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Top 2


Rupa Patil 

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TOP 2 
Passive Income
Strategies that you can
use right away to 
Start Creating WEALTH, 
without leaving your
current profession

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You're clearly an "Action Taker"! Unlike others, you're hustling.

If done right, this workbook can be your Personal Guide to Success and

Wealth Creation, without leaving your current profession. Best Wishes!

I may not know you in person, but I here's one thing I certainly know about you: 

Your Success Journey has already begun! 

All the Success stories once started with: Self Discovery, Self  Education & Taking Action

Key Takeaways from this Workbook

Self Discovery: What Success means to you + Goal Clarity

Self Education: The Top 2 Wealth Builders (2 Best Passive Income strategies)

Action Clarity: Upto 3 Actions that you can take TODAY to start with Wealth Creation

By reaching the Goal of your desired wealth, imagine all the good  things that you can do for
yourself, for your loved ones and for the community. Plus, you'll have all the Freedom!
Freedom of Time, Money & Choice! You deserve a Freedom Lifestyle!

Rupa Patil
Rupa Patil | Certified Trainer, Coach & Entrepreneur 
On a MISSION to help 10,000 people live a Freedom Lifestyle 
Twitter | Instagram| Facebook| Linkedin

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Self Discovery


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Self Discovery - Success
Why is Success Clarity important? 
Clarity is the 1st step to Self Awareness, which then leads to Self Development! 
Success Clarity is essential and personal to YOU.
In this module, using an extremely simple to follow method, you'll discover what
Success Really Means to you. Don't worry, I have also given an example from my own
life, so, I am doing this exercise with you :)
All you have to do is without overthinking, FILL in below. Ready? Let's get started!

I know I am Successful when....






(My Example) I know I am Successful when....

1. I am a Fully Engaged Parent. Enjoying daily quality time with my kid

2. I am transforming lives, by helping people make serious passive income
3. I travel wherever, whenever and however long I want :)
4. I donate to causes that are close to my heart, without ever having to calculate
5. I am happy, healthy, wealthy, spiritual and peaceful

Don ? Than yo ! Yo 'r awesom !

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Self Discovery


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self discovery : Goals
Why is GOAL Clarity important? 

Clarity is the 1st step to Self Awareness, which then leads to Self Development! 
Goal Clarity is essential and personal to YOU, because it'll decide your life's Direction

In this module, using an extremely simple to follow method, you'll discover what are
your Top Goals, that matter the most to you (As of now). 

To get the Best out of this section:

1. Be HONEST with yourself, write down only the Truth

2. Don't overthink, you can always come back and edit it if needed. 

3. Don't worry, this is only for your eyes, you don't need to share it with anyone. 

Also, to help you, I am doing this exercise with you :) See the "Example" section

What you need to do? Without overthinking, FILL in your details, truthfully.

Ready? Let's get started (Next Page)

Do you know the "Strangest Secret"? Visit:

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self discovery : GoalS
Current Status (The Truth) Desired Status (In One Year)

1.  1. 

2.  2. 

3. 3.

4.  4. 

5. 5.

My Current Status My Desired Status in One year

1. My of ine business is still dependent on me 1. My of ine business is on auto-pilot

2. I've no Time & Money Freedom yet 2. I have Time & Money Freedom

3. My workouts are not regular 3. My workouts are regular 

4. I am not doing enough community service 4. I am highly active in community service

5. I am not yet a Marketing Expert 5. I've become a Marketing Expert

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Goal Clarity
Now that you know the status you desire within one year, it's time to
crystalize this knowledge & extract a Clear GOAL in 1-2 sentences

Tip 1: Don't overthink, edit if needed, later. But right now, just go for this!
Tip 2: Forget your "current" status, Dream BIG (Even if it scares you)
Tip 3: Write down your Goal in positive tone & Present Tense (See Example)
Tip 4: Be as speci c and as clear as you can while writing your goal
Tip 5: PRINT Your Goal Card and access it Daily!

Now, Create your GOAL Card (See sample below)


Goal Date: 


Name: Rupa Patil

Goal Date: 31 August 2020


I am Healthy, Wealthy, Happy, Spiritual & Peaceful.

I earn Rs. 11L per month, consistently, on total autopilot, 
helping people live a Freedom Lifestyle through Passive Income.

Di yo Creat you Goa Car ? Than Yo !

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Self Education

2 best

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Wealth builders:
Passive income

Passive income & Wealth

 Passive Income is consistent revenue, requiring minimal to No active involvement

For Wealth Creation, it's crucial to have One or More Passive income Sources


Can you think of some Passive Income Sources?






(Sample Passive income sources)

1. Af liate Marketing Recurring Commissions

2. eBook/ eCourse sale on auto pilot

3. Dividends from Investments

Wer yo abl t lis fe Passiv incom source ? 

Wonderfu !

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TOP 2 passive income ideas
For wealth creation

Though there are MANY Passive income ideas, 

These are undoubtedly the Top 2 Wealth Builders

Affiliate Info/Digital
Marketing Products

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Top 2 Wealth builders:

Why Af liate Marketing is one of the Top 2 passive income sources?

One of the BEST ways to create Wealth, by promoting other people's

products/services for a commission (Sometime as high as 75%)

100% Learnable business, anyone can do this, from anywhere! 

You don't need to have a product/service of your own

You don't need any previous experience (newbie-Friendly business)

Extremely low startup cost, quick to setup & start earning from

You can pick any Niche/products/offer that appeal the most to you, but
also which are "proven" to be pro table & then, promote!

You don't need to recruit or do any hard sell, as almost all the

top af liate programs are self-selling, all you need is send people
(traf c) to your personal af liate link 

Eventually, a Super Af liate, will gain immense Marketing expertise,

which not only help them start & pro t from their own business, but
also to retire rich, with passive income on autopilot

Sta you ow  A iliat Marketin Busines & g fro Zer t $10,000

FREE Affiliate Marketing Webinar

This is THE BEST Affiliate Marketing Training program for REAL RESULTS

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Top 2 Wealth builders:
2. Info Products

Why Info Products/knowledge business is one of the Top 2 passive

income sources? And Why you should NOT miss this opportunity?

Do you know that RIGHT NOW, you already have valuable knowledge,
that someone else would pay you for? 

Informational products / Digital Products are part of a 355 million dollar

a day "knowledge industry" That's how much money people are
currently pouring into buying info products today & it's only set to boom

100% Learnable business, anyone can do this, from anywhere!

Using your Current Knowledge (or that of other's), you can create info/
digital product/service (eTrainings, eBooks, Podcasts, Masterminds etc)

Your info products are extracted from your knowledge, but also from
your passion/mission to serve other people & then, pro t from it.
(Passion + Purpose + Pro t)

After the initial setup, only minimum efforts are required to make this
business pro table! So, once launched, this business can truly be a
massive passive income source

Sta you ow  Knowledg Busines , eve if yo 'r tota Newbi !

VIP pass to Knowledge Business Training

Instant FREE Access to this Special Training by Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi ,
they are known for 'extracting' your superpower that you can PROFIT from! 

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Action Clarity

What actions
can you take
"today" to
start building

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free webinar
BEST program by my Mentor, Vick,
that shows you how to start your
own Af liate Marketing Business
that can help you zoom from 
zero to $10k within 60-90days

Yes! Save me a Seat!

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100 day
(free pass)
Here, 15 Experts will show you, step
by step, day wise plan on 
How to become a Super Af liate &
RETIRE (Rich) in just 100 days!

I want my FREE Pass

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Tony Robbins &
Dean Graziosi's
FREE webcast
On this Special FREE webcast, see Tony
Robbins & Dean Graziosi teach you how
to use your current knowledge to
PROFIT from this secret 355 million
dollar a day "knowledge industry"

Get me a FREE pass

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daily success dose

Listen to this today & Then, EVERYDAY for next 30 days :)

If you haven't yet heard Earl Nightingale's most Powerful lesson, do it NOW!
If you follow it to the T, you will see massive transformation within 30-60 days. 

Instructions to see results in 30-60 days:

1. Listen DAILY to this audio message (Download it here)

2. Create your own Goal Card (Page 8) & read it Twice Daily
3. Take Action (Page 14-17)! DO what's needed to reach your Goal & a little more!
4. Have Faith, take responsibility for everything happening to you & Stay positive!
5. Skill up! Self Education is the BEST investment for Success! 

Best Wishes!

Discover Earl's Famous "The Strangest Secret" 

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Take Action, NOW!


Rupa Patil
Certi ed Trainer, Coach & Entrepreneur
On MISSION to help 10,000 people live a Freedom Lifestyle

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