Introduction For The Study
Introduction For The Study
Introduction For The Study
consumer. Supply chains are found to exist in both service and manufacturing
sectors, although the complexity of the supply chain may vary vastly from
always very complex having multiple end products with shared components,
facilities and capacities. The flow of materials is not always along a simple
network, various modes of transportation gets involved and the cost of material
In any organizational setup the supply chain refers to a wide range of functional
and customer service are all part of the same aspect including the information
systems which is necessary to monitor all of these activities. Thus it can be
simply stated that, "The supply chain encompasses all of those activities
distribution set ups in the organizations along the supply chain operate
independently having their own objectives and generally these are conflicting.
with little consideration for the impact on inventory levels and distribution
is a definite need for a system through which these different functions can be
One of the best definitions of SCM offered to date comes from Bernard J. (Bud)
LaLonde, Professor emeritus of SCM at Ohio State University. SCM has been
achieving the real potential of SCM requires integration not only of these
entities within the organization, but also of the external partners. The latter
include the suppliers, distributors, carriers, customers, and even the ultimate
consumers. All are central players in what James E. Morehouse of A.T. Kearney
calls the extended supply chain. "The goal of the extended enterprise is to
The best companies around the world are discovering a powerful new source of
then coordinates and integrates all of these activities into a seamless process.
It embraces and links all of the partners in the chain. In addition to the
The need to manage supplier relations, information, contracts and more
growsrapidly while the need to follow regulations persists.The product flow
includes the movement of goods from a supplier to a customer, as well as any
customer returns or service needs. Managing contractual obligations to assure a
continuous supply and avoid a service company’s delivery
disruptions.Strengthening supplier relations for systematic synergy with
suppliers and different lines of business. Enterprise spending management to
assure procurement happens through the right suppliers and reduces costs.
Managing risk and compliance to abide by organizational as well as industry
specific regulations and compliances.
systems Pvt.Ltd.
The Primary data are the information generated to meet the lesser specific
separately for
the study undertaken. The following are the three methods which are used to
It is the source which collects the primary data through Questionnaire and
record the raw data for further analysis, Primary source is used by the face-to-
This is one of the cheaper and more effective techniques of data collection.
our knowledge about human beings, rounding is collected only through this
other than a researcher for purposes other than those involved in the research
project at hand.
There are various factors such as the nature of the study, status of the
the results desired, thatdecided the choice of the sources of data that enriches
the utility of the study.The study of this project is made with the help of
secondary data.
Internal Sources:
got from manager who gives fair idea of how SCM management is
By observing internal related Reports and Documents like BinCards, Purchase
External Sources:
Company Website:
Some information is collected from company website.
Secondary source is the internet, magazines, and old data files of the research.
8. Chapterization: