Exercise Interventions Improve Postural Control in Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review
Exercise Interventions Improve Postural Control in Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review
Exercise Interventions Improve Postural Control in Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review
PUBLICATION DATA AIM The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of exercise
Accepted for publication 28th October interventions that may improve postural control in children with cerebral palsy (CP).
2014. METHOD A systematic review was performed using American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and
Published online 18th December 2014. Developmental Medicine (AACPDM) and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology. Six databases were searched using the following
ABBREVIATIONS keywords: (‘cerebral palsy’ OR ‘brain injury’); AND (‘postur*’ OR ‘balance’ OR ‘postural
AACPDM American Academy of Cerebral balance’ [MeSH]); AND (‘intervention’ OR ‘therapy’ OR ‘exercise’ OR ‘treatment’). Articles
Palsy and Developmental Medi- were evaluated based on their level of evidence and conduct.
cine RESULTS Searches yielded 45 studies reporting 13 exercise interventions with postural
BF&S Body functions and structures control outcomes for children with CP. Five interventions were supported by a moderate
F-BWS Full body weight support level of evidence: gross motor task training, hippotherapy, treadmill training with no body
FES Functional electrical stimulation weight support (no-BWS), trunk-targeted training, and reactive balance training. Six of the
ICF International Classification of interventions had weak or conflicting evidence: functional electrical stimulation (FES),
Functioning, Disability and hippotherapy simulators, neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT), treadmill training with body
Health weight support, virtual reality, and visual biofeedback. Progressive resistance exercise was an
NDT Neurodevelopmental therapy ineffective intervention, and upper limb interventions lacked high-level evidence.
No-BWS No body weight support INTERPRETATION The use of exercise-based treatments to improve postural control in
P-BWS Partial body weight support children with CP has increased significantly in the last decade. Improved study design
PRISMA Preferred Reporting Items for provides more clarity regarding broad treatment efficacy. Research is required to establish
Systematic Reviews and Meta- links between postural control impairments, treatment options, and outcome measures. Low-
Analyses burden, low-cost, child-engaging, and mainstream interventions also need to be explored.
Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common cause of physical upper limb activities such as reaching,19 and during oral
disability in childhood, with an estimated incidence of 2.11 motor activities such as eating, swallowing, and speaking.20
per 1000 live births.1 Central to the definition and diagno- These limitations restrict participation across a broad range
sis of CP is impaired development of movement and pos- of life domains, including self-care, education, and recrea-
ture.2 Postural control dysfunction derives from primary tion.21 Despite the significant impact that postural control
brain injury, which causes deficits in postural networks. dysfunction has on the activity and participation of children
Motor (producing) networks are impacted by deficits such with CP, and indeed their caregivers, optimal interventions
as muscle spasticity, contracture, decreased isometric force for this core deficit are not well understood. While children
production and abnormal timing, and reduced amplitude with CP receive or participate in a wide range of passive or
of muscle recruitment. Perceptual (orienting) networks are active interventions aimed to improve movement and pos-
impacted by deficits including poor registration and/or ture, often the specific impact on postural control is not well
perception in visual, tactile, proprioceptive, and vestibular measured or documented. This systematic review seeks to
systems.3 Individually and collectively, these factors can examine reported exercise interventions for children with
result in problems with balance and/or orientation in chil- CP, to critique their efficacy and effectiveness for postural
dren with CP. To date, it is known that children with CP control outcomes, and to make recommendations for
show deficits in anticipatory postural adjustments,4–9 and improved therapeutic management of this fundamental attri-
reactive postural adjustments,10–12 as well as sensory4,13 bute of CP.
and musculoskeletal components14,15 of postural control, Postural control can be defined as the ability to con-
compared with children with typical development. This trol the body’s position in space for the purposes of sta-
dysfunction is known to contribute to limitations in gross bility and orientation.22,23 Postural stability, or balance,
motor skills that require balance,16 especially gait,17,18 during is the ability to maintain and/or regain the centre of
Review 505
and abstracts of the articles identified by these searches. RESULTS
Full-text articles were retrieved if they fulfilled inclusion A total of 911 articles were identified, 890 from initial
criteria, or if further clarification regarding the fulfilment searches, and 21 from secondary searches. After duplicates
of inclusion criteria was required. If agreement on inclu- were removed, the titles and abstracts of 558 articles were
sion could not be reached following review by two of the screened. Of these, 154 full-text articles met initial criteria and
authors, the third author (LJ or SL) was consulted. were retrieved for review, with 45 studies meeting final inclu-
sion criteria. The flow of studies, and reasons for exclusion at
Inclusion and exclusion criteria each stage, is summarized in a PRISMA diagram (Fig. 1).
Articles were included if (1) they were full articles, pub- From the 45 included articles (evidence levels I–V), 13
lished in English, in peer-reviewed journals, after 1980; (2) intervention types were identified that purported to impact
study participants were children diagnosed with CP, and postural stability or postural orientation in children with
aged between 0 and 18 years; (3) they performed a land- CP: functional electrical stimulation (FES) (n=2); gross
based exercise intervention that required active participa- motor task training (n=4); hippotherapy (n=9); hippothera-
tion by the child; and (4) they reported the efficacy or py simulators (n=3); progressive resistance exercise (n=1);
effectiveness of the intervention, for improving postural reactive balance training (n=3); treadmill training with no
control, using at least one outcome measure of either pos- body weight support (no-BWS) (n=1); treadmill training
tural stability (static or dynamic balance), or postural ori- with partial or full body weight support (P-BWS or
entation (e.g. postural alignment). Articles were excluded if F-BWS respectively; n=5); trunk-targeted training (n=2);
they were non-systematic reviews or opinion articles, or if upper limb interventions (n=2); visual biofeedback (n=1);
they reported (1) passive interventions (e.g. orthotics, and virtual reality (n=8). Within the included articles,
equipment such as seating, or support garments); (2) NDT was used as a comparison treatment in seven (n=7,
water-based interventions; (3) medical or surgical interven- not adding to the study tally), and appeared in one other
tions; or (4) active exercise interventions without any where it was used as the sole intervention (n=1). Finally,
reported outcome measures for postural control. three systematic reviews were identified, including one dis-
cussing postural control interventions in general, and two
Data extraction and quality appraisal specifically discussing hippotherapy.
Two authors gathered data from each article using the Results were tabulated based on AACPDM guidelines. Arti-
appropriate AACPDM ‘study data extraction summary cles that were rated as level I to III (n=22) met criteria for full
form’; the forms used were relevant for either group or evaluation, which is provided in Table I, including citation,
single-subject research study designs. The forms recorded design, evidence level and conduct rating, intervention type,
information regarding participants, intervention(s), out- participants, results, outcome measures, and coding (according
come measure(s) (for postural control or other motor out- to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability
comes), results, and potential adverse effects. The quality and Health [ICF]: Children & Youth Version,40 and postural
of each included article was assessed in two steps: (1) by control component according to Systems Control Theory).
assignment of the level of evidence (for all studies); and Tables SIIa,b (online supporting information) provide addi-
then (2) by evaluation of conduct (for studies with level tional information regarding participant characteristics and
I–III evidence only [as determined using guidelines for intervention methodology for each study (level IV–V studies
each study type recommended by the AACPDM]). Group were also included in this table to comprehensively describe
research designs were assigned levels of evidence using the the scope of research available for each intervention type).
classification described by Sackett et al.37 (see Table SI, Tables SIIIa,b,c (online supporting information) report the
online supporting information), where level I studies are objective conduct item scores for level I to III studies with
most able to demonstrate that the intervention was respon- group, single-subject, and systematic review designs. Table
sible for the reported outcome. Conduct of level I to III SIV (online supporting information) documents reported
group studies was rated using a seven-item questionnaire, adverse events.
with studies scoring ‘yes’ on six or seven items rated as In the following sections, each intervention type with
strong, on four or five items rated as moderate, and on available level I to III evidence is critiqued for (1) the over-
three or less items rated as weak. Single-subject research all strength of the evidence presented; (2) the efficacy and/
design studies were assigned levels of evidence using the or effectiveness for improving postural control when con-
classification described by Logan et al.38 (see Table SI). sidering each component (‘body functions and structures’
Conduct of level I to III single-subject research design (BF&S), ‘activity’, and ‘participation’) of the ICF; (3) links
studies was rated using a 14-item questionnaire, with stud- between outcomes across the ICF; and (4) adverse events,
ies scoring ‘yes’ on between 11 and 14 items rated as if reported. Intervention types are discussed in alphabetical
strong, on 7 to 10 items rated as moderate, and on seven order.
or less items rated as weak. Systematic review studies were
rated using the classification of Sackett et al.37 Conduct of Functional electrical stimulation
systematic reviews was evaluated using Oxam and Two studies,41,42 both evidence level II (Table I), applied
Guyatt’s39 classification, which yields a score out of 10. FES to abdominal and lumbar muscles simultaneously, with
Records excluded
Records screened for title Too old (n=43)
and abstract Not cerebral palsy (n=157)
(n=558) Not postural control assessment or treat (n=177)
Non-systematic review or opinion paper (n=26)
Withdrawn from publication (n=1)
Studies included in
qualitative synthesis
the aim of improving muscle strength and function. Both step-ups, walking and standing activities, and reaching to
studies used the following FES parameters with a sequence limits of stability). Of four studies, two were level II
of 10 seconds ‘on’ followed by 12 seconds ‘off’: intensity of (Table I). Improvement was reported for the ‘activity’, but
20 to 30mA; pulse width of 250ls; and frequency of 25 to not the BF&S, component. Thirty hours (five 1h sessions/
35Hz. Both studies used the same dosage of 10 to 18 hours wk for 6wks) of sit-to-stand and step-up exercises improved
(five or six 30min sessions/wk for 4–6wks), together with standing balance (‘activity’) and dynamic postural stability
rehabilitation (stretching, strengthening, and mobility activi- during gait (‘activity’) in children with CP aged between 5
ties, and Bobath treatments of inpatients in rehabilitation and 12 years (evidence level II, conduct moderate; see
hospitals) for children aged between 1 and 10 years with Table SIIIa).43 A lower dose of 10 hours (two 1h sessions/
spastic diplegia (Gross Motor Function Classification Sys- wk for 5wks) of walking, standing, sit-to-stand, and object
tem [GMFCS] Level not reported). FES, along with rehabil- pick-up activities improved dynamic balance during gait
itation, improved postural alignment (BF&S) to a greater (‘activity’) in 4- to 11-year-old children with CP (evidence
extent than rehabilitation alone (evidence level II, conduct level II, conduct moderate; see online Table SIIIa).44
weak; see Table SIIIa).41,42 No discomfort was reported by
children receiving FES (see Table SIV).42 Hippotherapy
Hippotherapy is the provision of sensory and motor input
Gross motor task training via the movements of a horse, with programmes designed
Gross motor task training involves repetition of simple by professionals with hippotherapy qualifications.53 From
functional gross motor exercises (e.g. sit-to-stand exercises, 11 studies, three level II or III studies, and two systematic
Review 507
Table I: Summary of level I to III included studies
evidence level, PC
and conduct ICF (proposed component
References rating Intervention Participants Results Outcome measure code) measured
evidence level, PC
and conduct ICF (proposed component
References rating Intervention Participants Results Outcome measure code) measured
Kwon et al. Group, III, Hippotherapy CP; GMFCS I–II; Improved walking (stride length Temporal–spatial and B (b770, b710) APA, MSk
Moderate 4–10y; n=32 [p<0.001] and walking speed kinematic gait
[p=0.002]); no change parameters
in cadence, single limb support, or
pelvic and hip kinematics
Improved overall gross motor function GMFM-66/88: E and A (d410–d429, APA, IR, MSk
(p=0.003); improved walking, running, total score d455)
and jumping (p=0.042)
Improved balance in standing (p=0.004) Paediatric Balance A (d4103, d4104– APA, IR,
Scale d4106, d4153- sensory,
d4154, d4200, MSk
Borges et al.48 Group, II, Weak Hippotherapy CP (spastic Improved postural control in sitting Stabilometry: B (b760) APA
simulator diplegic); (AP, p=0.0001; ML, p=0.0069) voluntary COP
GMFCS II–IV; movement in sitting
3–12y; n=40 No change in motor classification GMFCS A (d450–d469) APA, IR, MSk
Herrero et al.49 Group, II, Strong Hippotherapy CP; GMFCS I–IV; No change in sitting postural control Sitting Assessment A (d4153, d4300, APA, IR, MSk
simulator 4–18y; n=38 Scale d440)and B (b760)
Improved sitting function (odds GMFM-66: B (sitting) A (d410–d429, APA, IR, MSk
ratio=3.9; 95% CI=0.68–22.7); and total score d455)
no change in overall gross motor
Park et al.41 Group, II, Weak NDT CP (spastic Improved postural symmetry in sitting Radiographic B (b7101) MSk
diplegia); (Cobb angle only p<0.05); no change measures: Cobb,
8–16mo; n=26 in kyphotic and lumbosacral angle kyphotic, and
lumbosacral angle
Improved sitting function (p<0.05) GMFM: B (sitting) A (d410–d429, APA, IR, MSk
Salem and Group, II, Moderate NDT CP (quadriplegic Improved gross motor function: GMFM-88: D (standing) A (d410–d429, APA, IR, MSk
Godwin44 and diplegic); standing and E (walking, d455)
GMFCS I–III; 4– and walking, running, and jumping running, and
11y; n=10 (no p-value reported) jumping)
Improved dynamic balance: walking Timed-up and go test A (d4103, d4104, APA, MSk
(no p-value reported) d4500)
Borges et al.48 Group, II, Weak NDT CP (spastic Improved postural control: sitting Stabilometry: B (b760) APA
diplegia); (AP and ML, no p-value reported) voluntary COP
GMFCS II–V; 3– movement in sitting
10y; n=40 No change in motor classification GMFCS A (d450–d469) APA, IR, MSk
Karabay et al.42 Group, II, Weak NDT + CP (spastic Improved postural symmetry: sitting Radiographic B (b7101) MSk
conventional diplegic); (Cobb, kyphotic angle [p<0.001] and measures: Cobb,
PT 2–10y; n=33 sacral angel [p<0.003]) kyphotic, and sacral
Improved sitting (p<0.001) GMFM: B (sitting) A (d410–d429, APA, IR, MSk
Table I: Continued
evidence level, PC
and conduct ICF (proposed component
References rating Intervention Participants Results Outcome measure code) measured
El-Shamy et al.50 Group, II, Moderate NDT CP (spastic Improved limits of stability (p<0.001) Biodex, DSL level 12: B (b760) APA, IR,
diplegic); movement of COP sensory
GMFCS I–II; 10– with visual feedback
12y; n=30 Improved (reduced) falls risk (p<0.05) Biodex: COP pathway A (d450) RPA, NMR
in response to
calculation of falls risk
Improved functional standing balance Paediatric Balance A (d4103, d4104– APA, IR
(p<0.05) Scale d4106, d4153- sensory,
d4154, d4200, MSk
evidence level, PC
and conduct ICF (proposed component
References rating Intervention Participants Results Outcome measure code) measured
El-Shamy et al.50 Group, II, Moderate Reactive balance CP (spastic Improved limits of stability (p<0.001) Biodex, DSL level 12: B (b760) APA, IR,
training with diplegic); movement sensory
Biodex balance GMFCS I–II; 10– of COP with visual
system 12y; n=30 feedback
Improved (reduced) falls risk (p<0.05) Biodex: COP pathway A (d450) RPA, NMR
in response
to perturbation
calculation of falls risk
Improved functional standing balance Paediatric Balance A (d4103, d4104– APA, IR,
(p<0.05) Scale d4106, d4153– sensory,
d4154, d4200, MSk
Shumway- SSRD, II, Moderate Massed practice: CP; GMFCS I–II; Improved reactive balance in standing Stabilometry: COP B (b755) RPA, NMR
Cook et al.52 reactive 7–12y; n=6 (p<0.05) time to stabilization
balance and area in response
training to perturbation
No change in function in standing GMFM: D (standing) A (d410–d429, APA, IR, MSk
Systematic reviews
Harris and Systematic Review, Seating, ankle 12 studies; CP; 0 Improved postural control (various) Postural control in Various Various
Roxborough30 II, 8/9 foot orthotics, –19y following motor therapy and sitting, upper
lycra garments, balance training; conflicting extremity movement
motor therapy results for NDT; improved reactive control, standing
and balance balance following reactive balance balance, knee
training training, artificial hippotherapy extension,
protocols simulators, and rocker board training pathological
movement, head
control, independent
sitting balance,
segmental level of
control, dynamic
stability in gait,
function, goal
performance, comfort,
upper limb function,
posture alignment,
engagement with
toys, caregiving,
reactive balance, and
motor function
Table I: Continued
evidence level, PC
and conduct ICF (proposed component
References rating Intervention Participants Results Outcome measure code) measured
Zadnikar and Systematic Review, Hippotherapy 8 studies; CP; Improved postural control (various) Video, dynamic trunk/ Various Various
Kastrin53 II, 9/9 and therapeutic children or with all interventions head stability, barrel
horse riding adults test, functional reach
and test, Posture
hippotherapy Assessment Scale,
simultors Bertoti’s Postural
Assessment Scale,
GMFM, Peabody
Developmental Motor
Scales, Vineland
Adaptive Behavior
Scales, Self-
perception profile for
children, Child
Behaviour Checklist,
evidence level, PC
and conduct ICF (proposed component
References rating Intervention Participants Results Outcome measure code) measured
Trunk-targeted training
Unger et al.57 Group, II, Moderate Trunk-targeted CP; GMFCS I–III; Improved postural alignment: AP 2D photographic B (b7101) MSk
exercise 6–13y; n=27 angle sitting and standing, and posture analysis in
with vibration shoulder-to-seat height in sitting standing
Improved abdominal muscle thickness Ultrasound imaging: B (d7300) MSk
(RA, OE, OI, and TrA, p<0.05) resting abdominal
muscle thickness
Improved abdominal muscle strength Total sit-ups in one B (d7300) MSk
(p<0.001) minute
Improved functional walking ability 1min walk test A (d4500) APA, IR, MSk
Virtual reality
Ramstrand and Group, II, Weak Virtual reality: CP; GMFCS I–II; No change in standing balance Stabilometry: mean B (b235, b755) APA, IR,
Lygneg ard58 Nintendo 8–17y; n=16 velocity of COP NMR,
Wii, Wii Fit, during modified sensory
and Wii sensory organization
balance board test
No change in reactive balance Response to B (b755) RPA, NMR
perturbation from
platform: EMG on
distal leg muscles
No change in directional control and Rhythmic weight shift A (d4106) APA, IR
synchronization of movement in test
Jelsma et al.59 SSRD, II, Strong Virtual reality: CP; GMFCS I–II; No results reported Goniometry lower limb B (b7100) MSk
Nintendo 7–14y; n=14 Improved balance in standing (p<0.043); Bruininks—Oseretsky A (d450, d4552) APA, IR,
Wii, Wii Fit, no change in running Test of Motor RPA,
and Wii Proficiency: balance sensory,
balance board and running speed, MSk
and agility
Deterioration in stair function Timed-up and down A (d4551) APA, IR, MSk
stairs test
Brien and SSRD, III, Strong Virtual reality: CP; GMFCS I; 13 Improved high level functional balance Community balance A (d4500, d4552, APA, IR,
Sveistrup60 2D virtual –18y; n=4 and mobility in everyday function (true and mobility scale d4553, d4106, sensory
world change from mean of the baseline d4101)
Improved functional walking capacity 6-min walk test A (d4501) APA, IR, MSk
(MDC CI 80%, significant)
No change in functional mobility Timed-up and down A (d4551) APA, IR, MSk
No change in gross motor function GMFM (total) A (d410–d429, APA, IR, MSk
reviews, were identified (Table I). Sixteen hours of therapy
voluntary torque; DF, dorsiflexion; PF, plantarflexion; EMG, electromyography; RA, rectus abdominis; OE, obliquus externus; OI, obliquus internus; TrA, transversus abdominis; MDC, mini-
Group, group research design; CP, cerebral palsy; B, ‘body functions and structures’; MSk, musculoskeletal; GMFM, Gross Motor Function Measure; A, ‘activity’; APA, anticipatory postural
adjustments; IR, internal representations; TBI, traumatic brain injury; GMFCS, gross motor functional classification system; SSRD, single-subject research design; COP, centre of pressure;
(two 1h sessions/wk for 8wks) improved sitting balance
AP, anteroposterior; ML, mediolateral; CI, confidence interval; DSL, dynamic stability limits; RPA, reactive postural adjustments; NMR, neuromuscular response synergies; MVT, maximal
(BF&S; evidence level II, conduct weak; see Table SIIIa)45
and standing balance (‘activity’; evidence level III, conduct
B (b770)
evidence level III, conduct moderate; see Table IIIb).46
maximum voluntary
COP displace
force plates
Hippotherapy simulators
Hippotherapy simulators were developed to imitate the
movement of a horse in an attempt to make hippothera-
py accessible in a clinical setting.49 Four studies were
(p=0.023), and voluntary displacement
Improved static and dynamic standing
Neurodevelopmental therapy
mal detectable change; SS, sensory strategies.
Ledebt et al.61
Review 515
Conflicting results were obtained on the impact of virtual control in ambulant children with CP when provided for
reality on the ICF BF&S and ‘activity’ components. Two at least 16 hours. It appears to impact multiple postural
studies involved the Nintendo Wii Fit. Five hours (four control components, including anticipatory and reactive
25min sessions/wk for 3wks) of supervised Wii Fit training, postural adjustments, and sensory and musculoskeletal
in a physiotherapy clinic, playing games aimed at improv- systems. Effective elements of hippotherapy are proposed
ing standing balance and weight shift, resulted in improved to include the horse’s movement, which has been suggested
standing balance (‘activity’) for children with spastic hemi- to challenge balance, improve posture and strength while
plegia, GMFCS I–II (level I, conduct strong; see Table incorporating sensory input,67 and simulate human gait
SIIIb).59 However, stair climbing was unchanged or, in and the vertical change in the centre of pressure;68 and the
some cases, deteriorated. A higher dose of 12.5 hours (five warmth and rhythm of the horse, which may promote
30min sessions/wk for 5wks) of unsupervised Wii Fit bal- relaxation, thereby reducing spasticity and increasing mus-
ance games at home did not improve standing balance cle length.53 Hippotherapy may also provide the opportu-
(BF&S and ‘activity’) for ambulant children with hemiple- nity for trunk muscle motor control training, similar to
gia or diplegia, GMFCS I–II (level II, conduct weak; see that achieved with therapy ball activities. The novelty of
Table SIIIa).58 The third study involved a 2D virtual world hippotherapy promotes extended engagement, and the
game. Intensive training for 7.5 hours (ten 45min sessions opportunity for massed practice of reactive postural
over 1wk) improved functional balance (‘activity’) for ado- adjustments.30 Two previous systematic reviews support
lescents with CP GMFCS I (level III, conduct strong; see the current findings, including the conclusion that hippo-
Table SIIIb).60 therapy is more effective for ambulant children with CP
(GMFCS I–II) than for children with more severe CP.53,54
Visual biofeedback Although moderate evidence supports the use of hippo-
One study of visual biofeedback was identified, which had therapy, the use of hippotherapy simulators cannot be sup-
a level II evidence rating (Table I). It involved standing on ported by this systematic review because of conflicting
a balance platform in a laboratory (no specifications pro- outcomes between studies and the levels of the ICF com-
vided) and keeping the centre of pressure, represented as a ponents considered. The limitations of the two level II
red dot on a computer screen, static, or shifting it to a tar- studies48,49 which explored the use of hippotherapy simula-
get. Anticipatory training for 9 hours (three 30min ses- tors, when compared with the studies of hippotherapy,
sions/wk for 6wks) improved static standing balance included heterogeneity of participants (GMFCS I–IV); var-
(BF&S) and dynamic standing balance (BF&S) in ambulant ied intervention dose (2.5–8h); and a lack of individualiza-
children with CP, GMFCS I (level II, conduct weak; see tion in training protocols. Future research could address
Table SIIIa).61 No ‘activity’-level measures were included. these limitations. The systematic review53 of hippotherapy
simulator use provided little additional information because
DISCUSSION outcomes were pooled with both hippotherapy and thera-
This systematic review analysed 45 studies of children with peutic horse riding.
CP, and presented information on the use of 13 different Treadmill training with no-BWS was the second most
postural control interventions; 40 of these studies, and nine common approach, gaining moderate support, with one
of these interventions, had not been included in a previous level II study.56 For ambulant children with CP, training
systematic review on postural control interventions, pub- for at least 7 hours improved musculoskeletal and sensory
lished in 2005. There is moderate evidence to support the components, and anticipatory postural adjustments. The
use of five of these interventions: hippotherapy, treadmill use of a specific protocol, guiding the gradual increase in
training with no-BWS, trunk-targeted training, reactive treadmill speed for children who are walking independently
balance training, and gross motor task training. There is (GMFCS I–II), appears to be critical to the success of this
only weak or conflicting evidence to support the use of six approach. In contrast, there was only weak evidence sup-
of these as effective postural control interventions: hippo- porting the use of treadmill training with F-BWS or P-
therapy simulators, treadmill training with P-BWS or BWS for semi-ambulant children (GMFCS II–III), despite
F-BWS (including robotic assistance), NDT, virtual real- a higher dose of 15 hours (5wks94 sessions945min).55
ity, visual biofeedback, and FES. For the remaining two This is not surprising given that the goal of treadmill
interventions, either there were no high-level protocols training is to improve anticipatory and reactive postural
(level I–III) evaluating efficacy (upper limb interventions) adjustments, which are reduced when robotic support is
or the evidence suggests that there is no improvement in present.69 A systematic review of P-BWS treadmill train-
postural control (progressive resistance exercise). With the ing, including robotic assistance, for children with CP,
possible exception of NDT, it was noted that all of the supports these findings, concluding that while treadmill
effective interventions were reported by studies involving training with P-BWS is effective for improving important
ambulant children with CP (GMFCS I–III). gait elements, such as endurance, speed, and gait pat-
Of the five intervention types that gained moderate sup- terns,70 there is a need for further research, with standard-
port, hippotherapy was the most commonly reported (five ized protocols, to determine if it is effective in improving
level I–III studies). Hippotherapy improved postural postural control for children with lower-level mobility.
Review 517
Two interventions showed no impact on postural con- excluded from this review and, therefore, some effective
trol. Progressive resistance exercise (one level II study)51 exercise interventions may not be represented here. This
showed no effect on children with CP. This finding is sup- highlights the importance of including postural control
ported by studies with adult populations, which have sug- measures in future studies of exercise interventions. This
gested that, rather than strengthening, neuromuscular review also reports on many positive gains made in pos-
control training is required to improve postural control.77 tural control intervention design and evaluation in the last
This recommendation is consistent with the moderate sup- decade. It highlights where further research is needed if
port found for functional strength training during gross intervention types are to achieve higher levels of evidence.
motor tasks, as discussed earlier. Finally, there were no In particular, a focus on improving treatment description
high-level upper limb interventions suitable for reporting and fidelity, establishing dosage and measuring both short-
at this stage. Ballaz et al.65 contend that investigating pos- and long-term effects for subgroups in the CP population,
tural control outcomes following constraint-induced move- is required. Finally, there is a need for further research
ment therapy and force use therapy is important to assess into programmes that are innovative, provide multidimen-
the effect of reducing asymmetric upper limb function on sional impact on components of postural control, and
balance (postural stability) and postural symmetry (orienta- include functional exercise. Mainstream programmes, such
tion). More rigorous research is required before it is possi- as yoga, Pilates, and tai chi, which are popular with adults,
ble to recommend these approaches specifically as effective are now being offered to children. The intent of these pro-
postural control interventions. grammes is to improve posture and motor control; how-
ever, their efficacy for children with CP has yet to be
Outcome measures investigated.
This review highlights the importance of selecting appropri-
ate outcome measures when assessing the potential impact CONCLUSION
of each intervention. Progress has been made, but broader Exercise interventions documented to improve postural
evaluation is required to establish a thorough understanding control for children with CP are increasing. This review
of the effects of each intervention on (1) overall postural sta- has identified five potentially effective interventions, six
bility and orientation functions; (2) postural control ele- that require more investigation, and two that are probably
ments according to the systems theory approach; and (3) ineffective. Further research is required for children with
‘function’ (BF&S), ‘activity’, and ‘participation’ according to different types and severities of CP to establish (1) respon-
the ICF. The majority of studies reported in this review sive and reliable postural control outcome measures; (2)
measured postural stability outcomes, especially the ability effective treatment selection and dose guidelines; and (3)
to ‘maintain’ or ‘restore’ balance; however, fewer studies possible efficacy of mainstream exercise interventions that
have measured the ability to ‘achieve’ balance, or improve have demonstrated effectiveness for improving postural
orientation of body segments relative to the task and envi- control in adults with brain injury, such as Pilates, yoga,
ronment. Furthermore, new measures may better quantify and tai chi.
the impact on postural control elements; for example, the
recently described Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BES- A CK N O W L E D G E M E N T S
Test)27 or the miniBESTest,78 which were developed to dif- We would like to thank the Research and Innovation Unit of the
ferentiate the six postural control elements of the systems Cerebral Palsy League, Queensland Australia, who supported this
control approach. Neither of these tests has been validated study, including Jill Duff, Information and Resource Coordinator,
for use with children. Finally, our review shows that out- and Robyn Smedley, Research and Evaluation Officer, for their
comes were generally measured at the ICF BF&S (impair- assistance in accessing the full-text articles required for this
ment) or ‘activity’ (basic motor skill) levels, with no review. The authors state that they had no interests that could be
exploration of the impact on ‘participation’. There is great perceived as posing a conflict or bias.
scope for future research to explore the potential carry-over
from postural control interventions to ‘activity’ and ‘partici- SUPPORTING INFORMATION
pation’ functions, which may be assessed by using, for exam- The following additional material may be found online:
ple, the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, Goal Table SI: Levels of evidence for group and single-subject
Attainment Scale, or the The Children’s Assessment of Par- design studies.
ticipation and Enjoyment. Table SII: (a) Summary of group studies – interventions and
participants. (b) Summary of single-subject studies – interventions
Limitations and future direction for research and participants.
It is possible that other exercise interventions may affect Table SIII: (a) Conduct of group design studies. (b) Conduct
postural control to some degree. If an intervention study of single-subject design studies. (c) Conduct of systematic review.
did not include a postural control outcome measure, it was Table SIV: Reported adverse events.
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