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Geometry Unit: Coordinate Geometry: Manasquan High School Department: Mathematics

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Manasquan High School

Department: Mathematics

Unit: Coordinate Geometry
Stage 1: Desired Results
NJCCCS, 2009 Established Goals
Standard: 4.2 Geometry and Measurement: All students will develop spatial sense and the ability to use
geometric properties, relationships, and measurements to model, describe, and analyze phenomena.

4.2.12.A.11 – Use coordinate geometry to find slopes, parallel lines, perpendicular lines and equations of lines.

4.2.12.B.1 – Find the lengths and midpoints of line segments in one- or two-dimensional coordinate systems.

Standard: 4.5 Core Mathematical Processes: All students will use the mathematical processes of problem
solving, communication, connections, reasoning, representations and technology to gain deeper understanding
of mathematical concepts, problem solving and how to communicate mathematical ideas. – Analyze a problem situation and represent it mathematically. – Select and apply strategies to solve problems. – Evaluate a solution for reasonableness, verify its accuracy and interpret the solution in the context of
the original problem. – Generalize a solution strategy for a single problem to a class of related problems and apply a strategy
for a class of related problems to solve specific problems. – Read and interpret diagrams, graphs, and text containing the symbols, language and conventions of
mathematics. – Communicate mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others, both orally
and in writing. – Synthesize information to draw conclusions, and evaluate the arguments and conclusions of others. – Use inductive reasoning to make conjectures and use deductive reasoning to prove or disprove
conjectures. – Use technology to gather, analyze, and communicate mathematical information.

Rather than repeating can also do:

*See Science Practices Unit, 5-8, for appropriate science process standards and CPIs used in this unit
** See 21st Century Skills Unit, 5-8, for appropriate 21st Century Skills Standards and CPI’s used in this unit
Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

Unit Expectations
In this unit we will learn that… In this unit we are learning to…
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Summative Traditional Assessments Summative Performance Assessments
In these written tasks students will show evidence In these performance tasks students will show
of learning the unit expectations evidence of learning the unit expectations.
(DI= Differentiated Instruction) (IDC= interdisciplinary)
 Written Assessment 1 (PBL – project-based learning)
 Written Assessment 2  PBL Performance Task 1
 Written Assessment 3 (Suggests this format – GRASp)
 Essential Question (s) Assessment Goal:
 PBL Performance Task 2
 PBL Performance Task 3
 X
 X
 x

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Lesson Activities Lesson Formative Assessments
The following activities will be used by students to The following are formative assessments that will
practice the unit expectations and strategies be used by the teacher to evaluate students’
(DI= Differentiated Instruction) progress towards meeting the unit expectations and
using student strategies.
Match with previous categories Match with lef
1. 1A.
A. 1B.
B 1C….
C Benchmark assessments could be included
2. Pre and Post assessments
Department Progress Skill Strategies* (from page 1) 21st Century Skill Strategies **(from page 1)
(Can be found Standard 9)
The following strategies will be used by students to The following strategies will be used by students to
meet the unit expectations. Students will… meet the unit expectations. Students will..
(what students should be doing specific to subject  Implement problem solving strategies to
area) Science examples: solve a problem
 Use models to  Develop strategies to reinforce positive
o answer questions attitudes and productive behaviors that
o explanations impact critical thinking and problem
o collect observations and solving skills
measurements  Determine individual responsibility for
o verify hypotheses contributions to group activities
 Use observations and/or measurements to  Demonstrate the use of compromise,
o answer questions consensus, and community building
o build explanations strategies for carrying out a group task
o build models  Model leadership skills during classroom
o verify hypotheses activities
 Use metric tools and units to  Use effective communication skills in face-
o measure temperature to-face interrelations with peers
 Analyze data to  Demonstrate how productivity and
o identify relationships accountability contribute to realizing
 Use experimental design procedures to individual or group work goals
o identify the purpose of an
investigation (global, communication & collaboration, leadership,
o plan an investigation digital, problem solving)
Standard regarding financial literacy can also be
o choose methods for collecting
included if applicable
observations and measurements
 Use digital tools to
o communicate experimental findings
 Conduct investigations to
o collect data
 Review and reflect on investigations to
o Apply to authentic experiences
o Connect to real world/other
 Use data collection technology to
o gather observations and data
 Use discussion protocols to
o partner talk
o discuss as a whole group
o work in small groups
o Use laboratory safety rules to
o Demonstrate safety for self and
o Demonstrate proper care of
instruments and specimens
o Clean up afer yourself
Unit Resources
The following resources are being used as a source of activities and/or assessments for the unit
 X
 X
 X
 X
 X
 X
 X

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