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Instruction Manual For Ultrasonic/Microwave Sensors

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1)Install “PROBE_GatewayPC Software” on PC.Remove previous

installation. In Windows Control Panel go to the Programs and
Features, select Probe_GatewayPC_Net and remove it. Select SETUP.EXE
from installation media and follow instruction on the screen. PC user
should have Administrator rights. Do not change the default
installation folders.

2)On MS Windows PC click on START button, ALL PROGRAMS, and select

“Probe_GatewayPC_Net” and click on Probe_GatewayPC_Net execution file
(or use shortcut icon on the Desktop).

3)Click on Stop Data Link and on Select_Com_Port and choose from small
window and save your serial communication port, next time you start
Probe_GatewayPC you don't have to go through this stage.

4)Select ”Start Data Link”, please wait about 25 seconds to get the
communication, program goes through 9600 and 19200 Baud Rates to
select one in use. You will see two bar graphs, displaying the last 8
echoes & tank level. When PC is connected to ultrasonic level device,
the application header displays: Ultrasonic Sensor ID=2. For PC
connected to the Radar the application header displays: Radar ID=2,
range, pipe on/off status, pipe diameter and Low Dielectric status
(for low dielectric materials it has to be ON, for more details go to
24). Traffic icon at the screen bottom indicates communication status
to the level device.

5)ShowCalibData screen displays all calibration parameters. Click on

the 4mA/20mA distance to display the distances in the metric units.
All calibration parameters can be saved in any directory under any
name in MS Excel format.

6)By selecting “Diagnostic” the screen displays all information on

sensor “errors”. Unhappy face icon at the screen bottom indicates
sensor error.

7)Temp. Sensor shows temperature of environment (ultrasonic only)and

it is only used to compensate temperature influence on the speed of

8)Echo Chart displays information on automatic adjustment of power and

gain of our level devices. Our devices monitor environmental
conditions and adjust power and gain for optimal performance.

9)Echo Profile displays profiles of microwave and ultrasonic sensors.

NOTE- when using this feature the sensor is not in the measurement
mode. To return to the measurement mode exit the echo profile (select
x in top right screen corner). Wait until you get the Data Link OK
(green light on the Probe Status LED). On the “echo profile” you will
see a marker where the software picks up an echo and distance to a
target. To change target for different measurement, exit profile
screen, wait for updated data, and go to the echo profile again. The
marker will pick up a new target. Freeze screen and select any point
on the graph by clicking mouse to display the distance to selected
target. 'Save to file' command saves the profile to PROBE_PROFILE file
in C:\LEVEL\um_probe\ folder.

10)Select AutoScan (only for network) to collect data for all sensors
connected in the network. Scanning time can be chosen from 5sec to
20sec. Other functions are disabled in Auto Scan mode.

11)Download allows downloading to ultrasonic and microwave sensors a

new firmware (.hex file).

11a)Downloading using Probe_GatewayPC:

1) Copy .hex file to C:\ directory
2) Open Probe_Gateway PC and get communication with the level device
3) Click on Download button and select file .hex from the C drive
directory, highlight that file and click on Start Download
4) Wait to the end of download.

If something happens during the download so the process was

interrupted, turn off the radar(ultrasonic) and before you
turn it on press and hold the push button. The light should be red.
Close Probe_GatewayPC program and open DownloadToPIC, choose your com
port and download the file from there (follow instruction written

11b)Downloading using DownloadToPIC:

1) Copy .hex file to C:\ directory
2) Turn the radar(ultrasonic) off.
3) Before you turn it on, push and hold the push-button during turning
4) The light on the unit will go to RED.
5) Open DownloadToPIC.Exe (it is one of the files in the communication
6) Specify your com port.
7) Select and highlight the .hex file and click on Start Download
8) Wait to the end of the downloading.
9) Close the program and go to Probe_GatewayPC.

12)SensorStatusMonitoring function displays status of selected sensor.

Push Update_all command button to display status of all sensors in
network. Traffic icon green/red light indicates communication status.
All other function are disabled in this mode.

13)In File Select

a) DataLogging in Excel format (default is ON) in FILE menu to collect
history data for current and temperature in MS Excel format. Directory
for data collection: C:\LEVEL\um_probe\GATEWAYPC\DATA\yyyy mm
dd\sensorID\ Data is collected for each sensor ID. The current is
collected in 1 hour data files and temperature is collected in 24
hours data files. Use the chart wizard in MS Excel to create the graph
and view current and temperature data. The current data is collected
every 0.5 second and temperature is collected every 1 minute.

b) "Profile Logging"to store profile every 1 minute, so wait at least

1 min to get first profile. Execute Profile Viewer.exe to view stored
history profiles. Profiles are stored in MS Excel format in
C:\LEVEL\um_probe\GATEWAYPC\LOG\year_month_day\sensorID\ directory.

c) "Send Mail" options to send the probe profile by Email. Obtain the
SMTP Mail server address, SMTP Mail Port number and SMTP Mail SSL
Encryption option from
the Internet Provider. Send Mail example:
smtp mail server address: smtp.mail.yahoo.com
smtp mail port: 25
SSL Encryption: NO
USER ID/Account: user internet account
USER password: user internet password
sender address: [email protected]
send to: [email protected]

14)Set-up your PC for Ethernet connection with ultrasonic and

microwave level devices using RS232 or RS485 Ethernet adaptors. All
adaptors provided by Manufacturer have a set-up to communicate with
Probe_GatewayPC communication program. To set-up a PC with Windows to
communicate through the Ethernet one needs as follows:
a) Open Control Panel,
b) Click on Network Connection,
c) Click on Local Area Connection, with mouse right button go to
d) Click on Internet Protocol TCP/IP,
e) Use the following IP Address:
f) Subnet mask:
g) Safe the set-up.
f) Start Probe_GatewayPC, click on Start Data Link, click on Tools,
click on Select Data Protocol, click on TCP/IP.

15)To do 4mA and 20mA Programmable Calibration (use a target at a

distance longer than minimum distance), go to Tools and click on
4mA/20mA Distance Calib., go through the first message (4mA/20mA
distance calib.?) by clicking OK, put the calibration values and click
OK, wait for the confirmation. In case of the Mini ultrasonic both
calibration points control high or low level alarm relay (20mA is high
level alarm, 4mA is low level alarm). Click on Metric System in case
of calibration in m. and cm.. Zero distance (reference point for
ultrasonic is at the ultrasonic transducer face, for radar it is at
the beginning of the mounting thread from antenna side.

16)Fix point Calibration (the same as using the sensor calibration

Push Button) it is in the top left corner of the screen. 20mA Calib.
is for 20mA calibration, 4mA Calib. is for 4mA calibration. In this
calibration a target has to be used at two locations to simulate full
or empty tank fix point calibration (programmable calibration is
recommended for longer distances, go to point 15). Zero distance
(reference point for ultrasonic is at the ultrasonic transducer face,
for radar it is at the beginning of the mounting thread from antenna
side). For radar use metal flat target, for ultrasonic use any flat

17)In case of Probe_GatewayPC5.0 and higher MINI ultrasonic level

device application is started by selecting "MINI_PROBE" from
"APPLICATIONS" menu item. To get to Tools click on mini_probe_tools.
In Tools Relay ON Set point is used to change relay ON and OFF states
difference (hysteresis) using a percent of span between 4mA and 20mA
(default is 5%, for example choosing 100% gives On at 20mA and OFF at
4mA). The high or low level alarm (Select Alarm)is set by 20mA or 4mA
calibration, this can be done using communication (click on Select
Alarm) or push button (press it and hold it until the light goes off,
continuous green light means 20mA is alarm set point, blinking green
light means 4mA is alarm set point.

18)Modbus RTU protocol, in Tools of Probe_GatewayPC click on Select

Data Link Protocol and select Modbus RTU, wait for confirmation.
For MODBUS RTU use the Holding Register addresses as follows:
- 79 Ultrasonic Probe echo timer
- 108 Microwave Probe echo timer
- 100 4 mA calibration timer
- 96 20 mA calibration timer
- 309 current in mA for Radar and Ultrasonic, top of oil for oil-
water interface detector (*100 factor)
- 322 distance in inches for Ultrasonic (*100 factor)
- 324 distance in inches for Radar, top of oil for
oil-water interface detector (*100 factor)
- 328 current in mA oil-water interface for oil-water interface
detector (*100 factor)
- 329 current in mA for Mini ultrasonic (*100 factor)
- 330 distance in inches oil-water interface for oil-water interface
detector (*100 factor)
- 342 distance in inches for Mini ultrasonic (*100 factor)

19)In Tools Read Sensor ID, reads sensor's ID for single device

20)In Tools Add New Sensor (for network configuration), choose new ID
and click OK, for network use 4 and higher number, don't use number 3,
ID is 2 for a single sensor (manufacture default).

21)In Tools Remove Sensor ID, choose sensor ID to be removed and click
22)Program new sensor ID, first click on SelectSensor_ID (click on new
ID number to get blue background !) and then click on Fix Sensor ID
(in Tools), in Fix Sensor ID window put old ID to remove Old ID,click

23)For low dielectric materials such as oils and other non-conductive

materials turn on in Tools Low Dielectric Materials, this parameter is
for microwave only.

24)Select PIPE ON in Tools for microwave propagation in metal pipes,

after that click on Select Pipe Diameter in Tools to choose proper
diameter of metal pipe.

25)Window out for ultrasonic and microwave sensors, in case of

unwanted reflections this procedure can be used. Make sure that the
sensor is in fast response mode (Damping OFF).
Before using the Window Out procedure programmable calibration on full
and empty tank is recommended. To use the procedure follow this:
a. go to Echo Profile and click on Clear WindowOut,
b. click on Freeze/Update/Window Out,
c. using mouse click on a point before (left to) unwanted echo and
then on WindowOutMin,
d. using mouse click on a point after (right to) the unwanted echo
and then on WindowOutMax,
e. close the Echo Profile and wait in the Main program for a message
WindowOut calibration done,
f. to activate the Window Out procedure go to Tools and click on
Window Out and wait for the conformation. For the first time users of
this procedure a contact with technical support group is recommended.

26)20mA Blanking used for ultrasonic and microwave level devices.

Using 20mA or 4mA programmable full tank calibration select distance
to sensors that covers any unwanted echoes which are closer than full
tank calibration. Allow for the microwave about 5inch margins (all
echoes that are at shorter distance than full tank calibration - 5inch
will be ignored). To activate this go to Tools and click on 20mA
Blanking and wait for the conformation. In case of microwave click
also on Low Dielectric Material. Don't use this feature with push
button calibration!!! Do not use for Radar when Power coef. is 40.

27)Set Loss of Echo Time, this feature is for ultrasonic and microwave
level devices. To program loss of echo time go to Tools and click on
Set Loss of Echo Time, after that specify the loss of echo time
between 1 and (3)4 minutes and wait for the conformation. 0 min
disables Loss of Echo (No Loss of Echo) in ultrasonic and microwave
level devices. .

28)Select 22mA or 2mA loss of echo is available in Tools for both

ultrasonic and microwave devices, the default value is 22mA.

29)Damping is used for the ultrasonic and microwave level devices.

In case of waves or turbulences on liquids increase the damping time,
do it gradually until results are stable. Longer damping time is also
required for solids. Damping slows down the sensor response, do not
use it for small tanks with fast rate of liquid change. Sensor's
response is the fastest with Damping OFF (in Tools).

30)Solid Material/Liquid Materials is used for the ultrasonic sensor.

This feature is very useful for tanks with very high water
condensation, dust and noise. It stimulates the ultrasonic transducers
with very high energy pulses to provide extra cleaning to the
transducers faces and high transmit pulse for dust penetration. To
activate it go to Tools and click on Solid Material/Liquid Materials.
In case of dusty applications choose Burst Power high (greater or
equal to 120), for liquid applications in narrow and tall tanks choose
Burst Power low (about 3).

31)Vaporized Liquid High Power is used to turn on hardware option to

generate high-power pulses in liquid applications with steam. It is
used to provide extra cleaning to the transducers faces and compensate
for high attenuation of the ultrasonic wave. To activate this go to
Tools and click on both Solid Material/Liquid Materials and Vaporized
Liquid High Power.

32)Select Burst Power this is activated by Solid Material/Liquid

Materials and it is used to change the transmit pulse width (in
microseconds). Use 120 and above for solid materials.

33)Filter Size is used to change the filter width for ultrasonic

probe. The filter width defines the range of allowed noise. The echo
timer is ignored if it is out of defined filter range. The default
filter width is 40inch, choose about 10% of tank's height. In case of
solid materials and short tanks use 1 to 3 Filter Size.

34)Selection in Tools of 6" or 8" Antenna Extension is used in case of

radar with the antenna extensions to pass metal standpipes.

35)In Tools Disable/Enable Calib. can enable or disable Push Button on

radar and ultrasonic (except Mini).

36)In Tools Oil Dielectric Constant is used in oil-water interface

mode which needs a special software that is available, for more
details go to 42. Click on Oil Dielectric Constant and select value of
it to get the right reading.

37)In Tools when using a special software for Oil-Water Interface,

click on Oil App Tuning and choose at least 20 for a proper operation.
This parameter controls the time between reading the oil top and the
oil-water interface, for more details go to 42.

38) In Tools when ultrasonic sensor is installed in the middle of the

dome shape tank which creates multiply reflections, please turn On in
Tools Solid Material/Liquid Materials and Vaporized Liquid High Power,
chose also Filter With.

39)In Tools Power coef. is used to increase power of the radar which
can help in case of multiply reflections and unwanted echoes from oil-
water and oil-tank bottom interfaces, this feature is recommended with
Low Dielectric Material OFF and 20mA Blanking is OFF. The Power coef.
equal to 40 turns on the logic to handle roof reflection problem and
oil-water separation false echo.

40)In Tools Distance to Target is used for solid materials during

start-up when radar doesn't receive any echoes. Click on this
parameter and put a distance from the radar mounting thread to surface
of solid material. Radar will display that distance until valid echoes
will be received, Probe Software Rev. 14 is required (find it in

41)In Tools Select Data Link Speed selects two Baud Rates 9600 or
19.2K for communication with level sensors. After speed selection
click on Stop Data Link, and close the communication program and re-
start it again.

42)In Applications there are the following options: Oil Application,

Mini Probe (described in point 17), BASE_TANK_Farm and

a) Oil APPlication, select it when Oil-water interface is downloaded

to the radar and please follow the instruction:
1) In Tools do 4mA and 20mA calibration.
2) Click on Applications and choose Oil Application.
3) You get displayed on the screen: Oil Thickness, first value is the
timer, second is the thickness in Inches, plus you get Oil Dielectric
Constant display.
4) Click on Tools and choose Oil Dielectric Constant, enter value for
dielectric constant of oil (clean oil is about 2, crude one about 3 or
5) Click on Send to Probe, wait for the conformation and Exit this
6) Click Stop Data Link and close completely GatewayPC.
7) Open again the GatewayPC and repeat point 2.
8) In Tools click on Oil App Tuning, choose about 20sec.
9) You will get on the screen two current values, one from the oil top
and another one from oil-water interface, the hardware current from
the radar will display the same two values. The current output will
alternate between top of oil and oil-water interface every 20sec (this
time is set up by OIL App Tuning).

b) BASE_TANK_Farm, select it when a tank graphical display is

required, choose your tank shape (rectangular tank with cone bottom is
Tank 8), click on Build Custom Tank, fill out Tank Data, Tank ID is
the one selected in ProbeGatewayPC_Net. Empty Tank Calibration (4mA is
commonly used) has to be equal to TANK HEIGHT. After that click on
Save, this will be saved and it will be listed on CUSTOM_TANK_Farm by
Tank's Name and ID and displayed as bar graphs. Next to each bar
graph, level in %, material name, tank's free space and distance from
sensor to material surface are also displayed. A tank will be fully
displayed by clicking on tank list. Clicking once on a tank in tank
list with Auto Scan off updates a tank's measurement. In
CUSTOM_TANK_Farm the Delete Tank button is used to delete the tank
from the user data base.

43)Factory Settings option consists of a list of programmable

parameters that are used by Manufacturer only. Please contact
Technical Support for further information. These parameters are only
used to fix defective sensor.

44)High and Low Alarms set-up. HIGH ALARM is used for high level of
materials, LOW ALARM is used for low level of materials. When these
alarms are activated, blinking screen and audio sound of a PC will be
ON. To program On and OFF points of these alarms please click on HIGH
ALARM and LOW ALARM, put in distances in inches or meters from sensors
(for radar is mounting thread, for ultrasonic is transducer face) to a
material level. When material level riches these points the alarms
will be ON or OFF.
HIGH ALARM is activated for distances equal or shorter than ON point.
HIGH ALARM is deactivated for distances equal or longer than OFF
LOW ALARM is activated for distances equal or longer than ON point.
LOW ALARM is deactivated for distances equal or shorter than OFF
To enable alarm click on Enable Alarm, to disable alarm click on
Disable Alarm.
To silence audio sound click on Silence ON, to turn on audio sound
click on Silence OFF.
When material level is above the alarm ON point, clicking on Disable
Alarm or Silence ON will not change the red colour of the bar graph
(alarm state) in Custom_Tank_Farm into the blue colour (non-alarm
state). Only material level below alarm OFF point will change the red
colour of the bar graph into blue colour.

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