Instructions For Ecclesiastical Endorsement: Instructions To All Students

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 for  Ecclesiastical  Endorsement  


Instructions to all students

Please review this document prior to your interview and give it to your ecclesiastical leader
before the interview begins.

Instructions to Ecclesiastical Leader

The Church’s institutions of higher education are founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ and
exist to provide an environment of faith in which young people can, through serious study,
pursue both spiritual and academic preparation. The Church Educational System would like to
accommodate all who desire to attend. However, each institution has a limited enrollment. A
student who is admitted without being fully worthy is not prepared spiritually and displaces
another student who is qualified to attend.

To help ensure that those who attend Church institutions of higher education are living by
Church standards and will continue to do so, prospective and continuing students must receive
endorsements. (Handbook 1, Section 11.4.1)

Individuals who are less active, unworthy, or under Church discipline should not be endorsed for
admission until these issues have been completely resolved and the requisite standards of
worthiness are met. (Handbook 1, Section 11.4.4)

You may only endorse individuals who are in your unit or individuals who are not members of
the Church.

Before making your endorsement decision, please review the CES Honor Code below and visit to review school-specific Honor Code clarifications and the appropriate Dress
and Grooming Standards.

“We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men…
If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these
things.” (Thirteenth Article of Faith)

As a matter of personal commitment, faculty, administration, staff, and students of Brigham

Young University, Brigham Young University- Hawaii, Brigham Young University-Idaho, and
LDS Business College seek to demonstrate in daily living on and off campus those moral virtues
encompassed in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and will:

• Be honest
• Live a chaste and virtuous life
• Obey the law and all campus policies
• Use clean language
• Respect others
• Abstain from alcoholic beverages, tobacco, tea, coffee, and substance abuse
• Participate regularly in church services
• Observe the Dress and Grooming Standards
• Encourage others in their commitment to comply with the Honor Code

Please visit to record your endorsement.

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