Three Fundamental Laws of Transport Phenomena

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Three Fundamental Laws of Transport Phenomena

Newton’s Law of Viscosity

Figure 1.2 shows a flow of fluid between two parallel plates, where the upper plate moves at a
constant velocity, U [m s–1], and the lower one is at rest. In a steady state, a linear velocity
profile is established, due to the effect of the viscosity of the fluid. Because of this frictional drag
caused by the viscosity of the fluid, a drag force, Rf [N], will act on the surface of the plate. The
following empirical equation is known for the fluid friction:

𝜏 = 𝜏𝑤 = (1.1)
𝜏 = −𝜇 𝑑𝑦 (1.2)

Fig. 1.2 Flow of a viscous fluid between two parallel plates.

Where, A is the surface area of the plate [m2], y is the distance from the wall [m], 𝜏 is the shear
stress in the fluid [Pa], 𝜏w (Rf/A) is the shear stress at the wall [Pa], and 𝜇 is the viscosity [Pa s],
which is one of the important physical properties of the fluid. The equation (1.2) is usually
known as Newton’s law of viscosity. Fluids are classified into two groups: Newtonian fluids,
which obey Newton’s law of viscosity, and non-Newtonian fluids, which do not obey Newton’s
law. Common fluids such as air, water, and oils generally behave as Newtonian fluids, whereas
polymer solutions usually behave as non-Newtonian fluids.

Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction

Figure 1.3 shows the temperature distribution in a solid plate of surface area A [m2] and
thickness 𝛿[m], where the temperature of one surface is kept at T1 [K] and that of the other at T2
[K] (T1 > T2). Heat will be transferred from the hot to the cold surface and this phenomenon is
known as the conduction of heat. In a steady state, a linear temperature profile is established in
the solid and the

rate of heat transfer, Q [W], is observed to be proportional to the temperature difference between
the two surfaces (T1 – T2) and the surface area of the plate, A [m2], and inversely proportional to
the thickness of the plate, 𝛿 [m]:
𝑇1 −𝑇2
𝑄∝𝐴 (1.3)

𝑄 𝑑𝑇
𝑞 = 𝐴 = −𝑘 (𝑑𝑦) (1.4)

Fig. 1.3 Conduction of heat through a solid wall.

Where q (= Q/A) is the heat flux [Wm–2], T is the temperature [K], y [m] is the distance in the
direction of heat conduction, and k is a physical property of the fluid known as the thermal
conductivity [Wm–1 K–1].

Fick’s Law of Diffusion

If we place a small amount of a volatile liquid in the bottom of a test tube and let it be in contact
with a dry air stream, as shown in Fig. 1.4, a linear concentration profile is established in the test
tube at steady state, and steady evaporation of the liquid will take place. This phenomenon,
whereby a transfer of material is caused by a non-uniform distribution of concentration, is called
diffusion. The following empirical law is known for the rate of diffusion:

𝐽𝐴 = −𝑐𝐷
(1.5) Where c is the molar density [kmol m–3], D is the diffusivity
[m–2 s–1], JA is the rate of diffusion of component A per unit
area of the surface (diffusional flux) [kmol m–2 s–1], and y is
the distance in the direction of diffusion [m].
Fig. 1.4 Diffusion of vapor in a gas

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