Handbook On USSR Military Forces Chapter XII - Maps Convention
Handbook On USSR Military Forces Chapter XII - Maps Convention
Handbook On USSR Military Forces Chapter XII - Maps Convention
War Department (USA) and Bolin, Robert L. , Depositor, "Handbook on USSR Military Forces, Chapter XII: Maps, Conventional
Sign, and Symbols" (1946). DOD Military Intelligence. 29.
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Technical Manual TM 30-430
Handbook on USSR Military Forces
Chapter XII
Maps, Conventional Sign, and Symbols
War Department
Washington, DC
The copy digitized was borrowed from the Marshall Center Research
Library, APO, AE 09053-4502.
Page Page
Section I. MAP SySTEMS ................... . Section II-Continued
1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5. Tank Troop Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10
2. Coordinate System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6. Air Force Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11
3. Types and Classification of Maps. . . . . . . . . . 2 7. Antiaircraft Defense Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . .. 12
4. Special Maps and Map Substitutes. . . . . . . . 2 8. Chemical Defense Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12
5. Map Index Systems ............. _. . . . . . . . 3 9. Signal Communications Symbols. . . . . . . . . .. 12
6. Supply of Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 10. Engineer Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13
ll. Symbols for Rear Sen ices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16
Section II. SOVIET TACTICAL SYMBOLS... 7 12. Traffic Signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17
1. Symbols for Headquarters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Symbols for Operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Section III. CONVENTIONAL SOVIET SIGNS. 18
3. Infantry Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1. Topographic Signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18
4. Artillery Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2. Engineer Signs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22
List of Illustrations
Figure Page Figure Page
1. Index system for 1:1,000,000 maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4. Index system for 1 :100,000 maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. Index system for 1:500,000 maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 5. Index system for 1:50,000 maps................. 6
3. Index system for 1 :200,000 maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6. Index systems for 1:25,000 and 1:10,000 maps... 6
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
Section I. MAP SYSTEMS central, or base, meridian of zone, that is, at the
1. INTRODUCfION third, ninth, fifteenth etc., meridians. At the origin
Soviet tactical signs and symbols have undergone of this coordinate system, the value of the "X" co-
considerable change, particularly since 1942. These ordinate is zero, and the value of "Y" coordinate is
changes have consisted largely of,the simplification 500 kilometers. In the Soviet system the "X" co-
of complex signs by more abundant use of abbrevia- ordinate is vertical, and the "Y" coordinate is hori-
tions and by the introduction of new signs for re- zontal because a large positive value is assigned to
cently introduced weapons, such as self-propelled the "Y" coordinate, a value larger than half the
guns. width of a coordinate zone at the equator. The
Soviet usage is not always consistent, even in "Y" coordinate never becomes a negative value.
official manuals. Different arms and services fre- The "X" coordinate, however, becomes negative in
quently use signs which vary from those used by the southern hemisphere.
other arms and services. This is particularly appli- The length of a side of each grid square is equal
cable to the signs for fortifications used by the to an even number of centimeters and represents an
engineers and by the infantry. even number of kilometers on the ground. For ex-
Tactical symbols representing friendly troops are ample, the side of the grid square of a 1: 25,000 map
red. Those for enemy troops are blue, the converse is 4 centimeters and represents 1 kilometer on the
of United States usage. On black and white maps ground. The side of the grid square of 1: 100,000
or charts, friendly troops are represented by solid map is 2 centimeters, which represents 2 kilometers
heavy lines and enemy troops are indicated by on the ground.
lighter, double lines. The full coordinate is written in the lower left
Soviet military abbreviations and conversion corner of each sheet, the horizontal coordinate pre-
tables of the old Russian and metric systems of ceded by the number of the coordinate zone. The
weights and measures are published in TM 30-544. vertical or "X" coordinate indicates the distance
in kilometers from the equator. The difference be-
2. COORDINATE SYSTEM tween the value of the horizontal or "Y" coordi-
The U. S. S. R. is divided into 28 map sectors, each nate and 500 indicates the distance east of the base
6° wide. The map sectors are divided by parallels, meridian of the coordinate zone if "Y" is greater
4° apart into rows of coordinate zones. Coordi- than 500, and the distance in kilometers ,\-est of the
nate zones are numbered consecutively from 1 to 32, base meridian if "Y" is less than 500. Thus, the
star~ing at Greenwich and continuing east. Num- numbers 5748 and 8690 locate the lmrer left corner
bers for coordinate zones are derived from the num- o( a map 5,748 kilometers north of the equator 190
bers of the map sectors in which they fall. The kilometers east of the base meridian of the 8th zone.
number of a coordinate zone is determined by sub- The full coordinate is printed only in the lower left
tracting 30 from the number of the map sector in corner of the map. Elsewhere only the last two
which it falls or by adding 30 if the map sector numbers are given. In military communications,
number is less than 30 (fig. 1). the "X" coordinate always is given first.
A rectangular grid system is superimposed on each Although the decision to change from the old Rus-
coordinate zone. The center of coordinates is es- sian system of weights and measures was made in
tablished at the intersection of the equator and the the early 1920's, military maps employing the old
TM 30-430 15 Oct 46
system still are in use. The old style military maps parts of Siberia. The 1: 1,050,000 (1 duim equals
use the geographic coordinate system. The dis- 25 versts) map covers all of the European S. S. R.
tances between consecutive vertical and horizontal and extends westward to Berlin, Prague, and the
lines are measured in duims (inches), which repre- Adriatic. It is one of the oldest Russian military
sent an even number of versts (0.663 miles) on the maps.
ground. For example, the size of a square on a Maps of scale 1: 100,000 and larger are used as
1: 84,000 map is 1 duim, which represents 1 verst tactical maps. The new 1: 50,000, supplemented by
on the ground. Prior to the adoption of the new 1: 25,000, is the basic tactical map. These maps in-
system of coordinates, a metric grid was superim- clude not only general topographic data, but also
posed on the geographical grid of the old style maps. information regarding inhabitable localities, road
nets, stream crossings and their condition, steep
descents and ascents, classification of roads in terms
Military maps of the U. S. S. R. are classified ac- of capacity, surface river system including speed
cording to scale as strategic, operational, and of the current, and relief with emphasis on difficult
tactical maps. terrain, orientation points, forests, and other
Maps of small scale are intended for general vegetation by type.
planning and strategic studies. In the Red Army, On the 1: 25,000, 1: 50,000, and 1: 100,000 maps,
metric system maps 1: 500,000, 1: 1,000,000, and relief is indicated by 5-, 10-, and 20-meter contour
1: 500,000,000 and old system maps 1: 1,680,000 lines respectively. Hachure marks are used where
and 1: 4,000,000 are utilized as strategic maps. relief cannot be adequately represented by contour
These maps carry the usual geographic data. lines. Prominent heights and depressions are indio
Intermediate scale maps are intended for the cated by a number which represents the difference
planning of operations, for the scheduling of in altitude between the top and the base, heights
movements of large units and supplies, and for the indicated by a plus sign and depressions by a minus
selection of positions and communications systems. sign. Supplementary tactical maps, 1: 10,000, are
The operational maps generally include communi- prepared as necessary during operations by the
cations data classified according to the capacity and Military Topographic Service agencies in the field
condition of roads, ridge lines, defiles, and other and by the Artillery Topographic Service.
major terrain features and economic data. Opera- In the old system the basic tactical map is
tional maps of the new system include those of 1: 42,000. Relief is shown by contours. Orig-
scales 1 : 200,000 to 1: 1,050,000. The standard op- inally these maps were in black only, but later four
erational map of the Red Army is the new 1: 200,- colors were added, contours in black, water in blue,
000 map. The collection of data for this map was forests in green, and other terrain features in
started in 1925. Relief is shown by tinting and brown. The 1: 84,000 map of the western area also
by contour lines. In the compilation of data for is used.
this map, particular attention was centered on strict
classification of railroad and road nets and on pop- 4. SPECIAL MAPS AND MAP SUBSTITUTES
ulation and population statistical data. In sparsely Ground and air photomaps are used extensively to
populated areas, this map also is intended for tac- familiarize reconnaissance personnel with territory
tical use. controlled by the enemy, to facilitate centralized fire
Three old style operational maps exist. The control and target designation, to study defilades,
1: 210,000 (1 duim equals 5 versts) map covers the and to facilitate coordination of infantry and ar-
Caucasus and the Turkmen S. S. R. The data on tillery.
this map are old, and it is being replaced by the new The Soviet photo-reconnaissance doctrines closely
1: 200,000 map. The 1: 420,000 (1 duim equals 10 approximate standard United States practice. Air
versts) map covers all the European S. S. R., neigh- photographs, both oblique and vertical, are aug-
boring western countries, Caucasus, Asia Minor, and mented by ground photo panoramas of critical sec-
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
tors. In preparing photomaps for the use of tank a. Old Systems. There are two index systems
and mechanized forces, in addition to appropriate for maps printed in the old measures. The first sys-
marginal notes and contour lines, steep slopes are tem used, if there are comparatively few sheets in a
indicated by an arrow whose direction and length set, consists of numbering the sheets in sequence with
represent the direction and length of the slope. A Arabie or Roman numerals. With large-scale maps,
fraction is placed near such an arrow, its numerator this system becomes cumbersome. The second sys-
indicating degree of slope and denominator indicat- tem consists of sheets arranged in horizontal rows,
ing the length of the slope in meters. each row numbered with a Roman numeral. In each
Stereoscopes are used extensively to facilitate row, sheets are numbered in consecutive series of
tactical and operational' terrain map studies. Arabic numerals, starting with "1." Thus, all sheets
in the same vertical column have the same Arabic
5. MAP INDEX SYSTEMS number. Each sheet of the map is designated by
Maps distributed by the Military Topographic Di- the Roman number of its row, and its Arabic number
vision of the General Staff of the Red Army are within that row.
printed in sheets, the number of sheets for each map h. Metric System. There is one index for all
depending on the size of the area represented and metric system maps. The basic map is the
the scale of the map. Index systems are necessary 1: 1,000,000, which is divided into sectors and hori-
to catalog the sheets of each map. These systems zontal rows. Each row is designated by a Roman
consist of small schematic maps, which are divided capital letter, starting with "A" at the equator. The
by horizontal and vertical lines into rectangles or by height of each row is 4 0 of latitude. Thus, each
meridians and parallels into trapezoids. Each rec- sheet of the 1: 1,000,000 map is 6° of longitude wide
tangle or trapezoid represents a separate sheet of the and 4 0 of latitude high. Each sheet is designated by
map. Maps printed in the old measures are indexed naming its sector and its horizontal row. For ex-
in several systems. Maps printed in the metric sys- ample, the index number of the sheet which contains
tem are all indexed in the same system. Smolensk is N-36 (fig. 1).
15 Oct 46
TM 30-430
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
Each sheet of the 1 :1,000,000 map is divided for with an Arabic numeral, 1 through 144. The index
indexing larger-scale metric maps. A 1 :1,000,000 number for the sheet of the 1: 100,000 map which
sheet is divided into four 1 :500,000 sheets, lettered contains Smolensk is N-36-41 (fig. 4) .
A, B, B, r, (A, B, V, G). Thus, the sheet of the
1 :500,000 map which contains Smolensk is desig- N-36
nated by naming the sheet of the J :1,000,000 map 30°0' 31°0 32°0' 33°0' 34°0' 35°0' 36°0'
~~ ~~
and by the appropriate letter, N-36-A (fig. 2). I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12
13 24
N-36 25 36
37 OCMoAe"cK 48
49 60
61 72
A 6 73 84
CMOlleHCK 85 96
97 108
109 120
121 132
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144
B r 52-0'
Figure 4. Index system for 1 : 100,000 maps.
A 6
5~4~ 5~4~
32°0' 32°15' 32°30'
Fi-:;ure 5. Index system for 1 : 50,000 maps.
TM 30-430 15 Oct 46
ber 1, 2, 3, or 4. Thus, the index number of the The requisitions for maps by subordinate or-
sheet of the 1: 10,000 map which contains Gorki is ganizations are made on the basis of their allot·
N-36-41-B-g-3 (fig. 6). ments and on their programs for the year. These
requisitions are consolidated annually by the mili-
N-36-41-B ·tary district and forwarded to the Military Topo-
3~O' graphic Division of the General Staff. Newly
printed maps are distributed to the Peoples' Com-
missariat of Defense without formal requisition.
Reproduction of maps without permission of the
A & Military Topographical Service is prohibited.
0 The regularly expendable maps of peacetime must
be replaced, corrected, or enlarged in time of war.
32 0 11'15- Operational maps are drafted for use by the field
army by the Topographic Service in accordance
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
Army group
(Western Army Group)
Infantry and tank column
(Second Army) Infantry and artillery column
(] Oth Rifle Rej!;iment) 0+ Infantry reconnaissancf' patrol
en-Rifle regiment
an -Artillery regiment
umn -Ground·attack air regiment ~ Cavalry reconnaissance patrol
T6 -Tank battalion
TTP .-Heavy tank company
(3d Battalion, 1.oth Rifle Regiment)
c6 -Rifle battalion
a]t -Artillery battalion
8 Position area, infantry
(10th RiRe Regiment)
Tp -Tank company
B3-TT-Heavy tank platoon Position area, cavalry
(15th Cavalry Regiment)
Command pOllt
(Second Army)
(Flag,and characters designate unit) @ Position area, tank troops
(2d Tank Brigade)
TM 30-430 15 Oct 46
Combat sector occupied until a set lime
limit 120·l1Im mOrlal" platoon
Boundary hetw.een formal ions Hille "{Iliad d('plo~'ed in line ( ..ame for
sllhmachine ~lInnel's)
I"'\- - -"""""" - - - " Boundary hf'twef'n ..If'ments Hille squad in defen ..e
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
6 Squad commander
t Light machine gun (automatic rifle)
® Suhmachine gunner
·1· 76·l1Im rnfanlr}" howilzer
® Rifleman
Ammunition hearer
® Ballery in firin~ posilion (eilher 76·mm or
® Loader
ro-- Machine gun squad on cart 11 Fla!'h ranging or optical reconnaissance post
TM 30-430 15 Oct 46
Heavy tank
Battery hase pif"ce (approximate location)
Self-propelled gun
Battery ha!'e piece (surnyed location)
Mine-clearance tank
Accurately located tar~et
Armored half-track
Antipersonnf"1 defensive harrage
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
_ + _ +_
Axis of communication (for supply and Air reconnaissance rt'giment
Permanent airdrome
Ground attack squadron
Long range fighter squadron 3 -Reserve
JI -Dummy
Landing field
T Liaison squadron
Unit alerted fOl· airborne flie:ht
Dive bomber regiment
t Fighter regiment
Airborne landing
t Long range fighter regiment Air paS!\8ge lanes ("howing entrance and exit)
T]\t 30-430 15 Oct 46
<left·hand If'tter indicates !;ize of unit)
Antiaircraft artillery hallalion in firin~ posi.
tion (showin~ effectivf' 7.onf')
"@7 Cavalry signal unit
(td.-graph squadron)
Antiairc,'aft !,\f'ar('hli~ht
15 § :,1 4:ahle con!>truetion company
Barra~e halloon
@ H.ld ..... office
§ Cen...llel...... ph ".';on
Sound.powered switchboard'
~ Six·linf' !'witchboard (number of dotl indio
~att>!'\ number of lines)
Ga!> !'\ht>lter
Tf'lrphonf' 1f'!>tillA' !'Ialion
Telephone ('ontrol !'Iation (serif's
Motorizf"d df"('ontaminator ~ ~om'f'ction )
Hor~f'.clra" n "f"contaminator
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
Sound~powered Engineer reconnaissance
f6)--- telephone
Permanent telegraph line (five channels).
Permanent line
Pioneer reconnaissance patrol
-Z- Cable (two-line) Engineer dump
1 Motorized radio direction finder station Field power ~tation
1 Motorized radio Field power compressor
® Radio receiver
R -Testing
C -Monitoring
Rifle squad trench
J( -Auxiliary
/h Light machine gun tre~h
(arrow shows direction of fire)
}{ Radio beacon
:tt\ Hea,·y machine gun trench
f0 <I~
Radio net
Qrc Mortar emplact"ment
E Signal rocket
0 Splinter-proof machine gun emplacement
a. Tactical positions and fortifications emplacement
Reinforced concrete machine gun
Antitank strongpoint
* 716403°-46-2
Fire plan Fort
TM 30-430 15 Oct 46
Heavy shelter .. ...... Rampart of snow
_____ .:tr' L L L
Concf'aled commllllications trench 1 L I.. Cut-off timher
o 0 0 0
Subterranean cOlllmunications trench o 0 0 Antipersonnel minefield
o 000
Unremovablt- mine
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
Defended river bank 3T) (10 Wooden bridge (length, 10 meters; width. 5
5 meters; load capacity, 3 tons)
c. Camouflage Overpass
Dummy trench and dummy communication Dirt road reinforced witll corduroy (5 meters
, wide, 70 meters long)
Dummy hridge
10°1°.15 Muddy road (width, 6 meters; del,.h of mud.
0.15 meter; length, 100 meters)
Screening hedge
v-r;-v Surfaced road (gravel road 6 meters wide, ~
Concrete pipe (I meter in diameter)
rA right of way 10 meters wide)
EM -Macadam
BllI -Concrete Ford (0.7 meter deep. -1-0 meters wide)
qw. -Asphalt
TM 30-430 15 Oct 46
.0. ...... n
) , VI" Road in bad repair Rock quarry (alternate symbol)
v v "
Clay quarry
Bridge construeted from standard (TIE) (jlBn400 Water point (capacity of 4-00 liters of puri"
equipment fied water pe." hour)
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
Divisional det!ontamination platoon
-0-0 A.mmunition· platoon of an artillery battalion
b. Rep;irnental installations
Road sign
TM 30-430 15 Oct 46
State farm
Frontier marker
L"nion-Republic boundary
_-- ..... --
. ~~ Krai,Oblast • an d A utonomous Republic boundaries
Farmhouse-type settlement
(less than 100 households)
Autonomous Oblast bou d
f Obi
(and boundar y o . n ar\l
a s t subordmate to Krai)
~''';--9A --"--"--"-- -~
n ~-~---""-
~ Jly'6 ~noAAy6Ho8
0 .Q •
Q ~ational and a d mmlstrathe
. . district boundary
/~ \; 2S
~ 5)
Separate farm households
(grouped under a single sign) County (Rayon) boundary
15 Oct 46 TM 30-430
P 9 q 9 <;>
9 Q <1> <;> «
Park Tea plantation Thin forest and parkland
° oS 0 S 0 Cl
og. tr
o 0 ° 0 c:
L 0°000 L ~
p ~ 0 O 0 ~ 0
i °0
ooog 00
o 0 0 0 0 n L 0 L 00 L
Orchard Truck garden Cut forest
(with mixed growth) ("ith underbrush)
.. ..
n "
• n It II
0 0 Q 0
It • •
Nursery or seedlings Bushes Meadow
"Ir, "",
"II, ,\1(,
\\1(, "I (,
, . ,.
,', ,', ,.
' .
::1 ,
S! 1·.E=J
--F1 bI
-t==1 1 '3
Rice plantation
r :I lit
Impassable swamp
(with rushes)
Burned forest
~('parat(' • barn
(\\ilholll smokestacks)
l\1a(~hine-truC'lor ,;latiotl
(outside of inhahited plac'e)
.""'I1UII'l'lll fl'/ln'" )'ard l\line or quarry Machine-lrac:lor stalion
(in fun'i'.lll I'oulltries\ (active) (in inhabited placd
L___ ~,~:~'______ J
,-.-" ,-----,r---·I
I I I \ \
II. .... .JL..
\ \
, \...... JI e
Mine or quarr~'
Destroyed !-t'tt 1t'Il1t'nl Base fuel depol
o Ore body Grain elevator
NOIl~Christian c'cJl1ctt"'Y Windmill Radio station
1I11J \\ol).IJ
Ccmcte,'y "ilh H'gctation
Cross or roadside shrint.' Power
(dra\\ n to seal!')
:\lonastery or ('hun'h
+ Kilometcr post or road sign Post offiC'C"
.. ....
• • if.
Postal and t~I('~,'a.,h station
o t:J
• <)
Pit Central tdt'phone station
15 Oct 46 Tl\I 30-430
Meteorological station Stone quarry Survey marker
(011 tree)
Telephone and telegraph linea Oil seep SIIr\'eV IHarker
(at c~ossroad)
Border-control station Deciduous tree Livestock corral
Border-con trol outpost Youn,g: trees Rain pit
(height more than 6 meters) (with brick superetructure)
Quarantine station Mature trees Pass
(height less than 6 meters)
Observation points Forester'. house Spring
! OK.
Oil derrick Marker Well
(astronomically located)
FiTe lookou t tower
(with water supply)
Bench mark
Artesian well
ApM. K
c:J 6
Permanent apiary Bench mark Well
(on mound) (with dipper'
Sand quarry Survey marker Barbed wire fence
TM 30-430 15 Oct 46
PaH'd highway
Lnies D()ubl(~-tra('k railroad (!>eetion difTielllt to Ilt'gotiate)
-(==)- Tunnel
_ i ..
i ..
i. ------------_ .... _----
(seelion of improved, ditched road,
difliellit to n{'~otiale)
i ..
Electric tranlway
' _
Passf'nger and freight station
(fir;;t class, with water tower [AI and depot [BI>
-- --
Narrow-gauge railroad
:::::::: 12 .2
Paved hiO'hway
(sho\\ing u,;aLle \dJth)
Passenger and freight station
(second class) ---
Aerial cable tramway Incline
(10° or greater)
Passeng<'r and f~('ight station
IiIiOil! Ii Ii Iii II!
Railroad under constru<'tiun
. . -.
~tone wall
(third class) (by uninrproved road)
I I I 1 I II 1 I I I I
with triple track)
- UnimproH'd rond without dHehing
(s('elion diflieult to ne~otiat(')
• Bridge
)wrw( .
• .·0 ..•....••.••••••••••
................. ..... .
Winter road
(wilh "ingl~ track)
Sindc·-lrac·k railroad Small bridge Corduroy road
of douhle Ira('l;.)
==~ :::::::t:1t=1==
(\,ith Iwo-\\ay IraOie)
I I I I Iii I I
15 Oct 46 Tl\:I 30-430
Hoad Sh'd drawhrid~(' Shual
(\\itl. 1It'<I~l's)
- - >---<-- -~
() () o ..... ~~
\Yaler pipe or ~c'\{'" Flood land Ford
(ul\d''f~rollnd )
SI)('ed of ('urrent
(ill 1I\('tl'r"-IH'r~"('cond)
inh'rnlitt('nl sln'anI
(Ie,..,. than 10 IlIt'ter;; "ide)
Stone drawhridge
Wooden drawln-idge