Wishes and Subjuntive Chart
Wishes and Subjuntive Chart
Wishes and Subjuntive Chart
*Were is used as the form of be in all wishes about the present (This is the subjunctive
Note: If only can replace I wish, and is often used to express a strong wish or deep
If only I had written sooner! If only I knew how to contact him. If only I were taller!
II Subjunctives.
Subjunctives are used for emphases and are no very common in everyday English. They
express wishes, preferences, desires or actions which we want to happen. They are used
with certain expressions. Look at the form:
Subject + subj. verb or expression *+ that + subject + root of the verb + compl
Note: I. Should can also be used after the verb suggest and recommend (especially in
British English)
My teacher recommends that we should use the Internet.
II: The verbs above are often followed by gerunds without a change in the
He suggested going to the cinema tonight. She insisted on seeing us right away.