FD Il - Ffid: Q ( (E Road H Ra I' Dsship-Dss@nic - in (EAST) 042

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fr-fit: 25752029/3s sis{ *rJt H
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$-AFI: dsship-dss@nic.in E5-r{f }Il?t 1fe; I XaN.lUR MARG (EAST)
E-mait: deshin_dps@nic.in
t6t: *rrrv.dqshinoins.gov.in
ts$ - 400 042 / MUMBA I _ 400 042 Web: @ggtipplug4ov.1n

File No : - ENG/IVIisc -29 (7 3) t 09.p t.

Date: - 8.08.2017

Ensineerins Circular No.02A of 2016 - Addendum to Ensineerine

Circular No.


l. Marine Environment protection committee of IMo in its 7l session (MEPC 7l)

held at the headquarters of the IMo in London from 3 to 7 July 2017 reached a
compromise to provide a phase-in schedule for compliance
to Regulation D2 of the

2' In accordance, with Regulation B-3 of the Convention, D-2

standards are applicable
to all ships with a ballast water capacity of 1500 Cubic
meters or more. MEPC 7l
amended date of compliance toD-2 standards as
detailed in Regulation B-3 of the
BwM Convention. For existing ships, the date of implementation
of D-2 standard is
now based upon the date of build, ballast water capacity
and date of Iopp renewal
survey' The ships are divided into following categories
based on date of build and
ballast water capacity:

a) Ships constructed before 2009 with ballast water

capacity of between 1,500 and
5,000 cubic meters, inclusive.



b) Ships constructed before 2009 with a ballast water capacity less thanl,500 or
greater than 5,000 cubic meters.

c) Ships constructed in or after 2009 and before 8 September 2017, with a ballast

water capacity of less than 5,000 cubic meters'

d) Ships constructed in or after 2009, but before 2012, with a ballast water
capacity of 5,000 cubic meters or more'
e) Ships constructed in or after 2012 wrd before 8 September 2017, with a ballast

water capacity of 5,000 cubic meters or more.

f) Ships constructed before 8 September 2017 to which the renewal survey defined

below is not applicable(that is, ships less than 400gt),

3. For all the categories mentioned above, except 2(f), Ballast Water Management
should meet the standards specified in Regulation D-2 of the Convention on/after
the renewal survey. This renewal is defined as:

a) the first IOPP renewal survey following the date of entry into force of the
Convention (8 September 2017) if:
- this survey is completed on/after 8 September 2019; q
- this survey is completed on/after 8 September 201 4 but prior to 8 September

b) the second IOPP renewal survey following the date of entry into force of the
Convention (8 September 2017) it
- the first renewal survey following the date of entry into force of the convention
is completed prior to 8 September 2019 4!
- there is no IOPP renewal survey completed orVafter 8 September 2014 but prior
to 8 September 2019.
4. Ships falling in the category 2f) mentioned above, shall meet the regulationD-2
standards Ballast Water Management by 8 September 2024.


5. All the ships falling in Category 2c),2e) or 2f) mentioned above will be required to
comply with regulation D-l of the Convention (on/after date of entry into force of

the Convention, that is 8 September 2017), until such time as it is required to

comply with regulation D-2.
Procedures for compliance to regulation D-l and issuance of Statement of
Compliance is detailed in Engineering Circular No. 02 of 2016.
7. All those ship owners who have decoupled their IOPP renewal surveys from
Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC) regime, after the issuance
of Engineering Circular No. 02 of 2016 dated 06.12.2016, hBy re-couple the IOPP
renewal survey with HSSC regime and thus reinstate the IOPP Certificate to its
original status. Consequently, the IOPP renewal surveys which were conducted
on/after 06.12.2016 for de-coupling may be treated as additional/annual/
intermediate survey by the Recognized Organization, as appropriate.

- (Vikrant Rai)
Engineer & Ship Surveyor-
cum-DDG {Tech}

l. The Principal Officer, Mercantile Marine Department, Mumbai/Chennai/l(olkata/

2. The Surveyor-In-Charge, Mercantile Marine Department, Noida/Visakhapatnam/
Goa/Jamnagar/Port B lair/Paradip/Haldia/Tuticorin /Man galore.
3. All Recognised Organisations
5. CSArA/CSS/Addl. D.G./DDG(TRG)
6. AD (OL), Hindi Cell, with a request to translate this circular in Hindi & upload on
DGS website
7. Engineering BranchA.,lautical BranchA.,laval Architecture Branch/Training Branch
8. The Computer Cell, DGS, GOI with a request to upload this circular on the official
9. E-governance Cell, DGS, GOI
10. Sr. PS to DG(S) for information.
11. Sr. PS to CSAIIA for information

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