Project: STATA
Stata Journal volume 16, issue 4 / Update: Importing financial data /
Update: Downloads the presidential approval / poll results from The
American Presidency / Project / Update: Importing U.S. exchange rate data
/ from the federal reserve and standardizing / country names across
Stata Journal volume 13, issue 2 / Update: Standardizing anthropometric
measures in / children and adolescents with functions for egen / Importing
U.S. Exchange Rate Data from the Federal / Reserve and standardizing
country names across / datasets / Update: Making spatial analysis
STB-19 May 1994 / Conversions for international date formats / Trailing
moving average extension to egen / Dotplot: comparative scatterplots /
Incorp. Stata Graphs in TeX doc. using an HP printer / Probit coefficients
as changes in probabilities / Adjusted survival curves / Ex post tests and
spreg. Package to analyze models of spatial interdependence. /
Programming by William D. MacMillan, Jude Hays, and Rob Franzese / This is
a Beta release. Bugs may still exist in the code, / and changes in syntax
and procedure may occur before the final release. / Spatial
Stata packages by Sebastian Kripfganz / Sebastian Kripfganz, / The following community-contributed commands can be
freely used at your / own risk. The authors do not assume responsibility
for any unintended / consequences caused by the use of these programs. / I
module to account for changes when X2 is added to a base model with X1 /
module to plot two graph types which are rooted in Bland-Altman plots
using journal and paper percentiles / module to implement a backward
procedure with a Rasch model / module to make daily backup of important
module to generate calendar / module to estimate proportions and means
after survey data have been calibrated to population totals / module for
inverse regression and calibration / module to calibrate survey datasets
to population totals / module to compute Calinski-Harabasz cluster
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 13
module to create network visualizations using D3.js to view in browser /
module to provide utilities for directed acyclic graphs / module to fit a
Generalized Beta (Type 2) distribution to grouped data via ML / module to
fit a Dagum distribution by maximum likelihood / module to score
module to estimate endogenous attribute attendance models / module to
perform extreme bound analysis / module to perform Entropy reweighting to
create balanced samples / module to to display variables in the Data
Editor, ordered by varlist / module to compute Exact and Approximate
module to score Foot and Ankle Ability Measure / module for plots for each
subset with rest of the data as backdrop / module to extract factor values
from a label variable created by parmest / module to merge a list of
factors to create string variables / module to calculate the factors of an
module to automatically manage datasets obtained from US Census 2000 and
World Development Indicators databases / module to produce syntax to label
variables and values, given a data dictionary / module to report numeric
variables with values lacking value labels / module to list value labels /
module to implement interpoint distance distribution analysis / module to
unabbreviate Global Macro Lists / module to perform Dickey-Fuller test on
panel data / module to calculate Median Absolute Deviations / module to
select matching observations based on a Mahalanobis distance measure /
module to identify and adjust outliers of a variable assumed to follow a
negative binomial distribution / module to generate graph command (and
optionally graph) timeseries vs. NBER recession dating / module for
fitting negative binomial distribution by maximum likelihood / module to
module to compute McKelvey & Zavoina's R2 / module to compute several fit
statistics for count data models / module to perform Overall System
(NL-SUR) System R2, Adj. R2, F-Test, and Chi2-Test / module to calculate
an ordinal explained variation statistic / module to compute System R2,
module to compute Sequence Analysis Distance Measures / module to provide
commands and mata functions devoted to unit level small area estimation /
module to drop variables if and only if varnames specified in full /
module to compute sample size for an intra-class correlation (ICC) /
module to report Mean Comparison for variables between two groups with
formatted table output in DOCX file / module to perform Tukey's Two-Way
Analysis by Medians / module to produce a one-way table as a matrix /
module to handle two-way tables with percentages / module to handle
module to provide prefix command for unicode utilities / module to perform
univariate categorical goodness-of-fit tests / module to extract paradata
from a string variable produced by the universal client-side paradata
script / module to compute unbiased errors-in-variables estimator and
module to calculate the maximum mean square error (MSE) of a point
estimator of the mean / module to access World Bank databases / module to
access World Bank databases / module to fit Weibull distribution by
maximum likelihood / module to perform conditional logistic regression
VALENTINA Thursday August 8 20:02:41 2019 Page 14
Stata 11 packages written by Roger Newson / These can be used by users
with Stata Version 11 or above. / The latest version of a package can
usually be downloaded from SSC-Ideas. / Add in data from a disk dataset
using a foreign key / Format confidence intervals and P-values for medical
Stata 10 packages written by Roger Newson / These can be used by users
with Stata Version 10 or above. / The latest version of a package can
usually be downloaded from SSC-Ideas. / Add in data from a disk dataset
using a foreign key / Reorder ado-path for developers and other
Welcome to UCLA Academic Technology Services Stata programs. / These
programs include teaching tools. / For more information about these
programs, see / our web page at /
Teaching Tools on Univariate Distributions / How "N" and "conf. level"
Welcome to UCLA Academic Technology Services Stata programs. / These
programs include utility programs. / For more information about these
programs, see / our web page at / Tool
for installing ATS programs / Tool for comparing ado programs for changes
(end of search)