Instruction Manual For Ultrasonic/Microwave Sensors
Instruction Manual For Ultrasonic/Microwave Sensors
Instruction Manual For Ultrasonic/Microwave Sensors
3)Click on Stop Data Link and on Select_Com_Port and choose from small
window and save your serial communication port, next time you start
Probe_GatewayPC you don't have to go through this stage.
4)Select ”Start Data Link”, please wait about 25 seconds to get the
communication, program goes through 9600 and 19200 Baud Rates to
select one in use. You will see two bar graphs, displaying the last 8
echoes & tank level. When PC is connected to ultrasonic level device,
the application header displays: Ultrasonic Sensor ID=2. For PC
connected to the Radar the application header displays: Radar ID=2,
range, pipe on/off status, pipe diameter and Low Dielectric status
(for low dielectric materials it has to be ON, for more details go to
24). Traffic icon at the screen bottom indicates communication status
to the level device.
10)Select AutoScan (only for network) to collect data for all sensors
connected in the network. Scanning time can be chosen from 5sec to
20sec. Other functions are disabled in Auto Scan mode.
c) "Send Mail" options to send the probe profile by Email. Obtain the
SMTP Mail server address, SMTP Mail Port number and SMTP Mail SSL
Encryption option from
the Internet Provider. Send Mail example:
smtp mail server address:
smtp mail port: 25
SSL Encryption: NO
USER ID/Account: user internet account
USER password: user internet password
sender address: [email protected]
send to: [email protected]
19)In Tools Read Sensor ID, reads sensor's ID for single device
20)In Tools Add New Sensor (for network configuration), choose new ID
and click OK, for network use 4 and higher number, don't use number 3,
ID is 2 for a single sensor (manufacture default).
21)In Tools Remove Sensor ID, choose sensor ID to be removed and click
22)Program new sensor ID, first click on SelectSensor_ID (click on new
ID number to get blue background !) and then click on Fix Sensor ID
(in Tools), in Fix Sensor ID window put old ID to remove Old ID,click
27)Set Loss of Echo Time, this feature is for ultrasonic and microwave
level devices. To program loss of echo time go to Tools and click on
Set Loss of Echo Time, after that specify the loss of echo time
between 1 and (3)4 minutes and wait for the conformation. 0 min
disables Loss of Echo (No Loss of Echo) in ultrasonic and microwave
level devices. .
39)In Tools Power coef. is used to increase power of the radar which
can help in case of multiply reflections and unwanted echoes from oil-
water and oil-tank bottom interfaces, this feature is recommended with
Low Dielectric Material OFF and 20mA Blanking is OFF. The Power coef.
equal to 40 turns on the logic to handle roof reflection problem and
oil-water separation false echo.
41)In Tools Select Data Link Speed selects two Baud Rates 9600 or
19.2K for communication with level sensors. After speed selection
click on Stop Data Link, and close the communication program and re-
start it again.
44)High and Low Alarms set-up. HIGH ALARM is used for high level of
materials, LOW ALARM is used for low level of materials. When these
alarms are activated, blinking screen and audio sound of a PC will be
ON. To program On and OFF points of these alarms please click on HIGH
ALARM and LOW ALARM, put in distances in inches or meters from sensors
(for radar is mounting thread, for ultrasonic is transducer face) to a
material level. When material level riches these points the alarms
will be ON or OFF.
HIGH ALARM is activated for distances equal or shorter than ON point.
HIGH ALARM is deactivated for distances equal or longer than OFF
LOW ALARM is activated for distances equal or longer than ON point.
LOW ALARM is deactivated for distances equal or shorter than OFF
To enable alarm click on Enable Alarm, to disable alarm click on
Disable Alarm.
To silence audio sound click on Silence ON, to turn on audio sound
click on Silence OFF.
When material level is above the alarm ON point, clicking on Disable
Alarm or Silence ON will not change the red colour of the bar graph
(alarm state) in Custom_Tank_Farm into the blue colour (non-alarm
state). Only material level below alarm OFF point will change the red
colour of the bar graph into blue colour.