Chapter 4 - Deposit Function
Chapter 4 - Deposit Function
Chapter 4 - Deposit Function
2. In case of doubt as to whether their purported clients or customers are 9. Programs against money laundering should be developed. These
acting for themselves or for another, reasonable measures should be taken programs should include, as a minimum:
to obtain the true identity of the persons on whose behalf an account is
opened or a transaction conducted. a. The development of internal policies, procedures and controls, including
the designation of compliance officers at management level, and adequate
3. Unless otherwise prescribed under existing laws, anonymous accounts screening procedures to ensure high standards when hiring employees;
or accounts under fictitious names should not be kept/allowed. In case
where numbered accounts is allowed (i.e. foreign currency deposits), b. An ongoing employee training program; and
banks/NBFIs should ensure that the client is identified in an official or other
c. An audit function to test the system.
identifying documents.
This Circular shall take effect immediately.
4. The identity of existing clients or beneficial owners of deposits and other
funds held or being managed by the bank should be renewed/updated at IDENTIFYING AND VERIFYING THE TRUE IDENTITY OF THE
least every other year. CUSTOMER UNDER SECTION X806 OF THE MORB.
Part 8 of the MORB, provides for the Anti-Money Laundering
5. All necessary records on transactions, both domestic or international,
should be maintained for at least five (5) years. Such records must be
Sub-part 8 of the Regulations provides for the Customer Identification
sufficient to permit reconstruction of individual transactions so as to provide,
Process, which is in keeping w/ one of the basic principles that banks,
if necessary, evidence for prosecution of criminal behavior.
among other entities subject to the provision of the BSP, are required to
apply – that is, knowing sufficiently the bank’s customer at all times and Unless otherwise stated in this Part, average due diligence requires that the
ensuring that the financially and socially disadvantaged are not denied covered institution obtain, at the time of account opening, all the following
access to financial services while at the same time preventing minimum information and confirming these information with the valid
suspicious individuals or entities from operating or maintaining an identification documents:
The conduct of customer due diligence by bank is required, which 1. Name;
includes, 2. Present address;
Identifying the customer and verifying the true identity of the 3. Date and place of birth;
customer based on official documents or other reliable, independent 4. Nature of work, name of employer or nature of self-
source documents, data or information. In case of corporate and employment/business;
juridical entities, verifying their legal existence and organizational 5. Contact details;
structure, as well as the authority and identification of all persons 6. Specimen signature;
purporting to act on their behalf. 7. Source of funds;
8. Permanent address;
Customer = depositors 10. Tax identification number (TIN), SSS number or GSIS number, if
any; and
Covered persons = banks
11. Name, present address, date and place of birth, nature of work and
Subsection X806.1 Customer acceptance and identification policy. source of funds of beneficial owner or beneficiary, whenever
Every covered institution shall develop clear written and graduated applicable
acceptance policies and procedures that will ensure that the financially or
socially disadvantaged are not denied access to financial services while at b. New corporate and juridical entities.
the same time prevent suspicious individuals or entities from opening an
A covered person shall develop a systematic procedure for identifying
account or establishing a relationship.
corporate, partnership and sole proprietorship entities, as well as their
A covered person shall formulate a risk-based and tiered customer stockholders/ partners/owners, directors, officers and authorized signatories.
acceptance, identification and retention policy that involves reduced
It shall open and maintain accounts only in the true and full name of the
customer due diligence (CDD) potentially low risk clients and enhanced CDD
entity and shall have primary responsibility to ensure that the entity has not
for higher risk accounts.
been, or is not in the process of being dissolved, struck-off, wound-up,
Subsection X806.2 Customer Identification. terminated, or otherwise placed under receivership or liquidation.
Covered persons shall establish and verify the true identity of its customers Unless otherwise stated in this Part, average due diligence requires that the
based on official document as defined in this Part or other reliable, covered person obtain the following minimum information and/or documents
independent source documents, data, or information. before establishing business relationships:
Covered institutions shall develop a systematic procedure for establishing a. Name of entity;
the true and full identity of new individual customers and shall open and b. Name, present address, date and place of birth, nationality, nature
maintain the account only in the true and full name of the account owner or of work and source of funds of beneficial owner or beneficiary, if
owners. applicable, and authorized signatories;
c. Official address;
d. Contact numbers or information; g. Amount, number, type, purpose and frequency of the
e. Nature of business; and transaction expected.
f. Specimen signatures or biometrics of the authorized signatory.
QUALIFIED THEDT AND ESTAFA OF EMPLOYEES AND If the indebtedness was the result of payment against uncollected
OFFICERS deposit of checks or check that were accepted and paid by the
The bank acquires ownership of the money deposited by its clients depositary-collecting bank but were later dishonored by the drawee-
Taking of the amount deposited by the employees of the bank may amt bank-in one account, the bank may debit another account of the
to Qualified Theft or Estafa. depositor in the same bank if the account where the check was
originally deposited is already closed.
Although legal compensation is allowed, the same presupposes the The amount that is not paid by the PDIC shall be claimed in the
existence of a valid and demandable obligation. These include liquidation proceedings following the rules on Concurrence and
obligations arising from trust receipts Preference of Credit under CC.
Bank deposits of a depositor cannot be offset with an alleged obligation Section 20 of PDIC Law
covered by a fictitious or non-existent promissory note. A depositor shall retain his or her claim for any uninsured portion of
his or her deposit, which legal preference shall be the same as that
UNILATERAL FREEZING OF AN ACCOUNT NOT ALLOWED. of the subrogated claim of the Corporation for its payment of insured
Person whose name appears as depositor in the passbook and other deposits in closed bank partake the nature of public funds, and as
bank documents is presumed to be the owner of the money in the bank such, must be considered a preferred credit in the order of
account. preference under Article 2244(9) of the NCC.
A bank cannot unilaterally freeze the account of its depositor and While bank deposits enjoy preference, the preference is subject to
preclude him from withdrawing his deposits despite the allegation that limitation that may prevent recovery of any portion thereof in some
the amount deposited was obtained by the depositor thru fraud. cases where the liabilities are far greater than the remaining assets.
The depositary bank does not have a unilateral right to freeze the Ex: bank deposits are just part of the common preferred credits under
accounts of its depositor based on its mere suspicion that the funds Art. 2244. Hence, there are credits that enjoy higher preference
therein were proceeds of fraudulent acts. particularly those that are considered Special Preferred Credits under
To allow the bank would open the floodgates of public distrust in the Arts 2241 and 2242.
banking industry. Art 2244 provides for a rule of preference, meaning, the credits
enumerated therein shall be satisfied in the order that they are
Article 559 Does Not Apply enumerated in Article 2244.
Although the business of banks is invested with public interest, it cannot There are credits that must be satisfied before the payment of bank
likewise be disregarded that the bank’s primary concern is the interest of deposits considering that bank deposits fall under no. 9 in the list.
its customers.
Banks, as a rule, do not owe any obligation to 3rd person. ASSIGNMENT
This is one reason why banks cannot just freeze the account of its The right to collect the deposit from the bank is an intangible right.
depositor to honor the claim of 3rd persons. As such it can be assigned to another person.
Banks cannot freeze an account on the basis of Article 559, CC, w/c An assignment of credit is an agreement by virtue of which the owner of
provides that while possession of movable property acquired in good a credit, known as the assignor, by a legal cause, such as sale, dation
faith is equivalent to a title, nevertheless, one who has lost any movable of payment, exchange or donation, and without the consent of the
or has been unlawfully deprived thereof may recover it from the person debtor, transfer of his credit and accessory rights to another, known as
in possession of the same. the assignee, who acquired the power to enforce it to the same extent
The movable property pertains to specific or determinate thing, in case as the assignor could enforce it against the debtor.
of bank deposits, the account consists of money that, albeit Entitle the assignee not only to the credit itself but also gives him the
characterized as a movable is generic and fungible. power to enforce it as against the debtor of the assignor.
Hence, in case of a valid assignment in favor of 3rd person, the 3rd
COMMON PREFERRED CREDIT person can recover the amount deposited from the bank.
Bank deposits are insured under RA 3591, as amended (PDIC) Assignment can also be in favor of a bank.
In the event of closure of an insured bank, payment of the insured The depositor may assign his deposit in favor of a bank by way of
deposits on such closed bank shall be made by the PDIC. dacion en pago to extinguish an existing obligation.
However, in some cases, the assignment can be construed as a mere
The assignment of deposit by way of security is in the nature of pledge. Any knowledge on an officer of a bank, who has acquired it within the
scope of his employment, is to be imputed to the bank.
DEPOSIT NOT TRUST UNDER THE CIVIL CODE. The bank’s concern is to ensure that the trustees act within the scope of
A bank is considered a fiduciary. their apparent powers.
As a trustee of the money of its customer, the bank is in a fiduciary Thus the bank has to ensure that a cheque drawn on the trust acct
relationship with the customers. carries all the required signatures.
A bank’s relationship with the depositor is not a trustor-trustee In the absence of express knowledge by the bank of improper or a
relationship under the NCC. fraudulent design perpetrated by the trustees, the banks is not usually
A trust is one whereby one called the trustor reposes upon another liable for their misconduct.
called a trustee, confidence as regards property for the benefit of The bank is not required to assume the role of an amateur detective.
In ordinary trust agreement, the trustee does not become the owner of Cause of Action Against Banks in case of Breach of Trust
the property. A bank may be made liable if it took part in committing the fraudulent
Although the trustee acquires legal title, beneficial ownership remains act.
with the trustor. Ex: if it will assist the fiduciary in accomplishing misappropriate.
In a deposit, the bank becomes the owner of the cash that is deposited
subject to the obligation to pay the depositor. Dishonest Assistance
Unlike an ordinary trustee who cannot use the money held in trust for its In common law, liability is imposed for “dishonest assistance” in anyone
own benefit, the bank is free to use the money deposited for its own who has dishonestly been an accessory to, or assisted in, a disposition
profit. in breach of trust.
The “accessory” or “assister” is even considered a constructive trustee.
BASIC OBLIGATIONS TO DEPOSITOR The requisites that must occur before “dishonest assistance” can
The depositary bank owns the deposited monies in the account of the be considered as an exception are as follows:
depositor because the CC provisions on simple loan or mutuum govern 1. There must be a trust or other fiduciary relationship;
the deposit of money in banks. 2. There must be breach of trust;
3. The person upon whom liability is to be imposed must as a matter
As there is creditor-debtor relationship between a bank and its of fact have been an accessory or assisted in the misfeasance or
depositors, the depositary bank ultimately acquires ownership of money breach of trust; and
deposited, but ownership is coupled with a corresponding obligation to 4. The accessory must be dishonest.
pay him an equal amount on demand.
Knowing Receipt
Liability for Trust Account Another exception involving disposition in breach of trust that is
While deposits are not trust agreements with the bank, an account may recognized in common law is when there is “knowing receipt.” Under
be opened in trust for another person. this exception, the claimant must show the ff:
The deposit may be made whereby the depositor is the trustee the 1. A disposal of the claimant’s assets in breach of fiduciary duty;
depositor holds the deposit in his name in trust for a beneficiary. 2. The beneficial receipt by the defendant bank of assets which
The relationship is still mutuum while the trust agreement is between the are traceable as representing assets of the claimant; and
depositor and the 3rd person beneficiary. 3. Knowledge on the part of the defendant bank that the assets he
No liability will be incurred by it to the beneficiaries unless it knows that received are traceable to a breach of fiduciary duty.
the account involved is a trust account.
2. A TB, RB, Coop Bank may accept or create demand deposits
upon prior authority of the BSP.
3. When a TB, RB, Coop Bank applies for authority to accept or
Court Order or Garnishment create deman deposits it shall also comply with:
The bank may also be made liable if there is already a court order that a. Minimum capitalization requirement under Subsection
recognized the right of a third person or that effectively prohibits the X111.1 of the MORB.
bank from releasing funds from the account. b. It must be a member of the PDIDC in good standing;
A bank must not release the funds in the account if the same has c. If it is not a member of the PH Clearing House Corporation
already been garnished at the instance of 3rd persons. (PCHC)m it shall have designated a KB/TB thru which its
shall participate in the check clearing system; and
ADVERSE CLAIM d. That it has complied with all other conditions that the BSP
Existing laws do not impose a duty on a banks to freeze the deposit may impose.
upon a mere notice of adverse claim; banks first require either a court 4. Temporary overdrawing against current accounts shall be
order or an indemnity bond. allowed unless caused by normal bank charges and other fees
A bank is under obligation to treat the accounts of its depositors with incidental to handling such accounts;
meticulous care and always to have in monad the fiduciary nature of its 5. Drawing against uncollected deposits (DAUD) are generally
relationship with them. prohibited.
6. Certain bank officers and employees of banks are prohibited
KINDS OF DEPOSITS from maintaining demand deposits or current accounts with
MORB recognizes different types of deposits which include a Demand banking office in which they are assigned.
Deposit, Savings Account, Time Deposit, and NOW Account. Includes:
officers and employees of banks,
DEMAND DEPOSITS their spouses and relatives within the second degree of
All those liabilities of banks that are denominated in PH currency and consanguinity and affinity,
subject to payment in legal tender upon demand by presentation of including partnerships, associations or corporations in
checks. which such officers and employees, their spouses and
BSP Circular No. 992, Series of 2018 defines a demand deposit as relatives within the second degree of consanguinity and
deposits, subject to withdrawal by check thru available bank channels affinity, individually or as a group, own or control at least a
and/or thru the automated tellering machine (ATM) w/c are otherwise majority of the capital are prohibited from maintaining
known as current or checking accounts. demand deposits or current accounts with the banking
The bank may or may not pay interest on these accounts. office in which they are assigned
No Separate Authority Required 7. Demand deposits may also earn interest.
Only UB and KB can accept or create demand deposits without a UNCOLLECTED DEPOSITS
separate authority from BSP. These banks by their nature, are allowed The payment of the amount of the checks without previously clearing
or empowered by law to accept or create demand deposit. the checks with the drawee bank especially where the drawee bank is a
Other banks need a prior approval of the MB of the BSP. foreign bank and that the checks involve huge amounts is not normal or
MORB Rules ordinary bank practice
1. Commercial banks and Universal banks may accept or create The regulations promulgated by the BSP disallow drawee banks from
demand deposits subject to withdrawal by check w/o prior honoring checks on uncollected deposits.
authority from the BSP. Sec X202. Temporary Overdrawings;
Drawings Against Uncollected Deposits The following regulations b. Temporary overdrawings are covered within fifteen (15) banking
shall govern temporary overdrawings and drawings against days from the date overdrawings are incurred; and
uncollected deposits (DAUDs). c. Such accounts are credited only through foreign exchange
inward remittance.
a. Temporary overdrawings. Temporary overdrawings against
demand deposit account (DDA) shall not be allowed, unless caused b. Drawings against uncollected deposits. DAUDs shall be
by normal bank charges and other fees incidental to handling such prohibited except when the drawings are made against uncollected
accounts. Banks which violate these regulations shall be subject to a deposits representing manager’s/cashier’s/treasurer’s checks,
fine of one-tenth of one percent (1/10 of 1%) per day of violation, treasury warrants, postal money orders and duly funded “on us”
computed on the basis of the amount of overdrawing or fines in checks which may be permitted at the discretion of each bank.
amounts as may be determined by the Monetary Board, but not to
exceed P30,000 a day for each violation, whichever is lower. Stopping Payment of Checks
A check is a mere order on a bank to pay money from the drawer’s
Technical overdrawings arising from “force posting” in-clearing account.
checks shall be debited by banks under “Returned Checks and As such it is subject to revocation by the drawer anytime before it is
Other Cash Items Not in Process for Collection” which is part of accepted.
“Other Assets” in the Statement of Condition. Items to be lodged Issuance of a check by itself is not an assignment of funds by the
under this account shall consist only of in-clearing checks which may drawee.
result in “technical overdrawn” accounts and shall be immediately If a bank pays a check after it has been notified to stop payment, it pays
reversed the following day. on its own responsibility and will not be permitted to charge the account.
The checks lodged under “returned checks, etc” shall either be Countermanding
returned or honored the following day before clearing. The The drawer may countermand payment if he has a valid defense against
items to be used as cover for the honored checks shall only the holder of the check (Ex. Of the payee failed to deliver the goods that
consist of any of the ff: he was supposed to deliver).
1. Cash If there was no valid reason to countermand payment, the drawee is still
2. Cashier’s, Manager’s or Certified Checks; contractually obligated to dishonor the check on the basis of the stop
3. Bank drafts payment order.
4. Postal money orders However, if he has no defense, the drawer remains liable and he is not
5. Treasury warrants released from the legal obligation that he contracted.
6. Duly funded “On Us” Checks
7. Fund transfer/credit means within the same bank representing SAVINGS DEPOSIT
proceeds of loans granted under existing regulation.
Interest or non-interest bearing deposits, which can be withdrawn upon
demand thru available bank channels.
Peso demand deposit accounts maintained by foreign
Has an investment feature in the sense that it is normally opened for the
correspondent banks with commercial banks shall not be subject to
purpose of earning interest.
the above-mentioned regulations: Provided, That:
Islamic banks are expressly authorized to open savings accounts for
a. The maintenance of non-resident correspondent bank’s peso
safekeeping or custody with no participation in profit and losses except
DDAs and overdrawings therefrom are covered by reciprocal
unless authorized by the account holders to be invested.
Kinds of Savings Deposit c. SOLICITORS
BSP Circular 992, Series of 2018, amending portions of the Financial Banks may be authorized by the BSP to solicit and accept
Reporting Package required under Subsection X191.2 of the MORB. deposits outside the bank premises thru deposit solicitors.
1. REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNT The passbook shall be retrieved from the depositor and it is the
Interest-bearing account which is withdrawable either upon bookkeeper or ledger clerk who shall record the deposit or
presentation of a properly accomplished withdrawal slip withdrawal therein- not the solicitor.
together with the corresponding passbook or thru automated The passbook shall be returned to the depositor not later than
tellering machine. the ff business day.
Interest-bearing saving account of children and teens upon to Interest-bearing deposit accounts that combine the payable on
19 years old with an initial deposit of 100 and no minimum demand feature of checks and investment feature of savings
maintaining balance requirement accounts.
The demand feature of a check is served with the issue of an Order
3. BASIC DEPOSIT ACCOUNT of Withdrawal that is similar to a check.
Interest or non-interest bearing account designed to promote
financial inclusion a. The MORB provides that UB/KB may offer NOW accounts without
prior authority of the MB. A TB/RB/ Coop Bank may accept Now
4. OTHER SAVINSG ACCOUNT accounts upon prior approval of the MB.
Interest-bearing special savings account which offers tiered b. NOW is a check for purposes of applying Art 315(b) of RPC
interest rates depending on the size of deposit. The drawer may be prosecuted for estafa if the instrument involved
Usually caries higher interest rate compared to the rate for is a NOW.
regular savings account. c. Sample NOW account order of withdrawal
It is required that the order of withdrawal from shall have a size of 3
a. BASIC DEPOSIT ACCOUNT inched by 7 inches, and shall be on a security/check paper.
Purpose: to “enable Filipinos, especially the unserved and Page 80.
underserved to receive and make payments, as well as have a
facility for store of value.” e. SERVICING OF NOW ACCOUNTS
Minimum key features: an opening account or initial deposit of RULES:
not more than P100 and no minimum maintaining balance. 1. Prior to or simultaneous with the opening of a NOW account, the
bank shall inform the depositor of its terms and conditions.
b. WITHDRAWALS 2. The bank shall be responsible for the proper identification of its
Deposits in savings accounts are generally withdrawn with the depositors; it shall require, among other things, 2 specimen
use of withdrawal slip signatures and such other pertinent information
The signatures in the deposit slips should be verified using the 3. Deposits shall be covered by deposit slips in duplicate duly
signature cards that are signed by the depositors at the time of validated and initiated by the teller receiving the deposit. A copy of
the opening of the account. the deposit slip shall be furnished the depositor.
4. NOW account shall he kept and maintained separately from the
Banks are prohibited from accepting a deposit slip if the
regular savings deposits.
passbook is not presented.
5. Blank NOW form shall be pre-numbered and shall be controlled as
Banks may be authorized by the BSP to adopt a no-passbook
in the case of unissued blank checks.
withdrawal system.
6. A bank statement shall be sent to each depositor at the end of each
Banks may also be authorized to allow the withdrawal for month for confirmation of balances.
ATMs thru electronic cards.
7. Banks must use the form prescribed by present rules for NOW
Accounts. b. Term - The minimum maturity of the certificates shall be 731 days.
e. CLEARING OF NOW ACCOUNTS c. Manner of issuance - The certificates shall be issued only upon receipt of
Any Now, which may be deposited with a bank other than the funds equivalent to their face value. d. Manner of printing - NCTDs shall be
drawee bank, may be cleared thru the PCHC in accordance with printed on security paper by the Security Plant Complex (SPC) of the
the PCHC clearing house rules and regulations. Bangko Sentral.
The provision of Section X202 of the MORB on temporary
overdrawing of drawings against collected deposist shall also apply Orders for the printing of the desired forms shall not exceed a total value
for withdrawals on NOW Accounts. equivalent to twenty percent (20%) of the issuing bank’s capital accounts
(based on the quarter immediately preceding the request for printing) at any
9.04 TIME DEPOSITS one time. Additional orders for printing which shall result in an excess over
Defined as: a deposit the payment of which generally cannot legally the prescribed benchmark shall require prior Bangko Sentral approval.
be required within a specified number of days.
“no time shall be accepted for a term of less than 30 days” D. LONG-TERM NEGOTIABLE CERTS OF TIME DEPOSIT
Time deposit is covered by a cert of deposit. CIRCULAR 304 SERIES OF 2001
1. Form; denomination - An LTNCD shall be in scripless form with a third
a. Far East Bank vs Queremitt: certificate of deposit: party Registry Bank maintaining the Electronic Registry Books. To have legal
“a written acknowledgment by a bank or banker of the recipient of a effect, it shall comply with the provisions of R.A. No. 8792 (Electronic
sum of money on deposit which the bank or banker promises to pay Commerce Act) particularly on the existence of an assurance on the
the depositor, to the order of the depositor, or to some other person integrity, reliability and authenticity of the LTNCD in electronic
or his order, whereby the relation of the debtor and creditor form. LTNCDs shall be registered in the name of individuals or corporations,
between the bank and the depositor is created negotiable and prenumbered serially. The minimum denomination shall be
“a receipt issued by a bank for an interest-bearing time deposit at the discretion of the Issuing Bank.
coming due at a specified future date.
2. Currency - Denomination shall be in Philippine pesos.
b. “a passbook representing an interest-bearing deposit account issued by a
banks qualifies as a certificate of deposit drawing interest. 3. Term - The minimum maturity of the LTNCD shall be five (5) years.
A document to be deemed a cert of deposit requires no specific form
4. Primary Offering/Secondary Trading – The initial offering shall be
as long as there is some written memorandum that the bank
executed through an Underwriter or an Arranger. Subsequent negotiation in
accepted a deposit of a sum of money from a depositor
secondary trading must be executed through authorized Market Maker(s).
What is important and controlling: nature or meaning conveyed by
the passbook and not the particular label or nomenclature attached
to it, inasmuch as substance, not form is paramount.
1. Form; denomination - The certificate
2. Term - The minimum maturity of the certificate shall be five (5) years.
X233.3 Minimum features
3. Manner of issuance - The certificate shall be issued only upon receipt
of funds equivalent to their face value.
a. Form; denomination - NCTDs may be issued in bearer or other form
4. Manner of printing - The certificate shall be printed on security paper.
denoting negotiability and shall have a standard format to be prescribed by
5. Pre-termination - In case of pretermination, the deposit shall be subject
the Bangko Sentral which shall be prenumbered serially and
to income tax as provided under Section 24(B)(1) of the Tax Reform Act
predenominated. The minimum denomination shall be at the discretion of the
of 1997 which states that “xxx a final tax shall be imposed on the entire
issuing bank. No certificate payable to bearer shall contain words prohibiting
income and shall be deducted and withheld by the depository bank from
its negotiation.
the proceeds of the long-term deposit or investment certificate based on a. CANCELLATION AND REVERSAL
the remaining maturity thereof The bank teller must retrieve all copies of the deposit slips of the
6. the deposits shall be insured with the PDIC depositor requested for the reversal of the deposit or cancellation of
the deposit.
10. DEPOSITING FUNDS The cancellation of deposit or payment transactions upon request by
The Civil code provides that the contract of sample loan itself shall any depositor or payor, requires that all copies of the deposit slips
not be perfected until the delivery of the object of the contract. must be retrieved or surrendered to the bank.
An accepted promise to deliver something by way of simple loan is This practice cancel the deposit or payment transaction thus it leaves
binding upon the parties. no evidence for any subsequent claim or misrepresentation made by
The agreement between the bank and its customer to accept a any innocent 3rd person,
deposit form the latter is binding. SC: fraudulent transaction were made possible thru the teller’s failure
The duty of the bank over the amount shall commence only from to retrieve the duplicate original copies of the deposit slips from the
the delivery of the amount by the depositor, that is, upon actual employee of the depositor every time the latter asked for cancellation
deposit of the amount. or reversal of the deposit or payment transaction.
"At the time of issuing summons in the action above provided for, the clerk of 24.01 REQUIREMENTS
court shall also issue a notice signed by him, giving the title and number of 1) There is credit or deposit of money, or other evidence of indebtedness
said action, and referring to the complaint therein, and directed to all of any kind with banks
persons, other than those named as defendants therein, claiming any 2) Such credit, deposit or evidence of indebtedness has a balance
interest in any unclaimed balance mentioned in said complaint, and requiring 3) The balance has been unclaimed for a period of 10 years or more
them to appear within sixty days after the publication or first publication, if 4) Notice should be given to the depositor
there are several, of such summons, and show cause, if they have any, why 5) After due notice to the depositor, a sworn statement with the Treasurer
the unclaimed balances involved in said action should not be deposited with should be filed stating the list of depositors with unclaimed balances
the Treasurer of the Philippines as in this Act provided and notifying them 6) There must be publication of a list of unclaimed balances
that if they do not appear and show cause, the Government of the Republic 7) The escheat proceedings is commenced
of the Philippines will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the 8) Escheat proceedings should be filed by the State thru the SolGen.
A copy of said notice shall be attached to, and published with the copy of, The term “unclaimed balances” include credits or deposits of money
said summons required to be published as above, and at the end of the copy or other evidence of indebtedness of any kind with banks.
of such notice so published, there shall be a statement of the date of Credit: “ a sum credited in the books of a company to a person who
publication, or first publication, if there are several, of said summons and appears to be entitled to it. It presupposes a creditor-debtor
notice. Any person interested may appear in said action and become a party relationship, and may be said to imply ability, by reason of property or
thereto. esttaes, to make a promised payment.
o In case the bank complies with the provisions of the law and the
A. DEMAND DRAFT. unclaimed balances are eventually escheated to the Republic,
Is a bill of exchange payable on demand the bank "shall not thereafter be liable to any person for the
If demand drafts payable to the depositor have not been presented same and any action which may be brought by any person
either for acceptance or for payment, the inevitable consequence ins against in any bank xxx for unclaimed balances so deposited xxx
that the appellee bank never had any chance of accepting or rejecting shall be defended by the Solicitor General without cost to such
them bank."21 Otherwise, should it fail to comply with the legally
Verily, the bank never became a debtor of the payee concerned and outlined procedure to the prejudice of the depositor, the bank
as such the aforesaid drafts cannot be considered as credit subject to may not raise the defense provided under Section 5 of Act No.
escheat within the meaning of the law. 3936, as amended.
Escheat proceedings
Judicial process in which the state, by virtue of its sovereignty, steps in
and claims abandoned, left vacant or unclaimed property, without
there being an interested person having a legal claim thereto.
In the case of dormant accounts, the state requires into the status,
custody, and ownership of the unclaimed balance to determine
whether the inactivity was brought about by the fact of death or
absence of or abandonment by the depositor.
It is a proceeding whereby the state compels the surrender to it of
unclaimed deposit balances when there is substantial ground for a
belief that they have been abandoned, forgotten or without an owner.