Cloud Security
Cloud Security
Cloud Security
Infor M3
May 08, 2018
Course code: 01_0111340_IEN1745_M3O
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Table of contents
About this workbook .................................................................................................................................. 6
Course overview ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Course description and agenda ................................................................................................................ 9
Lesson 1: Infor M3 security model .......................................................................................................... 13
Infor M3 security model ........................................................................................................................... 14
Infor M3 general security features ...................................................................................................... 15
Locating Infor M3 security ................................................................................................................... 16
Check your understanding ...................................................................................................................... 17
Lesson 2: Infor M3 user enrollment ........................................................................................................ 19
Enrolling users in home companies and divisions .................................................................................. 20
Company and division structure – enrolling users .............................................................................. 20
Creating and copying enrollments for users ........................................................................................... 23
Difference between Create and Copy when enrolling a new user ...................................................... 23
Working with user groups ........................................................................................................................ 25
User groups ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Creating user group records ............................................................................................................... 25
Placing users in a group ..................................................................................................................... 25
Exercise 2.1: Log in to Infor M3 .......................................................................................................... 26
Exercise 2.2: Using the Infor M3 function User. Open (MNS150) ...................................................... 27
Check your understanding ...................................................................................................................... 30
Lesson 3: Infor M3 role-based security .................................................................................................. 31
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Need for function security ................................................................................................................... 32
Roles ................................................................................................................................................... 33
Permissions setup per role and function ............................................................................................. 33
Rules for permissions setup ................................................................................................................ 35
Relationship between company and division ...................................................................................... 35
Processing permissions ...................................................................................................................... 37
Working with permissions – Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400)..................................... 37
Program security inheritance .................................................................................................................. 38
Infor M3 function and program structure ............................................................................................. 38
Using program security inheritance – Function. Connect Program (MNS112)................................... 39
Authority by User. Display (SES401) .................................................................................................. 41
Process of setting up role-based security ............................................................................................... 42
Dependency between permissions tables .......................................................................................... 43
Roles. Open (MNS405) ....................................................................................................................... 43
Copying roles in Roles. Open (MNS405) ............................................................................................ 43
Roles per User. Open (MNS410) ........................................................................................................ 44
Setting permissions ................................................................................................................................. 46
Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400) .................................................................................. 46
Overriding program security inheritance ............................................................................................. 47
Forcing automatic creation of permissions ......................................................................................... 48
Deleting roles ...................................................................................................................................... 49
Deleting role/user connections ............................................................................................................ 49
Exercise 3.1: Set up role-based security ............................................................................................ 51
Implementing role-based security ........................................................................................................... 58
Defining a role ..................................................................................................................................... 60
Assessing users’ requirements – security feedback forms ................................................................. 61
Assessment of the requirements by process owners ......................................................................... 61
Additional information .............................................................................................................................. 63
Infor M3 role-based security files ........................................................................................................ 63
Mass changes to function definitions .................................................................................................. 63
Query on CSYSTR – User Preferences table ..................................................................................... 64
Check your understanding ...................................................................................................................... 65
Lesson 4: Infor M3 data security ............................................................................................................. 67
Concept of data security ......................................................................................................................... 68
Structure – simple example ................................................................................................................ 68
Structure – complex example ............................................................................................................. 69
Process of setting up data security ......................................................................................................... 71
Exercise 4.1: Set up Object Access security ...................................................................................... 72
Check your understanding ...................................................................................................................... 74
Lesson 5: Infor M3 field security ............................................................................................................. 75
Objective of field security ........................................................................................................................ 76
Controlling access to individual fields ................................................................................................. 76
Field security concepts ............................................................................................................................ 77
Field security concepts overview ........................................................................................................ 77
Field security – field groups ................................................................................................................ 77
Connecting fields to field groups ......................................................................................................... 77
Connecting users to field groups ........................................................................................................ 78
Scope of field security ............................................................................................................................. 79
Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 79
Process of setting up field security.......................................................................................................... 82
Field security – overview of the process ............................................................................................. 82
Exercise 5.1: Set up field security ....................................................................................................... 85
Check your understanding ...................................................................................................................... 88
Course summary ....................................................................................................................................... 89
Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 90
Appendix A: User accounts ..................................................................................................................... 91
About this workbook
Welcome to this Infor Education course! We hope you will find this learning experience enjoyable and
instructive. This Training Workbook is designed to support the following forms of learning:
• Classroom instructor-led training
• Virtual instructor-led training
• Self-directed learning
This Training Workbook is not intended for use as a product user guide.
Activity data
You will be asked to complete some practice exercises during this course. Step-by-step instructions are
provided in this guide to assist you with completing the exercises. Where necessary, data columns are
included for your reference.
Your instructor will provide more information on systems used in class, including server addresses, login
IDs, and passwords.
Self-directed learning
If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, there may be instructor-recorded presentations
and/or simulations available to assist you.
If instructor-recorded presentations are available, a hyperlink to the recording will be included on the first
page of each corresponding Lesson.
If simulations are available, the demos and exercises throughout this Training Workbook will include
hyperlinks that allow you to view and/or practice the execution of the demo or exercise in a simulated
training environment.
Learning Libraries
Learning Libraries in Infor Campus include learning materials that are available to you online, anytime,
anywhere. These materials can supplement instructor-led training, providing you with additional learning
resources to support your day-to-day business tasks and activities.
Please note that if you accessed this Training Workbook directly via a Learning Library, you will not have
access to the Infor Education Training Environment that is provided with all instructor-led and most self-
directed learning course versions, as referenced above. Therefore, you will not be able to practice the
exercises in the specific Training Environment for which the exercises in this Training Workbook were
Hands-on exercise
For your reference Question
Instructor demonstration
Your notes Answer
Learning objectives
Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
• Describe aspects of the Infor M3 security model.
• Explain the process of maintaining Infor M3 users.
• Describe how role-based security can be used to secure your Infor M3 environment.
• Describe how to secure particular records within Infor M3 database tables.
• Describe how to protect specific fields within Infor M3 tables from unauthorized access.
• Course description and agenda
8 Course overview
© 2018 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Course description and agenda
This course covers how Infor M3 controls end user and system administrator access to the system. The
course contains how to log on to OS Portal (Xi), securing access to various environments, access to Infor
M3 companies and divisions, authority to perform individual functions, and ultimately into protecting data
and even controlling access to individual fields on a screen. Administering security at individual or
group/role level will be discussed. Hands-on exercises are provided to practice course topics.
This training is applicable for the following Infor M3 version: 13.4.
Prerequisite courses
• M3: v13x Administering the System – Introduction
Course duration
8 hours
• Technical Consultant
• Support
• System Administrator
System requirements
• Infor M3 13.4 Tech v2 Training Environment
Reference materials
Infor M3 reference materials are available from the following locations:
• Infor Documentation Infocenter
• Infor Xtreme®
10 Course overview
© 2018 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Lesson Lesson title Learning objectives Day
This section contains information that is not part of the instructional content of this course, but provides
additional related reference information.
Appendix A User accounts This appendix provides a reference for student and instructor
login credentials.
Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe aspects of the Infor M3 security model. In this
lesson, you will:
• Describe the two fundamental types of security in Infor M3.
• Describe the various types of general security in Infor M3.
• Infor M3 security model
General General security is applied over the The system administrator or the
application to control areas such as access security officer maintains general
to Infor M3 functions and individual fields. security.
Application Application security is built in, and exists as Managers maintain security
an integral part of the logic flow in some applicable to their own
areas of the system, such as in the financial department’s functionality.
accounts and purchasing modules.
Note: Although this course only deals with general security, it is important to recognize the distinctions
between the two in case of a security problem outside of your area of responsibility.
Other functions related to Infor M3 security can be found on various menus in LifeCycle Manager (LCM).
Restrictions are required on who can access various Infor M3 programs. Restrictions are also
required on who has update access to a program versus read-only access. What part of Infor
M3 security resolves this?
Restrictions have been put into place to allow only a few users the ability to change a
customer’s credit limit. However, management needs to be able to determine who changed
the customer’s credit limit and when. What part of Infor M3 security resolves this?
Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to explain the process of maintaining Infor M3 users. In this
lesson, you will:
• Describe how to grant users access to Infor M3.
• Describe how to restrict users access to the various companies and divisions defined in Infor M3.
• Explain the difference between manually creating new users and copying them from existing
• State the purpose of user groups in field security.
• Enrolling users in home companies and divisions
• Creating and copying enrollments for users
• Working with user groups
The Update User Access all Cmp/Div (CTRL+21) program does not display a confirmation
screen. Instead, all relevant companies and/or divisions are added to the user’s enrollment
Authorizing users
The User grp object field accessed from User. Access per Company Division (MNS151)
is used in Object Access group security (also known as, data security). This field should not
be confused with the User group field, which is used for field security.
However, when using Copy to enroll a new user, the new user is given access to the same companies
and divisions as the based-on user.
• If you are taking this course as classroom or virtual instructor-led training, observe as
your instructor first demonstrates this exercise.
• If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, complete the steps below.
Exercise steps
Verify you are logged in to the Training Desktop (m3app-2013 (Landing Server)). If not, log in
following instructions provided by your course instructor.
Note: If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, follow the instructions on the
course Lab On Demand screen.
There are multiple ways to start an Infor M3 program, including links in the Menu,
Shortcuts, and Recent widgets. You can also use the Search and Start feature by
completing the following steps:
• Press Ctrl+R. The Search and Start dialog box opens.
• Type <the program name or number> in the Search and Start field.
o The program name in this step would be User. Open, and the program
number is MNS150.
• If you are taking this course as classroom or virtual instructor-led training, observe as
your instructor first demonstrates this exercise.
• If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, complete the steps below.
Exercise steps
Note: Ensure you are logged in to Infor M3. If not, refer to Exercise 2.1, part 1.
Part 1: Change to company 330 division AAA in the environment and verify your user’s access
1. Start Item. Open (MMS001). Panel B displays.
2. Write down the value in parentheses that displays in the lower-right corner of the status bar:
__________________. The first value in the parentheses is your default company and the
second value is your default division.
3. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
4. Press Ctrl+R. The Search and Start window opens.
5. Type cmp330AAA in the Search and Start field. Note: This is just a temporary change and will
reset when you log off. It will ensure you have access.
As an alternative to Part 3, steps 3-9 above, you could select Related > Update User
Access all Cmp/Div (CTRL+21) to give access to all company and division combinations in
the environment.
User groups defined in User. Open (MNS150) are used only for data security.
a) True
b) False
The User grp object field defined in User. Access per Company & Division (MNS151) is
used only for data security.
a) True
b) False
Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how role-based security can be used to secure
your Infor M3 environment. In this lesson, you will:
• Explain the key concepts in setting up role-based security.
• Explain the program security inheritance.
• Explain the process flow of setting up role-based security.
• Overview
• Program security inheritance
• Process of setting up role-based security
• Setting permissions
• Implementing role-based security
• Additional information
Selecting the Authority Required check box is the only way to deny access to a function.
Implicit permission When the Auth required field is not selected, the default is that all users
and roles will have full access to that Infor M3 function unless otherwise
defined in Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400).
Explicit permission When the Auth required field is selected, the default is that no users will
have access to the Infor M3 function unless otherwise defined in
Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400).
Roles are introduced to manage permissions for large numbers of users. Roles define a set of
authorizations in the Infor M3 Business Engine. By connecting a role to a user, the set of authorizations
that the role defines for the user is also added. A user can be connected to several roles at the same
time. Each connection of user and role can have validity dates to enable temporary permission, such as
vacation replacements.
It is only possible to attach programs that are not functions, i.e. a function cannot be linked to
another function.
Permissions are updated in a background job (SES900). There may be a delay before the
permissions are updated as it is dependent on the sleep time of the autostart job.
Tables used in role-based security must never be changed from outside the Infor M3
application, e.g. using structured query language (SQL) tools. Any inconsistencies that do
arise can be resolved by running Authority per User. Re-create (SES990), available on
menu MSF>AUX>Special Occasion Run>SEC. Be aware that SES990 begins by deleting all
records in CMNPUS, then runs a complete rebuild of that table, which can take hours. It
should be run only when no users are using the system.
Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400) settings can applied to programs as well as functions.
When permissions are applied directly to programs that inherit permissions, the direct setup will override
the inheritance.
Deleting roles
When a role is deleted in Roles. Open (MNS405), there is a warning indicating that the existing setup will
also be deleted, including all user and function connections to the role.
• If you are taking this course as classroom or virtual instructor-led training, observe as
your instructor first demonstrates this exercise.
• If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, complete the steps below.
Exercise steps
• Ensure you are logged in to Infor M3. If not, refer to Exercise 2.1, part 1.
• The SES900 auto-job is set for 10 seconds, so there could be a delay of up to 10 seconds before
any changes are processed.
Part 3: Lock the functions Customer. Open (CRS610) and Item. Open (MMS001) and try to run both
1. Start Function. Open (MNS110). Panel B displays.
2. Type CRS610 (in uppercase) in the Function field.
3. Press Enter. The function CRS610 displays at the top of the list.
4. Highlight the row related to CRS610.
5. Select Options > Change (CTRL+2). Panel E displays.
6. Select the Auth Required check box.
7. Click Next. Panel F displays.
8. Click Next. Panel B1 displays.
9. Type MMS001 (in uppercase) in the Function field.
10. Press Enter. The function MMS001 displays at the top of the list.
11. Highlight the row related to MMS001.
12. Select Options > Change (CTRL+2). Panel E displays.
13. Select the Auth Required check box.
14. Click Next. Panel F displays.
15. Click Next. Panel B1 displays.
16. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
52 Lesson 3: Infor M3 role-based security
© 2018 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
3. Click OK. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
4. Start Customer. Open (CRS610).
5. Write down whether you were you able to run Customer. Open (CRS610) and why.
6. Click OK. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
Part 5: Create a role, attach your user to the role, and give permissions to the role to run MMS001
and CRS610
1. Start Roles. Open (MNS405). Panel B displays.
2. Type ITADMIN in the Role field.
3. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
4. Type IT Administration in the Description field.
5. Type IT Admin in the Name field.
6. Click Next. The M3 Text panel displays.
7. Click Next. Panel B displays again.
8. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
9. Start Roles per User. Connect (MNS410). Panel B displays.
10. Type M3M01 in the User field.
11. Type ITADMIN in the Role field.
12. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
13. Click Next. The M3 Text panel displays.
14. Click Next. Panel B displays.
15. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
16. Start Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400). Panel B displays.
17. Type MMS001 (in uppercase) in the Function field.
18. Type ITADMIN in the Role field.
19. Type 330 in the Cmp field.
20. Type BBB in the Div field.
21. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
22. Select 20-Active in the Status field.
23. Click Select all in the Basic options section.
42. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
Part 6: Test your access to both functions, Item. Open (MMS001) and Customer. Open (CRS610)
1. Start Item. Open (MMS001). Panel B displays.
2. Highlight the row related to item 000101.
3. Select Options > Change (CTRL+2).
4. Write down whether panel E displays: _______________.
Note: If panel E displays, this indicates you are capable of making changes, otherwise, you
would have received an error message.
5. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
6. Start Customer. Open (CRS610). Panel B displays.
7. Highlight the row related to customer 10001.
8. Select Options > Change (CTRL+2).
54 Lesson 3: Infor M3 role-based security
© 2018 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
9. Write down whether panel E displays: _______________.
10. Highlight the row related to customer 10001.
11. Select Options > Display (CTRL+5).
12. Write down whether panel E displays: _______________.
Note: If panel E displays, this indicates you are capable of making changes, otherwise, you
would have received an error message.
13. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
Part 8: Give the new role permission to run function Item. Connect Warehouse (MMS002)
1. Start Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400). Panel B displays.
2. Type MMS002 (uppercase) in the Function field.
3. Type FINANCE in the Role field.
4. Type 330 in the Cmp field.
5. Type BBB in the Div field.
6. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
7. Select 20-Active in the Status field.
8. Click Select all in the Basic options section.
9. Click Select all in the Related options section.
10. Click Select all in the Function keys section.
11. Click Next. The M3 Text panel displays.
12. Click Next. Panel B displays.
13. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
14. Start Authority by User. Display (SES401). Panel B displays.
15. Type MMS002 in the Program field.
16. Press Enter.
17. Review the list of permissions for individual programs and users.
19. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
13. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
Part 10: Give your user ID full access to CRS610 to avoid problems with subsequent exercises
1. Start Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400). Panel B displays.
2. Type CRS610 (in uppercase) in the Function field.
3. Press Enter.
4. Highlight the row containing function CRS610 and role ITADMIN.
5. Select Options > Change (CTRL+2). Panel E displays.
6. Click Select all in the Basic options section.
7. Click Select all in the Related options section.
8. Click Select all in the Function keys section.
9. Click Next. The M3 Text panel displays.
10. Click Next. Panel B displays again.
Note: Function definitions exist at the environment level and not at the company/division level. So, any
function locked for the security test will be locked for users of all the companies and divisions in that
This may be the first time process owners are shown the list of requirements to Infor M3
functions for all the user groups/roles. At this stage, it is advisable to publish the consolidated
spreadsheet for all the process owners for verification against what their own groups should
have exclusive access to. Process owners should ask, “Why does that group want one of our
functions?” Any conflicts of function ownership can then be discussed and resolved before
keying the data into the system.
Agreement on the function requirements is the final step, and indicates all the relevant information
needed to update permissions using Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400).
Which of the following is the only way to deny access to a particular Infor M3 function?
a) Select the Auth required check box in the function definition in program
Function. Open (MNS110).
b) Add the function to Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400) with no
options selected.
c) Add the function to Function. Connect Authority by Role (SES400) with
Status set to “10.”
d) Add the function in Function. Deny Access (SES350).
Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how to secure particular records within Infor M3
database tables. In this lesson, you will:
• Define Object Access groups.
• Define Object Access user groups.
• Describe how to protect Infor M3 data objects from access by users with functional access.
• Concept of data security
• Process of setting up data security
1 Create user groups Create user groups in function User Group. Open (CRS004).
• User Group. Open (CRS004) defines user groups only for
data security.
• Do not confuse these groups with user groups created in User.
Open (MNS150), which are used only for field security.
2 Create Object Create Object Access groups in function Object Access Group.
Access groups Open (CRS006).
3 Connect User Connect User groups to Object Access groups in function Object
groups to Object Access Group. Connect User Group (CRS007).
Access groups
4 Assign users to Assign users to Object Access groups in function User. Open
Object Access (MNS150).
groups • User groups for Object Access security must be assigned to
users at the division level.
• Use option Related > User Permissions to Cmp/Div
• User group can be different in various divisions in which the
user is allowed access.
5 Use the appropriate Use the appropriate function to set the Object Access group against
function to set the the data object in Infor M3 that needs to be protected.
Object Access group • Examples
against the data
object in Infor M3 o MMS001 to protect items
that needs to be o CRS610 to protect customers
In User. Access per Company & Division (MNS151), do not confuse User grp object
(used with Object Access groups) with User group (used with field security).
In User. Access per Company & Division (MNS151), when changing the user’s authority
within a specific company/division, only the user groups belonging to this company can be
• If you are taking this course as classroom or virtual instructor-led training, observe as
your instructor first demonstrates this exercise.
• If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, complete the steps below.
Exercise steps
Note: Ensure you are logged in to Infor M3. If not, refer to Exercise 2.1, part 1.
Part 1: Create a user group and an Object Access group, connect the user group to the Object
Access group
1. Start User Group. Open (CRS004). Panel B displays.
2. Type NORTHSALES in the User grp o field.
3. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
4. Type Northern Sales Personnel in the Description field.
5. Type North Sales in the Name field.
6. Click Next. Panel B displays again.
7. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
8. Start Object Access Group. Open (CRS006). Panel B displays.
9. Type NORTHCUSTS in the Access grp field.
10. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
11. Type Northern customers in the Description field.
12. Type North Custs in the Name field.
13. Click Next. The Object Access Group. Connect User Group (CRS007/B) program displays for
Object Access group NORTHCUSTS.
14. Type NORTHSALES in the User grp o field.
15. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
16. Click Next. Panel B displays.
17. Click Close. The Object Access Group. Open (CRS006/B) program displays.
18. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
Part 3: Connect your user ID to the user group that has access
1. Start User. Open (MNS150). Panel B displays.
2. Type M3M01 in the User field.
3. Press Enter.
4. Highlight the row related to your user ID.
5. Select Related > User Permissions to Cmp/Div (CTRL+11). The User. Access per Company
Division (MNS151/B1) program opens.
6. Type 330 in the Cmp field.
7. Press Enter.
8. Highlight the row related to 330 division BBB.
9. Select Options > Change (CTRL+2). Panel E displays.
10. Type NORTHSALES in the User grp object field. Note: Do not mistake this with the User group
field directly above it.
11. Click Next. Panel B1 displays.
12. Click Close. The User. Open (MNS150) program displays again.
13. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
a) True
b) False
An Infor M3 user can only be assigned to one Object Access user group.
a) True
b) False
Learning objectives
After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how to protect specific fields within Infor M3
tables from unauthorized access. In this lesson, you will:
• Explain field-level security.
• Identify field-level security limitations.
• Explain how to set up the different levels of field security.
• Objective of field security
• Field security concepts
• Scope of field security
• Process of setting up field security
Note: SES200 is based on Infor M3 metadata and Infor M3 programming conventions. Consequently, the
information below is of a technical nature.
Before reviewing the steps, it is important to note that there are three credit limit fields in panel J of
Customer. Open (CRS610).
Step 1: Identify the fields and confirm that the fields can be secured.
The first part of step1 is to identify the fields to be secured. This is accomplished by running any Infor M3
function that includes the fields to be secured and pressing F1 for each field. For each field three pieces
of information are needed: the program name, the panel in which it is displayed, and the name of the field
used in the program.
The second part of step 1 is to determine whether the fields are capable of being secured. To accomplish
this, it is important to search for the field in all programs using Field. Display per Program (SES200).
The field name used in the program is not the name in the Infor M3 database table. Programs use a work
field name similar to the proper name. Usually the last four characters of these two field names will match.
To find the work field name, navigate to the program panel in which it appears. In our example, the
information is in CRS610 on panel J.
After locating the field in Field. Display per Program (SES200), check the Ind Protect and Ind Non-
display attributes. Note: Only fields with non-blank values for Ind Protect and Ind Non-display can be
secured. If the field can be secured, the value in Ref field will be the name of the field in the Infor M3
database table.
To find a field in SES200, type the program name, the panel identifier, then the part of the field name from
the online help (e.g., CRLM for Credit Limit) preceded by an asterisk.
Use the Position to fields to bring the program and panel to the top of the list. For the field name, use the
asterisk to filter the list to include only fields matching the last four characters you found in the field help.
Locating and finding the field in Field. Display per Program (SES200)
• If you are taking this course as classroom or virtual instructor-led training, observe as
your instructor first demonstrates this exercise.
• If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, complete the steps below.
Exercise steps
Note: Ensure you are logged in to Infor M3. If not, refer to Exercise 2.1, part 1.
Part 1: Discover the four-character field name of two fields that require field security
1. Start Item. Open (MMS001). Panel B displays.
2. Highlight the row related to <any item on the list>.
3. Select Options > Change (CTRL+2). Panel E displays.
4. Click anywhere in the Name field (the second field under Basic Information).
5. Press the F1 key. A pop-up window displays information about the Name field.
6. Write down the four-character name of the field as displayed in the bottom-right corner of the help
box: _________________________.
7. Click Close. Panel E displays again.
8. Click anywhere in the Description field.
9. Press the F1 key. A pop-up window displays information about the Description field.
10. Write down the four-character name of the field as displayed in the bottom-right corner of the help
box: _________________________.
11. Click Close. Panel E displays again.
12. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
In this example the name of the fields as used in the program’s view definition,
MMITDS and MMFUDS, are the same as their proper names in the database table.
However, this is not always the case, so the steps in this exercise should be
followed in all cases when checking whether fields can be secured.
Part 2: Confirm whether the fields ITDS and FUDS can be secured and, if they can, discover their
true names in the database
1. Start Field. Display per Program (SES200). Panel B displays.
2. Type MMS001 in the Program field.
3. Type *ITDS in the Field field.
4. Type E in the Pan (Panel) field.
Part 3: Create a field group for the fields MMITDS and MMFUDS
1. Start Field Group. Open (SES100). Panel B displays.
2. Type ITEMDESCS in the Fld sec gr field.
3. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
4. Type Item descriptions in the Name field.
5. Select 1-Display in the Field selection drop-down list.
6. Click Next. The Field Group. Connect Fields (SES102/B) program opens.
7. Type MMITDS in the Field field.
8. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
9. Click Next. The B1 panel displays.
10. Type MMFUDS in the Field field replacing MMITDS.
11. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
12. Click Next. The B1 panel displays.
13. Click Close. The Field Group. Open (SES100/B) program displays again.
14. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
Part 5: Connect your user ID to the field group; specify an access level of non-display, then test
your access to the secured fields
1. Start Field Group. Connect Authority (SES010). Panel B displays.
2. Type ITEMDESCS in the Fld sec gr field.
3. Type <your user ID> in the User field.
86 Lesson 5: Infor M3 field security
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4. Select Options > Create (CTRL+1). Panel E displays.
5. Select 0-No display from the Field selection drop-down list.
6. Click Next. Panel B1 displays.
7. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
8. Start Item. Open (MMS001). Panel B displays.
9. Highlight the row related to <any item on the list>.
10. Select Options > Change (CTRL+2). Panel E displays. Note: The Name field and the
Description field are not visible on the display.
11. Click Close. The Infor M3 Start Page displays.
Match each of the following field security setting to its numeric setting. The possible settings
are 0, 1, and 2.
If you only want to secure one field, you do not have to create a field group.
a) True
b) False
If a field is found on multiple panels in various M3 programs, field security needs to be set
up for each of the programs.
a) True
b) False
Learning objectives
Now that you have completed this course, you should be able to:
• Describe aspects of the Infor M3 security model.
• Explain the process of maintaining Infor M3 users.
• Describe how role-based security can be used to secure your Infor M3 environment.
• Describe how to secure particular records within Infor M3 database tables.
• Describe how to protect specific fields within Infor M3 tables from unauthorized access.
• Course review
90 Appendix
© 2018 Infor Education. All rights reserved. No part of this Training Workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, without written permission.
Appendix A: User accounts
Your instructor will assign you a student user ID from the table listed below to use for class exercises.
Note: If you are taking this course as self-directed learning, refer to the Training Desktop Login
Instructions on the Lab On Demand page.