Accessible Interactive Television Using The MPEG-21 Standard
Accessible Interactive Television Using The MPEG-21 Standard
Accessible Interactive Television Using The MPEG-21 Standard
MPEG-21 Standard
Evangelos Vlachogiannis1, Damianos Gavalas2, George E. Tsekouras2 and
Christos N. Anagnostopoulos2
Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering, University of the
Aegean, Hermoupolis, Syros, 84100, Greece
Phone: +302281097000
Fax: +302281097009
Email: [email protected]
Department of Cultural Informatics, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Lesvos
Island, 81100, Greece
Phone: +302251036600
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
In this paper, the accessibility of the interactive television (iTV) is being discussed as a primary
factor for its satisfactory adoption and commercial success. The work presented here is undertaken
in the context of a research project that focuses on delivering iTV services to disabled children.
This objective is accomplished through the utilization of the arising MPEG-21 standard. Based on
that standard, iTV accessibility is investigated in terms of metadata and content adaptation. The
novelty of contribution lies on a systematic methodology that deals with a wide range of
accessibility problems contrary to previous studies that focus mostly onto users with only one
specific disability.
1 Introduction
"Winky Dink And You" is considered as "the first interactive TV show". It was a
television children's show that aired from 1953 to 1957 and allowed interaction
through the use of the “Official Winky Dink Kit”. It was the first time that the
television program consumers’ role had been extended from passive viewer to
active participant. This can be compared with the very recent move from the
passive web site consumption to the social – participative web, known as Web
2.0. Wellens [30] stated that “Interactive television represents means of linking
individuals together by providing each with an electronically mediated
representation of the other’s voice and visual presence”.
RNIB Scientific Research Unit's website (Tiresias1) put the threshold between
interactive TV and Enhanced TV as follows: “Enhanced TV is probably a better
term to refer to one-way applications such as teletext, EPG access etc., and it
could be advantageous to restrict the term ‘interactive TV’ to two-way services
reliant on some form of return path.”. Whatever the form of iTV has taken
(including webTV, internet TV, Video on Demand, cable, satellite, digital
terrestrial) during its long trial period, its adoption has been far away from the
expectations [5] . According to Suzanne Stefanac of RespondTV, “the single
greatest stumbling block iTV faces is the lack of a clear standard” [36] . Choi et al
[5] developed a technology adoption model for iTV and discussed that “iTV may
have different critical factors compared to conventional information systems
because it is mainly used in home environment and it has never been used
Currently, interactive television (iTV) comes again to the front having more
advances technologies and more mature audience. iTV field has adopted
techniques and technologies initially developed for the World Wide Web ([8] , [9]
). This is more apparent in the case of IPTV but generally applies to all kinds of
iTV. Considering also that the number of TV sets is considerably larger to that of
PCs worldwide [33] , it becomes evident that the interaction requirements and
specifically the need for accessibility are crucial. For instance, an iTV user now is
in front of a large number of services (term used for TV channels) with amazing
possibilities. A similar “explosion” occurred in the past in the World Wide Web
and search engines; later on it was the portals (equipped with search engine
facilities) and the adaptation mechanisms that made the huge information
The MPEG-21 standard [11] recently released by ISO, aiming at defining an open
framework for multimedia applications, seems to find a natural fit in the world of
iTV [14] .
This paper presents the work undertaken in the context a Greek national project
aiming towards developing a MPEG-21 based framework for adapting iTV’s
content with respect to disabled children requirements.
The authors propose an approach for iTV accessibility focusing onto the
interaction of the stakeholders through adaptation. Contrary to the majority of the
approaches found in literature, this approach investigates iTV accessibility in a
wider manner without focusing to a specific user group such as users with low
The paper starts by presenting the related research and sets up its contribution
roadmap. Requirements discussion is followed and a higher level approach is
proposed with an accompanied architecture. Finally, the last section concludes our
work and draws directions for future work.
Even since 1997, RNIB has provided recommendations for the accessibility of
iTV [7] . Carmichael et al [3] discovered similarities between the directions of
iTV with that of the Web and further noted that the gained experience from the
later has to be transferred to the domain of iTV in order to avoid similar mistakes,
which have not been avoided so far. Piccolo et al [18] discussed that the
convergence between the two media (i.e. Web and iTV) is able to lead to the
appropriation of Web accessibility knowledge that has already been acquired with
some adjustments and proposed recommendations to design accessible interfaces.
For approaching iTV accessibility the authors have identified the following main
components (see Figure 1):
• Hunan actors: The consumers (end users), the authors and the providers
that either consumes/produces/ provides the service.
• User/Controller Interface (or Direct UI): The interface that the user
interacts directly.
• Controller / Content Interface (or Indirect UI): The interface that often is
being provided through the set-top box and displayed on the TV monitor;
i.e. indirect user interaction.
• Content: The actual digital content (e.g. movie) with accompanied
One way of reaching iTV for all, is the satisfaction of the design requirements of
the identified components from an accessibility point of view.
Having identified the main iTV components, this section aims at identifying and
satisfying the design requirements of the components for accessible iTV. These
are being discussed briefly in separate sections below and the contribution of this
work is being allocated.
The main stakeholders that act during the life cycle of an iTV broadcasting
relating to accessibility are:
• the content providers: The content / service providers should define an
accessibility policy and also provide inspection procedures that would
guaranty the fidelity.
• the authors: the content authors are the ones that need to create content
having in mind the aforementioned accessibility policy. Thus, through an
appropriate authoring tool they will be able to produce accessible content
by providing multimodal metadata-enabled content.
• the consumers (end users): In order to consume effectively an iTV
programme, the end users with some impairment need i) to use well her
assistive technology and ii) provide appropriate feedback to the system
through the EPG interface (update profile, rate content e.t.c.)
It turns out that the most significant accessibility difficulties concerning the iTV,
are related to the use of Electronic Programming Guide (EPG) by the users with
visual, motor, or cognitive disabilities [18] . Thus, an important step towards
accessible iTV is providing a well-designed EPG. The EPG is a vital component
of interactive television allowing viewers to navigate through available programs
and services. This is often a complex interface influenced by the design of WIMP
(Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers) on-screen application [2] that explores users
between a huge number of programs and services, which is far away from the
traditional analog TV menus, having to handle no more that 5 to 10 passive
channels. Vista project [2] aimed at developing a virtual assistant, embodying a
speech based interface between digital television viewers and the content and
functions of the EPG. In order to enable the efficiently targeting of preschool
children, Joly et al [13] developed special requirements, which were based on a
range of existing guidelines on interactive television applications, personalized
recommendation systems and interaction design for children, in the context of
theories of child development.
Rice and Alm [19] , attempted to support older people who have difficulties in
using current interface models for Digital TV. Their research indicated that
“navigational techniques that mimic aspects of real-world artefacts in a manner
that individual’s can quickly relate to present possible new directions in DTV
design. However, the success of such systems depends on research strategies that
take the impact of both an appropriate input control and on-screen interaction
into account.”
In the related literature there have been several attempts in order to incorporate
accessibility issues into the MPEG-21. The majority of them are focused into
visual disabilities (e.g. [20] , [22] , [24] , [31] ). Rice [20] presented the
difficulties that visually disabled users face while consuming iTV services. This
work gave emphasis into parameters like screen size, font size and color, icons’
identification and screen layout. The conclusion of this work was that the best
facing approach of the problem situation is personalization due to the diverging
requirements. Choi et al [5] mentioned the fact that TV compared with PC is a
home appliance, and therefore is not personal but shared, which directly implies
that the opinions of family members are very influential. Thang et al [24]
proposed a systematic contrast-enhancement method to improve the content
visibility for low-vision users, through MPEG-21 content adaptation. Yang et al
[31] proposed a technique for the accessibility of iTV for people with visually
deficiency, especially color blindness. This technique involves both the
incorporation of MPEG-21 with relating descriptive metadata and the design of an
adaptive system. Berglund & Johansson [1] studied the benefits of the usage of
speech - dialog in the domain of iTV and concludes to several design
considerations. Carmichael et al [1] [3] concluded that the accessibility
characteristics that have not yet been given necessary emphasis are subtitles,
captions and audio description [1] [3] , characteristics that are given emphasis in
the corpus of the web (WCAG2.0, SMIL2, SVG3).
Having set a more general approach for the accessibility of interactive television,
this section aims at raising some more specific issues on current system design
coming from the more specific users target group. As already mentioned, in the
introduction, this work focuses on the delivery of interactive television content to
the disabled children. Disabled children requirements are considered as the set of
requirements that comes out from the blending of disabled people requirements
and children requirements relating to interactive television.
Clarkson et al [6] identify four types of disabilities accompanied with relating
issues (in parenthesis):
• Visual Impairment (Recognizing and locating buttons on the remote
control; Reading the on-screen display)
• Hearing Impairment (Subtitles, Volume, Literacy)
• Dexterity Impairment (Button sensitivity; Compact layout, Remote
Control Complexity)
• Cognitive Impairment (Time delays between cause and effect;
understanding the way in which elements of the on-screen display are
intended to correspond to the buttons on the remote control, literacy)
From the side of children requirements, Hynd [10] , while studying the responses
of young children to interactive television programs, has focused on television’s
immediate effects on attention, comprehension, engagement and enjoyment. Hynd
Accessibility Features of SMIL:
Accessibility Features of SVG:
examined the characteristics of television that have been found to influence these
outcomes for young children and also individual factors like gender and age.
Combining the two aforementioned research results, we can come up with some
questions that can lead to i) the potential parameters a disabled child’s profile
should incorporate and ii) the technical characteristics interactive television
broadcasting should provide:
• What programme the child wants to consume?
• What interaction capabilities / possibilities are being provided through a
specific program so that the last one would be able to gain the attention of
the child?
• How such programs need to be communicated to the child – using which
• How simple dialogs and texts should be and much time is optimum to
persist in order to be comprehensive?
• How simple and attractive both the remote controller and the EPG should
• How does the context could help or distract the child?
This list is by no means an exhaustive one and of course not all of these questions
relate to proposed software architecture. Nevertheless, this illustrates the approach
developed in order to extract IN PARAMS and OUT PARAMS discussed in next
section (see Figure 2). It should be noticed that several technical requirements
coming from the “disabled people” perspective often intersect with some coming
from the “children” perspective. For instance, someone with cognitive impairment
and a child with literacy limitation both require simple text and dialogs.
This section aims at presenting the paper’s approach for enhancing the
accessibility of interactive television. This approach is focused on:
• the requirements of the content for allowing accessibility,
• the appropriate communication (e.g. subtitles, audio description, sign
language e.t.c.) to the end user through adaptation mechanisms and
• the delivery to the end user the appropriate programs (program
recommendations) depending on user’s program preferences and
capabilities (like impairment and age)
MPEG-21 is able to provide to the iTV designer a framework that can offer a big -
integrative picture of an iTV system. Based on that, an indicative scenario has
been devised, including production, delivery and consumption of the digital
content, aiming at identifying the primary entities and the way these are involved
in the overall design outcome (see Figure 2). According to that:
• The content designer (CD) identifies the target groups.
• The CD, supported by MPEG-21 metadata, describes the target groups
using their characteristics (e.g. blindness) and associates interaction modes
(e.g. auditory description) using an appropriate authoring tool.
• The CD develops the required content components (digital items) based on
the above-decided interaction modes. These are integrated into the
metadata by using the authoring tool.
• End user A, say blind, wants to consume developed content. She/he has
already stored her/his profile. The context of use is accomplished with
attributes like access device capabilities, audio configuration, time and
location of the end user.
• The context of use is delivered to the serving system accompanied by the
user request.
• The system inferences and maps the user’s context of use with an
appropriate composition of the components of the content. If, while
consuming, the context of use is being modified, the system needs to be
aware so that it can adapt to new requirements.
Even though MPEG-21 addresses considerations for adaptation and specifically
accessibility by including several relating XML elements into its schema, it seems
that it cannot ensure the accessibility of delivered content. Instead, this is a
fundamental condition for providing accessibility output of the systems involved.
In other words, it should be able to provide the required infrastructure so that a
digital content would be able to obtain the requisite variety for both the content
designer, to be able to design accessible content, and the involved systems, to
have the required information to deliver an accessible result. Figure 3 presents the
stakeholders related to accessibility. From such a point of view, the content
provider, the author (also referred to as content designer), the authoring tools, the
systems of the content provider and of course the consumer with her/his
accompanied interaction profile [29] (preferences, device capabilities etcetera.)
are identified and all play a major and cascading role to the iTV accessibility.
Briefly, the role of the MPEG-21 towards the accessibility of iTV is revealed
through the following dimensions:
Alternative content: MPEG-21 offers metadata that allows content providers to
provide the content in one or more alternative ways. The ways often refer to
different modalities and thus, they can include captions, audio descriptions, etc.
Digital Content Navigation: In iTV environments, navigation facilities within
available content are provided by an Electronic Program Guide (EPG). This is
actually the interactive portion of the system that offers the required functionality
to the user including service (channel) selection / retrieval, programs information
and scheduling, profiling / personalizing, rating and/or even acting upon the
Description of context of use (IN PARAMS): The usage context actually refers to
all the information that needs to be taken into account to adapt digital content
according to the user’s requirements.
Description of presentation parameters of digital content (OUT PARAMS): This
determines what technical characteristics need to be adapted. An important
implementation consideration was the transformation of MPEG-21 to SMIL as an
intermediate solution to ensure media players’ compatibility. This involves the
mapping between those two infrastructures realized using XSLT.
Device accessibility: This refers to the accessibility of the involved hardware
including remote controls and set-top boxes4.
Content provider accessibility policy: Probably, an important contribution to the
field of accessibility of MPEG-21 is the capability of applying and claiming for an
accessibility policy. In other words, content providers need to be capable of
applying a kind of accessibility policy based on the target consumer group and the
former’s requirements for quality assurance. For instance, such a policy could
provide for digital content to be accompanied by subtitles of two languages (e.g.
English, Greek) and every image with an alternative text between two and ten
words. Applying such policies requires a mechanism for validating a digital
content to a policy description and could be for instance implemented based on
Schematron5 (an XML structure validation language for making assertions about
the presence or absence of patterns in trees).
5 The System Architecture
Figure 4 illustrates the system’s overall architecture that came out following the
aforementioned approach to accessibility. The overall system consists of:
• the accessibility enabled authoring tool (developer21), which allows
content providers to easily author a diversity of multimedia resources
supporting a MPEG-21 compliant metadata model;
• the user interface (itvSimu), which is the component through which the
end user will experience the services;
• the expert (content recommendation) system, which uses an algorithm
originally devised for clustering web documents [26] , to classify digital
items and user profiles based on their attributes and enable intelligent TV
program recommendations;
• the backend infrastructure, which consists of i) a persistence subsystem
based on a native XML database where the digital content descriptor are
located and ii) web services infrastructure for the communication between
distributed subsystems.
• Accessibility issues like focus of attention, auditory impairment, visual
impairment, color vision deficiency
• Terminal technology such as codec capabilities, display capabilities, audio
output capabilities, user interaction inputs and device class
• Network capabilities and condition
• Location, time and environment
Under the umbrella of our research project, the need for designing and developing
of a simulation platform, acting as an interaction interface between our iTV
architecture and the prospective viewer, was evident. In other words, a user
interface prototype has been implemented to enable users to effectively browse,
search, download and consume the provided audio-visual content. In the case of
disabled people ‘effectively’ means that both the content and the value-added
services need to be accessible to the user. However, our project has not focused on
the accessibility of the EPG as this was out of the scope of the project.
Nevertheless the GUI have been developed using Java Accessibility API / Java
Access Bridge6, fact that makes our prototype accessible at a satisfactory level.
In effect, the developed User Interface comprises an EPG simulator. It should be
noted that the choice of the implementation technologies has not been straight-
forward considering the plethora of available standards and technologies like
MHP7, GEM-IPTV, TV-Anytime, DVB-IP, Java-TV and more. Given the
requirement for incorporating networking functionality into the EPG subsystem, a
web-based approach instead of a standalone application has been adopted. This
approach ensures execution of the EPG through a standard browser interface. The
design approach follows.
During the early faces of the design of the prototype system, an identification of
the stakeholders took place:
• The end user: he/she interacts with the ITV interface browsing and
consuming digital content. The end user is associated with an XML-based
user profile which includes personal data, preferences upon the
audiovisual content (e.g. sports, news, movies) and potential disabilities
(hearing problems, visual impairments, etc)
• The Service Provider: The analogous of the traditional TV channels.
• The TV Guide Provider: A service that informs end users about the offered
services and their availability time schedule.
Occasionally, the Service Provider and the TV Guide Provider coincide; for
simplicity reasons we have made such assumption while designing our prototype.
Our focus has been on the interaction of the end user with the iTV interface, since
that will affect the overall functionality of a personalized system, with particular
emphasis on disabled users.
Figure 5 illustrates the three elementary sub-systems of the iTV user interface: the
player (left panel), the EPG (right panel) and the logger (bottom panel). EPG
panel consists of three panels: i) “My ITV” panel, where the content
recommendations appear and the user can also trigger a reminder, ii) “Program”,
where the user can select between services and view the program of the selected
service and iii) “My Profile” panel where the user can modify her profile.
The three elementary sub-systems presented above are supported by auxiliary
services for enhancing the functionality of the iTV simulator. Bellow we analyze
the functional and interactivity requirements of the above-mentioned subsystems
and discuss the solutions adopted in our prototype.
5.2.1 itvSimu Subsystems
Logger subsystem
This is the simplest, yet, a crucial software module as it provides feedback to the
user for the “hidden” operations. It records and displays all (implicit or explicit)
user actions (e.g. profile modification, starting / pausing / resuming a TV
program, etc). It has been implemented through Java Observer pattern whose
actions activate the logger.
mpeg XSLT
21 Adaptation SMIL
engine document
Player subsystem
This reproduces iTV programs (digital items) as well as recording the user’s
interaction history. Its elementary module is the digital content player. Such
player should support more than basic functionality (play, pause, rewind, etc.),
such as subtitles, audio descriptions, etc. Given that no MPEG-21 player is
currently available we have chosen to use SMIL as intermediate technology
mainly due to the numerous available SMIL players (e.g. X-Smiles8, QuickTime
player). In particular, the MPEG-21 digital item declarations are transformed into
SMIL format through an appropriate XSLT transformation and subsequently the
SMIL markup code is parsed by the SMIL player. That approach ensures the iTV
interface’s interoperability, since SMIL is now considered a mature web
technology. In our prototype, the SMIL player has been implemented using the
QuickTime for Java API9. As illustrated in Figure 6, the XSLT transformation of
MPEG-21 digital items to SMIL documents depends on the user profile, taking
X-Smiles SMIL player,
QuickTime for Java (QTJ) is a software library that allows software written in Java to provide multimedia functionality,
by making calls into the native QuickTime library. QTJ offers SMIL support and also can handle a larger variety of
multimedia formats than the ‘traditional’ Java Media Framework (JMF) API.
into account potential user disabilities. An example of such digital item
declaration and its SMIL representation is given in
Figure 7.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<DIDL xmlns:xsi=…="....\MPEG-21-DI\DIDL.xsd"> <smil xmlns:qt="" time-slider="true">
<ITEM> <head>
<DESCRIPTOR> <layout>
<STATEMENT TYPE="text/plain"> <root-layout width="320" height="350" background-color="black" />
Movie for normal, blind or deaf individuals <region id="captions" backgroundColor="yellow"
</STATEMENT> top="250" height="100" left="1" width="310" />
</DESCRIPTOR> <region id="movie" left="0" top="0" width="620" height="740" />
<STATEMENT TYPE="text/plain">
Movie for normal individuals
</STATEMENT> <par>
</DESCRIPTOR> <textstream src=“captions.txt" region="captions“
<COMPONENT> systemCaptions="on" />
<RESOURCE REF="" TYPE="video/mov"/> <video src=“" alt=“Movie title" region="movie“
</COMPONENT> begin="00:00.0" dur="00:14:02.000" />
</ITEM> </par>
<ITEM> </body>
<DESCRIPTOR> </smil>
<STATEMENT TYPE="text/plain">
Movie for blind individuals
<RESOURCE REF="" TYPE="video/mov"/>
<RESOURCE REF="" TYPE="audio/mp3"/>
<STATEMENT TYPE="text/plain">
Movie for deaf individuals
<RESOURCE REF="" TYPE="video/mov"/>
<RESOURCE REF="captions.txt" TYPE="text/plain"/>
Figure 7. A Digital Item Declaration document (left) transformed to SMIL format (right) which
synchronizes a video with captions (appropriate for hearing impaired individuals).
The second function of the Player subsystem is the provision of user interaction
information to the expert (recommendation) system. An XML-based description
of the user interaction is first stored into an XML native database located on the
iTV’s server and retrieved by the expert system to enable more effective and
reliable reasoning. In effect, the user interaction history comprises a function f (x,
y, .., z), wherein x, y, .., z are the values of interaction parameters. Such parameters
are either explicitly provided by the user or implicitly inferred by the player.
Examples of implicit parameters are the playing time of a video over the video
duration ratio, while the rating of a TV program (in a 0-10 scale) could be
explicitly provided by the viewer. The interaction history function could be
expressed as f(x) = a X + b Y where a, b represent weights based on the designer’s
priorities, which could either be static or dynamically specified (through training).
As shown in Figure 8, the user’s interaction history and the TV programs ratings
posted by users that belong to the same users’ cluster (the concept of user cluster
will be discussed later on in this paper) comprise the input of the expert system.
The latter recommends -among the available digital content- those programs that
suit the user’s profile and the user cluster XML descriptions.
Digital content
iTV Schedule
User Profile
User Interaction
EPG subsystem
This is the most ‘interactive’ subsystem since it is used by the user to browse,
navigate and download audiovisual content. In the context of our research project
we have identified several use cases according to which the iTV end-user may use
EPG in order to:
• navigate within iTV available services (zapping);
• personalize the audiovisual content based on her potential disabilities and
content preferences;
• schedule a reminder for a TV program.
An important consideration task during the EPG’s development has been the
representation and retrieval of the TV schedule. To satisfy this design requirement
we have used TV-Anytime Programme metadata [27] along with TV-Anytime
Java API developed by BBC10. The overall functionality of the EPG has been
based upon the specifications of the JAVA TV API (JSR-000927) in a non strict
manner. The result of the BBC TV schedule retrieval on the iTV interface is
shown in Figure 5.
The most important part of content personalization has been the modelling of user
characteristics (e.g. disabilities) and preferences. To address this issue, we have
adopted the Interaction Profile of DAWIS framework for the design of adaptive
web information systems [29] . The most abstract layer of the DAWIS Interaction
Profile consists of the Service Interaction Profile, the Delivery Context Interaction
Profile, the User Interaction Profile and the Platform Interaction Profile. Based on
that, an itvProfile schema has been developed and serialized in XML syntax
including elements like LanguageNative, Languages, ContentPreferences,
Disabilities, Subtitles, Captions, AudioDescription and SignLanguage. The
itvProfile instances are stored in a separate collection into the XML database
storage through XQuery 11.
The system aims to increase the accessibility of the iTV platform by: i) content
recommendation and ii) content adaptation, both based on user profile and content
metadata (with emphasis to the age and the accessibility).
Thus, the Expert system consists of two subsystems i) the content
recommendation unit and ii) the content adaptation unit. Figure 9 presents the
architecture of the system.
Expert System
User Profile
XML Descriptions of
Content Clusters
Content Adaptation
Personalized - Adapted
XML Content Multimedia Content
XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language:
5.3.1 The Content Recommendation Unit
Digital Item
Metadata Metadata
adaptation adaptation
process process
Figure 10. example of two different versions of a DI as a result of the metadata adaptation process.
Based on the above figure the inference rules used to adapt the content are derived
as follows:
First, the symbols O1, O2 and O3 describe the objects in the first, second and
third abstraction level, respectively. Thus, the object in the first level can be
described in terms of the second level objects:
Likewise, the second level objects are described in terms of the third level objects
where SLD and VtT stand for Sign Language Description and Voice-to-Text,
In the next step, we consider the “Accessibility” attribute of the user profile. An
example of the domain of values for this attribute’s values is given next:
Where PR and Access stand for the Profile and the Accessibility Attribute,
respectively. Based on the above analysis, the adaptation inference rules for the
above example are as follows:
where I is the conjunction operator. To this end, it should be noticed that the
adaptation inference rules apply either to the recommended program or the
program that the user takes the initiative to view.
So far, the developed system is at a prototype stage and all systems (i.e. expert
system, authoring tool, iTV simulator) have not been evaluated as a whole by end
users due to project’s time limitation. Nevertheless, the itvSimu seems to offer an
interesting and simplified architecture that can realize a primitive IPTV platform
and further serve as benchmarking software for further research in the field of
content adaptation and accessibility. Currently, the prototype has implemented
only a portion of user groups. The reason is that the difficulties for evaluating the
adaptation behavior require a considerable number of users with diverse profiles,
and an analogous number of digital items. Such an evaluation is considered as
future work. In addition, as a future work it would be interesting to consider more
runtime parameters (implicit profile) and more effective models for multiplexing
them, maybe through AI techniques and simulation. Finally, a separate version of
itvSimu optimized for users with hearing problems (e.g. incorporating auditory
menus functionality) will be implemented.
From the point of view of standardization efforts, it turns out that the selection of
standards was a difficult task as there are many of them, often overlapping and/or
contradicting each other. Consequently, even if some designer uses open
standards, the final overall design becomes a proprietary solution composed of
several open standards.
Finally, it should be mentioned that the proposed approach and architecture
contribute to the compensation of digital divide offering accessible services to
different groups of people. At the same time, having in mind that the number of
disabled and elderly people is increased and also alternative access devices (e.g.
mobile phones) are proliferated in everyday life, the benefits of incorporating
accessibility in iTV is an opportunity for businesses to grow their market share.
This work is supported by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (Project “Software
Applications for Interactive Kids TV-MPEG-21”, project framework “Image, Sound, and
Language Processing”, project number: EHΓ-16). The participants are the University of the
Aegean, the Hellenic Public Radio and Television (ERT) and the Time Lapse Picture Hellas.
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