Shale Gas Log Evaluation For Gas Volume Calculations
Shale Gas Log Evaluation For Gas Volume Calculations
Shale Gas Log Evaluation For Gas Volume Calculations
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Figure 1. Passay’s DlogR Plot Figure 4. Correlation of core measured TOC and density
2.1.2 Shmoker/Hester Method:
Figure 7. Confirmation of TOC by FMI image log 2.1.5 Deterministic and Multimin
Solutions for Log Evaluation
Deterministic Solution
2.1.4 Analyzing TOC in the laboratory The deterministic method follows below steeps for
log evaluation of free porosity and fluids.
The total organic carbon content of rocks is obtained by
heating the rock in a furnace and combusting the organic Shale volume
matter to carbon dioxide. The amount of carbon dioxide
liberated is proportional to the amount of carbon liberated Shale volume calculations from a uranium corrected
in the furnace, which in turn is related to the carbon gamma ray curve (CGR) is the best.
content of the rock. The carbon dioxide liberated can be VSHcgr = (CGR - CGR0) / (CGR100 - CGR0)
measured several different ways. The most common When CGR is not available, we fall back to the thorium
methods use a thermal conductivity detector or infrared (TH) curve from a spectral gamma ray log
spectroscopy. Many source rocks also include inorganic VSHth = (TH - TH0) / (TH100 - TH0)
sources of carbon such as carbonates and most notably When TH are missing, the total gamma ray curve (GR)
calcite, dolomite, and siderite. These minerals break down can still be used by moving the clean (GR0) and shale
at high temperature, generating carbon dioxide and thus (GR100) lines further to the right compared to
their presence must be corrected in order to determine the conventional shaly sands.
organic carbon content. Generally, the amount of VSHgr = (GR - GR0) / (GR100 - GR0)
carbonate is determined by acid digestion (normally 50% The calculated clay volume should be calibrate with XRD
HCl) and the carbon dioxide generated is measured and clay volume weight%.
then subtracted from the total carbon dioxide to obtain the
Kerogen and Shale corrected Porosity Phi (kerogen) = Phi (ND) - Phi (nmr)
Rt: true resistivity (ohm,m)
m: cementation Exponent (unitless)
n: saturation exponent (unitless)
Sw: water saturation (fractional)
Vcl: cly volume (fractional)
Rcl: clay resistivity (ohm.m)
Rw: formation water resistivity (ohm.m)
A: tortiosity factore (unitless)
Figure 8. Kerogen free porosity and organic matter Phi: porosity (fractional)
GIPfree = KV4 * PHIe * (1 - Sw) * THICK * AREA / Bg 3.3 Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Analysis
Bg = (Ps * (Tf + KT2)) / (Pf * (Ts + KT2)) * ZF
Rock-Eval is a method of pyrolysis in an open
Where, environment and it is a direct measurement of TOC is
Bg = gas formation volume factor (fractional) accomplished at the well site and data is available within
Pf = formation pressure (psi) about 30 minutes of sample collection. During pyrolysis
Ps = surface pressure (psi) the sample is heated up to 600°C, while derived
Tf = formation temperature ('F) hydrocarbons. Heating distills free compounds (bitumen,
Ts = surface temperature ('F) S1) then cracked pyrolytic products from insoluble
ZF = gas compressibility factor (fractional) organic matter (kerogen, S2).
KT2 = 460'F
KV3 = 7758
KV4 = 0.000 043 560
Gas content from a best fit line versus TOC can be applied
to log derived TOC: Table 2. Shale gas rock quality classification based on S2
Gc = KG11 * TOC% Pick
Gc = gas content (scf/ton)
TOC% = total organic carbon (percent)
KG11 = gas conversion factor range = 5 to 15, default = 9
Adsorbed gas in place is derived from:
Sweet spots are defined as the most prospective volumes
of the shale play. They are primarily targeted to achieve
early economic production. The identification of sweet
spots has been synthesized into recognizing zones of good
Table 3. Classification of oil and gas based on hydrogen hydrocarbon reservoir quality (TOC and thermal maturity,
index por-perm character, fluid saturations, gas in place) and
good completion quality (stress regime, mineralogy,
natural fractures). Thus, a sweet spot can be described as a
formation volume that has the following characteristics:
• low water saturation with high TOC content and
hence high kerogen content
• low clay content and hence high brittleness index
for hydraulic fracture ability
• higher porosity
• inter particle permeability
Figure 12. Kerogen S2 pick from Rock-Eval Pyrolysis
3.4 Adsorbed Gas Content (Long Muir
Isotherm method))
Adsorption isotherms indicate the maximum volume of
methane that a gas shale can store under equilibrium
conditions at a given pressure and temperature. The direct
method of determining adsorption isotherm involves
cutting core that is immediately placed in canisters,
followed by measurements of the gas volume evolved
from the shale over time. When the sample no longer
evolves gas, it is crushed and the residual gas is measured Figure 15. Sweet spot identification from depth vs vitrinite
(scf/ton). reflectance (R0)
Figure 14. Kerogen types from vitrinite reflectance Figure 16. Multi-mineral model for a carbonate formation
5 Acknowledgments
We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the
REPPCO and reference support from E.R. (Ross) Crain,
Crain’s Petrophysical Handbook online at , 2018. We would like to thank Mr.
Ross Crain for his valuable advises.
6 Nomenclature
TOC: total carbon content
LOM: Kerogen thermal level of maturity
S2: kerogen volume (mg gas/gr rock)