First Steps With Palo For Excel
First Steps With Palo For Excel
First Steps With Palo For Excel
Palo for Excel
Kristian Raue
Matthias Krämer
Werner Kriehn
Copyright Reserved. Reproduction including electronic reproduction and substantive recovery - even of
parts - only with the approval of Jedox AG. Legal steps may be taken in case of non-compliance.
Jedox, Worksheet-Server™, Supervision Server and Palo are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Jedox GmbH. Microsoft and Microsoft Excel are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Microsoft
Corp. All other trademarks are property of the respective companies.
For the purpose of readability, brand names and trade marks are not explicitly stressed. If a relevant
description (e.g. TM or ®) is missing, it is not to be concluded that the name is freely available.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 5
2 Palo Basics........................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 How Palo works.............................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Palo is cell-related .......................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Palo is an in-memory database ...................................................................................... 6
2.4 Palo is multi-dimensional................................................................................................ 6
2.5 Working with hierarchies .............................................................................................. 12
6 Managing databases....................................................................................................... 97
6.1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 97
6.2 Creating new databases............................................................................................... 98
6.3 Deleting databases..................................................................................................... 101
8 Index............................................................................................................................... 103
Introduction -5-
1 Introduction
Thank you very much for choosing Palo for Excel. Palo for Excel makes it possible to expand the
functions of Excel or of OpenOffice Calc to a great extent.
Palo for Excel consists of the Palo OLAP Server and the Palo- AddIn for Excel or OpenOffice Calc. Palo
for Excel is a MOLAP database (Multidimensional OnLine Analytical Processing Database). It makes
working with large data quantities substantially easier and faster. While a great number of worksheets
are required to deal with these data quantities using Excel in its "pure” format, Palo for Excel can
organize and represent data in a structured way and therefore overcome the restrictions of a two-
dimensional Excel table.
Palo for Excel is an alternative to expensive software solutions as they are often used in large
companies. With Palo for Excel, companies are provided a tool that allows them to easily display
relevant data in a transparent manner. Furthermore, since Palo for Excel is tied into Excel, it is not very
difficult to get familiar with the program.
Palo for Excel can be used in a network, i.e., the need to distribute your spreadsheets is eliminated,
which in turn eliminates the risk of creating various versions.
For explaining Palo for Excel are used in this document Palo standalone screenshots and mainly
screenshots from Microsoft Excel 2003. Instead of these examples could be chosen as
spreadsheet although Excel 2007 or OpenOffice Calc 3.0, since in these programs Palo for Excel works
accordingly. But corresponding screenshots with all spreadsheet programs would go beyond the scope
of this document.
In the following, for the name Palo for Excel is just used the short form Palo. This product is the central
software for analysis and planning of the Jedox AG and has given its name to the entire Palo BI Suite.
Palo Basics -6-
2 Palo Basics
You know what a cell is, but what is a dimension and what is a cube? To answer the question it makes
sense to take another look at Microsoft Excel.
Palo Basics -7-
In Palo, this list is called a dimension. Basically, a dimension is a list of categories that has some
contextual relationship like a list of products, regions, customers or months. In Palo the above Excel list
would be modeled as a dimension e.g. with the name ‘Products’. So far in our Excel sample we have
one dimension on the sheet. Now we are going to add another dimension: a horizontal list of months
and quarters, which you can see in the figure below. This dimension is called "Months” in Palo.
Now there is an interesting point. What do you do in Excel if you want to arrange your data in more than
two dimensions? You can add tables to generate a third dimension, e.g., by storing product names in
tables and consolidating them into a product group in another table.
But what comes next? From experience we know that large organizations or companies generally
require five to ten dimensions to display their data in line with their requirements. An Excel-worksheet
only supports three dimensions.
Palo Basics -8-
This is one of the reasons why Palo was developed. Palo supports up to 256 dimensions. It allows to
structure data in a much more detailed manner than Excel in its pure form.
To arrange dimensions, they are combined in a specific way, which results in the creation of cubes.
Let’s take a look at such a cube.
As an example we will use our two-dimensional model that we developed in Excel. There is a cell range
which is defined by the dimensions "Products” and "Months” (range C3:J22). It is composed of individual
cells, and each of these cells has its own address (e.g., D4). This cell range is called a two-dimensional
cube in Palo.
In principle, a cube is a collection of cells, which are defined by two or more dimensions. Now the
question remains, how do you access and display data from a multidimensional cube if Excel is only
capable of displaying two dimensions on a worksheet at a time?
To answer this question, we first need to take a look at the way a cell is referenced in Excel. Excel uses
a simple naming scheme for its cells; it is called the A1 style. So the value for ‘Desktop Pro’ in February
is stored in D4 (see above). In a Palo data cube the value would be stored in a cell that does not use
letters and numbers as cell address, but the real-life description of the data instead. In our example the
address of the cell would be ‘Desktop Pro’, ‘Feb’.
A special database function called "PALO.DATAC” is used to display data from a Palo cube in Excel.
The following formula pulls a value from a multi-dimensional data cube into an Excel cell (ignore the
server and cube names at this point):
=PALO.DATAC("Servername","Cubename","Desktop Pro", "Feb").
The data formula may also contain more than two dimension coordinates, for example, to access a five-
dimensional cube it might read as follows.
=PALO.DATAC("Servername”, "Cubename”, "Desktop Pro”, "Feb”, "2006”,”Europe”,”Units”).
Palo Basics -9-
In the following section, you can see how data from a six-dimensional cube are displayed in an Excel-
worksheet using a six-dimensional data formula.
If you follow the references in the data formula (in the Formula Bar) you will discover that the data
formula references the strings in the row and column titles to get some of the coordinates, but it also
references cells which are on the top of the page (cell A3, A4, A5). These cells contain the coordinates
for those dimensions that could not be displayed as row or column titles. Using these ‘page selectors’ is
one way to display views on a multi-dimensional database in a two-dimensional spreadsheet grid.
Palo Basics -10-
Keep in mind that you only have to change the contents of cell A3 or A5 to see the data for a different
region or year. As a result, you can display partial quantities of larger data stocks using only one single
Excel-worksheet. Think of how many worksheets you would need if you want to display the same
quantity of data using just Excel.
Palo Basics -11-
Finally, we want to explain how you enter values into a database. This is actually very easy. You simply
overwrite the formula in a worksheet (e.g., in C11) with a value. The Palo Excel Add-in ensures that the
value is automatically saved to the specific cell in the cube. After that, Palo restores the original formula,
which then shows the new value.
If you enter values, it is important that you simply go to the corresponding cell, input the new
value and then press "Enter". The PALO.DATAC-function transfers the value in the addressed
cube cell and it must be preserved as a function in the cell. If you copy a value into the cell or
delete the content of the cell with "Del”, before you enter the data, the PALO.DATAC-function will
be deleted. Thereby the connection between the Excel-cell and the addressed cube cell will also
be deleted.
Palo Basics -12-
The use of hierarchies in defining a dimension increases the functional capacity of the Palo data cube. A
cube can create multi-dimensional sums within a cube using hierarchical dimensions. Consequently, you
do not perform these calculations using Excel formulas. Instead, you pull the aggregated values directly
from the cube.
First steps with Palo for Excel -13-
Additionally, starting with Palo version 2.5, new functions are in the Palo toolbar. These will be explained
to you in chapter "Entering, changing and deleting data".
Also the context menu, which you get with right-click on an Excel cell, received extra items by the Palo
• Paste View:
The dialog "Paste View” assists in generating a Palo
database view with a few mouse clicks only.
• Drill Through:
This item isn't further described in this manual
because for its functionality the supervision-server of
Jedox is needed and its operation will be explained by
our consultants if this is required.
• Drill History:
This item is reserved for future developments of Palo
and it will still not work in Palo 3.0.
• Palo Error:
If a Palo function displays an error in a cell, then you
can use this menu item to get additional error
First steps with Palo for Excel -15-
Now change the directory to the directory which contains the Palo database.
As with an ordinary folder, create a copy of the database folder "Demo" and give it the name
First steps with Palo for Excel -16-
Now change the directory to the directory which contains the Palo database. By default, this is
the directory:
C:\Program Files\Jedox\Palo\Data
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\(Shared)Documents\Jedox\Palo\data.
As with an ordinary folder, create a copy of the database folder "Demo" and give it the name
Start the service by clicking on the button "Start Palo Service". The icon color will change
immediately to green. But, depending on the number and sizes of the databases in the
directory …Palo\Data, this will take more or less time to update the service status.
Tip: Databases created by you are also stored in the folder ...\Palo\Data by Palo. The steps explained
above equally apply to the databases created by you. You can copy them, rename them, create backups
on various storage media or transfer them to other computers.
Please note: Do not use blanks in the name of the database folder! Otherwise, starting the Palo Service
Manager will not work properly.
First steps with Palo for Excel -17-
Unless you defined that Palo should start automatically with Excel, start Palo by clicking the desktop icon
or open it via Start/Programs/Palo/Palo Excel Add-in. When Excel opens, you will see a new menu item:
This dialog makes it possible to create Palo data views on a worksheet in a very simple way. Here you
can select the dimensions and elements that you want to see and how they should be arranged.
First steps with Palo for Excel -18-
If you are familiar with the pivot function in Excel, you will recognize some of the functionality.
Dimensions can be moved around to be either row or column titles or to serve as selection criteria.
In the cube (here : Sales), the cube-type can now be set for data, attributes and users. An explanation of
the various cube buttons follows:
Name of the
Symbol Description
The various rights of the different users and groups are stored here and
it allows you to control write and read rights.
First steps with Palo for Excel -19-
The following database functions can be used for the representation of data from a Palo cube:
Reads/writes values on basis of the functions’ arguments, each cell get calculated separately.
Reads/writes values on basis of the functions’ arguments, similar to PALO.DATA, but all DATAC
formulas are calculated in one go. This function may only be used to display values from the
cube. PALO.DATAC() or her value may not be used in formulas, as this leads to incorrect results.
Similar to PALO.DATA and PALO.DATAC, but the function works even faster because an array
formula is generated for the complete area. Use of PALO.DATAV is only possible in connected
cell areas.
With all three functions values of specific elements from the cube are retrieved. The difference between
them is:
• PALO.DATAC() is the standard and faster than PALO.DATA() to retrieve data.
• PALO.DATA() is slower, but it can render values to other functions.
• PALO.DATAV() is the fastest function, but it can only be used in connected cell areas and not if
values are to be written. (As an array-function it controls several cube cells for display in Excel-
cells simultaneously. Writing only works if it is contained in one single cell).
Move the dimension "Regions" to the Column titles area and "Products" to the Row titles area.
The result should look like this:
As soon as you have moved a dimension to the row- or column-titles, you can double click "Select
Elements…" for this dimension.
First steps with Palo for Excel -20-
Click on "Open all hierarchy levels” in order to see all levels of the dimension.
You see that the structure of the dimension Note that the elements can either be displayed as
"Products" is clearly recognizable, just like it is a tree structure (as in the left column) or as a list.
defined in the demo database. In a list, the elements are shown in the same order
as they have in the Modeller. To switch between
the views, click on "Enable hierarchy view".
You can select single elements and/or accumulated elements in any combination. There are various
ways to select the elements which you would like to be displayed. You can select the desired elements
individually in two ways:
• Mark the elements in the left window and then add them to the "Pick list" by clicking the blue
arrow. To mark several elements, hold down the SHIFT and/or CTRL key.
• Doubleclick on the elements.
Note: In all further selections, the "add to Pick list"-step is displayed, because this offers further
possibilities. So you can, for example, perform individual sorting in the "Pick list". Furthermore, with an
extensive selection, you keep a better overview over what you have already selected. If however, you
want to select only a few elements and you marked these in the left window, you can spare yourself this
extra step. Simply click on OK after the selection.
Instead of this individual selection, you can also use the subsequently described selection tools in order
to select a group of elements.
First steps with Palo for Excel -22-
Click on the selection button
"1" in order to select all
elements shown in the
highest level (Europe). Click
on , 2" in order to select all
elements shown in the
second level ( West, East, …)
And so on. Or you click on "B"
to select all base elements
First steps with Palo for Excel -23-
Select all:
Selects all elements
shown. By clicking on the
arrow which points to the
right, all these elements
are added to the "Pick list"
There, they can be sorted
according to your needs.
Select branch:
This button selects the
element and its child
First steps with Palo for Excel -24-
If the "Show all selection tools" checkbox is checked, two additional possibilities are shown:
Invert selection:
If, for example, you have
selected all base elements
by clicking on "B", clicking
on "Invert selection" will
make all non-base elements
Alternatively, you can sort the selected elements in ascending or descending alphabetical order by
clicking respectively on the buttons "Ascending" or "Descending".
In order to remove elements from the "Pick list", click on the button "Clear list ".
After you have selected all positions which you want to be displayed, terminate the selection process by
clicking on the "OK" button. If the "Pick list” is empty, clicking on "OK" will select all marked elements in
the window on the left side.
First steps with Palo for Excel -26-
With "Show element selector on double-click” Without this option, elements in the next lower
level are also shown.
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If "Indent” in the "Paste View"-dialog is checked, the indented selection for "Products" looks as follows:
Wrap labels: Forces a line break, if the text in a column is too long.
Note: Line break and column width interact as follows: The line break is applied only to those lines,
which are filled by using the Column titles. For these, the stated column width is used.
Columns, which are filled by using the Row titles, are always displayed with the necessary width.
Yellow cells in the upper left corner represent the remaining dimensions of the current cube. These are
neither rows nor columns, but they can be used as selection criteria. You can click on them, in order to
select a different element, as, for example, a different year, a group of countries or a single country in
First steps with Palo for Excel -28-
With the "Paste View"-command it is also easy to change the data-view. In the Palo menu, click on
"Paste View”, then drag "Datatypes” and "Months” into the Column titles area:
Now click on "Months" and then double-click on "Select elements…". The "Paste Elements"-dialog
appears, select the months Jan, Feb and Mar.
Select "Budget" and "Actual" in the dimension "Datatype” in the same manner.
First steps with Palo for Excel -29-
After you have finished the selection, you will see the following presentation:
If "Show element selector on double-click” has been selected, double-clicking on the first element in a
row or column will open the "Paste Elements"-menu.
First steps with Palo for Excel -30-
Tip: We would like to direct your attention to a very important aspect of Palo.
In order to make this visible, place the cursor in cell C10 and then press F2, in order to see the function
and its references:
Cell C10 contains the function PALO.DATAC(). Its parameters are: Server/database and cube, as shown
in cells A1 and A2, and the coordinates of the Datacube. In our example::
These parameters are sufficient, to enable the PALO.DATAC-function to address exactly one cell in the
Sales cube. That is, to display values of the cube-cell in the Excel-cell or to write back values entered
into the Excel-cell to the cube-cell. The PALO.DATAC-function is the most important function in Palo,
because it connects Excel-cells with Palo-cells.
Note that the $-Symbol has already been inserted everywhere in a manner, which makes it possible to
copy and insert functions.
Incidentally, the function refers to cell C7, which seems to be empty. That’s only for optical reasons. If
you click on cell C7, you will see that it contains the formula "=B7" and consequently the value "Jan",
which is contained in the cell B7. This is achieved with the user-defined format ,,, , which has the effect
that the cell content will not be displayed.
Create a new worksheet and make sure that the cursor is placed in the upper, left corner (A1). Click the
"Paste elements” command in the Palo menu.
The selection tools and the logic correspond to those in the "Paste View” dialog, except that here you
see all dimensions. Note that you can only handle elements from one dimension at a time.
If you select one single element, a "Paste” button appears. If you select several elements, you have the
choice between "Paste horizontally” and "Paste vertically”. Let’s start to paste our page selector
elements. With the "Paste View” function, these are the dimensions that are combined under "Page
selector”. Open the dimension "Months” and confirm with "Paste”.
The window will close, and you will see in Excel that the cell A1 now displays "Year” and that a formula is
Double-clicking on A1 opens a dialog window, which allows you to select a different element from the
same dimension.
First steps with Palo for Excel -33-
Use "+” and "-” to open and close one level. "Expand all” and "Collapse all” refers to the entire element
Please note: When you search for an element via the "Search & Select” function, make sure that the
element tree is expanded completely.
Place the cursor on A2, and open the "Paste Element” dialog again. Select the "Europe” element from
the "Regions” dimension, and insert it in cell A2. Now we have two elements in the page selector section:
Open the "Products” dimension this time, and click "+” to the left of "All Products”.
Then select the second level by clicking "2”.
Then the following screen appears:
After you have selected the elements, click "Paste vertically” and you get the following:
First steps with Palo for Excel -35-
To obtain a column title, place the cursor on cell C4. Open "Paste Element” again, and select "Budget”
and "Actual” from the "Datatypes” dimension.
Mark the complete data area (C5:D8) in your worksheet, and select the "Paste Data Function” dialog.
You must choose the database and the cube that contain your data. Make sure that "Guess Arguments”
is marked, and then click "Paste”.
Palo will now analyze the surrounding cells and compose a formula which makes sense in this context.
When you select one of the newly inserted data cells (e.g., C5), you will see that the PALO.DATAC
function fetches the correct data and inserts it in the worksheet.
Because no elements from the dimensions "Year” and "Measures” are arranged on the worksheet, the
first element of each ("2002” and "Units” respectively) is placed into the formula.
First steps with Palo for Excel -37-
In the individual register-cards, you can simply click on the arguments or enter expressions for
the individual filters. In the dialog-window "Subset Editor", you have a preview area on the
right, which displays all subset-modifications at once, provided that the option "Auto" is
activated. If the option "Auto" is not activated, then you can update the preview by clicking on
the button shown on the right. In the lower left corner you can see the PALO.SUBSET-function
and its sub-functions and how they change during the creation of a subset.
With the "Paste Into"-button, the subset-function will be inserted into the Excel-table.
Please mark a sufficiently large area at first, in order that the display of the subset will
not get truncated!
The settings in the register-cards "General" and "Sort" will always be taken over to the subset – other
filters have to be activated explicitly (red arrow):
With the filters from "Hierarchy" up to "Data", check marks indicate which of these filters are activated:
First steps with Palo for Excel -38-
First we create a control view with the command "Palo - Paste View":
Select the basic elements of the dimension "Products" as row titles and "Qtr. 4" of the dimension
"Months" as column title. Activate "Show element selector on double click" and then click on "Paste".
First steps with Palo for Excel -39-
Set with double-click 2007 instead of All Years, Actual instead of All Dataypes and Turnover instead of
Units .Then click in B9 and choose "Sort Descending".
We get the following view:
Please calculate although the following cells: the total in E35, the cumulative turnover in column E and
their percentages in column F.
First steps with Palo for Excel -40-
The function PALO.DFILTER() requires a large computing power. Therefore "Auto" preview is disabled
by default when you activate this filter.
First steps with Palo for Excel -43-
The subset shows exactly the top ten elements which we have received in the control view (A9: A18).
First steps with Palo for Excel -45-
The subset shows the largest elements with which the 80% turnover mark is being just exceeded. To
identify these A-elements we enter A in column C.
First steps with Palo for Excel -47-
With the third subset example we want to display the lower products of the 4th quarter of 2007 which
made only 10% of the total turnover.
For this we change the order in B9: B33 to ascending. Then we mark H9:H33 and select "Palo – Paste
Subset". We retain the previous settings and change only the tab "Data" as follows:
• Disable: Take all upper elements up to %: 80
• Enable: Take all lower elements up to %: 10
The subset shows smallest elements with which the 10% turnover mark is being just exceeded. To
identify these C-elements we enter C in column C.
First steps with Palo for Excel -49-
To obtain the elements which lie between the bottom 10% turnover limit and upper80% limit we have to
enable both borders simultaneously in the tab "Data":
First steps with Palo for Excel -50-
The subset shows the remaining B-elements. To identify these elements we enter B in column C.
So the ABC-turnover analysis of the products is complete for the 4th quarter of 2007 for the region
First steps with Palo for Excel -51-
The original contains PALO-functions, e.g. in C13 The "Snapshot” (without formulas, only values),
e.g. in C13
Save as snapshot can be very useful, for example, if data is to be forwarded to a specific distribution list
which may include recipients who do not have access to the Palo database (e.g., external offices)
By default, the help "Palo First Steps" is available. This command takes you to this document ( "First
Steps with Palo_for_Excel.pdf").
Over the menu "Login" you can register as a member at "MyPalo Community":
First steps with Palo for Excel -53-
Once you sign in with username and password the menu item "MyPalo" is available with access to
"MyPalo Community":
Here you will find advanced topics about Palo and you have the opportunity to read more professional
answers in the "MyPalo Community" or to ask yourself special questions.
To sign out of "MyPalo" again, simply delete in the login window your user name and confirm it with OK.
Developing data structures -54-
4.1 Modeller
Data structures are created from cubes, dimensions and elements. We will now demonstrate how to
create and manage cubes, dimensions and elements with the Modeller.
When you start "Palo – Modeller", you see the following screen:
You might think that you must first create a cube and then define its dimensions. But we will see that it is
more logical to first create the dimensions and then define one or more cubes, which can contain
different combinations of dimensions.
Before we create cubes, dimensions and elements, we should take a look at the set of allowed
characters in Palo.
Developing data structures -55-
• ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-.
• Furthermore, the name cannot begin with a point.
• ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-.
• ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-.
The name of a dimension must obey the rules for element-names. Additionally, it has to obey
the following rules:
• The name cannot begin with a point.
• The name cannot contain any of the characters \ / ? * : | < > and it cannot contain blanks.
• ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-.
The name of a cube must obey the rules for element-names. Additionally, it has to obey the
following rules:
• The name cannot begin with a point.
• The name cannot contain any of the characters \ / ? * : | < > and it cannot contain blanks.
The entry "New Dimension" is created and appears immediately as a new tab (tab) at the top of the
window. Then enter the name "Customers" for the new dimension and finish this entry with "ENTER":
Note: Theoretically, you can create up to 256 dimensions in Palo and also build cubes with them.
We can enter e.g. as the name "Key_Performance_Indicators" and select the template "Measures":
Developing data structures -59-
As result we get:
Press "Return", in order to create the first element. Create four elements: "Smith Corp", "Meyer Ltd”,
"Miller LLC” and "Total".
After you pressed ENTER for the first time, a new element was created. It is marked and can now be
given an adequate name. After the name has been entered, you have to press ENTER again, for
We will combine the elements in "Customers” into "Total” in the next step, i.e. turn "Total” into a
consolidated element.
Start by double-clicking "Total”, which then appears in bold text. You can now see the text in the window
on the right: "Click an element from the list to add it.”, i.e. you have to define which sub-elements belong
to "Total”. You can either allocate the elements with a double-click or by copying the items to the right
using the blue arrow pointing to the right. Select the three elements previously created.
Click the green "OK” button at the lower window margin to finish.
In the figure below, you can see that the icons to the left of the elements are different.
Click the green "OK” button at the lower window margin to finish. In the figure below, you can see that
the icons to the left of the elements are different.
Please note: Elements can be added to more than one consolidated element. This makes different
views of a dimension possible - these are often called "parallel hierarchies”.
Developing data structures -61-
The Modeller provides additional functions when you right-click the element (hierarchy view must be
turned off):
• Add, delete, rename and consolidate
• Switch the type between numeric and text
• Copy & paste elements, select all
• Move elements to the start/end
• Count elements
• Search for elements
Developing data structures -62-
In above example, we added individual elements to a dimension. In this case, the elements are added to
an existing dimension. You will see later that it is also possible to transfer structures in addition to
elements. The structures determine the allocation to a dimension. But you will first learn how you copy
elements from the Modeller into a worksheet.
Developing data structures -63-
You can also do this in reverse order. Assume that you want to add additional customers to the
"Customers” dimension. These should be combined into a group at the same time. In other words, you
must supply two pieces of information:
Note: We explained that elements will be added to existing structures when copied individually. This is
not the case with a three-column copy - here all existing elements within a dimension will be deleted and
replaced by the copied elements. Structures are adapted and set up in Palo as indicated in the columns
in Excel. Consequently, this copying option is especially suitable if you want to add elements to a new
dimension. For example, this could be the case when transferring from other MOLAP databases since
they use the same arrangement format.
At the beginning of this chapter, we created the dimension "Customers” containing the names of your
Now open the Modeller, and go to the "Customers” dimension. Select any element. Then use the context
menu in Palo, and click "Paste Element”.
A warning is displayed that all existing elements will be deleted if you continue the copying procedure.
Confirm the message with "Yes”. The elements are then deleted and at the same time, the new elements
are added.
Pay attention to how the customers are combined within "Group A”. It reflects the columns in Excel which
specified the structure of the dimension.
Developing data structures -66-
You see that Palo has got the following information through the application of the "Paste Elements"-
function to the Excel-range A1:C14 : Name of the element, C- or N-element and the weighting factor.
The command "Count” in the context menu counts the elements and returns the number for "n” =
numeric, "s” = string/text and "c” = consolidated.
Developing data structures -67-
The Palo context menu provides further options. One of them is the ability to search for elements. Click
"Search for element” to start the search. A window will open.
Searching with placeholders is possible as well. For example, entry of "Ju*” results in the hits "”Jun” or
"Jul”. But only the element found first is selected.
You can also use "Ctrl + F" to call the dialog box "Search Elements".
After you have found the first element you can continue the search with "F3".
This will start the Cube Creation Wizard. Enter a name for the cube, e.g., "Market”. Add the dimensions
Datatypes, Months, Measures, Products, Regions and Years by double-clicking them, or use the blue
arrow button. When you click "Finish”, the cube will be created.
We want to use "Market” later to demonstrate additional features, therefore please create another new
cube and name it "Test”. This cube will be needed later to demonstrate deletion of a cube.
After having created "Test”, you will see the various cubes in the Modeller.
Developing data structures -70-
You have created two additional cubes. You can use them the same way as the pre-fabricated cube
"Sales” from previous examples.
For example, you can retrieve information from the cube "Market” via "Paste View”.
In "Paste View”, you will notice the newly created cubes "Market” and "Test” in addition to the already
familiar cube "Sales”.
Developing data structures -71-
You will see that the newly created cubes "Market” and "Test” do not yet contain any data (cf. the figure
below from the cube "Market”). You might wonder why? After all, both cubes were created by using the
same dimensions that already existed in the cube "Sales”.
You might think that these are copies of "Sales” and consequently should contain data. This is not the
case, instead, the two new cubes contain new, independent data cells.
You may remember that we stated in the beginning of this chapter that you should first create the
dimensions and then a cube. It is important to note that the Palo formula contains a reference to their
respective cubes.
Please note: The sequences of the dimensions in the cubes "Sales" and "Market" are different. This
sequence is essential for addressing a cube cell!
Developing data structures -72-
If you convert the cell addresses into text, you get: =PALO.DATAC("localhost/Demo","Sales","All
Products","Europe","Year","2002","Variance","Units"). Consequently, the dimensions are allocated
precisely to the respective cube, e.g., "Sales”. The sequence of the dimensions in the formula
corresponds to the sequence in the cube. Compare the PALO.DATAC formula above with the figure in
the upper right.
If you use these very same dimensions for a new cube, the new cube is empty as a result. It therefore
makes sense to create the cube only after you know the dimensions.
Of course, you could start to fill a new cube by entering data into the cells. But generally, the data exist
already in an external data source. In this example, they are actually in the database, just in another
cube. Furthermore, it would be very time-consuming and a great error-source if you want to enter
manually all data for all products, regions and years.
Therefore exists different import ways depending on the source system. These ways are shown in detail
in our Palo training.
Developing data structures -73-
Inversely, this also means that only the data and structures of this cube are deleted if you delete an
entire cube. If the same dimensions and possibly data also exist in other cubes, they will be retained in
those cubes.
You can test this by deleting the cube "Test”. Proceed as follows: Insert a view of the cube "Test” in a
blank worksheet via "Paste View”. Place "Products” in the Row titles, whereby you select "Desktop L” as
your product. Proceed in the same way for the Column titles, whereby you use the dimension
"Datatypes” and the element "Actual”. The other dimensions remain in the Page selector. Then the
following view appears:
You know that the same structures also exist in the cube "Sales”. Place these data sheets next to each
other for comparison. Create a view of the cube "Sales” in a blank Excel-worksheet using "Paste View”.
Please put "Products” in the Row titles as well, whereby you select "Desktop L” for your product.
Proceed in the same way for the Column titles, whereby you use the dimension "Datatype” and the
element "Actual”. The other dimensions remain in the Page selector.
"Test" "Sales"
Once again, you will recognize that the cubes have completely different contents although their
dimensions are identical. Consequently, you can delete the cube "Test” without interfering with the cube
"Sales”. The complete structure of the "Test” cube is erased when deleting the cube.
Select the cube to be deleted in the Modeller. Call the context menu with a right-click, then select "Delete
Entering, changing and deleting data -75-
Alternatively, you can click the "Delete cube…” button at the lower window margin.
Make sure to select the correct cube, because the data are deleted irretrievably. Confirm your selection
by clicking "Yes”.
You already made individual entries in previous tasks. An overview of the various options for data entry is
presented below.
Select the first five desktop computers from the "Products” dimension, and insert them as Row titles. You
can find them under Stationary PCs.
Here are displayed consolidated elements(Variance, Europe). However, for our first demonstration, base
elements should be displayed instead.
Entering, changing and deleting data -77-
To change the current settings, double-click Variance and change it to Actual. Change Europe to
Germany in the same way.
Note that the formula is retained although you enter a value. The entered value is written to the
database, and the formula is displayed again.
The formula is displayed again after you have made your entry.
As a result, you can enter data very easily to simulate scenarios, which are planned from bottom up. Of
course, you also want to implement planning from top down. This is how you do it:
Entering, changing and deleting data -79-
You see the values, which you entered before you changed the settings back to the consolidated view.
The reason for this is obvious: the database was empty, you entered a number in the element "Germany”
and consequently the sum for "Europe” is identical with the value for "Germany”.
Click another cell (e.g., C9) now, and try to enter something.
Splash Parameter #
Ordinary writing into a consolidated cell is not possible. This is to prevent you from writing data into a cell
containing consolidated data unintentionally and thereby corrupt data. After all, consolidated data are the
result of base element data.
However, to indicate that you are entering a value intentionally with the purpose to "splash”, i.e. split the
value among the subsequent base elements, start the entry with the special character "#”, and then enter
a value.
Values, which you entered, are split (broken down) and distributed across all levels below the current
one. You can check that by scrolling through the regions.
Entering, changing and deleting data -81-
The base values for "Germany”: The base values for "Italy”:
If a value exists in at least one of the base elements, the total sum is split in line with the shares of the
existing values. Assume that in addition to the value for "Germany” a value is entered for "France” in
January, e.g., "50”. All other countries in January equal "0”.
When you enter a new value, this value is split among the base elements below that, in precisely the
weighting of the previous values. If a value exists in one of the base related elements, then related base
elements with the value 0 are not changed.
Entering, changing and deleting data -82-
For example, if you change the total amount for Europe from 225 to 100 (44.4%) at "Desktop L”, the
value for Germany changes to 44.4% of 175, this is 77.78:
Respectively, it would be 22.22 instead of 50 for France. If no values existed previously, the new value is
split equally among all subordinate base elements below the current level. This is shown for "Desktop
Pro” in "Jan”. Entry of the value 100 in the dimension "Europe” results here in an allocation of 5.26 to all
base elements, for example to "France”.
If the view contains an element whose consolidation factors have added the result 0 (e.g. variance with
Actual 1 and Budget -1), and the base cells are still empty, then these cells cannot be splashed with #
(there will result an error), because then Palo cannot compute a clear distribution rule.
Entering, changing and deleting data -83-
Besides "#”, there are other parameters that you can use to write data in consolidated cells.
Splash Parameter !
An exclamation mark followed by a value: you overwrite all related base elements with this value. By
entering "!10” in C10, the value 120 is replaced with 190(10*19 base elements).
Entry of "!10”:
Splash Parameter !!
Two exclamation marks followed by a value add this value to the existing values of all related base
elements. Consequently, entry of "!!20” would result in 190+20*19 =570 (adding of 20 in 19 base
Entry of "!!20”:
Splash Parameter # … %
Use this parameter to add or subtract percentage shares.
#10% adds 10 % to the current value. By entering #10% in C10 we get 627 (570 +570*10%).
Entry of "#10%":
Since this chapter will later deal with data deletion and we need data to be deleted, apply above options
again for practice purposes:
Enter the following values in January: 5000, 3000, 3500, 4000 and 6000.
The entry is in splashed format, e.g., #5000.
Tip: Using these techniques, comprehensive changes are possible, it allows for simulations of the type,
"What would happen if you change the data by x%?”, for example. But this entails the danger that you
may corrupt data: you no longer know the values of your original data and it cannot be retrieved again.
However, there is a simple solution: create a backup of the database.
(See also chapter Backup of Databases).
Entering, changing and deleting data -87-
For the undo-function, you find the following buttons in the toolbar:
Important: After you set a reference for undo, it is not possible for other users to enter or change values
in this area. Only after canceling reference for undo the area will be open for entries of other users.
Before you quit Excel, you should also decide to commit or to undo all. Otherwise all changes are
automatically undone when you quit Excel or when the user-session ends.
Entering, changing and deleting data -88-
Now you want to copy the Actual figures of 2007 to the Budget of 2008.
Go to cell B11 and write: Copy Actual,2007 or alternatively: Copy Datatypes:Actual,2007
You may ask yourself if you could also enter the amount from Actual 2007 utilizing the sign "#” under
Budget 2008 and what is the difference? The difference is that you transfer the source values including
their splash structures 1:1 with COPY. With #, you captured and split this total value only.
But because Budget 2008 was holding a "0” previously, the split is equal among all base elements.
You can see the difference in the example of the element "Germany”. As described earlier in the
splashing section, the dimension "Europe” is composed of 19 base elements. Consequently, "Germany”
will receive in Budget 2007 a share of 418,321.75 when split with the entry of "#7,948,113.31". On the
other hand, it is 919,665.42 when using "Copy Acutal,2007”.
The LIKE command contains the COPY command. It looks at the shares of the base elements when
splitting the value placed before LIKE. Therefore, it allows for a different value formulation than COPY.
Entry Result
If you shift the display from All Products/Europe/Year (2007) to Germany, you obtain the base values for
Germany. These are, for example, 919,665.42 for Actual in 2007. Analogously, "Germany” has a budget
2009 of 12,000,000/7.948,113.31*919,665.42, this is 1,388,503.74.
To conclude, we want to show you that this method also works with consolidated elements.
For example, "Gross Profit” is composed of Turnover (consolidation factor = 1) and Cost of Sales
(consolidation factor = -1). Making an estimate on your Gross Profit will automatically bring along the
planned estimates for the turnover and cost of sales accordingly.
Entering, changing and deleting data -91-
You can see that the two base elements "Turnover” and "Cost of Sales” are filled accordingly.
Please note: When you enter a number with a sign you have to put an apostrophe in front of the sign.
Deleting the complete cube has already been described in the "Working with the Modeller” chapter.
Therefore, we would like to restrict our explanation to clearing cubes at this point.
Now we want to delete these data. First you must set the corresponding parameters.
Call the Modeller. Click the "Market” cube, and then right-click "Clear cube”.
Entering, changing and deleting data -93-
Then you return to the "Clear cube” dialog. You can clear other parts of the cube. Alternatively, end the
procedure by clicking "Close”.
Entering, changing and deleting data -95-
When the "Clear cube” window appears, you can also clear the entire cube.
In the end, you may still see values in the Excel-worksheet. If that is the case, press function key "F9” to
update the view.
Entering, changing and deleting data -96-
6 Managing databases
6.1 Introduction
You have worked with the demo database up until now. This is an existing model. Of course, you can
also create, manage and delete your own databases using Palo.
If the "Palo Wizard" has not yet established a connection to the server, the connection button displays
"Connect". Otherwise it displays "Disconnect".
In order to activate the database administration, you must have a connection to the server. If it is not yet
established, click on "Connect" (red arrow):
In the next step you assign a name to the new database. Let’s assume that it should be called "Demo”.
The name was not chosen arbitrarily, we would like to demonstrate something.
If you intend to use a name that already exists, you will receive an error message. Palo reminds you that
"Demo” already exists.
Click "OK” to return to the Palo Wizard to assign another name, e.g., "New test”, again you receive an
error message, this time due to invalid characters.
Managing databases -100-
The character not allowed here is the blank between New and test. Click "OK” to assign another name
again. If you for example use "Test”, "Test1” or Test30.05.2009”, the database will be created
Clicking "Next” results in a message that the database has been created successfully.
The database is now ready for use. You can open the "Modeller", in order to create dimensions and
elements, as well as to combine dimensions in cubes.
Tip: You know that cubes, dimensions and elements define data structures in Palo (The Modeller
chapter). You also know that the respective structures only apply to defined cubes. As a result,
subsequently created dimensions are not contained in an existing cube. To include these, you would
have to delete a cube and set it up again, however, the data are lost. We therefore recommend that you
create all required structures before saving data in a Palo database
Managing databases -101-
If you click "Next”, you will get a selection of databases. Select your new database "Trial”.
You will then get a message about the successful deletion of this database.
You must confirm this note by clicking "OK”.
Alternatively, you can stop the PaloServerService and then delete the desired database folder in the
…Palo\data folder (see also chapter Backup of Databases)
For your next steps with Palo for Excel, we offer on our home page further information.
In particular, we recommend you to attend one of our Palo trainings. In these trainings experienced
consultants teach all areas of Palo which you have to consider in practice.
As a registered Palo user (Registration under the menu Palo Online) you will still get access to "MyPalo
Community". There you will find advanced topics about Palo and you have the opportunity to read more
professional answers in the "MyPalo Community" or to ask yourself special questions.
Index -103-
8 Index
ABC Analysis · 45
allowed characters · 55 Fixed width · 27
array-function · 19
attribute cubes · 18
attributes · 13
groups · 18
B Guess Arguments · 36
backup · 15
base elements · 22, 64, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 89, 90, 91
hierarchy · 12, 60, 61
C Hierarchy Buttons · 20
D menu Palo · 13
Modeller · 12, 13, 54, 61, 62, 65, 69, 74, 92, 100
Data cubes · 18 MyPalo Community · 52, 102
database · 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 36, 52, 64, 69, 72, 79, 97, 98,
99, 100, 101, 102
delete · 73, 74, 75, 92, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102
deleting databases · 101 N
dimension · 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, not allowed characters · 55
74, 75, 76, 82, 89, 93, 100 numeric · 61
display of hierarchies · 61
Drill History · 14
Drill Palo Rule · 14
Drill Through · 14 O
ODBC · 13
order of creation · 56
element · 60, 64
element type · 63, 64 P
elements · 13, 17, 26, 32, 33, 34, 35, 54, 62, 65, 66, 72
Page selector · 32, 73, 74, 75
Palo Error · 14
Palo is cell-related · 6
Palo Online · 13, 52
Palo Service Manager · 16
Index -104-
rights · 18 undo · 87
Row titles · 19, 27, 73, 74, 75, 76, 88 undo all · 87
Rule-Editor · 54 undo one operation · 87
user · 18
User management cubes · 18
Search & Select · 33 W
search elements · 67, 68
Select all · 23 Wrap labels · 27
Select branch · 23
selection-buttons · 22
server · 30, 36, 98
server registration · 98 Z
Show all selection tools · 24
Show element selector on double-click · 26, 29 Zero suppression · 26
snapshot · 13, 51, 52
Sorting of dimensions · 56