This document contains questions about indoor environmental quality standards for green buildings. It addresses topics like ventilation requirements (ASHRAE 62.1), environmental tobacco smoke control, construction indoor air quality plans (SMACNA), thermal comfort standards (ASHRAE 55), daylighting, and ergonomic requirements for views through glazing. The questions focus on credits for indoor environmental quality in the Indian Green Building Council's rating system.
This document contains questions about indoor environmental quality standards for green buildings. It addresses topics like ventilation requirements (ASHRAE 62.1), environmental tobacco smoke control, construction indoor air quality plans (SMACNA), thermal comfort standards (ASHRAE 55), daylighting, and ergonomic requirements for views through glazing. The questions focus on credits for indoor environmental quality in the Indian Green Building Council's rating system.
This document contains questions about indoor environmental quality standards for green buildings. It addresses topics like ventilation requirements (ASHRAE 62.1), environmental tobacco smoke control, construction indoor air quality plans (SMACNA), thermal comfort standards (ASHRAE 55), daylighting, and ergonomic requirements for views through glazing. The questions focus on credits for indoor environmental quality in the Indian Green Building Council's rating system.
This document contains questions about indoor environmental quality standards for green buildings. It addresses topics like ventilation requirements (ASHRAE 62.1), environmental tobacco smoke control, construction indoor air quality plans (SMACNA), thermal comfort standards (ASHRAE 55), daylighting, and ergonomic requirements for views through glazing. The questions focus on credits for indoor environmental quality in the Indian Green Building Council's rating system.
adhesives? IGBC - Chapter 6: Indoor Environmental Quality Carpet & Rug Institute, Green label plus 1. What standard is followed for Minimum Indoor 19. Which resin is not allowed in Wood & Agrifiber Environmental Ventilation requirements? products? Mention any other resin? ASHRAE 62.1 Urea formaldehyde – not allowed. Use phenol 2. What are the standards outlined in ASHRAE 62.1? formaldehyde Ventilation standrards 20. What is the intent of the “indoor chemical & 3. What is CFM? pollutant source control” credit? Cubit Feet per Minute Avoid exposure of building occupants to hazardous, 4. Which locations are inappropriate for fresh air chemical pollutants & dusts intakes? 21. What types of rooms require independent Not near to exhaust areas, ETS, parking garage, cooling ventilation? tower Chemical, copier, ETS, 5. What is ETS? What is the intent of this credit? 22. To achieve the credit, what is the MERV value Environmental Tobacco Smoke. Avoid the exposure of credit? ETS to occupants/non-smokers. MERV-13 6. What are the 2 options for meeting ETS 23. What are the advantages of providing requirements? “Controllability of systems”? Declare building as No Smoking Save energy. Facilitates individual thermal & lighting Provide dedicated smoking area with proper ventilation controllability (to be maintained under –ive pressure) 24. What are the standards for operable windows? 7. What is the benefit of monitoring CO2 in a space? 10 ft either side of the window and 20 ft inside the Increase the fresh air window. 8. What is best location for CO2 sensors in terms of 25. Which areas are to provide the controllability? spaces and height? Regularly occupied areas From floor between 3 ft 6 ft 26. Example of controllability of systems; lighting? 9. What % better than ASHRAE should be achieved to BMS . Automatic sensors , thermostat, get credits and for what % of spaces? 27. Which standard is followed for Thermal comfort 30% for 90% spaces credit? 10. What is the benefit of a Construction IAQ Plan? Ashrae 55 Well being of construction workers / occupants 28. What are the focus areas of ASHRAE 55? Protection of equipments Thermal comfort : Temperature & Humidity control 11. Which standard is used for Construction IAQ? 29. When must the verification survey be conducted? SMACNA- Sheet Metal & Air conditioning Contractors 6-18 months National Association 30. What is the minimum % of occupants should 12. What is MERV and where is it used? satisfied with thermal conditions, below which Minimum Efficiency reporting Value – this is filter media corrective action needs to be taken? used in AHU 80% 13. What is Building Flush Out and when is it done? 31. What does daylight factor depend on? Before occupation, by natural fresh air for 2 weeks Ac VLT, Amount of glass in comparison to floor area. operation & replace the MERV 8 32. What is the benefit of natural daylight? 14. What is the benefit of using low VOC materials? Energy saving & conservation Prevent exposure of chemical toxicants, irritation 33. What % of space should meet minimum daylight 15. What does VOC stand for? requirements? Volatile Organic Compound 75% of regularly occupied area 16. Name the 4 categories of low VOC materials 34. What is the height between which views are required by LEED? possible through glazing? Adhesives, Sealants & primer, Paints & coating, Carpet 2’6” to 7’6” 17. Name 4 adhesives & sealants in a building? 35. What is the % of spaces to have indoor – outdoor Carpet adhesive, tile adhesive, AC Insulation adhesive, connection Architectural sealants, Fire sealants 95%