Single Beam Survey Using Eiva Software
Single Beam Survey Using Eiva Software
Single Beam Survey Using Eiva Software
Abstract -Nowadays there is a lot of processing software that It is marine software and a system organization in designing and
are available in the market to process the hydrography data. The assembly software and integrated system solutions for hydrographic
advantages of using these processing software are that it will help surveying. EIVA headquarters consists of one building with an area of
to collect and process the data faster compared to the conventional 3500 square meters. The headquarters are located close to Aarhus. Its
method. In order to differentiate the variety of software that building has provided modern, production line, calibration laboratory,
available in the market is the way of the software being operated. electronic workshop and a housing software development with the
The aim of this study is to conduct a bathymetric survey using a purpose-built facilities. This company consists of more than 60
single beam echo sounder and process the data using EIVA workers, including a team that specialist in developing software for
software. There are a few stages in order to complete the study. marine application, starting from the navigation to data collection then
The first stage is the project preparation such as calculate and to post-processing data and lastly production of charts. All of these
configure the sounding line, configure the vessel shape, geodetic people have a solid background education and a wide experience in
parameter, and all the system configuration for the navigation. All doing the programming. Some of the workers in the company have
the system configuration will be set up using NaviPac Software. worked in many years, thus has a wide range of experience with the
Next, for the second stage is the data collection at the site. The site product software and its application (Herskind, 2006).
area for this study is located near the North Port, Klang and the
dimension of the survey is 160m x 200m. Lastly, for the third stage In 1978, EIVA was founded and at the early stage of its foundation, it
is the data processing. The data will be processed using NaviEdit provided the services, equipment and sensor for the exploration of oil
and NaviModel software and the bathymetric chart will be and gas industry. In 1982, EIVA begin to develop by introducing
processed using NaviPlot software. The result of this study is the NaviPac integrated navigation software. Then, EIVA has gone a rapid
depth and contour of the survey area. Based on the results of this development to become a well-known offshore company until todays
study, a standard procedure for the acquisition of the data until with its main objectives is the integrated software solution system to
the production of bathymetric chart of the survey area was be use in hydrographic surveying, construction of the offshore and
developed. As a conclusion, the objective of this study has been work inspection, seafloor mapping, geophysical surveying,
achieved which is to plan the procedure to collect and set up the oceanographic research and many more
data using NaviPac. The next objective is to conduct a bathymetric
survey of the site and the last objective is to process the survey data For the development of the software, EIVA has made a standard tool
using NaviEdit and NaviModel and produce a bathymetric chart for the design and specification, management and the documentation.
of the study area by using NaviPlot. EIVA software is suitable to The Bureau Veritas Quality Institute (BVQI) had acknowledged EIVA
be used to collect and process the data as it is easy to use and easy to ISO 9001:2008 of the management quality system. The quality
to handle. certification part is based on the object oriented methods and the
standard waterfall models of the development procedures. The main
Index Term – Bathymetric Survey, Echo Sounder, EIVA objective of EIVA is to be the main provider for the offshore software
Software, NaviPac, NaviEdit, NaviModel, NaviPlot. that are related to the hydrographic surveying (Herskind, 2006). This
can be seen from the past, experience that this is the best approach to
I. INTRODUCTION make sure that a close interactive process with the end user. By this
way, the interface of the man machine of the software as well as the
Hydrographic surveying is the study of measuring and showing the future features can be in conjunction and the user can get a more
specification and structure of the seabed classification with the land satisfying and user friendliness result.
mass and dynamic features of the sea (International Hydrographic
Organization, 2005). The advancement of marine activities in The product of EIVA software contains of a software for all types of
Malaysia had increased every year. Besides used for nautical chart, the offshore surveying starting from the navigation to the data collection,
hydrographic surveying data also being used in another application to the post-processing of the data and lastly to the production of the
such as marine engineering, ocean habitat studies, pipeline inspection, sheets. The modules in the EIVA are NaviPac for the Integrated
determination of maritime boundary and many more. Nowadays there Navigation, NaviScan for the Multi beam and Sonar Data collection,
are a lot of software that have been in the market to process the NaviEdit for Editing Survey Data, NaviModel for the Digital Terrain
hydrography data. This software will help to collect and process the Mapping and lastly NaviPlot for the Production and Charting of Fair
data faster as compared with the conventional method. In order to Sheet (Herskind, 2006). Other than this module, EIVA also has
differentiate the variety of software that available in the market is the optional modules software that is available for certain purpose such as
way of the software being operated and the easiest to handle the cable laying, pipeline inspection and barge/tug management. All the
software. For example, NaviSuite is one of the products under EIVA modules form a seamless solution of software that allows the data to
software, a complete software toolbox for subsea survey and transfer from a module to another module. The capability of the
engineering. interface that contains a selectable export and import of the data
formats make each module to be used in stand-alone interface mode
with the third party software. The entire software suite is very famous
in the offshore market and it is still under a continuous research in
order to fulfil the requirement of the new industry which is developed
Preliminary Work (Phase 1)
every day.
• Doing research about bathymetry mapping.
II. AIM AND OBJECTIVES • Study about the software used for data collection.
• Selection of study area and problem identification.
The aim of the study is to conduct a bathymetry survey using single
beam echo sounder to collect the bathymetry data and to process the
data by using EIVA software. In order to achieve the aim, the
following objectives need to be fulfilled:-
Preparation (Phase 2)
a. To plan the procedure to collect and set up the data using NaviPac • Find image satellite of study area (North Port) from google
module under EIVA software. image
b. To conduct a bathymetric survey at the site • Installation of EIVA software
c. To process the survey data using NaviEdit and NaviModel and • Configuration of the software and the equipment
produce a bathymetric plan of the study area by using NaviPlot
The site of this study is located at latitude 3° 1'40.51"N and longitude Result and Analysis (Phase 5)
101°20'18.37"E. The size of the study area for the bathymetric survey • Produce bathymetry plan using NaviPlot
is about 160 metres by 200 metres. The study area is situated at North • Analysis of the result.
Port,Klang. Figure 2 shows the location of the study area.
Figure 1. Research Methodology
The Objects are displaying and control/editing the objects used in this
setup. Next, under Objects configuration, the object use the vessel only
and the user do not need to setup again at the Object because it will
follow the setup at the Instruments. Lastly, the Warm Start are Figure 4. Report View of the Vessel
displaying and control/editing of which modules the user want to
activate during navigation start up.
The specification of the vessel must be specified before the survey can
be started. The vessel shape can be done in the Graphic Editor under
Tools which can be found on the window panel in NaviPac. The length
of the vessel is 7.32m and the width of the vessel is 1.68m. The vessel
shape is used online in the Helmsman’s Display to give the user an
idea about the vessel shape and the heading. The user can define the
shape manually or import a vessel shape from a previous project. The
vessel shape is defined as a series of X, and Y points. Start the drawing
by choosing Start Polygon with Fill and Edge. Then, entered the X and
Figure 6. The Survey Line of the Study Area
Y coordinates for the first point, then move to second coordinate, and
for the next coordinate, choose a line in order to join all the lines. 3.3 Equipment Installation
When all the coordinate has finished entered, closed the drawing by
choosing End Polygon. The shape of the vessel can be viewed in The transducer was installed accurately as possible in relation to other
graphical view by referring to the figure 4.9. Next, save the file of the survey system. If the transducer was mounted improperly on the
vessel as shape file *.shp. vessel, it will give a poor system operation result and the quality of the
data is cannot be accepted. If the transducer is installed temporarily, it
is often mounted at the over the side of the boat, but if the transducer
is installed permanently, it is often hull mounted on the boat. Figure 4.
shows that the transducer was installed over the portside of the vessel.
The transducer must be mounted on the boat as far as below the
waterline. But, if the “over the side” mounts are unprotected from the
wave action, the transducer must be mounted far enough below the
water surface in order to make sure it still properly submerged during
roll motions of the vessel. Besides that, the transducer also must be
installed as possible as close to the centre of gravity in order to reduce
the effect of roll and pitch. The ideal place to locate the transducer is
at the third or half of the length of the vessel that is measured from the
bow. To prevent the bubbles generated by the bow from passing over
the face of the unit, the transducer must be mounted far enough from Figure 7. Result before smoothing the data
the bow and it also should be located far away from the source of noise
such as engine and propeller.
In order to generate the contour line, the data from the NaviEdit must
be exported into ASCII (XYZ) file which is in *.xyz format. When the
data is successfully exported in *.xyz format, the data can be opened
Figure 4. Installation of the transducer in NaviModel for further processing. The NaviModel will create the
data into Digital Terrain Model so that the contour line can be created.
After data collection had been done, the data need to be process to
make the chart more beautiful as long as the data not interrupted too
much. The data that had been collected maybe not in good condition
cause by the big wave at the site and also the position of the vessel
which may not always constantly in right angle. The step to process
the single beam data is not as complicated as processing the multibeam
data. For a single beam data, the data need to go through the process
of removing the spike and also the process to smoothing the data.
From this data, it does not have too many spikes thus, it is not
necessary to undergo spike removing procedure and it just needs to go
through the process of smoothing the data. The data can be smoothed Figure 9. The Digital Terrain Model of the data
in NaviEdit by inserting a suitable wave length to the data. It is
recommended to apply the lowest wavelength as possible as can in According to the Figure 7. Digital Terrain Model, the shallowest part
order to maintain the quality of the data. The reason to smoothing the of the survey area is at 2.34m and the deepest part is at 5.45m and
data is that it is used to filter out a high frequency noise from the data. mostly the depth of the area is around 4.8m. For shallower water
If the wavelength is set too high, it might remove the important regions, it is important to have a knowledge of the seafloor depths for
features in the data set. The suitable wavelength applied to the data is the purpose of navigation and also as a warning hazards to shipping.
20 seconds wave length and after the smoothing is applied, the graph The survey area is quite safe for the vessel to pass by around it. Besides
of the depth data is smoother compared to the graph before the that, mapping the ocean floor also important for the purpose of
smoothing process is applied. offshore resource exploration and exploitation such as fisheries and
hazardous waste disposal. Before creating the contour, the outline
around the DTM must be created first so that the contour can be
generated just around the DTM area.
various format such as Displayline *.dis, ESRI Shape *.shp, AutoCAD
*.dxf, XYZ *.xyz, Google Earth *.kml, Pipetracker *.pip, Digitized
line *.dig etc.
When the outline around the DTM is displayed, then the contour can
be started to generate. The contour is generated from one point to one Figure 12. Total Area of the Survey Area
point. The Interval Minors of the contour is set to 0.5m and the Interval
Majors is set to 5m with the cell size factor is set to 1. A contour lines
is an imaginary lines that connecting the points of the same elevation
or depth. An interval contour is the predetermined difference between
two lines contour. A map that shows very close line of contour means
that the land is very steep. On the other hand, a map that has a wide
space between the lines contours means that it has a gentle slope. The
smaller the interval contour, the more capable the map can show the
finer features and also details of the land.
After all procedure had completed, the contour data must be save as
*.nmc format so that it can be exported to the NaviPlot for producing
the chart.
NaviModel also are capable to calculate the total area of the survey
area based on the outlines created along the DTM. By referring to the
figure 4.31, the total survey area that are calculated is 48441.927 meter
per square. Besides that, the other advantages of NaviModel also it can
calculate the volume of the survey area. By referring to the figure 4.32,
the volume above for the survey area is 2750.6 meter cube and the
volume below for the area is 16 558.9 meter cube. On top of that, the
user also can save as the contour data that have been processed in Figure 14. Bathymetric Chart Produce by NaviPlot
V. DISCUSSIONS 5.2 Verification of the data
5.1 Coordinate Frame Rotation in EIVA From the bathymetric plan produced, the depth of the survey area
shown in the plan can be prove correct because the depth data is tally
When the setup of geodetic parameter had completed, it is a good for the highest depth and the lowest depth of the survey area when
practice to test the parameters that had been setup using a known point viewed back in the NaviEdit, NaviModel and also NaviPlot. Figure
in both coordinate systems. A test option is included in the NaviPac 4.48 and Figure 4.49 shows the viewing of the highest and lowest depth
Online under Calculate WGS84. It will open a calculator interface to of the area. The highest depth that was recorded is 5.45 meters and the
calculate the conversion of positions between WGS 84 and the user lowest depth that was recorded is 2.34 meters.
datum. The user will enter the coordinates that need to be converted
either as a grid coordinates or geographical coordinates. Refer to figure
The offline packages can be divided into three main components that
related to each other at the level of post-processing. Basically,
NaviEdit is used for the initial editing of the raw data that was collected
during the online phase. Moreover, NaviEdit also provides a variety of
exporters that can be linked to NaviModel and NaviPlot. As an