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Keywords: A copolymer containing 4-Diethanolaminomethyl Styrene (DEAMSt) monomer with Benzyl Methacrylate (BMA)
4-Diethanolaminomethyl Styrene monomer units were synthesized by free radical solution polymerization technique using AIBN as a free radical
Benzyl Methacrylate initiator and 1,4-dioxane as a solvent at 60 °C. The metal complexes were prepared by reaction of the copolymer
Hartree-Fock theory used as ligand poly(DEAMSt0.70-co BMA) and Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II) metal ions in presence of ethanol and
1 dilute NaOH at 65 °C for 48 h in pH 6. The structure of copolymer used as ligand and polymer-metal complexes
H NMR spectra
HOMO and LUMO energies
were characterized by (FT-IR), 1H NMR, elemental analysis, and SEM-EDX techniques. For the theoretical cal-
culations (FT-IR and 1H NMR spectrum) the Hartree-Fock (HF) theory with 6-31G (6D, 7F) basic set was used. In
addition, the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO)
energies were investigated. A good agreement has been found between the theoretical and experimental FT-IR
and 1H NMR results.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Hekim).
Received 13 June 2019; Received in revised form 29 July 2019; Accepted 1 August 2019
Available online 02 August 2019
0301-0104/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Acikses, et al. Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110469
Table 1
The elemental analysis and SEM / EDX results of poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA) ligand and its metal complexes (Metal; Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II)).
Copolymer and It's Metal Complexes Formula Calculated Found SEM/EDX Calculated(M)/Found (M)%
% C: H: N % C: H: N
C O 60 oC 24 h C O
(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Synthesis reaction of poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA) ligand; a) 4-Diethanolaminomethyl Styrene (DEAMSt); b) Benzyl Methacrylate (BMA).
Fig. 2. The optimized geometry structures of ligand and metal complexes; a) Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA); b) Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA)-Ni; c) Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-
BMA)-Co; d) Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA)-Zn.
2.1.2. The preparation of copolymer-metal complexes poly(DEAMSt0.70- presence of solvent [1,8] 0,200 g (0,0005 mol) of poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-
co-BMA)-M (M: Ni(II), Co(II) and Zn(II)) BMA) ligand was taken and dissolved in 40 mL ethyl alcohol and was
The metal complexes of the ligand were investigated in relation to placed in a double neck 250 mL flask. The mixture was stirred at 65 °C
Ni(II), Co(II), and Zn(II). From the polymer-metal complexes prepare in for 2 h. Then, the pH of the solution was calibrated by adding dilute
A. Acikses, et al. Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110469
Fig. 3. Molecular pioneer orbital representations of the compound according to HF 6-31G (6D,7F) method; (a): Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA); (b): Poly(DEAMSt0.70-
co-BMA)-Ni; (c): Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA)-Co; (d): Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA)-Zn.
0.1 M NaOH solutions in water. After one hour, an aqueous solution of % Ni (II) metal (mol) in the structure of the complex was determined.
0.064 g (0.0003 mol) of Ni (II)acetate (Ni(CH3COO)2·4H2O) was added The results are given in Table 1. The same processes were performed in
dropwise to the mixture. The reaction was refluxed at 65 °C for 48 h. the synthesis of the Co (II) Complex of Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA) and
The precipitate was filtered and washed with pure water to pH = 6.0 synthesis of Zn(II) Complex of poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA) used as Li-
and dried at 40 °C under a vacuum. The yield of the synthesized metal gand. The yield of the synthesized poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA)-Co metal
complex was calculated as 67%. The color of the metal complex is light complex was 57%. The color of the metal complex is black and the
green, and the product is not soluble in any organic solvent. FT-IR, product is not dissolved in an organic solvent. The yield of the syn-
elemental analysis and SEM / EDX techniques were used to determine thesized Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA) -Zn metal complex was 57%. The
the structure of the metal complex. Since the poly(DEAMSt0.70-co- color of the metal complex is white and the product is not dissolved in
BMA)-Ni metal complex was not dissolved, the 1H NMR spectrum could an organic solvent. The synthesized copolymer-metal complexes were
not be obtained. The amount of C, H and N% in the structure of the colored and were not solved in any organic solvents because of their
complex by elemental analysis and by with SEM / EDX as the amount of cross-linked nature [9,10]. FT-IR (copolymer used as a ligand and its
A. Acikses, et al. Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110469
3. Results
A. Acikses, et al. Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110469
Table 2
FT-IR spectra data of poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA) ligand and it's metal complexes.
Copolymer and It's Metal Complexes λ = cm−1
Table 3
HOMO-LUMO energies.
Energy Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA) Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA)-Ni(II) Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA)-Co (II) Poly(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA)-Zn(II)
A. Acikses, et al. Chemical Physics 527 (2019) 110469
C NMR spectroscopy is widely used in the analysis of all organic gap show that the molecule has a stable structure. In addition, the
compounds [21]. In this study, stable molecular geometric structures obtained FT-IR and 1H NMR spectral results were found to be in good
were obtained for 1H NMR chemical shift calculations of poly agreement with the experimental values. It has been suggested that
(DEAMSt0.70-co-BMA) ligand and its metal complexes. In these struc- small shifts between the theoretical and experimental IR and 1H NMR
tures, NMR chemical shift calculations were carried out using the GIAO results are due to the theoretical calculations in the gas phase.
(Gauge- Including Atomic Orbitals) NMR approach using the 6-31G
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