew for information on recent /
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 2

sts7_3_part2 from

STB-20 sts7_3_part2. A library of time series programs. (part 2 of 2) /
STB insert by Sean Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX
913-888-6708 / After installation, see help ts for general information on
the / time series library. See help tsnew for information on recent /

sqv9 from

STB-19 sqv9. Probit coefficients as changes in probabilities. / STB
insert by William Gould, Stata Corporation. / Support: FAX 406-696-4601 /
After installation, see help dprobit.

sts7_2 from

STB-19 sts7_2. A library of time series programs. / STB insert by Sean
Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX 913-888-6708 / After
installation, see help ts for general information on the / time series
library. See help tsnew for information on recent / changes to the

sts7_1 from

STB-18 sts7_1. A library of time series programs. / STB insert by Sean
Becketti, Stata Technical Bulletin. / Support: FAX 913-888-6708 / After
installation, see help ts for general information on the time / series
library. See help tsnew for information on recent changes / to the

gr13 from

STB-15 gr13. Incorp. Stata-created PostScript files into TeX/LaTeX. / STB
insert by Teck-Wong Soon, Department of Economics and Statistics, /
National University of Singapore. / Sutaip L C Saw, Department of
Economics and Statistics, / National University of Singapore. / Support:

os4 from

STB-7 os4. Stata icon for Microsoft Windows 3.1. / STB insert by Joseph
Hilbe, Editor, STB. / Support: Fax 602-860-1446 / Note: / If you have
STATA.EXE, (whether regular or Intercooled), copy / STATA.ICO to directory
containing STATA.EXE. If you also have / ISTATA.EXE, copy ISTATA.ICO to

ip1 from

STB-5 ip1. Customizing a Stata menu system. / STB insert by Marc Jacobs,
Social Sciences, / University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. / Support: FAX
(011)-31-30-53 4405 / Note: Create temporary or working directory. Copy
materials to that / directory. You can then edit t_menu.ado. Once you

dthaz from

dthaz. Discrete-Time Hazard and Survival Probability Estimates. / Program
by Alexis Dinno. / Support: alexis dot dinno at pdx dot edu / Version:
2.0.2 (updated December 16, 2015) / Distribution-Date: 16dec2015 / / This
package includes {cmd:prsnperd} which is a utility for creating

paran from

paran. Horn's Test of Principal Components/Factors (Parallel Analysis) /
Program by Alexis Dinno. / Support: alexis dot dinno at pdx dot edu /
Version: 1.5.2 (updated February 25, 2014) / Distribution-Date: 25feb2014
/ / This package contains the program {cmd:paran} which performs Horn's

spreg from

spreg. Package to analyze models of spatial interdependence. /
Programming by William D. MacMillan, Jude Hays, and Rob Franzese / This is
a Beta release. Bugs may still exist in the code, / and changes in syntax
and procedure may occur before the final release.

dfbeta3 from

dfbeta3. Compute DFBETAs after regression, even with robust SEs. /
Program by Kenneth L. Simons. / dfbeta3 determines the change to a
coefficient estimate that results by / removing an observation from the
data, after OLS regression. This change, / scaled by the standard error
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 3

tvc_merge from

Merging files of time-varying covariates, and splitting exposure / records
at times that other exposures change / The first time you run tvc_merge or
tvc_split you will be asked if you / are prepared to send anonymous data
to Google Analytics. For details / of the data sent, see the help file. I

xriml from

xriml. Package for estimation of reference intervals ('normal ranges') by
maximum likelihood / Program by Patrick Royston. / Note that the
out-of-sample behaviour of this program has been changed, / and weights
have been implemented for more distributions. / Distribution-Date:

shapley from

shapley -- module to perform Shapley decomposition / Author: Stas
Kolenikov, [email protected] / This program performs, in some rather
general form, Shapley value / decomposition. The goal is to analyze
indices that do not possess / natural decomposition properties. The early

sg45v6 from

STB-28 sg45v6. Maximum likelihood ridge regression. / STB insert by
Robert L. Obenchain, Eli Lilly and Company. / Updated to work with Stata 6
by William Gould, StataCorp. / Note by William Gould: This probram was
originally published in STB-28. / A change in Stata 6 broke the program

dlogit2 from

dlogit2, dmlogit2, dprobit2. Marginal effects for logit, mlogit, probit.
/ Programs by Bill Sribney, StataCorp <[email protected]>. / These files
were originally distributed 31 Jan 1996 as "Cool Ados"; / they have not
been changed since that date. / Note: dlogit2, dprobit2, and dmlogit2 only

adecomp from

'ADECOMP': module to estimate Shapley Decomposition by Components of a
Welfare Measure / adecomp implements the Shapley decomposition of changes
in a / welfare indicator as proposed by Azevedo, Sanfelice and Nguyen /
(2012). Following Barros et al. (2006), this method takes / advantage of

catdev from

'CATDEV': modules for interpretation of categorical dependent variable
models / There are several methods that can be used to effectively /
interpret the results of regression models for categorical / dependent
variables. Each of these methods requires the analyst / to complete post

chunky from

'CHUNKY': module to chunk a large text file into smaller parts / chunky
breaks a large text file into chunks of a size specified / by the user. It
is typically used to break a huge data dump that / is too large for
infiling into smaller manageable chunks. chunky / will allow creation of

cic from

'CIC': module to implement the Athey and Imbens (2006) Changes-in-Changes
model / This Stata command, cic, implements the changes-in-changes (CIC) /
model proposed by Athey and Imbens (2006). The command estimates / the
average and quantile treatment effects of a treatment in / settings where

cid from

'CID': module to calculate confidence intervals for means or differences /
cid calculates confidence intervals (CIs) for means or / differences. In
the first form, cid calculates a CI for the mean / of varname. In the
second form, cid produces a CI for mean / difference between varname1 and

cleanchars from

'CLEANCHARS': module to replace specific characters or strings in variable
names and/or variable labels and/or string variable values and/or value
label names and levels with stated characters/strings (using 1-1 or m-1
match) / cleanchars is a program that helps out with replacing /
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 4

cnintraday from

'CNINTRADAY': module to Download intraday stock quotations for a list of
stock codes in a given date from SinaFinance / cnintraday automatically
downloads intraday trading quotations / for every 3 seconds for a list of
stock codes in a given date / from SinaFinance

creplace from

'CREPLACE': module to exchange values cyclically between variables /
creplace is an extended version of replace, which exchanges / values
cyclically between variables in a list of two or more / variables. By
default, the values in each variable are replaced / by values from the

descogini from

'DESCOGINI': module to perform Gini decomposition by income source / This
command decomposes the Gini coefficient by income source / using the
approach described in Lerman and Yitzhaki (1985) and in / Stark, Taylor
and Yitzhaki (1986). This approach allows the / calculation of the impact

doub2flt from

'DOUB2FLT': module to change storage type of real variable / doub2fit
converts variables of type double to type float if the / absolute
difference between the double and float values is less / than Mindiff. The
default value for mindiff is 0.001. Doub2flt is / useful if a large number

dpplot from

'DPPLOT': module for density probability plots / dpplot plots density
probability plots given a reference / distribution, by default normal
(Gaussian). Much more detail is / given in the help, or in Jones, M.C.
and F. Daly. 1995. Density / probability plots. Communications in

dpredict from

'DPREDICT': module to produce dynamic forecasts for ARIMA(p,s,q) models /
dpredict calculates dynamic predictions from the arima command. / The
predictions calculated by dpredict} are all out-of-sample / predictions,
each based on a different subsample. The horizon of / the predictions (how

dsginideco from

'DSGINIDECO': module to compute decomposition of inequality change into
pro-poor growth and mobility components / dsginideco implements the
decomposition of changes in / (generalized) Gini coefficients into
progressivity/pro-poor / growth and reranking components proposed in

dynsimpie from

'DYNSIMPIE': module to examine dynamic compositional dependent variables /
dynsimpie is a program to dynamically examine compositional / dependent
variables, first detailed in Philips, Rutherford, and / Whitten (2015a)
and used in Philips, Rutherford, and Whitten / (2015b). Their modeling

dynsimple from

'DYNSIMPLE': module to examine dynamic compositional dependent variables /
dynsimpie is a program to dynamically examine compositional / dependent
variables, first detailed in Philips, Rutherford, and / Whitten (2015a)
and used in Philips, Rutherford, and Whitten / (2015b). Their modeling

ellip from

'ELLIP': module to graph confidence ellipses (version 8) / This is a major
update of ellip (STB-46: gr32) for Stata version / 8. The package ellip
contains test scripts for ellip, a program / for graphing confidence
ellipses. The purpose of the test / scripts is to make sure that ellip

erepost from

'EREPOST': module to repost the estimation results / erepost changes the b
or V matrix of the current estimation / results or changes the declared
estimation sample. erepost is / similar to official ereturn repost.
However, erepost is allowed / after estimation commands that do not post
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 5

extfunnel from

'EXTFUNNEL': module to produce graphical augmentations to the funnel plot
to indicate the potential impact of a new study on an existing
meta-analysis / extfunnel creates graphical overlay augmentations to the
funnel / plot. The purpose of these overlays is to display the potential /

fileutils from

'FILEUTILS': module for faster file navigation / The -fileutils- package
contains four distinct commands: -go- / for making nicknames for
frequently used folders/directories / -opendir- for quickly opening a
folder in the operating system / GUI -pushd- and -popd- for being able to

floattolong from

'FLOATTOLONG': module to recast variables from float to long storage type
/ Wherever possible, this changes float variables to long by / issuing
-recast long-. This is intended as a companion to / -compress-, but the
emphasis is on the appropriateness of the / type rather than the storage

fre from

'FRE': module to display one-way frequency table / fre displays, for each
specified variable, a univariate / frequency table containing counts,
percent, and cumulative / percent. Variables may be string or numeric.
Labels, in full / length, and values are printed. By default, fre only

fsx from

'FSX': module to show names of files in compact form (Unix-friendly
defaults) / fsx is a fork of fs. Both commands list the names of files in
/ compact form. Note that files do not include folders or / directories.
The change in the fsx fork is that it suppresses / hidden Unix files by

ftrans from

'FTRANS': module to batch convert file formats / This package provides a
batch process to exchange data of / current directory between different
spreadsheet and / statistics programs. Stat/Transfer is required. / KW:
batch / KW: format / KW: replace / KW: patterns / Requires: Stata version

ge_gravity from

'GE_GRAVITY': module to solve a simple general equilibrium one sector
Armington-CES trade model / ge_gravity solves for general equilibrium
effects of changes in / trade policies using a one sector Armington-CES
trade model. / It uses a simple fixed point algorithm that allows for fast

getsymbols from

'GETSYMBOLS': module to collect and integrate one or more series from, Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, and Alpha Vantage / getsymbols
collects and integrates time series of symbols (e.g. / stock tickers,
indexes, economic series) from any of the / following sources: Quandl,

gpreset from

'GPRESET': module to reset preferences for a custom graphics scheme to
their original values / gpreset resets the preferences for a specified
customized / graphics scheme to their original values as shipped with
Stata. / That is to say, custom1 is set to be the same as blackbg, /

grfreq from

'GRFREQ': module to plot proportion of one variable by categories of
another / grfreq plots proportions of one variable by categories of /
another. For a binary variable, this could be the prevalence of a / trait.
By default, the proportion of interest is that of the / minimal value of

gsa from

'GSA': module to perform generalized sensitivity analysis / gsa produces a
figure for the sensitivity analysis similar to / Imbens (American Economic
Review, 2003). Observational studies / cannot control for the bias due to
the omission of unobservables. / The sensitivity analysis provides a
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 6

hansen2 from

'HANSEN2': module for Hansen's test for parameter instability / This is a
minimally changed version of hansen [STB-23: sts7.5] / with fixes to
prevent problems under Windows whenever paths to / temporary files contain
spaces. Its use requires that the 'tslib' / suite from STB be installed;

hireg from

'HIREG': module for hierarchial regression / The hireg command conducts
hierarchical regressions. Users / enter blocks of independent variables
which are added to the / model in successive steps. R-squared change is
reported at each / step along with a summary table at the end. All options

hoi from

'HOI': module to compute Human Opportunity Index / hoi computes the Human
Opportunity Index proposed by Barros et / al (2008), including the
Coverage of Basic Opportunities (P), the / Dissimilarity Index (D), and
the Human Opportunity Index (HOI). / Analytical standard errors are

hotdeck from

'HOTDECK': module to impute missing values using the hotdeck method /
hotdeck replaces missing values for the variable indicated by its /
argument. It should be used within a multiple imputation / sequence since
missing values are imputed stochastically rather / than deterministically.

how_many_imputations from

'HOW_MANY_IMPUTATIONS': module to determine required number of imputations
/ After mi estimate, run how_many_imputations to get the number of /
imputations needed to ensure that standard errors estimates / would not
change too much if the data were imputed again. / After

itsaperm from

'ITSAPERM': module to perform permutation tests for matched multiple group
interrupted time series analysis / itsaperm performs a robustness check in
the form of permutation / tests to assess whether the treatment effect
(identified in a / multiple group interrupted time series analysis with

itspower from

'ITSPOWER': module for simulation based power calculations for linear
interrupted time series (ITS) designs / itspower is a simulations-based
command that calculates power / for linear interrupted time series (ITS)
designs. The command / proceeds in two steps. First, it generates the

jformat from

'JFORMAT': module to justify formats for a list of variables / jformat
changes the display formats of a list of variables to / be left-justified,
right-justified or centre-justified. / Other features of the formats
(such as the format width) are / preserved. / KW: data management / KW:

jmpierce from

'JMPIERCE': module to perform Juhn-Murphy-Pierce decomposition / jmpierce
computes the decomposition of differences between two / outcome
distributions introduced by Juhn, Murphy and Pierce / (1993). Examples are
the decomposition of changes in the / income distribution over time, the

jmpierce2 from

'JMPIERCE2': module to compute trend decomposition of outcome
differentials / jmpierce2 computes the decomposition of differences in
mean / outcome differentials proposed by Juhn, Murphy and Pierce (1991). /
An example is the decomposition of the change of the black-white / or the

jrule from

'JRULE': module to detect model misspecifications in SEM / jrule is a
postestimation tool for the sem command, using stored / results from estat
mindices. It provides judgement rules for / potential misspecifications
based on the power of the / Modification Index (MI) or score test in
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 7

konfound from

'KONFOUND': module to quantify robustness of causal inferences /
Statistical methods that quantify the conditions necessary to / alter
inferences, also known as “sensitivity analysis,†are / becoming
increasingly important to a variety of quantitative / sciences. A series

labmv from

'LABMV': module to change numeric values to extended missing values
preserving value labels / labmv changes specified values of variables in a
varlist to / extended missing values. Numeric values are changed to /
successive extended missing value codes, starting with .a. Thus / the

labutil2 from

'LABUTIL2': module to manage value and variable labels / labutil2 is a
bundle of programs to manage value and variable / labels. labdu
eliminates unused value labels or deletes values / from value labels,
labellist lists and returns contents of value / labels attached to

lmdi from

'LMDI': module to compute Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI)
Decomposition / lmdi attributes the total change of the decomposed
variable / into several predefined components using logarithmic mean
divisia / index (LMDI) approach. / KW: LMDI / KW: Divisia index /

lrchg from

'LRCHG': module to calculate change in coefficients between logistic
models / lrchg displays the coefficients in two logistic models, and /
calculates the proportion of change in coefficients between two / models.
This is useful in logistic regression modelling in / epidemiology. /

margeff from

'MARGEFF': module to compute average marginal effects for categorical and
limited dependent variable models / margeff calculates average marginal
effects, and standard errors / for marginal effects using the delta
method. Rather than / computing marginal effects at the means of the

mark_changes from

'MARK_CHANGES': module to generate a variable indicating where one or more
variables changes value / A program to detect changes -- or the starts of
spells of / same-valued observations with respect to a given varlist.
While / the basic idea is simple, the capacity for a varlist and the use /

mcqscore from

'MCQSCORE': module to score the Monetary Choice Questionnaire using
logistic regression / MCQScore scores the Monetary Choice Questionnaire
(questions in / standard order), which uses a hyperbolic decay function to
/ summarize the degree to which time discounts the value of a / delayed

metaaggr from

'METAAGGR': modules for meta-analysis of aggregate data / metan is for
performing aggregate level meta-analyses. Studies / may be combined using
the inverse variance or Der Simonian & / Laird weights. If the data are in
the form of two proportions, / the Mantel-Haenszel method and the

metapow from

'METAPOW': module for simulation based sample size calculations for
designing new clinical trials and diagnostic test accuracy studies to
update an existing meta-analysis / The metapow package contains a suite of
programs which enable / the user to estimate the probability the

metatrim from

'METATRIM': module to perform nonparametric analysis of publication bias /
metatrim implements the Duval and Tweedie nonparametric "trim and / fill"
method of accounting for publication bias in meta-analysis. / Selective
publication of studies, which may lead to bias in / estimating the overall
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 8

mice from

'MICE': module for multiple imputation of missing values / This is a
version, for Stata 7 up, of the package publicised in / Stata Journal
4(3):227-241 (2004) implementing the MICE / (multivariate imputation by
chained equations) method of multiple / multivariate data imputation.

mif2dta from

'MIF2DTA': module convert MapInfo Interchange Format boundary files to
Stata boundary files / This is a program that converts MapInfo Interchange
/ Format boundary files into Stata boundary files to be used / with the
latest release of the -tmap- package. / KW: maps / KW: MapInfo /

mixlogit from

'MIXLOGIT': module to fit mixed logit models by using maximum simulated
likelihood / This is an update of mixlogit as published in SJ7-3 (st0133).
/ The new features include options for specifying weights / (including
sampling weights) and for obtaining robust and / cluster-robust standard

netreg from

'NETREG': module to perform linear regression of a network response with
the exchangeable assumption / netreg provides a method for performing a
regression of a / network response, where each data point represents an
edge on a / network or covariates of interest. It takes advantage of the /

optaspect from

'OPTASPECT': module to compute heuristic criteria for optimal aspect
ratios in a two-variable line plot / The command optaspect calculates the
optimal aspect ratio for a / two-variable line graph using a number of
heuristic criteria / that are based on the principle of maximizing the

palette_all from

'PALETTE_ALL': module to display all the named colours in Stata / This
command will display all Stata's named colours in one graph / so that you
can make a comprehensive choice of how to colour your / graphs. There is
only one option and that is to change the / background colour. The idea is

pem from

'PEM': Module to Estimate Partial EquiLibrium Model (PEM) / pem estimates
Partial EquiLibrium Model (PEM) to get Net / Economic Loss in Production,
Net Economic Loss in Consumption, / Change in Producer Surplus, Change in
Consumer Surplus, Change in / Government Revenue, Change in Foreign

perturb from

'PERTURB': module to evaluate collinearity and ill-conditioning / perturb
is a tool for assessing the impact of small random / changes
(perturbations) to variables on parameter estimates. It / is an
alternative for collinearity diagnostics such as vif, / collin, coldiag,

project from

'PROJECT': module providing a set of tools to build and manage a Stata
project / project automates the execution of do-files, skipping unchanged
/ do-files with unchanged dependencies (files used and created by / each
do-file). All do-files are logged automatically. Stata's / current working

psmatch2 from

'PSMATCH2': module to perform full Mahalanobis and propensity score
matching, common support graphing, and covariate imbalance testing /
psmatch2 implements full Mahalanobis and propensity score / matching,
common support graphing, and covariate imbalance / testing. This routine

qll from

'QLL': module to implement Elliott-Müller efficient test for general
persistent time variation in regression coefficients / qll performs the
qLL efficient test for general persistence in / time variation in
regression coefficients proposed by Elliott and / Müller (Rev. Ec. Stud.,
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 9

renfiles from

'RENFILES': module providing a convenient way to change filenames for (a
matched subset of) files in a directory of choice (and, if wanted, also
recursively in a matched subset of offspring-directories) / renfiles -
allows for a convenient way to change filenames for / (a matched subset

rensheet from

'RENSHEET': module to edit variable names and labels / This program allows
you to edit variable names and labels (and / value labels) in a
spreadsheet format, and save changes in the / form of a do file. / KW:
variable labels / KW: varnames / KW: value labels / KW: data management /

reorder from

'REORDER': module to reorder variables in dataset, reversibly / reorder
changes the order of the variables in the current / dataset. reorder used
in this way resembles order, except that / the varlist specified is saved
in a characteristic. reorder, / previous changes the order of the

replacebylab from

'REPLACEBYLAB': module to replace values by drawing on value labels /
replacebylab changes values on basis of labels assigned to / values. Every
value with the respective label is recoded to a / pre-specified new value.
In this process, every value label of / every whole number between the

revcat from

'REVCAT': module to fit reversible catalytic models / revcat fits a
reversible catalytic model, i.e. a model in which / people start off
negative for some measured outcome, become / positive at a certain rate
and then become negative at a / different rate. The rate of becoming

rmfiles from

'RMFILES': module to provide a convenient way to remove matched files
within a specified directory and possibly, if applicable, corresponding
empty directories (which will also, if wanted, be applied recursively to a
matched subset of offspring-directori es) / rmfiles provides a convenient

rocmic from

'ROCMIC': module to estimate minimally important change (MIC) thresholds
for continuous clinical outcome measures using ROC curves / ROCMIC
estimates minimally important change (MIC) thresholds / using three
different methods. The first is the cut-point / corresponding to a 45

rpnfcn from

'RPNFCN': module to provide a Mata generic function evaluator based on
Reverse Polish Notation / mf_rpnfcn(cmd) returns the result of
sequentially evaluating the / commands given in the rows of matrix A. The
fundamental commands / allowed in A fall in the following categories:

scandata from

'SCANDATA': module to scan a dataset for specified characteristics /
scandata scans the dataset and checks if variables fit certain / criteria
being important in light of data preparation. Those / criteria can be: a
certain length of variable/value labels and / variable names; variable

singleb from

'SINGLEB': module to compute Contingent Valuation using Single-Bounded
Dichotomous Choice / This command uses maximum likelihood (under the
assumption of / normality) to estimate the single-bounded dichotomous
choice / model for contingent valuation (Cameron and James, 1987). This /

skdecomp from

'SKDECOMP': module to estimate Shapley value of growth, price, and
distribution components on changes in poverty indicators / skdecomp
implements the shapley value of Kolenikov and / Shorrocks (2003)
decomposition of changes in a welfare indicator / into growth,
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 10

stcmd from

'STCMD': module to execute StatTransfer command from within Stata / The
program stcmd runs the Stat/Transfer st command from inside / Stata, if
Stat/Transfer is installed on the user's system. / Stat/Transfer converts
data sets from one format to another (eg / Stata to/from SAS). It is

swpermute from

'SWPERMUTE': module to compute Permutation tests for Stepped-Wedge
Cluster-Randomised Trials / Permutation tests are useful in stepped-wedge
trials to provide / robust statistical tests of intervention-effect
estimates. / However, the Stata command permute does not produce valid

ted from

'TED': module to test Stability of Regression Discontinuity Models / ted
estimates the "local average treatment effect" (LATE), / the "compliers'
probabilty discontinuity" (CPD), and / "treatment effect derivative" (TED)
for either sharp or fuzzy / Regression Discontinuity (RD) models.

tmpm from

'TMPM': module to implement Trauma Mortality Prediction Model using AIS,
ICD-9 or ICD-10 codes / tmpm calculates probability of death (p(death))
based on the / Trauma Mortality Prediction Model created by Turner Osler,
MD, / MSc, and Laurent Glance, MD. The tmpm uses injuries recorded in /

trellis from

'TRELLIS': module to create a trellis graph / This command creates a
trellis plot using graph combine. This / trellis plot is an array of the
same graph type by the levels of / two factor variables. It is a
convenient way to represent the / graphic of interest and whether it

use10 from

'USE10': module to use and describe version 10 datafiles in Stata 9.2 /
Use10 allows users of Stata 9 to load datasets created with Stata / 10. No
additional software (converters) are required. Users can / easily modify
the program to change the rules of how / transformation of formats is

williams from

'WILLIAMS': module to estimate logistic regression via Williams procedure
/ The Williams procedure, originally written in GLIM, helps / accomodate
for overdispersion in binomial (proportional) models. / It is not a post
facto sort of adjustment; rather there is an / adjustment made to the

xtfixedcoeftvcu from

'XTFIXEDCOEFTVCU': module to estimate Panel Data Models with Coefficients
that Vary over Time and Cross-sectional Units / xtfixedcoeftvcu performs
estimations of panel data models with / coefficients that vary over time
and cross-sectional units. This / command allows estimation of: firstly

zandrews from

'ZANDREWS': module to calculate Zivot-Andrews unit root test in presence
of structural break / zandrews calculates the Zivot-Andrews (JBES 1992)
unit root test / for a timeseries allowing for one structural break in the
/ series, which may appear in intercept, trend or both. Various / criteria

creplace from

creplace: Exchange values cyclically between variables / creplace is an
extended version of replace, which exchanges values / cyclically between
variables in a list of two or more variables. By / default, the values in
each variable are replaced by values from the / next variable in the list,

creplace from

creplace: Exchange values cyclically between variables / creplace is an
extended version of replace, which exchanges values / cyclically between
variables in a list of two or more variables. By / default, the values in
each variable are replaced by values from the / next variable in the list,
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 11

jformat from

jformat: Justify formats for a list of variables / jformat changes the
display formats of a list of variables to be / left-justified,
right-justified or centre-justified. Other / features of the formats
(such as the format width) are / preserved. / Author: Roger Newson /

xdatelist from

xdatelist: Create ascending numeric lists of dates / xdatelist creates a
numeric list of dates bounded by a string-format / first and last date and
spaced by a given number of time units (eg / weeks, months, quarters or
years). It is similar to the numlist / command, and returns the numeric

gpreset from

gpreset: Reset Stata Version 7 graphics preferences / gpreset resets the
preferences for a specified customized graphics / scheme to their original
values as shipped with Stata. That is to / say, custom1 is set to be the
same as blackbg, custom2 is set to be / the same as whitebg, and custom3

xdatelist from

xdatelist: Create ascending numeric lists of dates / xdatelist creates a
numeric list of dates bounded by a string-format / first and last date and
spaced by a given number of time units (eg / weeks, months, quarters or
years). It is similar to the numlist / command, and returns the numeric

stcmd from

stcmd: Run the Stat/Transfer st command from inside Stata / The program
stcmd runs the Stat/Transfer st command from inside Stata, if /
Stat/Transfer is installed on the user's system. Stat/Transfer converts /
data sets from one format to another (eg Stata to/from SAS). It is /

uk2002 from

uk2002: Creating plots and tables of estimation results using parmest /
Statisticians make their living mostly by producing confidence intervals
and / P-values. However, the ones supplied in the Stata log are not in any
fit / state to be delivered to the end user, who usually at least wants

bscthesis from

bscthesis: Competition between strains of bacteria with controlled and
uncontrolled operons / This is my BSc thesis, in which I presented my very
first confidence / intervals, computed using FORTRAN back in 1977. The
project involved / in vitro competition experiments between strains of E.

add_AIDSCost_to_User_Menu from

{cmd:add_AIDSCost_to_users_menu}. Adds aidsproj/aidsdif to Stata's
dropdown user menu / This package downloads a DO file which, if executed,
/ locates the user's starting directory and determines if / that directory
already contains a file called "". / If not, this file drops a

st0094 from

SJ5-4 st0094. Confidence intervals for predicted outcomes... / Confidence
intervals for predicted outcomes in regression / models for categorical
outcomes / by Jun Xu and J. Scott Long, Indiana University / Support:
[email protected] / After installation, type help prvalue and prgen

spost9_ado from

spost9_ado | Stata 9-13 commands for the post-estimation interpretation /
Distribution-date: 05Aug2013 / of regression models. Use package
spostado.pkg for Stata 8. / Based on Long & Freese - Regression Models for
Categorical Dependent / Variables Using Stata. Second Edition. / Support

spostado from

spostado: Stata 8 commands for the post-estimation interpretation of /
regression models. Based on Long's Regression Models for Categorical / and
Limited Dependent Variables. / Support:
/ Scott Long & Jeremy Freese ([email protected])
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 12

spost13_ado from

Distribution-date: 05Apr2019 / spost13_ado | SPost13 commands from Long
and Freese (2014) / Regression Models for Categorical Outcomes using
Stata, 3rd Edition. / Support / Scott
Long ([email protected]) & Jeremy Freese ([email protected])

spost9_legacy from

Distribution-date: 18Feb2014 / spost9_legacy | SPost9 commands not
included in spost13_ado. / From Long and Freese, 2014, Regression Models
for Categorical Outcomes / using Stata, 3rd Edition. / Support / Scott Long ([email protected]) &

pobrezaecu from

'POBREZAECU': module to predict poverty in Ecuador / pobrezaECU predicts
income poverty in Ecuador, a year ahead, / from the quarterly household
survey called ENEMDU. / KW: poverty / KW: Ecuador / KW: prediction /
Requires: Stata version 12 / Distribution-Date: 20180512 / Author: Daniel

22 references found in tables of contents

Stata Journal volume 16, issue 4 / Update: Importing financial data /
Update: Downloads the presidential approval / poll results from The
American Presidency / Project / Update: Importing U.S. exchange rate data
/ from the federal reserve and standardizing / country names across
Stata Journal volume 13, issue 2 / Update: Standardizing anthropometric
measures in / children and adolescents with functions for egen / Importing
U.S. Exchange Rate Data from the Federal / Reserve and standardizing
country names across / datasets / Update: Making spatial analysis
STB-19 May 1994 / Conversions for international date formats / Trailing
moving average extension to egen / Dotplot: comparative scatterplots /
Incorp. Stata Graphs in TeX doc. using an HP printer / Probit coefficients
as changes in probabilities / Adjusted survival curves / Ex post tests and
spreg. Package to analyze models of spatial interdependence. /
Programming by William D. MacMillan, Jude Hays, and Rob Franzese / This is
a Beta release. Bugs may still exist in the code, / and changes in syntax
and procedure may occur before the final release. / Spatial
Stata packages by Sebastian Kripfganz / Sebastian Kripfganz, / The following community-contributed commands can be
freely used at your / own risk. The authors do not assume responsibility
for any unintended / consequences caused by the use of these programs. / I
module to account for changes when X2 is added to a base model with X1 /
module to plot two graph types which are rooted in Bland-Altman plots
using journal and paper percentiles / module to implement a backward
procedure with a Rasch model / module to make daily backup of important
module to generate calendar / module to estimate proportions and means
after survey data have been calibrated to population totals / module for
inverse regression and calibration / module to calibrate survey datasets
to population totals / module to compute Calinski-Harabasz cluster
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 13
module to create network visualizations using D3.js to view in browser /
module to provide utilities for directed acyclic graphs / module to fit a
Generalized Beta (Type 2) distribution to grouped data via ML / module to
fit a Dagum distribution by maximum likelihood / module to score
module to estimate endogenous attribute attendance models / module to
perform extreme bound analysis / module to perform Entropy reweighting to
create balanced samples / module to to display variables in the Data
Editor, ordered by varlist / module to compute Exact and Approximate
module to score Foot and Ankle Ability Measure / module for plots for each
subset with rest of the data as backdrop / module to extract factor values
from a label variable created by parmest / module to merge a list of
factors to create string variables / module to calculate the factors of an
module to automatically manage datasets obtained from US Census 2000 and
World Development Indicators databases / module to produce syntax to label
variables and values, given a data dictionary / module to report numeric
variables with values lacking value labels / module to list value labels /
module to implement interpoint distance distribution analysis / module to
unabbreviate Global Macro Lists / module to perform Dickey-Fuller test on
panel data / module to calculate Median Absolute Deviations / module to
select matching observations based on a Mahalanobis distance measure /
module to identify and adjust outliers of a variable assumed to follow a
negative binomial distribution / module to generate graph command (and
optionally graph) timeseries vs. NBER recession dating / module for
fitting negative binomial distribution by maximum likelihood / module to
module to compute McKelvey & Zavoina's R2 / module to compute several fit
statistics for count data models / module to perform Overall System
(NL-SUR) System R2, Adj. R2, F-Test, and Chi2-Test / module to calculate
an ordinal explained variation statistic / module to compute System R2,
module to compute Sequence Analysis Distance Measures / module to provide
commands and mata functions devoted to unit level small area estimation /
module to drop variables if and only if varnames specified in full /
module to compute sample size for an intra-class correlation (ICC) /
module to report Mean Comparison for variables between two groups with
formatted table output in DOCX file / module to perform Tukey's Two-Way
Analysis by Medians / module to produce a one-way table as a matrix /
module to handle two-way tables with percentages / module to handle
module to provide prefix command for unicode utilities / module to perform
univariate categorical goodness-of-fit tests / module to extract paradata
from a string variable produced by the universal client-side paradata
script / module to compute unbiased errors-in-variables estimator and
module to calculate the maximum mean square error (MSE) of a point
estimator of the mean / module to access World Bank databases / module to
access World Bank databases / module to fit Weibull distribution by
maximum likelihood / module to perform conditional logistic regression
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 14
Stata 11 packages written by Roger Newson / These can be used by users
with Stata Version 11 or above. / The latest version of a package can
usually be downloaded from SSC-Ideas. / Add in data from a disk dataset
using a foreign key / Format confidence intervals and P-values for medical
Stata 10 packages written by Roger Newson / These can be used by users
with Stata Version 10 or above. / The latest version of a package can
usually be downloaded from SSC-Ideas. / Add in data from a disk dataset
using a foreign key / Reorder ado-path for developers and other
Welcome to UCLA Academic Technology Services Stata programs. / These
programs include teaching tools. / For more information about these
programs, see / our web page at /
Teaching Tools on Univariate Distributions / How "N" and "conf. level"
Welcome to UCLA Academic Technology Services Stata programs. / These
programs include utility programs. / For more information about these
programs, see / our web page at / Tool
for installing ATS programs / Tool for comparing ado programs for changes

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