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New generation of drills

“ When developing the combi drill
range, we paused to consider what
kind of company we want to be
seen as and how we would like our
customers to experience Junkkari.
Based on this deliberation, we
recorded Junkkari’s values, which
guide our day-to-day operations.


Junkkari has its feet on the ground and targets set high. Junkkari is an expert in seeding and bioenergy, daring
The machines are functional and robust. Junkkari people to reform and be unique and different. Junkkari
are fair and approachable. Being a family company, the challenges the norms, breaks boundaries and innovates
work atmosphere is fair and open, and people have the boldly, but not recklessly. Junkkari has trust in itself
will to do things the right way. Employees are listened and its expertise, foresees needs and even changes the
to and cared about. market. We have experience, expertise and skill.


Junkkari is a genuine, fair and honest partner and employer Junkkari is the agriculture and forestry professional’s
that is in equilibrium with itself and the environment. partner that is close to the customer. Junkkari is always
Over six decades of experience make Junkkari a stable ready to learn and develop new things in cooperation
company in the industry. It is supported by a diverse and with the farmer, and takes part in various research and
international high-tech family group whose products are development projects. Junkkari people have a spirit of
exported all over the world. In addition to expertise and doing things.
attitude, an international mindset and the understanding
of different cultures are emphasised. Junkkari aims to be
a significant European player in its industry. By choosing Junkkari, you can be satisfied.

Junkkari S-series
The S series drills are designed for seeding tilled soil. They are suitable for
conventionally or lightly tilled soil.

The conventional wedge-shaped disc coulter used in the S-series’

predecessor, Simulta, has been updated to a new level of durability and
seeding precision, and it is now the standard coulter in all S series machines.
Fertilizer can be placed in the seed row with the seed coulter or in a separate
fertilizer row using the fertilizer coulter. For fertilising, you can choose either
a conventional S tine fertilizer coulter or a completely revised sturdy fertilizer
disc coulter.

Junkkari M series
The M series is the most versatile seeder in our model range, a true universal
drill. It can be used for seeding in varying conditions, in both conventionally
tilled or even untilled fields.

Underlying the versatility is a very sturdy wedge-shaped disc coulter and one
of the broadest coulter pressure ranges in the market. The pressure of the
new durable coulter can be hydraulically adjusted during driving between 10
and 120 kg.

Junkkari D series
This heavyweight in our model range is a thoroughbred direct seeding drill.
Thanks to its broad coulter pressure range and load-carrying depth control
wheel, the machine also seeds with precision in cultivated fields.

The structure of the strong double disc coulter includes an optimally-located

depth control wheel and an adjustable closing wheel after the discs, which
ensures the closure of the row.


“ The coulter unit is the soul of combi drills and

the core around which everything is built.

We have made the coulters even better – a clear depth must be done with a coulter that follows the
competitive edge for Junkkari. contours of the terrain.

Junkkari’s philosophy is that working depth must be In Junkkari’s S and M series coulters, depth control
guided on each coulter separately and at the point takes place with the wedge-shaped disc coulter and
where seed is placed in the soil. This way, we ensure correspondingly with adjustable depth control wheel
an optimum working depth in all conditions. in the D-model. The simple operation of the disc
is based on the change in the surface area carrying
The field is never completely even. When aiming for the wedge-shaped disc coulter. This way, the coulter
the best possible sprouting, controlling the sowing maintains the correct depth even in the lightest soils.

“ The Junkkari coulter always sows

the seed at the right depth, which
also makes the shoot even.


S series coulter unit Fertilizer coulter or combi coulter?
Junkkari’s S model provides versatile possibilities for
selecting the fertilizer placement. The fertilizer can
Junkkari’s lightest coulter unit solution is a wedge- be placed with a combi coulter in the sowing row
shaped single disc coulter whose previous versions or with a separate fertilizer coulter into a fertilizer
have been used for decades by Simultas. The S model row with a 25-cm row spacing. The drill can also
coulter is designed for sowing cultivated soil. It is a be built as a seeds-only version and equipped with
simple and reliable coulter that functions excellent start fertilisation equipment, if necessary. When a
with varying soil types. separate fertilizer coulter unit is selected, there are
two options: a wear-resistant fertilizer disc coulter
unit that penetrates plant waste excellently, or a
Precise and durable reliable s-tine fertilizer coulter with a hard facing tip.
Thanks to the optimised shape of the coulter part
and coulter pipe extending to the ground, the coulter In addition to lighter pulling power, the benefit of
features premium sowing precision. This way, seeds the combi coulter unit is rapid utilisation of soluble
can be placed very precisely at the right point at the nitrogen, especially during a dry spring. The initial
bottom of the sowing row. The shaping of the wear growth of the plant is accelerated thanks to better
part and higher coulter pressure ensure that the growth force, and the shoots are healthier than when
coulter is also suitable for sowing in heavy soil. fertilising in a separate fertilizer row.

The S model disc uses high-quality maintenance- If a urea-containing fertilizer or a nitrogen amount of
free bearings and durable materials in wear parts, over 120 kg/hectare is used in sowing, we recommend
such as a ceramic wear part and hard special casting. the use of a separate fertilizer coulter unit to avoid
fertilizer burn of the seed.


M series coulter unit
The M series coulter unit is designed for versatile ensures sturdy durability even in the most challenging
sowing methods and soil types. The coulter is a conditions.
heavy-duty wedge-shaped disc with a coulter
pressure range of 10–120 kg. The coulter pressure
can be adjusted hydraulically during driving with the
Precise seeding
tractor hydraulics. The seeding precision of the Junkkari M-line coulters is
based on the same principles with the S-line coulters.
The coulter works excellently with all soil types, and The seeding depth of the coulter is controlled where
it can also be used for direct seeding if the conditions the seed is placed in the soil. Thus, the coulter follows
are favourable. The properties of the M machine the contours of the field individually and without any
are at their best with cultivated soil and varying soil delays.
types. Correct depth control of the coulter ensures a
successful sowing result. The seed is placed precisely on the bottom of the seed
furrow on the surface of untilled soil, and capillary
effect lifts moisture for the seed to use. The placing
Durability and reliability accuracy of the coulter is ensured by taking the seed
Particular attention has been paid to durability in the all the way to the soil via a pipe without a rotating disc
M-line coulters. The special casting of the coulter part rising the seeds to dry surface soil.
is reinforced with a ceramic wearing part that doubles
the resistance of the coulter against wear compared
to the preceding model. The toothed coulter discs are
Fertilizer in the seed row or a separate row
made of 5 mm hardened boron steel, and disc plates With M model fertilizer can be placed in the seed
are hard welded to the disc. row with a combi coulter, or in a separate row using
separate fertilizer coulters with a 25cm row spacing.
Premium-quality double-row angular ball bearings The drill can be built as a seeds-only drill and
with the heaviest duty calibre on the market are used equipped with start fertilisation equipment that places
in the coulter disc. The bearings are maintenance- the starter fertilizer in the seed row. Fertilizer coulters
free. The choice of materials and components sold as optional equipment are sturdy disc coulters
with rubber springs and toothed discs.


D-series coulter unit
Developed as the result of long research and product control wheel is located slightly behind the discs, so
development, the Junkkari D-line coulter is the the wheel is not filled by soil ploughed from the coulter
sturdiest coulter in the model range. It is designed disc even in challenging conditions.
specifically for direct seeding, but it also works on
cultivated fields. The coulter guides the seed and fertilizer precisely
to the bottom of the furrow. The seed guide tube and
The row spacing of D coulters is 16.7 cm, making the guide lip running over the furrow ensure that the seeds
coulter unit spacious. The double disc coulter uses an do not rise from the bottom of the furrow with the discs.
abrasive resistant steel disc with a diameter of 445 Placing the seed at the bottom of the furrow and the
mm. Thanks to the large diameter, the need for pulling closure of the furrow are absolute requirements for
power is low, and the coulter unit penetrates plant successful seeding. The spring-loaded closing wheel
waste excellently, even in light soils. of the Junkkari D drill closes the narrow furrow made
by the coulter.
Precision and reliability
The D line’s coulter pressure range of 60–220 is
Premium-quality materials and
among the broadest in the market. The large working components
depth control wheel is located optimally, ensuring
precise working depth control also in softer conditions. The Junkkari D coulter uses maintenance-free
double-row angular ball bearings of the largest size
Similarly to Junkkari’s other coulters, the working in the market. The wearing parts of the coulter are
depth of the D coulter is determined at the very point also made of premium-quality materials, meeting the
where the seed is placed in the soil. The working depth tough requirements for coulters in direct seeding.

Precise and reliable seed metering device

The seed metering device and coulters are key to a speed of the feed wheel. Feeding always takes place
successful seeding result. Junkkari wants to ensure across the entire width of the feed wheel, also making
the high quality of these critical components by the machine feed precise at low feed rates and at all
manufacturing gearboxes, coulters and metering speeds.
devices in-house. Junkkari’s expertise is also proven
by the fact that other drill manufacturers have also When seeding small seeds, a studded wheel intended
selected components made by Junkkari for their for feeding them is used. Thus, the seeding amount
machines. of small seeds is precise even with seed quantities of
only a few kilogrammes.
Reliability and simplicity have been focus points in
the design of the metering device. Junkkari drills The metering device has been built to be simple
are designed so that seeding can be continued also and reliable without compromising precision and
during a power failure. Seeding is not interrupted adjustability. A rotation test is very easy to perform. As
even if the drill control cable is damaged, for example; an option, the drill can be equipped with user-friendly
it can be continued thanks to the mechanical drive. fertilizer and seed remote control. By selecting the
ISOBUS control unit, the feed quantity of fertilizer and
The power of Junkkari SMD models is generated by seed can be controlled according to the seeding plan
a reliable ground wheel. The feeding rate is adjusted automatically based on GPS location information.
steplessly with the gearbox by adjusting the rotation

Hopper size based on need

Three different hopper options are available for

Junkkari drills: Eco and Plus seed/fertilizer hoppers
and the Seed hopper for seeding. All hoppers have
a tarpaulin cover with an easy-to-use quick-release
lock. Moreover, the tarpaulin rolling point can be
easily set to the front, rear or middle of the hopper
at the partition wall. Small seed/start fertilizer
equipment is available for all hoppers. The Eco and
Plus hoppers have fertilizer sieves as standard and
seed sieves available as options.

Particular attention has been paid to user safety

in the design. The access ways, working platforms
and handrails are designed so that filling the drill
and other key work phases are safe to perform. The
working platforms, for example, are self-cleaning, so
dust cannot accumulate on the working platforms.

The ECO HOPPER is a combi hopper of a more

moderate size with an adjustable partition wall and
manual cover tarpaulin rolling. The total volume is
2,700 litres for the three-metre hopper and 3,700
litres for the four-metre hopper. The Eco hopper is
the right choice when wanting to keep the total weight
of the drill lighter, thereby avoiding packing the field.
The lighter hopper allows the use of a smaller tractor.
The filling height of the hopper is lower than in the
Plus hopper.

The PLUS HOPPER is a large combi hopper with an

adjustable partition wall. The cover tarpaulin opens
with a spring. The total volume is 4,200 litres for the
three-metre hopper and 5,700 litres for the four-metre
hopper. The Plus hopper is an excellent choice when
a long hopper filling interval and large seeding yield
are necessary. The large hopper makes it possible to
seed a large area with a single filling, decreasing the
need for transporting seeds and fertilizers to fields.

The SEED HOPPER is the right choice when only

seeds are to be seeded. The hopper is equipped
with manual cover tarpaulin rolling, and its volume
is 2,700 litres for the three-metre version and 3,700
litres for the four-metre version. The Seed hopper
is an efficient and spacious option for seeding. The
hopper is also made appealing by the possibility of
equipping it with start fertilisation equipment. This
makes it possible to combine efficient seeding with
good sprouting and overwintering.

Efficient pressing
and reliable travel

The wheels behind the machine have two tasks: they

act as both the transport wheels of the machine and
as the packer wheels immediately after the coulter
unit. Eliminating the need for separate pressing
delivers considerable time savings during the busy
seeding season.

Large wheels save soil and money

Two tractor-patterned tyre sizes are available for
all Junkkari S, M and D models: 7.5x16” or 7.5x20”.
Especially on light soils and when using the large Plus Seed rows in S and M models.
hopper, the large tyre size has considerable benefits.
Thanks to the 20-inch tyres, the unit is light to pull,
and the large tyres considerably reduce the risk of Harrow finalises the seeding finish
bulldozing effect. The large tyres save fuel costs and
the structure of the soil remains more intact thanks to The following harrow harrows between the rows and
the lower surface pressure. breaks up the surface of the soil packed by the tyre.
A well-harrowed loose soil layer prevents the silting
The wheels are dimensioned so that transit with and crust formation of the surface and slows down
full hoppers is possible. The strong and spaciously the evaporation of indispensable moisture. The seed
structured frame of the wheel unit ensures good drill half lift function available as an option keeps the
cleaning access and makes service points easily harrow on the ground also when turning in headlands.
accessible. Thanks to the bogie-type operating
principle, the wheels adapt excellently to terrain In the S and M models, one wheel presses two rows
contours. Pressing is even and travel in transit is with harrowing taking place between them. In the D
stable. model, press wheels in the coulters close and press
the rows. The spacing of the harrow is adjusted for a
If the seed drill is driven in challenging conditions, row spacing of 16.7 cm in the D model, so that it also
urethane filling is also available as an option for the harrows between the rows.
tyres, making punctures practically impossible.

Versatile and easy controls
All S, M and D seed drills can be equipped with three
different types of control units, depending on the

Electric area meter

The area meter is the right choice for users that want
to have a simple basic control unit in their seed drill.
The control unit features two area counters. The
control unit does not facilitate e.g. tramline functions
or hopper level sensors.

The modern and versatile graphical control unit
provides most of the monitoring and control
functions related to managing the combi drill. The
unambiguous screen displays all necessary runtime
information at a glance. The control unit is easy and
logical to use. Depending on the equipment level
of the drill, the control unit provides the following
functions, among others:
- drive speed
- 2 area counters
- hopper sensors
- axle rotation sensors
- track marker control
- tramline control
- half lift control
- fertilizer rate remote adjustment (Wizard Plus
- gearbox monitoring

When the ISOBUS control unit is chosen, the functions
of the seed drill are managed via the tractor’s
ISOBUS terminal. In this case, it is not necessary to
fit a separate seed drill display in the tractor. If the
additional properties of the ISOBUS control unit are to
be deployed without an ISOBUS tractor, Junkkari can
supply a separate ISOBUS terminal for fitting in the
tractor with the drill.
The ISOBUS control unit is user-friendly and versatile,
and it facilitates runtime seed adjustment and precision
seeding functions, i.e. automatic adjustment of seed
and fertilizer quantities based on location information.
The control unit features the following functions, for
- drive speed
- 3 area counters
- hopper sensors
- axle rotation sensors
- track marker control
- tramline control
- half lift control
- fertilizer and/or seed rate remote adjustment
- gearbox monitoring
- automatic fertilizer and seed rate adjustment


Hydraulic track marker Disc cultivator Single-row front leveller Double-row front leveller

Double-row S-series fertilizer S-series s-tine M-series fertilizer

s-tine leveller disc coulter unit fertilizer coulter unit coulter unit

Small seed device Half lift function Tramlines for seed Tramlines for fertilizer

Fertilizer and/or seed Sieves for seed Intensified Two-point linkage

remote adjustment hopper monitoring

Packer Precision farming solution

S 300/S 400 M 300/M 400 D 300/D 400

Need for direct seeding Lightly tilled, tilled Direct seeding (1), lightly tilled, tilled Direct seeding, lightly tilled, tilled

Coulter type Single-disc coulter Single-disc coulter Double-disc coulter

Working depth control Wedge-shaped coulter disc Toothed wedge-shaped coulter disc Depth control wheel

Coulter durability Good Excellent Excellent

Coulter pressure range 5–30 kg 10–120 kg 60–220 kg

Coulter pressure adjustment Mechanical or hydraulic Hydraulic central adjustment Mechanical for each coulter

Pressure element Tension spring Tension spring Compression spring

Number of seed coulters (3/4 m) 24/32 24/32 18/24

Row spacing 12.5 cm 12.5 cm 16.7 cm

Fertilizer placement method Fertilizer coulter/seed coulter Fertilizer coulter/seed coulter Seed coulter

S-tine fertilizer coulter Option - -

Fertilizer single-disc coulter Option Option -

Hopper options Eco, Plus or Seed

Volume 300 Eco/Seed 2,700 litres 400 Eco/Seed 3,700 litres 300 Plus 4,200 litres 400 Plus 5,700 litres

Partition wall Adjustable

Sieves for fertilizer Standard

Sieves for seed Option

Tarpaulin cover Spring operated in Plus hopper/Manual rolling in Eco & Seed hoppers

Metering device, fertilizer Feed wheel with gearbox adjustment

Metering device, seed 2 studded wheels with gearbox adjustment

Tyre options 7.5 - 16” or 7.5 - 20”

Brakes Option

Polyurethane filling for tyres Option

Hydraulic track marker Option Option Option

Packer 100 cm/7.5 x 16 ” Option - -

Packer 140 cm/10.0/75-15.3 Option Option Option


Control unit options No control unit/Area metering/G-wizard/ISOBUS

Tramlines for fertilizer Option

Tramlines for seed Option

Fertilizer rate remote adjustment Option

Seed rate remote adjustment Option

Precision framing solution Option
Intensified hopper monitoring Option
Hydraulic track marker Option Option Option

Single-row front leveller Option Option Option

Double-row front leveller - Option -

Double-row s-tine leveller - Option -

Disc cultivator - Option -

Half lift Option Option Option

Small seed and start fertilizer device Option Option Option

Working width 300/400 cm

Transport width 300/400 cm

Height in transport position (3/4 m) 291/341 cm 302/352 cm 302/352 cm

Filling height in working position (Eco/Plus) 189/216 cm 223/228 cm 205/233 cm
Length 474–650 cm 539–798 cm 591–851 cm

Weight min. 2,500 kg / 3,100 kg min. 3,200 kg / 3,900 kg min. 3,950 kg / 4,700 kg

Power demand 55–95 kW /75–115 kW 60–115 kW /75–140 kW 65+ kW / 85+ kW

1) not recommended for direct seeding in heavy soils The factory reserves the right to changes without prior notice.

Junkkari Oy
Pohjanmaanväylä 1720
FI-62375 Ylihärmä
+358 (0)10 480 2200

© Junkkari Oy 2017. Information without obligations.

16 The factory reserves the right to changes without prior notice.

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