2.2.1 Numeric Data Types

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2.2.1 Numeric Data Types

Numeric data types are types of data that consist of numbers. We can
compute the numeric data mathematically with various standard operators
such as plus, subtract, multiply, divide and so on. In Excel VBA, we can
divide the numeric data into 7 types, as shown in Table 2.2

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click( )
Dim StudentName(1 to 5) As String
For i = 1 To 5
StudentName(i) = InputBox("Enter student Name")
Cells(i, 1) = StudentName(i)
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click( )

Dim StudentName(3) As String, StudentID(3) As String,
StudentMark(3) As Single
For i = 1 To 3
StudentName(i) = InputBox("Enter student Name")
StudentID(i) = InputBox("Enter student ID")
StudentMark(i) = InputBox("Enter student Mark")
Cells(i, 1) = StudentName(i)
Cells(i, 2) = StudentID(i)
Cells(i, 3) = StudentMark(i)
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim SalesVolume(2to 6, 2 to 3) as Single
Dim SalesPerson as Integer, Day as Integer
For SalesPerson=2 to 6
For Day=2 to3
SalesVolume(SalesPerson, Day)=inputbox("Enter Sales Volume")
Cells(SalesPerson, Day)=SalesVolume(SalesPerson,Day)
Next Day
Next SalesPerson
End Sub

Table 4.1 Arithmetic Operators

Operator Mathematical function Example

Exponential MsgBox 2^4 gives a value of 16

Multiplication MsgBox 4*3 gives a value of 12,

Division MsgBox 12/4 gives a value of 3

Modulus (returns the

remainder from an integer
division) MsgBox 15 Mod 4 gives value of 3

Integer Division(discards
the decimal places) MsgBox 19\4 gives a value of 4

MsgBox “Excel”&”VBA 2010” or

“Excel”+”VBA 2010” produces a
+ or &
String concatenation new string “Excel VBA 2010”
Table 4.2 Comparison Operators

Meaning Example
MsgBox 2<3 returns true while MsgBox 4>5 returns
Less than false

Less than or equal to MsgBox 3<=4 returns true

Greater than MsgBox 5>4 returns true

Greater than or equal

to MsgBox 10>=9 returns true

Equal to MsgBox 10=10 returns true

Not Equal to MsgBox 9<>10 returns true

* For letters, the hierarchy is A>B>C>……….>Z

Therefore MsgBox A>B returns true

4.3 Logical Operators

Logical operators are also used in writing decision-making codes by

comparing values or expressions.

Table 4.3 Logical Operators

Meaning Example
If A>=80 And B<101
Logical Conjunction thenGrade=”A”
If income>5000 or car>2
Logical Disjunction thenStatus=”Rich”

MsgBox Not (3 > 4)returns

Logical negation true

Similar to Or, except that it returns False if MsgBox 4 > 3 Xor 5 >2
both camparison values are true returns false

5.1 Sub Procedure

A sub procedure in Excel VBA is a procedure that performs a specific task

and to return values, but it does not return a value associated with its name.
However, it can return a value through a variable name. Sub procedures are
usually used to accept input from the user, display information, print
information, manipulate properties or perform some other tasks. It is a
program code by itself and it is not an event procedure because it is not
associated with a runtime procedure or an Excel VBA control such as a
command button. It is called by the main program whenever it is required to
perform a certain task. A Sub procedure helps to make programs smaller and
easier to manage.

A sub procedure begins with a Sub statement and ends with an End Sub
statement. The program structure of a sub procedure is as follows:

Sub ProcedureName (arguments)

End Sub

Example 5.1
In this example, a sub procedure ResizeFont is created to resize the font in
the range if it fulfils a value greater than 40. There are two parameters or
arguments associated with the sub procedure, namely x for font size and Rge
for range. This sub procedure is called by the event procedure Sub
CommandButton1_Click () and passed the values 15 to x (for font size) and
Range (“A1:A10”) to Rge (for range) to perform the task of resizing the font
to 15 for values>40 in range A1 to A10.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

ResizeFont 15, Range(“A1:A10”)
End Sub

Sub ResizeFont(x As Variant, Rge As Range)

Dim cel As Range
For Each cel In Rge
If cel.Value > 40 Then
cel.Font.Size = x
End If
Next cel
End Sub

To make the program more flexible and interactive, we can modify the above
program to accept input from the user. The values input by the user through
the input boxes will be passed on to the procedure to execute the job, as
shown in Example 20.2.

Example 5.2
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim rng As String
rng = InputBox(“Input range”)
x = InputBox(“Input Font Size”)
ResizeFont x, Range(rng)
End Sub

Sub ResizeFont(x As Variant, Rge As Range)

Dim cel As Range
For Each cel In Rge
If cel.Value > 40 Then
cel.Font.Size = x
End If
Next cel
End Sub
5.2 Functions

In Excel VBA, a function is similar to a sub procedure but the main purpose
of the function is to accept a certain input from the user and return a value
which is passed on to the main program to finish the execution. There are two
types of functions, the built-in functions (or internal functions) and the
functions created by the programmers, or simply called user-defined
functions. The first built-in function is the Message Box. The message box
acts as a dialog box where users can interact with the computer, it is able to
perform certain actions in response to what the user clicks or selects.

The syntax for a message box in Excel VBA is as follows,

message=MsgBox(Prompt, Style Value,Title)

The first argument, Prompt, will display the message in the message box. The
Style Value determines what type of command button will appear in the
message box. The Title argument will display the title of the message board
while message is a variable that holds values that are returned by the MsgBox
( ) function. The values are determined by the type of buttons being clicked
by the users. It has to be declared as Integer data type in the procedure or in
the general declaration section. Please refer to Lesson 10 of Visual Basic
Tutorial for the detail listings of the Style Value as well as the returned value.
In this example, We created three command buttons which show different
Options. We put in a few program codes in the last button which involve the
use of If…Then…Elseif statements.

Double-click the top button and enter the following code:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

MsgBox (“Welcome to VBA Programming”)

End Sub

By clicking the first message box, you will see the message as shown in
Figure 5.2

Figure 5.3
Now double-click on the second button and enter the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Dim message As String

message = MsgBox(“Click Yes to Proceed, No to stop”, vbYesNoCancel,
If message = vbYes Then
MsgBox “You may proceed”
ElseIf message = vbNo Then
MsgBox “Your application is terminated”
End If

End Sub

Click on the button and you shall see the following dialog. You will notice
the Yes, No, Cancel buttons:

Figure 5.4
Now double-click on the second button and enter the following code:

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()

Dim message As Integer
message = MsgBox(“Click Yes to Proceed, No to stop”, vbYesNo, “Login”)
If message = 6 Then
Range(“A1”).Value = “You may proceed”
ElseIf message = 7 Then
End If
End Sub

Click on the button and you would notice that the displayed message box
comprises only the Yes and No button, as shown in Figure 5.4

5.2.1 InputBox function

An InputBox( ) function displays a message box where the user can enter a
value or a message in the form of text. The syntax is
myMessage=InputBox(Prompt, Title, default_text, x-position, y-position)

myMessage is a variant data type but typically it is declared as a string,

which accepts the message input by the users. The arguments are explained
as follows:

 Prompt represents the message displayed normally as a question asked.

 The title represents the title of the Input Box.
 default-text represents the default text that appears in the input field where
the user can use it as his or her intended input
 x-position and y-position represents the position or the coordinate of the
input box.
Example 5.3
In this example, we insert a label and a command button into the MS Excel
spreadsheet. Double click on the command button and enter the Excel VBA
code as follows:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim userMsg As String
userMsg = InputBox(“What is your message?”, “Message Entry Form”,
“Enter your messge here”, 500, 700)
If userMsg <> “” Then
MsgBox( userMsg)
MsgBox(“No Message”)
End If
End Sub
* The InputBox is shown in Figure 5.4

5.2.1 Creating User-Defined Functions

The syntax to create a User-Defined function is as follows:

Public Function functionName (Arg As dataType,…) As dataType


Private Function functionName (Arg As dataType,…) As dataType

Public indicates that the function is applicable to the whole project while
Private indicates that the function is only applicable to a certain module or

In order to create a user-defined function in Excel VBA, you need to go into

the Visual Basic Editor in MS Excel Spreadsheet.In the Visual Basic Editor,
click on Insert on the menu bar to insert a module into the project. Enter the
following code as shown in Figure 5.2. This function is to calculate the cube
root of a number.

Now enter the function CubeRoot just like you enter the formula of MS
Excel, as shown in Figure 5.3. The value of cube root for the number in cell
C4 will appear in cell D4.

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