Omicron PTL: Omicron PTL ABB RET670 V1.2 Transformer PTT User Manual
Omicron PTL: Omicron PTL ABB RET670 V1.2 Transformer PTT User Manual
Omicron PTL: Omicron PTL ABB RET670 V1.2 Transformer PTT User Manual
User Manual
1. General ...................................................................................................................................................3
2. Software and Hardware Requirements ...............................................................................................3
3. Hardware ................................................................................................................................................4
4. Functional Range...................................................................................................................................5
5. XRIO Converter ......................................................................................................................................7
5.1 Specialties of the Additional Information block .....................................................................................7
6. Specific Protection Tests ......................................................................................................................7
6.1 Overload Protection ..............................................................................................................................7 Thermal Overload Trip Time Test ...........................................................................................7
1. General
This user manual describes details of testing ABB RET670 V1.2 relays with the OMICRON
Protection Test Template. General information on the usage of OMICRON Protection Testing Library
items can be found in the OMICRON PTL user manual.
Any CMC test set except the CMC353 can be used with this Protection Test Template.
3. Hardware
There are multiple possibilities of wiring a RET670 relay to a CMC test set. The advised connections are
shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. These connections are the default settings in the
Hardware Configuration of the PTT.
4. Functional Range
Supported functions:
• Transformer differential protection T3WPDIF, T2WPDIF (87T)
• Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC (50)
• Four step phase non-directional overcurrent protection OC4PTOC (50/51)
• Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC (50N)
• Four step residual non-directional overcurrent protection EF4PTOC (50N/51N)
• Thermal overload protection, two time constant TRPTTR (49)
Although the functions listed above are not supported by the Protection Test Template, the
Relay Parameter Section of the XRIO Converter includes all protection parameters of the relay.
o LowTapPosOLTC2,
o RatedTapOLTC2,
o HighTapPsOLTC2,
o TapHighVoltTC2,
o StepSizeOLTC2,
o NegSeqDiffEn,
o IMinNegSeq,
o NegSeqROA,
o OpenCTEnable,
o tOCTAlarmDelay,
o tOCTResetDelay and
o tOCTUnrstDelay
• Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC:
o StVaMult
• Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC:
o StVaMult
• Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC:
o 2ndHarmStab,
o I1Mult,
o HarmRestrain1,
o I2Mult,
o HarmRestrain2,
o I3Mult,
o HarmRestrain3,
o I4Mult and
o HarmRestrain4
• For step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC:
o 2ndHarmStab,
o BlkParTransf,
o ActivationSOTF,
o StepForSOTF,
o HarmResSOTF,
o tSOTF,
o t4U,
o ActUnderTime,
o tUnderTime,
o IN1Mult,
o HarmRestrain1,
o IN2Mult,
o HarmRestrain2,
o IN3Mult,
o HarmRestrain3,
o IN4Mult and
o HarmRestrain4
• Thermal overload protection:
o ILowTau1,
o Tau1Low,
o ILowTau2,
o Tau2Low,
o Alarm1,
o Alarm2,
o ResLo,
o Warning and
o tPulse
5. XRIO Converter
The Test Object already contains the ABB RET670 XRIO Converter, which includes setting parameters
of the modelled protection relay. The setting parameters are built as an image of the PCM600 software.
The Standard Filter for XRIO Files can be used for importing settings into the Relay Parameter
Hardware Configuration
The Hardware Configuration contains information on usage of analog modules which can be set in the
IED Configuration of the PCM600 software