Anne Frank: Kresna Born in Germany
Anne Frank: Kresna Born in Germany
Anne Frank: Kresna Born in Germany
Born in Germany
Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany on June 12, 1929. Her father, Otto Frank, was a
businessman while her mother, Edith, stayed home taking care of Anne and her older sister
Anne was an outgoing and spirited child. Anne was like her father who liked to tell the girls
stories and play games with them, while Margot was more like her shy mother.
Her family was Jewish and followed some of the Jewish holidays and customs. Anne liked to
read and dreamed of being a writer someday.
Germany Invades
On May 10, 1940 Germany invaded the Netherlands. The Franks did not have time to escape.
Jews had to register with the Germans. They weren't allowed to own businesses, have jobs, go to
the movies, or even sit on the benches at the park! Otto Frank turned his business over to some
non-Jewish friends.
In the midst of all this, the Franks tried to go on as normal. Anne had her thirteenth birthday. One
of her presents was a red journal where Anne would write down her experiences. It is from this
journal that we know about Anne's story today.
A Secret Hideout
Otto had prepared a secret hideout next to his place of work. The door was hidden behind some
bookshelves. The hideout was small. The first floor had a bathroom and a small kitchen. The
second floor had two rooms, one for Anne and Margot and one for her parents. There was also an
attic where they stored food and where Anne would sometimes go to be alone.
Anne's Journal
Anne named her diary "Kitty" after a friend of hers. Anne wrote about all sorts of things. She
didn't think others would be reading it. She wrote about her feelings, and the people around her.
From Anne's diary we find out just what it must have been like to live in hiding for years, fearing
for her life.
Life in Hiding
The Franks had to be careful not be caught by the Germans. They covered all the windows with
thick curtains. During the day they had to be extra quiet. They whispered when they talked and
went barefoot so they could walk softly. At night, when the people working in the business
below went home, they could relax a bit, but they still had to be very careful.
Soon more people moved in with the Franks. They needed a place to hide, too. The Van Pels
family joined just a week later. They had a 15 year old boy named Peter. This was three more
people in that cramped space. Then Mr. Pfeffer moved in. He ended up rooming with Anne and
Margot moved to her parent's room.
Anne and her family had been hiding for nearly two years. They had heard that the war was
coming to an end. It looked like the Germans were going to lose. They were starting to have
hope that they would soon be free.
However, on August 4, 1944 the Germans stormed into the Frank's hideout. They took everyone
captive and sent them to concentration camps. The men and women were separated. Eventually
the girls were separated and sent to a camp. Both Anne and her sister died of the disease Typhus
in March of 1945, only a month before Allied soldiers arrived at the camp.