1909 (Hindi & Eng) Guidelines - All State PDF
1909 (Hindi & Eng) Guidelines - All State PDF
1909 (Hindi & Eng) Guidelines - All State PDF
November, 2016
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
3. Guiding Principles 4
4. Planning 5
5. Leveraging MGNREGA 6
Preparation of estimates 7 - 11
Pavement designs 11 - 12
Use of Local materials and Green Technologies: 13
Quality Control System 14
External Monitoring 15
Maintenance management 15 - 17
Annexure 18 - 20
1. Introduction:
1.1. The Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY), which was launched on 25 th
December, 2000 by Government of India, as 100% Centrally Sponsored Scheme, to provide
single all-weather access to eligible unconnected habitations. This scheme is implemented by
the States through an institutional framework laid down in the PMGSY guidelines. Each State
has created a State Rural Roads Development Agency (SRRDA) or a similar agency at State
level and Programme Implementation Units (PIUs) at district level for the planning and
executional management of the programme. The Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) has
similarly created National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) to lay down the
technical and management standards and oversee the Programme.
1.2. In the last 15 years, over 3,08,034 km of rural roads have been constructed a under
PMGSY and another 1,75,923 km of unserviceable or poor quality rural roads have been
upgraded to PMGSY standards till July, 2016. As a result, significant technical and
engineering resources have come up for the programme, both in-house and outsourced
through consultant firms for designing and project supervision. The contracting community
has also massively grown in size and capacity to meet the construction needs, and has
brought in new machinery and equipment. Not only that, many stakeholders have developed
commitment to the various aspects of the programme, including Technical Academic
Institutions and local governance and community and civil society organizations interested in
the poverty reduction outcome of the rural roads.
1.3. The technical and management standards of the programme are in fact applicable to
all rural roads particularly low volume rural roads, and the success of the PMGSY has led to
a widespread realization that these standards should, and can, now infact be taken to the
entire network.
2.1. The road network consists of several segments, each with a distinct socio-economic
function, which need to be addressed as part of the comprehensive poverty reduction strategy,
even though some of them may not fall within the rigorous framework of PMGSY. While
PMGSY-I focused on the Core Network roads, the PMGSY-II (Started in May, 2013)
focused on all the rural roads of the District Rural Roads Plan (DRRP). Convergence
Guidelines of MGNREGA and PMGSY were issued by MoRD under MGNREGA on 9 th
February, 2009 and were supplemented on 7th November 2013. The 7th November, 2013
Guidelines prescribe:
will assist the MGNREGS engineers at the block level in preparing projects and
constructing the Farm-net roads.”
2.2. However, this facility is yet to be used in most of the States. Part of the reason is
perhaps that it inventorises the farm-net in relation to the PMGSY roads rather than the entire
Rural Road Network or DRRP. In some cases, the connectivity actually needs to be provided
to existing non-PMGSY roads. Possibly the corresponding strategies on the road sector side
to take advantage of the convergence guidelines were also not put in place.
3. Guiding Principles
i. All unconnected Habitations, which are less than 500 population (2001 Census) in
plain areas and less than 250 population (2001 census) in Special Category States
would be covered.
ii. Only New Connectivity would be provided under this Scheme and not
iii. This Scheme would cover only Village Roads (VR) and Other District Roads
4. Planning:
4.1. Planning for such works would be done by MGNREGA field staff in collaboration
with Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and technical support of Programme Implementation
Units (PIUs) and State Rural Roads Development Agencies (SRRDAs) under PMGSY.
Planning has to start by all the States to inventorize the network at Gram Panchayat level.
The first step would be to start the inventory on the ground by sketching out the alignments
on Panchayat level maps (or perhaps using the village cadastral map), and verifying and
recording the conditions on the spot as the inventorization proceeds. States may use cadastral
maps for planning, available with them or may use GIS or Digital maps depending on the
availability of data and capacity of the manpower. Important parameters for the purpose are:
i. The start and end points of the proposed road alignment, which may be coded from a
Habitation master record (to be maintained at Gram Panchayat level and integrated
for the district at Zilla panchayat level), for inter-Habitation roads, and listed for
intra-village roads/paths and field paths of the farm-net.
ii. The record of Road length, its condition and other relevant data including alignment
and Cross Drainage works and the volume of traffic (at Gram Panchayat and Zilla
Panchayat level)
iii. In order to ensure community participation, the Implementing Agency would
undertake “Transit Walk”, including Women Self Help Groups, while preparing
the Panchayat Network Maps (P-Net Maps).
iv. The Convergence Guidelines issued by MGNREGA Division of the Ministry of
Rural Development should be used as the starting point and the elaborate
MGNREGA mechanisms already in place should be used for planning, funding and
management processes to the extent permissible. Once the Panchayat level maps are
made, they should be subjected to a participatory rural appraisal (PRA) in a Gram
Sabha, and a prioritization and desired standard should be recorded for each
proposed road. For this purpose, “desired standard” should be categorized into two
or three alternatives (Gravel Roads, Gravel Sealed Roads, Cement Concrete Block
or Fly Ash Block or Stone Set Pavement) based on traffic and local conditions.
v. The P-Net Maps after due approval of Gram Sabha, would have to be approved by
the District Planning Committee which approves the Shelf of the MGNREGA
vi. The priority gradation of the roads would be fixed by the Gram Sabha while the
desired surface / standards of these roads (based on traffic and local conditions) will
be fixed by the technical agency responsible for constructing the roads in
consultation with SRRDA.
vii. The roads leading to Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna (SAGY) Villages, identified by
the Hon’ble Member of Parliament, should be given highest priority.
viii. The roads connecting two or more habitations may be unsealed (or thin sealed
including gravel sealed)
ix. Unsealed gravel roads may be provided with surface gravel of thickness 40-50 mm
over and above the thicknesses of gravel base as indicated in the design charts.
x. Thin bituminous sealing of gravel roads in case of very poor subgrade (CBR 2) and
traffic in T2 category and poor subgrade (CBR <4) and traffic in T3 category may be
provided. Thin bituminous surfacing may be in the form of surface dressing or chip
xi. Roads within the habitations may be provided with Cement Concrete Block
Pavements or Fly Ash Block Pavements or Stone set Pavements with adequate
drainage facilities.
xii. Farm net roads and intra habitation roads would be executed by the concerned Gram
Panchayat. Inter-habitation roads and link roads would be executed by
Intermediate/District Panchayat or line Department. State Government may also
make State specific implementation arrangements.
xiii. Routine maintenance and funding thereof, would be the responsibility of the Gram
Panchayats. The Funds under 14th Finance Commission and other State Grants may
be used for this purpose.
xiv. Quality management procedures would be implemented by (District panchayat or
technical department like PWD or RWD as decided by the State Government).
xv. Non–PMGSY rural road works that can be executed by the Panchayati Raj
Institutions purely as a MGNREGS works are likely to be large in number, but
smaller in size (less than 2 km in length) and spatially distributed. The nature of
technical expertise required may not be of a higher order, but it is important to have
a system of independent technical advice so as to ensure and assurance of uniformity
of standard in practice, which is key to continue access to maintenance funding.
xvi. The State Governments may assign the work of construction and supervision of
such roads to any of their agency. In general, such work may be assigned to Zilla
Panchayat or intermediate Panchayats or technical department implementing
MGNREGS. The States may also assign the work to PIU of PMGSY (wherever the
states have completed substantial work of PMGSY –II also and excess capacities are
present). However, full compliance with MGNREGA guidelines by the PIUs has to
be ensured.
5. Leveraging MGNREGA
In order to create a uniform and institutionalized framework for managing the non PMGSY
Rural Road network, it is best to start by leveraging MGNREGA which in para 1B of
Schedule I to the MGNREGA provides for taking up of works of “rural connectivity to
provide all-weather access, including culverts and roads within a village, wherever
necessary”. MGNREGA has inbuilt provisions for planning, funding, supervising and
monitoring of the works which, if properly utilized, provide an excellent starting point for the
creation of durable and productive assets. However, MGNREGA has the limitation of
materials component and some restrictions on use of labour displacing machinery. In this
context, the following system may be adopted:
i. Creating the internal technical capacity among the various levels of the PRIs; for
example, the District Panchayat needs the services of a Superintending Engineer or
Executive Engineer to handle issues of planning, design, supervision, monitoring,
quality and maintenance management etc. The Intermediate /Block Panchayat/ Cluster
needs the services of one or more Assistant Engineers to supervise the work of the
Junior Engineers (ideally in the ratio of 1:4); and the Gram panchayat should be able
to avail the services of a Junior Engineer.
ii. Wherever the Panchayati Raj Institutions or the Department implementing this
programme do not have adequate technical capacity, a retired Engineer (of the level of
Sub-divisional officer) with rural road expertise may be designated as a Block
Technical Agency (BTA), and paid a Retainer under MGNREGS to check the design
and estimate, for which the funds under the head of administrative costs may be used.
iii. BTAs can also function as resource persons to do capacity building for the personnel
involved in execution. The association would be at the level of the MGNREGA
Programme Coordinator, with the PIU/SRRDA providing technical advice to the
District Programme Coordinator (DPC) and the District Technical Committee(DTC)
for the purpose of empanelment of BTAs.
iv. SRRDAs and PIUs of PMGSY to provide technical assistance to Panchayati Raj
Institutions and field staff of MGNREGS in preparing road inventory, road surface
and road prioritization.
6. Preparation of Estimate:
i. A Standard Template for Estimates of the work should be formulated and circulated
by SRRDA, which would be used in preparing the estimate of the works. The
Estimate should be based on the various ratios of local and transported soil, with
various lead distances, both for construction and for maintenance (including
replenishment of gravel and restoration of shoulders).
ii. Detailed estimates should be prepared by the field staff of MGNREGS in consultation
with PIUs of PMGSY under guidance of Block Technical Agency. Wherever the
work is to be executed by PIUs of PMGSY, the estimates may also be prepared by
PIU engineers.
iii. Detailed Estimate for construction/up-gradation of an unsealed engineered road/path
comprising formation cutting, earth work for embankment including compaction, CDs
and protection and base course using local materials; and wearing course with local
materials creating unsealed or sealed gravel roads.
iv. Incase on considerations of traffic or climatic conditions, the road needs to be sealed
or built to a higher standard, which entails a higher materials component or
sophisticated machinery at high hiring cost, which does not fit into MGNREGA
guidelines for materials and labour component, convergence with other state funded
schemes such as Mukhya Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (MMGSY) or State funded
schemes should be proposed. However, in all such cases the estimate should have a
clear demarcation of the items of works, machinery, quantity and monetary value to
be executed under MGNREGS and from other State Schemes.
v. A common estimate should be prepared according to the Standard Template
developed by SRRDA, for the entire work. For every item, the complete cost of
unskilled labour and cost of material and skilled labour should be clearly indicated.
The Estimate has to be prepared in Two Parts, namely Part (A) and Part (B). The
utility of this bifurcation of the estimate is detailed below as:
Part (A) of the Estimate: - The items, their quantities and the cost proposed to be
funded under MGNREGS should be indicated as in Part (A).
Part (B) of the Estimate: - The balance cost along with the items and their quantities
to be funded under other State schemes should be indicated in Part (B) of the estimate.
The following table provides general guidance on items which may be taken up under
different schemes under convergence with MGNREGA.
gravel roads wherever skilled labour (maximum skilled labour (more than
required 40%). 40% which is not covered
under MGNREGA).
6. Providing Cement (b) All wages of (a) Cost of material and
Concrete Pavements unskilled labour skilled labour (more
and Fly Ash Block (maximum 60%). than 40% which is not
and stone set (b) Cost of material and covered under
Pavements skilled labour MGNREGA).
(maximum 40%).
7. Periodic Maintenance (a) All wages of Cost of material and
of roads # unskilled labour skilled labour (more than
(maximum 60%). 40% which is not covered
(b) Cost of material and under MGNREGA).
skilled labour
(maximum 40%).
# The Machinery which can be used for the above mentioned purpose, as per MGNREGA
Master Circular (FY 2016-2017), is as follows:
S. PARA 4.(1) OF
i) Compaction of earthen i) Power Roller
1. embankment in 15 to 23 cm layers, ii) Trailer mounted
(ii) Road Connectivity
at an optimum moisture content water browser
i) Static smooth
ii) Compaction of Moorum/gravel in wheeled roller of
15 to 20 cm layers at optimum 8-20 ton weight.
moisture content. ii) Trailer Mounted
Water Browser
iii) Mixing of Cement Concrete Mechanical Mixer
iv) Compaction of cement concrete Mechanical Vibrator
v) Cutting of Joint in cement
Concrete joint cutter
7. Pavement Design
Indian Roads Congress (IRC) has brought out revised and updated “Guidelines for the Design
of Flexible Pavements for low volume roads”, IRC:SP:72:2015. These IRC Guidelines
among others provide for design of low volume rural roads of T1 to T3 traffic categories
(roads with 10,000 to 1,00,000 Equivalent Standard Axel Load (ESAL)application), which
are ideal for non-PMGSY roads also. These roads can be constructed using gravel base,
without using Water Bound Macadam (WBM) base course and bituminous surfacing. Such
roads can perform well for a long time, for very low volume traffic with re-gravelling as
maintenance requirement. Such roads may be considered for connecting small habitations to
Centres of economic, educational and health services.
The relevant design thicknesses for different traffic volumes and subgrade strength for T1 to
T3 category of IRC SP : 72: 2015 are as under for ready reference.
Traffic Category T1 T2 T3
Subgrade strength 10,000-30,000 ESAL 30,000-60,000 60,000-1,00,000
Very Good 125 mm GB 150 mm GB 175 mm GB
CBR = 10-15
GB: Gravel Base of CBR not less than 80
MS: Modified Soil of CBR not less than 10
IRC SP :72: 2015 has also brought out that the road should not be designed for subgrade
CBR of less than 5. In case sub grade CBR is less than 5 either the improved subgrade
material should be used or the material should be stabilized using cement, lime or other
The CBR of the gravel base should not be less than 80% for using above design charts. The
CBR of the subgrade as well as gravel material may be based on Dynamic Cone
Penetrometer (DCP) values, as is also indicated in IRC SP 72:2015.
As the gravel material of 80% CBR may not be available at all the places the following
simplified chart which allows the use of gravel material of any strength (above 15%) as is
also suggested by couple of international experts may be used for design of such very low
volume roads. It may also be indicated that in future whenever such roads are to be upgraded
to higher category of traffic, the strength of the existing layers should be evaluated, material
to be reused and additional compaction may be permitted.
Traffic Category T1 T2 T3
Subgrade strength 10,000-30,000 ESAL 30,000-60,000 60,000-1,00,000
G3: Gravel Material with CBR 45 and above.
As an alternative design, stabilized base and sub-base courses with an appropriately designed
thickness with thin bituminous surfacing have also been provided in IRC: SP: 72:2015.
Relevant design standards for gravel roads are available in Gravel Roads Manual i.e.
IRC:SP:77:2008. Where conditions for providing a gravel road are not appropriate, brick
pavement or stone set pavement can be considered. Brick aggregates are already in use as
sub-base in Tripura and some parts of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and roads constructed using
brick aggregates have performed well.
The Gravel Roads Manual (IRC:SP-77:2008) and the Rural Roads Manual( IRC:SP-20:2002)
would be the standard for Category I and Category III roads.
The non-PMGSY rural road network must use local materials particularly local gravel or
similar materials such as such as kankar, moorrum, dhandla, brick bats, over burnt bricks,
slags and quarry waste etc. without exception for following reasons:
Given the nature of these roads, local materials are likely to be acceptable;
particularly as maintenance will have to be done by the local community-based
institutional systems.
Risks arising from failure are likely to be perceived as being significantly lower.
Since execution is a largely a local arrangement, there is likely to be some local
knowledge on use of these materials.
Issues of maintenance can also leverage local knowledge
The “Master Circular (FY 2016-2017), Guidance for programme implementation Mahatma
Gandhi NREGA 2005”, lays down a fairly elaborate process for quality management which is
quite suitable for road construction and maintenance related works and is in fact reasonably
well aligned with the Quality Management framework for PMGSY. Since there will be cases
where incomplete works under MGNREGA will need to be completed under MMGSY or
other State Scheme, it will infact be advantageous to extend the basic features of this
arrangement to such scheme as well, preferably from the PMGSY side. The main features of
the MGNREGA quality management framework (given in Chapter 2 of the Guidelines) as
applied to the current context are as follows:
According to the provisions laid down in the master circular of MGNREGA (FY 2016-17),
the following guidelines have been laid down for quality Control: Quality Control: Optimum utilization of scarce resources available in creating assets
under MGNREGA and optimizing outcome will be possible when required quality
management is carried out timely and systematically, so that the assets created are
economical, durable, and productive. To achieve it, it is to be ensured that selection of work,
site, survey, planning, design, layout, execution; monitoring and follow up are as per the
technical norms.
9.2 Productivity/Outcome:
According to the provisions laid down in the master circular of MGNREGA (FY 2016-17),
the following guidelines have been laid down for Productivity/Outcome:
State will prepare a module to guide the functionaries on the expected outcomes for each type
of work and train the functionaries in using it.
9.3 Capacity Building
To ensure that the project design, selection of materials and the workmanship are of the
requisite quality, people involved in these decisions have to be appropriately trained and
equipped. Suitable training programmes covering the following aspects need to be designed
by SIRDs. Training could be in the form of classroom training and on worksite, and can be
conducted by SIRD’s District Training Centres and the Peripatetic Training Units there
under, using BTAs.
The MGNREGS Technical Assistant at Gram Panchayat level, technical staff at the block and
district level of Intermediate and District Panchayats and that of line departments will
constitute the internal quality supervision team. The State Government (SRRDA) will
prescribe roles and responsibilities of the Technical Assistants at GP level and the technical
staff at Block/ District level for the purpose of internal quality management.
Site visits will be followed by a detailed note of inspection which will also be uploaded in
MGNREGA Soft and will be available for public viewing along with other work details. The
gist of visit reports, prepared by the SRRDA will also be presented by the MGNREGA State
Directorate to the State Employment Guarantee Council (SEGC).
The external monitoring provisions would be provided through the instructions issued by the
MGNREGA Division of MoRD from time to time.
i. There is no doubt that the approach to maintenance is the key to the entire
programme; on the one hand it is necessary to define and enforce technical
standards for the construction which is capable of being supported through local
maintenance efforts. On the other hand, a workable maintenance regime is the best
justification for what is likely to be a more detailed and elaborate system for
technical and quality management of the construction phase.
ii. MGNREGA does allow maintenance activities in the same way as the main
work, provided the volume of work is adequate. The work can be taken up in
respect of even those assets which were not originally created under
MGNREGA, in terms of the following provision of the MGNREGA Master
Circular (FY 2016-2017):
15 Maintenance: Assets after creation will remain durable and strengthen the
livelihood resource base of the rural poor only when they are maintained as per their
schedule prepared for the purpose. Maintenance of rural public assets created under
MGNREGA is a permitted activity. In case, funds are to be used to rehabilitate assets
created under schemes other than MGNREGA, the full details of previous work done
along with date, copy of estimate and measurement book should be placed as part of
the work record before administrative approval is granted. The maintenance work
will be considered as a separate work with pre-measurement and post-measurement,
following all the norms for new work.
iii. It is imperative that after constructing the roads with local participation, some
amount of ownership must reside with the Gram Panchayat, hence to that
extent the Gram Panchayat May include maintenance projects of these roads
in the annual GP Plan. However, in cases where the scale of Gram Panchayat
is quiet small, and maintenance of these roads won’t constitute a viable
project, then the same endeavor may be taken up at the Intermediate/Block
Panchayat level.
iv. MGNREGA provides for a Programme Officer at Block /cluster level, and for
the Block Panchayat to add works under MGNREGA for approval while
consolidating the Block Plan in the Annual Programme. Inclusion in “the local
road Guidelines” of the modalities for packaging maintenance works for
clusters of Gram panchayats ( to be done by the Block Panchayat in
consultation with the Gram panchayats),would provide the necessary
facilitation to the Gram/Block panchayats to access funds for routine
maintenance of local roads on a systematic and viable basis through
institutional cooperation between the Gram and Block panchayats for working
out the scope of the work on the basis of the lists of roads supplied by the
Gram Panchayats.
vi. Roads constructed by Line Department would also need to be maintained, and
it would be best that the pattern of back-to-back contracting of the paid routine
maintenance for 5 years at least is done on the same pattern as PMGSY, in
order to incentivize quality in construction. However, subsequent paid
maintenance should be farmed out to the Panchayat maintenance system,
which would by then have developed some expertise. This would then enable
the achievement in due course of the vision of the Rural Roads network being
maintained by panchayati Institutions.
Annexure 1
i. Considering the fact that improvement of features, like gradients, curvature and
widening of cross drainage structures at a later date becomes very expensive and
even impossible in remote and hill areas. Accordingly, the geometric requirement
of rural roads as per Rural Roads Manual (IRC SP: 20-2002) should be followed
under convergence can be very expensive and sometimes impossible in remote
and hilly areas. It is therefore necessary that ultimate geometric requirement of
rural roads are followed right from the beginning.
ii. The design standards recommended are absolute minimum. However, the
minimum value should be adopted only where serious restrictions are implied
from technical or economic considerations.
iii. The design standards of Rural Roads Manual for geometric design as per Rural
Roads Manual and further reviewed by Expert Group of NRRDA are as under: -
The 6.0 width may be adopted in case of Plan and rolling terrain, where the traffic
intensity is less than 100 motorized vehicles per day and not likely to increase. The
habitation of 250 populations may fall in this category.
A Design Speed of minimum 40 km/ hour in plain and rolling terrain and 20 km /
hour in mountainous and steep terrain may be adopted.
Minimum radius of curves as indicated in Rural Roads Manual should not be reduced
further in any case.
B. Embankment Construction:
The Specification for Rural Roads published by Indian Roads Congress (IRC) (Revised 2014)
for Ministry of Rural Development should be followed for embankment construction. Some
important aspects of these specifications are as under:-
i) The foundation for embankment construction be prepared after removing top soil/
unsuitable material.
ii) Material for embankment (Earth) to be in accordance with the “Specifications for
Rural Roads” issued by MoRD. Following types of soils are not suitable for
embankment construction:
a) Expensive clays with swelling index>50%;
Clay with LL>70 and PI>45
b) Materials from swamps, marshes & bogs;
c) Peat, log, stump and perishable materials;
d) Materials susceptible for spontaneous combustion;
e) Salty or salt infested soils with pH>8.5 (Sodic soils)
iii) Thickness of each layer not to exceed 15 cm or 20 cm depending on the type of
roller (Static or vibratory) used for compaction as per clause 301.5.5 of MoRD
iv) Compaction under optimum moisture content (OMC) is must with the use of–
a. Trailer mounted water browser.
b. Static smooth-wheeled roller of 80 to 100 kN static weight.
v) The Optimum Moisture Content & maximum dry density to be determined in
advance for type of soil available & to be used, by qualified person or laboratory.
For embankment not subjected to flooding, the dry density should not be less than
14.4 kN/m3 .
vi) Compacted density of each layer to be measured using Sand Replacement method
or Core Cutter, before proceeding to the next layer. The degree of compaction
shall be atleast 98% of the maximum laboratory dry density.
vii) Stage passing would be the key activity for ensuring the utility of earth
embankment for future development of rural roads for its durability and
As such reports of such tests are to be maintained by Junior Engineer and checked
by Asstt. Engineer. Engineer or EE before next layer is laid.
C. Sub-Grade Construction:
The Specification for Construction of Sub-Grade as per item no. 303 of MoRD Book of
Specifications should be followed.
i) The top 300 mm thick portion of the embankment, just below the pavement
crushed is define as sub-grade.
ii) The dry density of material proposed for sub-grade should not be less than
16.5 kN/m3. The degree of compaction shall be atleast 100% of the maximum
laboratory dry density.
iii) Where the naturally occurring local sub-grade soils have poor engineering
properties and low strength in terms of CBR, improved sub-grades of selected
material are provided or local soils treated with lime /cement or other similar
i) Cross drainage work should be included as part of the scheme. ii) The opening of
culvert (waterway) should be as per IRC SP:20-2002 “Rural Roads Manual”.
ii) Slab culvert up to 6.0 meters’ span or pipe culvert of minimum internal diameter 90.0
cm be constructed by the agency, who is executing this work under NREGA and
should follow the “Specifications for Rural Roads” issued by MoRD. However, for
longer span, agency that is responsible for construction of bridges in the state should
be assigned this work.
iii) Minimum cushion over the pipe be ensured.
Definitions along with pictographic
N Technical
Definition Diagrammatic representation
O Term
The convexity
given to
the curved
section of
1. Camber an un-
y or
A rate of rise
or fall on
any length
of road
respect to
It is usually
2. Gradient expressed
as a
of vertical
rise or fall
in metres /
100 metres
A structure
other than a
provides an
under the
3. Culvert
y, median
or access
road for
drainage or
Roads with
Rolling gentle
4. terrain slopes and
roads gradual up
and downs.
Road Curves
are regular
provided in
the lines of
tion like
5. of
etc. and
also in
canals to
change of
ामीण वकास मं ालय
भारत सरकार
नव बर, 2016
कृ ष भवन, नई द ल
1. प ृ ठभू म:
1.3 काय म के तकनीक और बंधक य मानक व तुत: सभी ामीण सड़क खासकर कम
यातायात वाल ामीण सड़क के लए लागू ह और पीएमजीएसवाई क सफलता से यापक प
से इस बात को वीकार कया गया है क अब इन मानक को पूरे नेटवक के लए लागू कया
जा सकता है ।
2. नेटवक अ ोच
2.1 सड़क नेटवक के अनेक ह से ह िजनम से येक का एक व श ट सामािजक आ थक
काय है िजनका यापक गर बी उपशमन कायनी त के ह से के प म समाधान कए जाने क
ज रत है , य य प उनम से कुछ पीएमजीएसवाई के स य नेटवक के तहत नह ं भी आ सकते
ह। हालां क पीएमजीएसवाई-। म कोर नेटवक क सड़क पर यान क त कया गया था, जब क
पीएमजीएसवाई-।। (मई, 2013 म शु ) के अंतगत िजला ामीण सड़क योजना (डीआरआरपी)
क सभी ामीण सड़क पर यान क त कया गया था।
2.2 तथा प, अ धकांश रा य म इस सु वधा का उपयोग अभी कया जाना है । इसका कारण
संभवत: यह है क इसम परू े ामीण सड़क नेटवक या डीआरआरपी क बजाय पीएमजीएसवाई
सड़क के संबंध म फाम-नेट क सूची बनाई जाती है । कुछ मामल म वा तव म मौजूदा गैर-
पीएमजीएसवाई सड़क को संपकता मह
ु ै या कराए जाने क ज रत होती है । संभवत: तालमेल
दशा- नदश का लाभ उठाने के लए सड़क े संबंधी संब ध कायनी तय का भी इ तेमाल
नह ं कया गया था।
3. मागदशक स धांत
6. आकलन क तैयार ः
i. काय के आकलन के लए एक टडड टै पलेट बनानी चा हए और
एसआरआरडीए वारा प रचा लत क जानी चा हए, िजसे काय के
आकलन क तैयार म यु त कया जाएगा। यह आकलन नमाण और
रख-रखाव दोन कार के काय ( ेवेल क भराई और शो डर क
मर मत स हत) वभ न थान क द ू रय के साथ-साथ थानीय
व भ न अनप
ु ात और वाहन वारा लाई गई मद
ृ ा के आधार पर होना
चा हए।
7. खडंजे का डजाइन
इं डयन रोड कां ेस ने “कम आवा-जाह वाल सड़क के लए ले सीबल पेवमट के डजाइन के
लए दशा- नदश ” म संशोधन और इनका अ यतन कया है, आईआरसी:एसपी:72:2015। अ य
के साथ इन आईआरसी दशा- नदश म ट 1 से ट 3 तक के कम आवा-जाह वाल े णय
(10000 से 100000 इ वेलट टै डड ए सल लोड (ईएसएएल) अनु योग वाल सड़क) क कम
आवा-जाह वाल ामीण सड़क के डजाइन दए गए ह, जो गैर पीएमजीएसवाई सड़क के लए
भी आदश ह। इन सड़क को वाटर बॉउ ड मेकेडम (ड यूबीएम) आधार और बटू मनस सफ संग
का उपयोग कए बना कं ट का उपयोग करके भी बनाया जा सकता है । ऐसी सड़क वहां लंबे
समय तक बेहतर काय कर सकती ह, जहां कम यातायात होता है और य द रख-रखाव आव यक
हो तो फर से कं ट बछाई जा सकती है । आ थक, शै क और वा य सेवा क को छोट
बसावट से जोड़ने के लए ऐसी सड़क पर वचार कया जा सकता है ।
यातायात क ेणी ट1 ट 2 ट 3
बहुत खराब 200 एमएम जीबी 225 एमएम जीबी 350 एमएम जीबी
सीबीआर= 2 100 एमएम एमएस 100 एमएम एमएस 100 एमएम एमएस
खराब 200 एमएम जीबी 275 एमएम जीबी 400 एमएम जीबी
सीबीआर = 3-4
संतोषजनक 175 एमएम जीबी 250 एमएम जीबी 275 एमएम जीबी
सीबीआर = 5-6
अ छा 150 एमएम जीबी 175 एमएम जीबी 225 एमएम जीबी
सीबीआर = 7-9
बहुत अ छा 125 एमएम जीबी 150 एमएम जीबी 175 एमएम जीबी
सीबीआर = 10-15
जीबी : सीबीआर का ेवल बेस 80 से कम।
एमएस : सीबीआर का मो डफाइड सोयल 10 से कम।
यातायात क ेणी ट1 ट 2 ट 3
ेबल रोड मैनुअल अथात आईआरसी : एसपी : 77:2008 म ेबल सड़क के लए ासं गक
डजाइन मानक दए गए ह। जहां ेबल सड़क बनाने के लए ि थ त उपयु त नह ं है , वहां ट
का खड जा या प थर के खडंजे का वचार कया जा सकता है । क ए ी ेट पुरा और बहार
एवं उ तर दे श के कुछ भाग म सब बेस के प म से पहले से उपयोग क जा रह ह और
क ए ी ेट का उपयोग करते हुए बनाई गई सड़क बेहतर रह ह।
“महा मा गांधी नरे गा 2005 के लए दशा- नदश काय म काया वयन हे तु मा टर सकुलर
( व.व. 2016-2017)”म गुणव ता बंधन के लए व तार म प ट या द गई है , जो
बनाई गई सड़क और उनके रख-रखाव से संबं धत काय के लए पूर तरह से उपयु त ह और
वा तव म पीएमजीएसवाई के लए गुणव ता बंधन े मवक स हत अनुकूल संरेखण है । चूं क
ऐसे मामले भी ह गे जहां मनरे गा के तहत अधरू े पड़े काय एमएमजीएसवाई या अ य रा य
योजनाओं के तहत पूरे कए जाने क आव यकता होगी। यह वा तव म ऐसी योजना, वशेषकर
पीएमजीएसवाई क ओर से इस यव था क आधारभूत वशेषताओं का व तार करने म
लाभकार होगी। वतमान संदभ म लागू कए गए मनरे गा गुणव ता बंधन े मवक ( दशा- नदश
के अ याय ।। म दए गए) क मु य वशे ताएं इस कार ह :
9.1 गण
ु व ता नयं ण :
काय थल के दौर के नर ण का व तत
ृ नोट तैयार कया जाएगा, िजसे नरे गासॉ ट पर
अपलोड भी कया जाएगा और यह जनता के लए अ य काय के यौर के साथ म साइट पर
उपल ध होगा। मनरे गा रा य नदे शालय एसआरआरडीए वारा तैयार क गई दौर क रपोट का
सार रा य रोजगार गारं ट प रषद (एसईजीसी) को तुत करे गा।
10. बाहर नगरानी :
iii. यह अ नवाय है क थानीय भागीदार के साथ सड़क का नमाण करने के बाद कुछ
रा श ाम पंचायत के पास रहना ज र है य क ाम पंचायत वा षक जीपी योजना म
इन सड़क क रख-रखाव प रयोजना शा मल कर सकती है । तथा प, य द जहां ाम
पंचायत का पैमाना बहुत छोटा है और इन सड़क का रख-रखाव से कोई यवहा रक
प रयोजना नह ं बनती है तो म य थ/ लॉक पंचायत तर पर इन यास को शु कया
जा सकता है ।
iv. वा षक काय म म लॉक योजना का समेकन करते समय अनुमोदन लेने के लए
मनरे गा के तहत काय को शा मल करने के लए लॉक/ ल टर तर पर और लॉक
पंचायत के लए काय म अ धकार उपल ध कराए जाते ह। ाम पंचायत के ल टर
के लए रख-रखाव काय को परू ा करने के लए मॉडे लट ज के “ थानीय सड़क दशा-
नदश ” म समावेशन ाम और लॉक पंचायत के बीच सं थागत सहयोग के मामले से
णाल गत और यवहा रक आधार पर थानीय सड़क के दै नक रख-रखाव के लए
न धयां ा त करने हे तु ाम/ लॉक पंचायत को आव यक सु वधाएं दान करे गा ता क
ाम पंचायत वारा सड़क क द गई सू चय के आधार पर काय के े का नधारण
कया जा सके।
v. मनरे गा के तहत काय के साम ी घटक का 25 तशत घटक रा य अंश के प म
दया जाएगा जो आमतौर पर प रयोजना लागत का लगभग 10 तशत होगा। रख-
रखाव मानदं ड को बनाए रखने और वा म व स धांत को लागू करने के उ दे य से
दशा- नदश म यह वनद ट कया जा सकता है क ाम पंचायत थानीय
नवा सय /प रवार से अंशदान एक त करे गी (सं वधान क 11वीं अनुसूची के संबंध म
उ दे य पू त के लए रा य सरकार वारा ाम पंचायत को सं वतरण का अ धकार दया
vi. संबं धत वभाग वारा बनाई गई सड़क का रख-रखाव भी कए जाने क आव यकता
होगी और यह अ छा होगा क नमाण क गुणव ता बढ़ाने के उ दे य से कम से कम 5
वष के लए पेड ट न म टनस के बैक-टू-बैक ठे का दे ने क प ध त पीएमजीएसवाई क
प ध त के अनुसार बनाई जाएगी। तथा प, बाद म पेड मटे नस ऐसे पंचायत मटे नस
स टम को स प दए जाने चा हए, िज ह कुछ वशेष वारा तैयार कया गया हो।
इससे पंचायती सं थाओं वारा रख-रखाव कए जा रहे ामीण सड़क नेटवक के वजन
क उपलि ध यथा समय बेहतर हो सकेगी।
अनुबंध 1
सभी ामीण सड़क के डजाइन इस कार तैयार कए जाने चा हएं क उनम मोड़ क सं या
यूनतम हो और एक क.मी. सड़क म मोड़ क कुल सं या सामा यतया 6 से कम होनी
चा हए।
सामा य पवत ेणी सामा य पवत ेणी सामा य पवत ेणी सामा य पवत ेणी
सड़क क चौड़ाई के अपे ाकृत कम माप उन भूभाग म अपनाए जाने चा हएं, जहां रोजाना आने-जाने
वाले मोटर-वाहन क सं या 100 से कम हो और िजसके बढ़ने क संभावना न हो।
6.0 मीटर क चौड़ाई उन मैदानी और पहाड़ी भूभाग म अपनाई जा सकती है , जहां रोजाना आने-
जाने वाले मोटर वाहन क सं या 100 से कम हो और िजसके बढ़ने क संभावना न हो। 250
क आबाद वाल बसावट इस ेणी म आ सकती है ।
ग. कै रजवे क चौड़ाई:
3.0 मीटर क चौड़ाई वहां अपनाई जा सकती है , जहां रोजाना आने-जाने वाले मोटर वाहन
मैदानी और पहाड़ी भूभाग म 40 क.मी. त घंटा तथा पवतीय और खड़ी ढाल वाले भूभाग
म 20 क.मी. त घंटा क डजाइन के अनस
ु ार पीड अपनाई जा सकती है ।
ख. इ बै कमे ट का नमाण:
सतह क े णी कै बर ( तशत)
अ धक)
वाल सड़क
स म सबल पुल