Iecex PTB 06.0025
Iecex PTB 06.0025
Iecex PTB 06.0025
of Conformity
IEC Certification Scheme for Explosive Atmospheres
for rules and details of the IECEx Scheme visit
(for printed version)
Additional Manufacturing
This certificate is issued as verification that a sample(s), representative of production, was assessed and tested and found to comply with the
IEC Standard list below and that the manufacturer's quality system, relating to the Ex products covered by this certificate, was assessed and
found to comply with the IECEx Quality system requirements. This certificate is granted subject to the conditions as set out in IECEx
Scheme Rules, IECEx 02 and Operational Documents as amended.
The electrical apparatus and any acceptable variations to it specified in the schedule of this certificate and the identified documents, was
found to comply with the following standards:
This Certificate does not indicate compliance with electrical safety and performance requirements other than those expressly included in the
Test Report:
IECEx Certificate
of Conformity
Certificate No: IECEx PTB 06.0025 Issue No: 1
Equipment and systems covered by this certificate are as follows:
Description of equipment
The control station, type 8040/***-***/*** consists of one or several plastic enclosures designed to type of protection Increased safety
The enclosures can accommodate control and indicator components as well as terminals for intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe
circuits. The area designated for intrinsically safe circuits will be marked, e.g. by means of light-blue colour.
Connection is by means of explosion-proof cable entries.
All the installed and attached components are tested and certified under separate IECEx certificate.
Technical data, Nomenclature and Notes for Installation and Use see Annex.
IECEx Certificate
of Conformity
Certificate No: IECEx PTB 06.0025 Issue No: 1
The Control and Signal Device Module, type 8040/***-***-***, consists of one or several plas-
tic enclosures designed to type of protection Increased Safety “e”. It can be equipped with
The enclosures can accommodate control and indicator components as well as terminals for
intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits. The area designated for intrinsically safe
circuits will be marked, e.g. by means of light-blue colour.
Connection is by means of Ex-type cable glands.
All the installed and attached elements will be tested and certified under separate examina-
tion certificates.
Technical data
The ratings specified are maximum values, actual values will be subject to the electrical
equipment used from case to case. Depending on the system conditions, the mode of opera-
tion, the utilisation category, etc., the manufacturer will define the definitive ratings which will
be within the range of these limiting values and will comply with the relevant standards.
The maximum permissible ambient temperature range of the terminal housing can be limited
by the maximum permissible ambient temperature ranges of the separately certified equip-
The composition of the protection symbol will be based on the types of protection of the
components actually used.
8040 * * *-***-***
1 2 3 4
1) type series
2) enclosure height;
72 mm (low cover) = 1
95 mm (high cover) = 2
3) enclosure size
1-fold = 1
2-fold = 2
3-fold = 3
4) additional information without reference to explosion-protection
Equipment of the type of protection Intrinsic Safety "i" shall be installed in such a way that the
clearances and creepage distances between intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe cir-
cuits as set forth in IEC 60079-14 are duly accounted for.
If the clearance requirements for the connectors as specified in IEC 60079-11 cannot be
safeguarded with the system installation and layout, wiring, that meets the quality criteria
Increased Safety "e" shall be used, or the wiring shall be of the fail-safe type.
When using more than one intrinsically safe circuit, the rules and regulations for interconnec-
tion shall duly be observed.
The actual ambient temperature range will be based on the admissible temperature range of
the components used.