Legal Notice Section 138 Cheque Bounce
Legal Notice Section 138 Cheque Bounce
Legal Notice Section 138 Cheque Bounce
Subject: Demand cum Legal Notice under Section 138 read with
Section 142 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
Dear Sir,
11. That you the Noticee issued the aforesaid cheque towards the
discharge of your liability for repayment of the balance Loan
Amount of Rs.3,00,000/- towards to our Client. However, you
the Noticee, deliberately and with malafide intention to escape
the lawful liability, issued the said cheques without any
intention to actually pay the said amount, thereby knowing
fully well that the said cheques were bound to be dishonored
on their presentation.
12. That, from the above conduct, it is clear that you the Noticee
had dishonestly induced our Client to part away with his hard-
earned money without having any intention to pay the same.
You the Noticee has thus misappropriated the sum of
Rs.3,00,000/- and has also got the said cheques dishonored
which were issued by you towards payment of your admitted
outstanding liability.
16. That in terms of your illegal and malafide actions, you the
Noticee shall be rendered liable to be prosecuted for the
criminal offences under various laws and more specifically
under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
You are hereby called upon to comply with the requisitions contained
in this demand cum legal notice failing which our Client shall be
constrained to institute both civil as well as criminal proceedings
against you including a criminal complaint against you the Noticee
under Section 138 read with Section 142 of the Negotiable
Instruments Act, 1881 besides recovery proceedings before the
appropriate Court of law and in such an event you the Noticee shall
be held liable for all the costs and expenses incurred by our Client
and the consequences of such litigation(s).
A copy of this notice has been retained in our office for further
necessary action.
Kanth & Associates
_______________, Advocate