Cooling Tower - SPX Catalog PDF
Cooling Tower - SPX Catalog PDF
Cooling Tower - SPX Catalog PDF
Marley® Balcke®
Recold® Ceramic®
Hamon Dry Cooling Custodis-Ecodyne
Head Wrightson
Heenan Coolers
Zurn Balcke-Dürr
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Buy Marley 4
Water Distribution Nozzles
n Patented design Orifice
n The standard in crossflow nozzle
n Available in 3 lengths to
fit virtually every structural
n 13 orifice diameters available
for optimum performance
n No moving parts
n Wide range of adjustments in
water flow rate
The Marley NX nozzle is used only The NX nozzle is the ideal solution
on splash-fill crossflow towers where for overflowing basin problems due to
objects in the water supply create clogged nozzles in splash-fill, industrial
blockage in smaller nozzles. crossflow cooling towers.
Buy Marley 6
Water Distribution Nozzles
n Patented design
n Easy to install—no tools required
to install into adaptor pipes
n Clog resistant
n No moving parts
n Self draining
The orifice sizes (1"-3.5") of Marley “Full cone” distribution pattern assures
NS nozzles are large enough that uniform water distribution for all film
many competitive nozzles will actually fills. Minimal spray overlap is required,
fit inside a Marley nozzle. Marley providing uniform water distribution
counterflow nozzles have no internal even near spray boundaries. Marley NS
parts or narrow passageways. The counterflow nozzles develop uniform
attached diffusion ring will not retain water distribution over a wide range of
even fibrous debris. operating water pressures.
Buy Marley 8
Water Distribution Nozzles
n Self Draining
n Economical Installation
n Economical Operation
n Easy disassembly and
n Larger pipe spacing
n Easily adapts to a variety of
nozzle spacings
Assembly of the entire system The nozzle outlet is always the lowest
requires only a few simple hand tools. elevation in the distribution system. This
All connections are positive—yet the arrangement is self draining when the
design allows repeated disassembly supply water is shut off. There are no
and reassembly. special valves to open or close.
Buy Marley 10
Water Distribution Valves
Capacity GPM
Valve Size
@ 5 FPS @10 FPS
6" Diameter 425 850
8" Diameter 750 1500
10" Diameter 1200 2400
12" Diameter 1750 3500
14" Diameter 2350 4700
HC valve body proportions and the The valve closure disc has a machined The greatly simplified design ensures
arrangement of internal parts provide lip which closes on a heavy neoprene long trouble-free operation with no
a low discharge velocity and confine gasket, avoiding maintenance of costly repairs or maintenance.
splash, resulting in low pressure drop. expensive metal seats. In a shut-off
position, the stem and yoke are external
to the water, eliminating the necessity
of valve stem packing.
Buy Marley 12
Water Distribution FRP Basin
n High-performance low-clog
n Bottom supported
n Requires minimum number of
n Log configuration
high-performance heat transfer. aerodynamic, durable design.
What is the
DF254 is a bottom supported low-clog DF254 is easily adapted to any tower’s difference
log fill configuration. Open, angular configuration. To accommodate for between DF254 and
cross-corrugations allow debris and various fill heights and/or desired DF381?
biological growth foulant to pass, while duties, DF254 may be installed
providing maximum surface area and in multiple layers. DF254 fill is DF254 is a higher
turbulence to develop efficient heat thermoformed from .020” thick, UV performing low-
transfer. inhibited, chemically-resistant PVC clog fill. DF381 should
(polyvinyl chloride). The material is
be used where there is a
extruded and manufactured to rigid
greater risk of clogging or
specifications before forming, at one of
Marley’s plastics facility.
Buy Marley 14
Fill Film Fill
n High-performance low-clog
n Bottom supported
n Requires minimum number of
n Log configuration
Marley DF381 is a film fill system DF381 is easily adapted to any tower’s
Cooling Tower Know How
designed to significantly reduce the risk configuration. To accommodate for
of biological fouling without sacrificing various fill heights and/or desired
high-performance heat transfer. duties, DF381 may be installed
Continuous water
in multiple layers. DF381 fill is
DF381 is a bottom supported low-clog thermoformed from .020” thick, UV
temperatures for most
log fill configuration. Open, angular inhibited, chemically-resistant PVC
PVC Film Fills should
cross-corrugations allow debris and (polyvinyl chloride). The material is
never exceed 125°F.
biological growth foulant to pass, while extruded and manufactured to rigid Special high temperature
providing maximum surface area and specifications before forming, at one of PVC formulations and
turbulence to develop efficient heat Marley's plastics facility. thicknesses are available
transfer. Texturing creates thermal for water temperatures as
capability improvement with little effect In service now for over ten years at high as 165°F.
on fouling. DF381 offers low pressure numerous installations throughout
drop in an aerodynamic, durable design. Europe, DF381 is now available
globally for any counterflow cooling
tower, regardless of a cooling tower's
age, design or manufacturer.
n High-performance low-clog
n Bottom supported
n Requires minimum number of
Marley MVC20™ anti-fouling film Marley MVC20 fill combines properties Each module consists of vertically
type fill consists of thermoformed related to a media’s ability to allow channeled flat and corrugated surfaces,
corrugated sheets made of rigid substances to migrate through it, while which essentially avoids contact
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), impervious to maintaining thermal efficiency—this between the sheets, thus eliminating
decay, fungus and biological attack. The then allows for the use of film fill where water concentration. The horizontal
sheets are bonded to form modules fouling risks occur. corrugations and their location within
which can be dimensioned to fit any the sheet promote optimum mixing
application. of air and water. The flutes in
the MVC20 fill are vertically and
aerodynamically shaped resulting in a
reduction of pressure drop.
Buy Marley 16
Fill Film Fill
n High-performance design
n Bottom supported
n Requires minimum number of
n Log configuration
n Ideal replacement for Marley
MC47 counterflow fill
n Vertical-flutefilm fill
n Efficient thermal performance
n Low clog design
n Low maintenance
n Withstands foot traffic
n Resists erosion from water spray
Buy Marley 18
Fill Film Fill
n Vertical-flute
film fill
n Low maintenance
n Low clog design
n Low pressure drop
Marley’s Cleanflow™ anti-fouling film Cleanflow fill combines properties Each module consists of vertically
type fill consists of themoformed related to a media’s ability to allow channeled flat and corrugated surfaces,
corrugated sheets made of rigid substances to migrate through it, while which essentially avoids contact
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), impervious to maintaining thermal efficiency—this between the sheets, thus eliminating
decay, fungus and biological attack. The then allows for the use of film fill where water concentration. The horizontal
sheets are bonded to form modules fouling risks occur. corrugations and their location
which can be dimensioned to fit any within the sheet promote optimum
application. mixing of air and water. The flutes in
the Cleanflow fill are vertically and
aerodynamically shaped resulting in a
reduction of pressure drop.
n High Performance
n Hanging or bottom support
n Variable air-travel sizes
n Cross-corrugated design
Marley MC75 is a film fill system per ASTM E-84 and is considered The fill pack depth (air travel) is variable
designed for counterflow towers self-extinguishing. The material is to provide the proper heat transfer area
offering you several distinct advantages. extruded and manufactured to rigid within a single fill layer. If another layer
specifications before forming. of fill is necessary for situations where
Crossed corrugations provide the additional air travel is required, it will be
surface area and turbulence to develop Using Marley MC75 film fill in place of limited to only one. Limiting the number
efficient heat transfer. The corrugations existing splash type fill in counterflow of interfaces between packs minimizes
inherently establish uniform fill sheet towers usually means reduced fill restrictions that usually cause fill
spacing at 0.75″. height, which translates into reduced clogging. MC75 counterflow fill can
pumping head. MC75 will also provide be hung from structural members
MC75 fill is thermoformed from greater cooling tower capacity, which or it can be bottom-supported in
.015″ thick, UV inhibited, chemically- means your current performance level virtually all counterflow cooling towers,
resistant polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The will require less fan energy. regardless of a cooling tower’s age or
flame spread rating is less than 25
Buy Marley 20
Fill Film Fill
n Vertical-flutefilm fill
n Hanging or bottom support
n Efficient thermal performance
n Low maintenance
n Low clog design
Marley MCR is a film fill system the number of restrictions where (fill height) is variable to provide the
designed to significantly reduce the risk biological growth begins. proper heat transfer area within a
of biological fouling while minimizing single fill layer. MCR counterflow fill
the loss of high-performance heat MCR fill is thermoformed from .015" can be hung from structural members
transfer. thick, chemically-resistant PVC or it can be bottom-supported in
(polyvinyl chloride). Material thicknesses virtually all counterflow cooling towers,
Open, offset vertical corrugations allow of .020" and thicker are also available. regardless of a cooling tower's age or
debris and biological growth foulant manufacturer.
to pass, while providing maximum MCR is easily adapted to any tower’s
surface area and turbulence to develop configuration. The fill pack depth
evaporative heat transfer. Smooth
surfaces without sharp intersections
maintain water velocities and reduce
n High Performance
n Hanging fill design
n Integral louvers
n Integral triple-pass eliminators
Marley MX Fill is available in MX75 with previous designs, these eliminators Louvers are also integrally molded
configuration and higher-performing reduce drift emissions from the tower within the fill sheets preventing water
MX625 configuration. MX is a hanging by a factor of ten or more! Less drift from escaping and assuring precise air
film type cooling tower fill which means tower owners save on water and distribution throughout wide variations
spreads the water into a thin film, water treatment chemical expenses. in airflow. Unlike towers equipped
flowing over large vertical surfaces, This fill virtually eliminates the nuisance with separate external louvers, this
promoting maximum exposure to air caused by drift spotting on adjacent fill operates virtually ice-free even in
flow. This type of fill provides much buildings and property. For additional extremely cold weather.
more water surface exposure per cubic savings, the drift eliminators discharge
foot than splash type fill. air directly toward the fan. Discharge MX fill is thermoformed from PVC with
air, traveling in the right direction when a flame spread rating less than 25 per
MX fill incorporates highly efficient it leaves the eliminators, translates to ASTM E-84 and is considered self-
cellular drift eliminators, integrally lower fan horsepower. extinguishing. Therefore, the risk of fire
molded within the fill sheets. Compared damage is minimal.
Buy Marley 22
Fill Film Fill
Marley MBX fill is a high performing, MBX fill packs are available in various
bottom supported PVC pack fill heights and air travels from 24" to
with integral louvers and drift 48" and can be installed in almost any
eliminators, specifically designed for crossflow cooling tower regardless of
the Aftermarket. This fill will make tower age or manufacturer. Retrofit
installation easier and faster, while kits including MBX fill packs, fiberglass
at the same time offering great supports, stainless steel hardware and
cooling efficiency without major tower installation instructions are available.
MBX fill is manufactured from inert
MBX fill incorporates highly efficient material, thus ensuring a long operating
cellular drift eliminators, integrally life with minimal maintenance. The
molded within the fill sheets. These wide sheet spacing prevents clogging
eliminators may reduce drift emissions and the integral drift eliminators do not
from the tower by a factor of 10 or require extra frames or retainers.
MBX is thermoformed from 20 mil
Louvers are also integrally molded (.020") thick PVC with a flame spread
within the fill sheets preventing water rating less than 25 per ASTM E-84
from escaping and ensuring precise air and is considered self-extinguishing.
distribution throughout wide variations Therefore, the risk of fire damage is
in airflow. minimal.
n High Performance
n Bottom supported fill design
n Integral triple-pass eliminators
n Available with or without
n Easily installed as a replacement
fill in non-Marley products
This fill offers greater cooling efficiency, treatment chemical costs. The nuisance M106 fill is impervious to rot, corrosion,
which translates to colder water from of spotting adjacent buildings and and decay. The wide sheet spacing
present systems without an increase property due to cooling tower drift is prevents clogging ensuring minimal
in fan horsepower. Or, this improved virtually eliminated. maintenance and long service life.
efficiency can be used to save
horsepower and produce the same cold Options include eliminators for both M106 is easy and inexpensive to install
water temperature. vertical and horizontal discharge cooling in almost all crossflow cooling towers. It
towers. Guiding the discharge air in the requires minimal structural modification
M106 fill is also available with highly right direction further increases savings because it is bottom supported. The
efficient drift eliminators molded in fan horsepower. integral drift eliminators don’t need
right into the fill sheets. Compared extra frames or retainers. M106
with older designs, these eliminators M106 is thermoformed from PVC provides more cooling capacity and
reduce water carryover (drift) from sheets with a maximum flame spread improved drift elimination in one easily
the tower by a factor of ten or more! rating of 25 per ASTM E-84. Therefore, installed pack.
Reduced drift means lower water and the risk of fire damage is minimal.
Buy Marley 24
Fill Splash Fill
n High performance
n Heavy duty
n Easy cleaning
n Direct replacement for wood lath fill
Marley Alpha fill will increase cooling FRP fill grids are extremely inert and The rounded upper surface of the fill
tower thermal performance capacity tough. Each fill bar is firmly attached bars and the smooth surface finish
(compared with wood lath on similar to the FRP grid to prevent premature facilitate cleaning.
spacing). Variable fill bar spacing wear on either the grid or the fill bars.
is available to provide the required The fill bars are designed to prevent
thermal performance. sagging, even after prolonged exposure
to a cooling tower environment.
Alpha fill bars are corrosion resistant
PVC extrusions which are supported by Alpha fill is a direct replacement for
FRP (fiberglass reinforced polyester) many types of wood lath fill. The FRP
grids. grid can be manufactured to fit virtually
any cooling tower regardless of its age
or manufacturer.
n High performance
n Perpendicular and Parallel
n Easy cleaning
n Exceeds CTI Standard 136 for
strength, flammability and impact
Marley Mesa splash-fill advances the Mesa fill bars are extruded of corrosion
state of the art in cooling tower splash resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
fill. manufactured at SPX’s Kansas plastics
manufacturing facility. The unique
The enhanced thermal performance material formula used in the Mesa bar
of Mesa fill increases cooling tower meets or exceeds CTI Standard 136 for
capacity in most cases. Variable fill strength, flammability and impact. Each
bar spacings provide the required bar is firmly attached to the Marley
thermal performance with the minimal GridLoc™ polypropylene injection
fill material and installation time. Mesa molded support for use in crossflow
fill is installed parallel or perpendicular towers. GridLoc provides a nonabrasive
to the air flow depending on thermal support that eliminates the need for
performance requirements or existing bench supports.
cooling tower configuration.
Buy Marley 26
Fill Splash Fill
n High Performance
n High temperature capability
n Variable spacing
n Unique injection molded
polypropylene design
Marley Ladder fill provides highly Injection molded polypropylene Ladder Ladder fill can be installed in virtually
efficient water breakup to develop fill is extremely inert to chemical any crossflow cooling tower regardless
excellent heat transfer with low reaction. of its age or manufacturer.
resistance to airflow. The horizontal
spacing is variable to meet thermal Ladder fill is capable of 150°F water
performance requirements. temperature operation.
n High performance
n Perpendicular and Parallel
n Easy cleaning
n Exceeds CTI Standard 136 for
strength, flammability and impact
Marley Omega splash fill advances the Omega fill bars are extruded of Omega bar's classic arch shape
state of the art in cooling tower splash corrosion resistant PVC (polyvinyl enhances structural characteristics
fill. chloride) manufactured at SPX’s which prevents sagging, even after
Kansas plastics manufacturing facility. prolonged exposure to cooling tower
Enhanced thermal performance of The unique material formula used in environments.
Omega fill increases cooling tower the Omega bar meets or exceeds CTI
capacity in most all cases. Variable Omega fill and its support system are
Standard 136 for strength, flammability
fill bar spacings provide the required designed to be used in virtually all
and impact. Each bar is firmly attached
thermal performance with the minimum cooling towers regardless of a cooling
to FRP or stainless steel fill grids with
amount of fill material and installation tower's age or manufacturer.
unique injected molded polypropylene
time. Omega fill is installed parallel or benches designed to prevent premature
perpendicular to the air flow depending wear on the fill bar and the grid.
on thermal performance requirements
or existing cooling tower configuration.
Buy Marley 28
Fill Splash Fill
n High Performance
n High density counterflow design
n Withstands foot traffic
n Unique extruded heat-fused
polypropylene design
Buy Marley 30
Fill Splash Fill
Marley GridLoc splash-fill support is a The GridLoc design has a molded in The typical GridLoc arrangement will
polypropylene injection molded support shelf support at the top of the grid be in 4' x 6' bays with bars parallel to
for use in crossflow towers. The for attaching the grid to the structural air flow. The nominal window opening
GridLoc design has a pair of integral, members. The grid can be either nailed for bar spacing is 4" horizontal by 8"
opposing, downward sloping splash bar or screwed to the support member vertical. The GridLoc splash bar grips
grips attached to the vertical strands to avoid movement of the grid in the are compatible with many Marley splash
in each window to secure splash bars. horizontal plane. bar designs as well as commercially
The lower horizontal strand has a short available bars. GridLoc will retrofit on
pair of vertical nubs to center splash historic Marley Class 600 as well as
bars and provide a nonabrasive support other manufacturer’s crossflow cooling
that eliminates the need for bench towers.
XCEL® TU Eliminators
n Cellulardesign
n Low pressure drop
n Very low drift rates
n Counterflow and crossflow
Marley developed the first cellular drift The eliminator discharge angle XCEL eliminators require little
eliminator in the 1970s when eliminator is important enough to warrant two or no maintenance. If it becomes
designs were primarily ineffective separate eliminator designs—one for necessary to clean them, care must
blade type configurations. Next, Marley crossflow and one for counterflow be taken not to physically damage
patented the XCEL generation of towers. Tests show the air direction the PVC eliminator packs. For
eliminators in the early 80s. No other leaving the eliminator is extremely loose deposits of silt, fibers, etc., a
eliminator could come close to XCEL important—imperfect designs create water spray can be used, provided
eliminator’s low drift rate and low additional work for the fan. This means the spray nozzle is kept moving
pressure drop. Now, virtually every either increased fan horsepower—or continually and the water pressure
eliminator is a nesting cellular PVC type reduced cooling tower performance. is not excessive (recommend less
design. The crossflow version features drainage than 30 psi). Chemical cleaning
slots within the eliminator pack to can also be done. If an acid product
XCELplus is a more advanced design ensure trapped drift is returned to the such as inhibited sulfamic acid or
that meets or exceeds today’s wet side of the cooling tower. glycolic acid is used for chemical
demanding specifications for drift cleaning of a scale deposit (e.g.,
emissions without sacrificing fan Low drift rate is the primary goal of calcium carbonate), care must be
horsepower. Drift rates are currently eliminator design. XCELplus boasts taken that the acid does not attack
half that of the original XCEL design typical drift rates of .001% of the total other materials in the cooling tower
with equivalent pressure drop. GPM. Lower drift rates are available or system, such as steel. The acid
depending upon tower configuration. should be quickly and thoroughly
rinsed off all metal surfaces. Do not
use cleaning agents which contain
hydrocarbon solvents.
Buy Marley 32
Service Info Eliminators
n Outstanding durability
n Designed specifically for cooling
tower duty
n 5 year oil change interval
n Minimum L
10A service life of
100,000 hours on both input and
output shafts
n Gear sets meet or exceed the
requirements of AGMA
Quality No. 9
n Input shaft nitrile lip seals
n Premium seals available
n Output shaft sealed with a
maintenance-free labyrinth ring
n Timken® tapered roller bearings
Buy Marley 34
Fans and Drives Geareducer
n Outstanding durability
n Designed specifically for cooling
tower duty
n Designed to meet or exceed the
requirements of CTI Std. 111
n Gear sets meet or exceed the
requirements of AGMA
Quality No. 9 to 11
n Minimum L
10A service life of
100,000 hours on both input and
output shafts
n Input shaft nitrile lip seals
n Premium seals available
n Output shaft sealed with a
maintenance-free labyrinth ring
n Timken® tapered roller bearings
n Two-stage (spiral bevel/helical)
gear reduction for efficient power
Marley Industrial Geareducers start-up and during subsequent speed these commercial speed reducers—and
are manufactured and designed changes—anchor the fan against lateral the thermal performance of the cooling
specifically for cooling towers in movement in response to rotational towers on which they are installed—
large industrial and power plant forces—and contribute as little as often suffer.
applications. In shape and function, possible to power transmission losses
their design goes beyond normal as well as the generation of noise. SPX Cooling Technologies is the only
AGMA requirements—both to maximize major manufacturer whose gearboxes
air movement through the tower, and to Given these requirements, many are designed uniquely for cooling
minimize the impact of maintenance. manufacturers of mechanical tower service. And, since we warrant
equipment provide acceptable speed not only the Geareducer, but the
Although the primary function of a reducers. Designed for more forgiving thermal performance of the cooling
Geareducer is to reduce the speed of commercial applications, these units towers on which they operate as well,
the driver (usually an electric motor) are often unprepared for the rigors development, design, and manufacture
to a speed which is conducive to good and peculiarities of cooling tower are taken very seriously. This has
fan performance, it must satisfy other service, such as the corrosive effects resulted in an unequalled history of
criteria as well. For example, it must of operation (often intermittent) within trouble-free operation.
provide primary support for the fan— an exceedingly humid environment.
withstand the shock loads imposed at As a result, both the life expectancy of
Buy Marley 36
Fans and Drives Geareducer
Geareducer Oil
Buy Marley 38
Service Info Sound
Sprag-Clutch Backstop
Buy Marley 40
Fans and Drives Fan Cylinder
Having designed and manufactured 21st century manufacturing technology The “green” benefit of the closed-
cooling tower fan cylinders since has enabled further advancement and molding process is the virtual
the 1930s, Marley began producing the introduction of the new Marley elimination of VOC emissions because
FRP (fiberglass) fan cylinders in Reflex RTM industrial fan cylinder, the resin is injected and cured in a
1958, which quickly became the offering a more dimensionally accurate, sealed, closed mold. And because
accepted standard within two years’ high quality surface finish, better fit and the lay-up process is now dry, a more
time. With considerable modeling and robust structural integrity. A light RTM precise laminate can be achieved,
full scale testing, this experience led (resin transfer molding) closed-molding with no hand-working of resin-soaked
to the development of several new process lends itself to increased materials, no cleaning requirements for
fan cylinder designs for a variety of durability for the final product, and application equipment, no hand tools
tower types and fan sizes. One such ensures laminate thickness and weight using hazardous chemicals and no
development resulted in the Reflex consistency. Because the cavities are chemical disposal concerns.
velocity recovery cylinder in the 1980s, infused using rigid forms in the ribs,
and is the standard design still in use there is no porosity or potential sites
today for 10’ diameter and larger fans. for delamination or structural fracture
to begin. Therefore, the cylinder load
capacity is greatly enhanced.
H3™ Fan
Buy Marley 42
Fans and Drives Axial Fans
X7™ Fan
The wide chord blade design is well The blade end caps are injection Each blade is secured to the hub with
suited for low noise operation as molded impact-resistant, polypropylene two stainless U-bolts that allow blades
well, delivering superior air flow and with a section on the upper surface to to be easily rotated to adjust desired
pressure capability at reduced speed. allow for consistent fan pitch setting. pitch angle, delivering precise utilization
The high performance X7 airfoil is one of fan horsepower.
Additionally, all blades are match-
of the most efficient in the industry
moment weight balanced, allowing Superior strength, excellent quality,
all X7 blades to be interchangeable light weight and outstanding
without the need to rebalance the performance makes the X7 fan an
entire fan assembly. outstanding choice for cooling tower
applications—and best of all it’s a
Marley fan.
The Ultra Quiet fan is designed for HVAC Common Applications for Hotels and Residential Areas— At
cooling applications where very low sound Ultra Quiet Fans night ambient noise levels are lower
is a necessity. The wide chord blade design which may make a cooling tower seem
Hospitals—Noise concerns may be louder to anyone nearby. Hotel guests
is well suited for low sound operation,
paramount near medical facilities where or residential neighbors shouldn’t have
delivering superior air flow and pressure
quiet and rest are necessary. to contend with a cooling tower fan
capability at reduced speed.
cycling on and off at night.
Universities and Office Buildings—
Made from marine-grade aluminum, Whenever HVAC equipment is near
the Ultra Quiet Fan is up to 70% lighter people, unwanted noise may be a
than similar FRP fan designs which can concern. For example, conducting a
significantly reduce the potential for meeting or teaching a class in a room
vibration and make handling and installation with cooling equipment outside is an
much easier. unwelcome distraction.
Buy Marley 44
Fans and Drives Axial Fans
HP7i Fan
Marley HP7i fans are designed The HP7i blade is a single piece The skin of the HP7i is made with top-
specifically for cooling tower composite design ensuring structural quality fiberglass reinforced vinyl ester
applications, offering distinct integrity. Fan blades with bolted or that is infused with pigment for even
advantages over other types of fans. glued connections between the blade distribution across the laminate. There
The Marley FlareTip™ blade enhanced shank and airfoil section introduce are multiple layers of surface veil on the
for low sound operation, delivers an additional mechanical joint under blade surface leading to superior UV
maximum air flow and pressure stress. The one piece composite design protection compared to fans with only a
capability at reduced speed. ensures the integrally molded leading- painted exterior.
edge will not come off or fail and the
blade will handle the toughest cooling Blades attach to the fan hub using a
tower applications. heavy-galvanized iron ring integrally
molded with each fan blade. By
loosening the hub attachment
hardware, blades can easily be rotated
to achieve desired pitch, permitting
maximum utilization of fan horsepower.
HP7000™ Fan
Buy Marley 46
Fans and Drives Driveshafts
n Low maintenance
n Easy to install
n Easy to align
n Long service life
n Corrosion resistant
n Easily interchanged
Series 400 carbon-fiber driveshafts Low maintenance—No intermediate prolong alignment and transmit less
provide a lightweight, low maintenance couplings or bearings. You realize vibration to the motor and gearbox.
alternative to stainless steel driveshafts. extensive savings in maintenance All materials are specially selected
costs. The yoke and flange coupling for cooling tower duty and longer life.
Marley neoprene flexible bushings are design, featuring flexible bushings, has The composite tube prevents transient
easier to install and align than others been proven for more than 30 years start-up vibration.
using stainless steel torque elements. on the Marley Series 301 driveshaft.
Series 400 driveshafts are designed for This system is more tolerant of Corrosion resistant—Materials such as
fans up to 10 meters in diameter and misalignment, with lower thrust forces composite carbon fiber, epoxy, stainless
for motors up to 300 hp. transmitted to motor and Geareducer® steel, and others help prevent corrosion.
bearings, than conventional driveshafts.
The Marley Series 400 carbon fiber Easily interchanged—Owners with
driveshafts offer you the following Easy to install/easy to align—One‑piece Marley 301 stainless steel driveshafts
benefits: design eliminates hard‑to‑reach can upgrade to the Series 400 simply
intermediate bearings. Installation by exchanging their existing driveshaft
requires fewer steps. The tube and tube assembly with the new carbon
flange is lightweight, easily handled by fiber tube assembly and using the
two workers. existing driveshaft yokes.
Buy Marley 48
Fans and Drives Driveshafts
Comp-DS™ Driveshaft
n Low maintenance
n Easy to install
n Modern construction
n Easy to align
n Long service life
n UV and corrosion resistant
n Easily interchanged
Marley’s patent pending, unitized, Lightweight—The lightweight, UV and Corrosion Resistant Materials—
carbon-fiber flexible elements with permanently bonded, tube and All materials are specially selected for
slip-fit, stainless steel hubs are easier to flange assembly is easily handled by cooling tower duty and are constructed
install and align than others using steel technicians without the need for lifting to provide maximum protection against
torque elements. Comp-DS driveshafts equipment. The reduction in rotating corrosion and UV attack.
are designed for fans up to 10 meters in mass also results in lower radial loads
diameter and for motors up to 300 hp. on motor and Geareducer bearings. Performance—The composite tube
prevents transient start-up vibration and
Marley’s Comp-DS composite Modern Construction—Robust diminishes some of the initial, peak-
driveshafts offer the following benefits: composite design is comprised of high torque impulse realized during hard-
strength fiberglass and/or carbon- starting. High torque ratings allow the
Low Maintenance - Ease of Installation— fiber reinforced tubes in a tough epoxy Comp-DS design to accommodate high
The full-floating design has no matrix along with fiberglass flanges and motor power ratings in an expanded
intermediate couplings or bearings. The urethane encased, carbon-fiber flex- speed range.
simple hub design and corresponding elements. Additionally, the quantity of
unitized flex-elements, require less labor components and hardware is minimized. Easily interchanged—Owners with
to install and maintain than previous Marley 301 stainless steel driveshafts or
designs. Series 400 composite tube driveshafts
may directly replace their existing
assembly with the Comp-DS series.
SofTork™ MC Coupling
n Quiet operation
n No axial separation of hubs
n Corrosion resistant materials and
n Simple to install
n Balancing not required at 1800
n Fast and easy flexible element
n Accommodates misalignment in
the angular and parallel directions
as well as end float
Buy Marley 50
Fans and Drives Motors
Marley cooling tower duty motors utilize Marley cooling tower motors meet
a double-dip and bake impregnation or exceed all NEMA Premium Cooling Tower Know How
process for the insulation system to and CEE requirements for energy
increase mechanical endurance and efficiency. These TEFC motors are
moisture resistance. Additionally, an built according to NEMA specifications TEFC motors offer
epoxy paint coating system is used and designed for operation in moist or additional benefits over
externally and internally to inhibit dusty atmospheric conditions without TEAO motors whose only
corrosion. Multiple end-bell drains allow affecting useful life. Motors are NEMA source of cooling is the
for quick removal of condensation Design “B” and maintain exceedingly flow of air produced by the
regardless of the motor mounting high breakdown and locked rotor cooling tower fan
positon. Automatic terminal box drain torque while providing the highest rated
plugs, a rubber lead separator, V-ring efficiency levels
slingers on both end-shields and an
additional external water slinger all aid
in increasing the motor's longevity.
Electrical components:
n External disconnect handle
with padlocking provisions to
meet lockout tag-out safety
n Main circuit breaker with thermal
and magnetic overload protection
n Door mounted H-O-A selector
switch. Speed selector switch for
two speed applications
n Adjustable motor overload
n User terminal points for
connecting field devices:
– Two wire vibration switch
interface for starter shut down Options:
NEMA 3R outdoor cabinet* with
if vibration switch trips
the following features:
– 1 N.O. motor overload trip n Pilot lights
contact for feedback to n Rain shield n Status contacts for BMS interface
customers alarm system or n Solid-state temperature controller
n ounting flanges located top and
BAS bottom with readout display
– Cold water temperature n Piano hinge n Integrated basin heater controls
thermostat connections for n Lock off capabilities with temperature probe and
starter ON – OFF control n Hex head “screw type” hold heater contactor
n Wiring diagram laminated and n Integrated water level controls
downs for door
mounted on inside of door n Warning labels (Make-Up, Hi and Lo alarm
n UL and CUL listed assembly
ptional NEMA 4X fiberglass cabinet contacts)
n G FI power receptacle (for trouble
for corrosive locations
light and power tool)
n Factory installed and wired control
panel on select towers
n DE-ICE reversing circuit for two-
speed applications only
Buy Marley 52
Controls VFD Drives
Marley fan motor Variable Speed Drive The standard VFD requires a speed De-Icing function standard with auto
systems are designed to combine reference input signal from a remote canceling timed run of 20 minutes
absolute temperature control with ideal source such as a building automation maximum
energy management. The cooling tower system or RTD with 4–20mA
user selects a cold water temperature transmitter. VFD will accept a 4–20mA, The Marley Premium VFD drive is not
and the drive system will vary the fan 0–20mA or 1–10VDC signal. Speed intended to be controlled by building
speed to maintain that temperature. may also be controlled with the or process automation systems. No
Precise temperature control is onboard keypad. external controller required. Included
accomplished with far less stress to the is an integrated temperature controller
Marley Premium Variable Speed and RTD sensor for mounting into the
mechanical equipment components.
Drive features: tower outlet water piping.
The improved energy management
provides fast payback to the user. Automatic Bypass circuit standard. This
feature transfers the fan motor from
the drive to a temperature modulating
bypass contactor if the VFD faults out
on specific fault parameters allowing
continuous operation of the tower.
Basin Heater
Buy Marley 54
Controls Motor Sequencer
Marley performance-matched Marley controls help extend the life The sequencer can easily be configured
sequencer—available in either 8 or 16 of the fan motors with automatic for single or two speed motor systems.
stage systems—will stage multiple fan lead stage rotation. The sequencing On two speed systems, the unit can
cells of a cooling tower from a single controllers prevent the same motor be set to cycle through a Lo1-Lo2-
temperature measurement location from always starting first in the normal Lo3-Hi1-Hi2-Hi3 or Lo1-Hi1-Lo2-
based upon a single temperature set sequence of operation. Every 24 hours Hi2-Lo3-Hi3 sequence. The controller
point. Old mechanical thermostats with a different motor becomes the lead recognizes the two speed motor
staggered set points on each cooling stage equalizing the wear on all motors. settings and only uses low speed as a
tower fan cell are no longer necessary. lead stage. Adjusting the temperature
set point and activating cells can easily
be accomplished at the unit.
Buy Marley 56
Controls Water Makeup
Electrical Components:
n Main breaker disconnect
n HAND-OFF-AUTO selector switch for manual
fill control when makeup card is used
n Output contact for makeup card is internally
powered with 120 VAC for use by customer
n User terminal points for connecting field
devices e.g. solenoid, water level probes and
alarm devices
n Terminal strip raised for easy access
n Wiring diagram and User Manual secured in
literature pocket inside the panel door
n Built to UL and CUL standards
n Single enclosure for all control cards
n Level cards as required for following
- Make up
- Hi alarm
- Lo alarm
- Hi level cutout
- Lo level cut out
Buy Marley 58
Rental Cooling Towers
Temporary Cooling
n Disaster response
n Maintenance outages
n Repair/replacement cooling
Aftermarket Services
Buy Marley 60
Publications Fundamentals
Air inlet x x
Blowdown–adjust as required x x
Change oil R
Fan shaft bearing lubrication (every 3 mo.) every 3 months every 3 months
Buy Marley 62
cooling tower parts
reference guide
S PR I NG 2012
1 800 462 7539
S PX C O O L I N G T E C H N O LO G I E S , I N C .
In the interest of technological progress, all products are subject to design and/or material change without notice