O o o o o O: Survey Questionnaire

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Survey Questionnaire

Adopted from “ A Sociological Study on the Influence of Social

Networking Sites on the Interpersonal Relationships of College
Students in Bangalore and Mysore Cities” by: Manjunatha S.

Name: __________________________________ Sex: __________

Age: ____________ Grade: _____________ Strand( if applicable ): __________
1. . What is/are your purpose of Using the Social Media? (Choose as many
options as you wish)?
o Keeping in touch with family
o Keeping in touch with friends
o To meet new people
o Just for fun and entertainment
o To be ‘in’ because it’s popular nowadays
o Others (specify) ______________________
2. How often do you use the Social Media for…
Questions Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Status Update
Video Sharing
Picture Sharing
Comments/Wall post/

3. How often do you access your profile?

o Daily
o Weekly
o Fortnightly
o Monthly
o Less than that
4. How frequently do you use the Social Media (per week)?
o Less than 1 hour
o 1-3 hours
o 4-7 hours
o 8-12 hours
o More than 12 hours
5. Which Social Media Platform do you prefer to use?
o Facebook
o YouTube
o Twitter
o Instagram
o Any other (specify)_________________
6. How often do you use these sites?
o Most Frequently
o Frequently
o Occasionally
o Rarely
7. How many Social Media Account do you use actively?
o One
o Two
o Three
o Four above

8. How many friends are in your Social Media Account?

o Less than 100
o 100+
o 200+
o 300+
o 400 and above
9. Roughly for how long have you been using Social Media?
o Less than a month
o 1-6 months
o 6 months – 1 year
o 1-2 years
o 2-3 years
o More than 3 years
10. Do you use mobile phone to access the Social Media?
o Yes
o No

11. Who are your friends on your Social Media Account (Choose as many
options as you wish)?
o Friends – Classmates
o Friends – Who are not classmates
o Old friends – old class mates
o Friends through SNS
12. The level of your interpersonal relationship with your friends (choose the
suitable answer among the given options)
Questions Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never
You want to interact more
with your friends because of
Social Media
You can relate to your
friends since you use Social
Media that they also use
Social Media makes you in
good terms with your friends
You always want to keep in
touch with your friends
because of Social Media
The usage of Social Media
help you more in
communicating with your
You express yourself more
with your friends on Social

13. How has the usage of Social Media impacted on your social life?
o Positively impacted
o Negatively impacted
14. How has the usage of Social Media impacted on your personal life?
o Positively impacted
o Negatively impacted
15. Do you feel any changes in your attitudes because of using Social
o Yes
o No
If yes

16. Do you feel any changes in your behavior because of Social Media?
o Yes
o No
If yes

17. Do you feel that using Social Media has changed you to be more or less
o More social
o Less social
o Not social at all
18. Does the usage of Social Media influence your lifestyle in any way?
o Yes
o No
If yes, in what way has it
19. How the usage of Social Media benefited you as a user?
Questions Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Have more friends
Able to connect easily with
my friends
Social Media makes you in
good terms with your friends
Have found a partner
through these sites
Source of recreation
Find it a great way to enjoy
my leisure

20. How does

Statement of the Problem

 What are the Demographic Profile of the Respondents/Students:

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Grade Level

 What is the average number of hours, does a student spend in Social Media?

 What Social Media Platform is frequently used by the respondents?

 Is there a significant relation between Social Media and Social Behavior of the Students?

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