Course Assignments
Course Assignments
Course Assignments
Here are the assignments that will give you your grades for the course. They total 80%,
and the final exam is worth 20%. You must pass the exam to pass the course.
1) Assignment #1 – 20%
Throughout the course, gather certain documents into a portfolio to submit near the end
of the course. These will count as Assignment #1 even though they are not submitted
first. Find the list of required documents on the sheet I am sending you entitled
Checklists for CMNS 1291. Please use this list of documents rather than the one in the
course materials on Blackboard.
2) Assignment #2 – 5%
This assignment stays the same. Fill in the blanks on the Student Worksheet for
Assignment 2.
You will be planning two messages, not writing them. Please complete the two plans as a
single Word document, save it to your computer, and email it to me as an attachment to
[email protected] or submit it through the Blackboard Assignment submission process.
3) Assignment #3 – 5%
4) Assignment #4 – 5%
This assignment changes. You will write the three messages as described in the
assignment – a letter, an email, and a blog – and submit them as attachments, but here are
the changes:
1) You do not need to submit the audience profiles or outlines.
2) You do not need to involve outside reviewers unless you want to.
3) For Part Three, you do not need to submit the first draft of your blog post or
a note listing three ways you made the blog post easy to read and skim.
Please complete the three messages as a single Word document, save it to your
computer, and email it to me as an attachment to [email protected] or submit it through
the Blackboard Assignment submission process.
Important – I will not correct your errors in this assignment, but I will point them out.
The messages will be used again in Assignment #6, and I want to mark your work, not
my own. If you involve outside reviewers, you can use as much or as little of their
feedback as you choose.
5) Assignment #5 – 10%
This assignment stays the same. Please complete the messages, reviews, and edits as a
single Word document, save it to your computer, and email it to me as an attachment to
[email protected] or submit the assignment through the Blackboard Assignment submission
6) Assignment #6 – 15%
This assignment changes. You will be revising the three pieces of correspondence you
wrote in Assignment #4 – a letter, an email, and a blog – and submitting them as
attachments. You do not need to attach a note explaining the changes you have
made. Please complete them as a single Word document, save it to your computer, and
email it to me as an attachment to [email protected] or submit the assignment through the
Blackboard Assignment submission process.
7) Assignment #7 – 10%
This assignment changes by giving you an option. The assignment as described in the
course involves a level of collaboration not often available to web students, who typically
work on their own and at their own pace. Choose either A or B below:
A. You may choose to complete the assignment as described in the course materials, with
or without the “team” requirements.
B. The other option is to write an informational report rather than merely plan it. Here
are the requirements:
Check with me at [email protected] before you start and ask if your topic is appropriate. In
that email, give me a brief outline of the subtopics you plan to cover. When the
assignment is complete, email it to me as an attachment to [email protected] or submit it
through the Blackboard Assignment submission process.
8) Assignment #8 – 10%
This assignment stays the same. Please record the presentation in a format that you can
send to me by email at [email protected] or submit through the Blackboard Assignment
submission process.