Summary of Psychodynamic Theories
Summary of Psychodynamic Theories
Summary of Psychodynamic Theories
What is the root or origin of What are the purposes or What is the behavior or
behavior? motivations or needs? personality of a person?
Unconscious motives and desires and early People are motivated to seek pleasure and Sex or Eros – seeks for pleasure that is not
childhood experiences to reduce tension and anxiety. limited to genital satisfaction rather, the
entire body is invested with libido.
Aggression or Thanatos – destructive drive
that aims to return the organism to an
inorganic state.
People are born with weak, inferior bodies– People strive for superiority or success as a Each person is unique and indivisible.
a condition that leads to feelings of means of compensation for feelings of Thoughts, feelings, and actions are all
Alfred adler
individual psychology
inferiority and dependence to other people. inferiority or weakness. directed toward a single goal and serve a
single purpose.
Personal experiences and distant past of To actualize or fully experience the self by Union of two basic attitudes–introversion
human existence (collective unconscious) overcoming their fear of the unconscious; and extraversion–and four separate
preventing their persona from dominating functions–thinking, feeling, seeing, and
carl jung
analytical psychology
their personality; recognizing the shadow;
and muster even greater courage to face
their anima or animus.
The early tendency of infants to relate to Infants have basic needs cared by their In active fantasy, infants introject, or take
partial objects gives their experiences mother that will develop a safe symbiotic into their psychic structure, these external
object relations
unrealistic or fantasy-like quality that
affects all later interpersonal relations.
relationship and emerge from mother’s
protective circle and establish separate
objects, including their father’s penis, their
mother’s hands and face, and other body
- Cultural influences as primary bases People need favorable conditions for Child develops feelings of basic hostility
for both neurotic and normal growth such as warm and loving toward parents when their needs aren’t
development. environment yet one that is not overly satisfied, then they repress their hostility
- Childhood experiences are primarily
responsible for personality
permissive. unconsciously towards parents (basic
anxiety) and copes with the help of
development. neurotic needs.
The ego exists as a potential at birth, but it Growth takes place according to epigenetic Personality always develops during a
must emerge from within a cultural principle and a person must develop basic particular historical period and within a
erik erikson
post-freudian theory
environment. strength that emerge from the conflict or given society.
crises that typify each period.
Behavior is influenced by sociobiological, - Humans are motivated by Psychologically healthy individuals are
economic, cultural, history, and class physiological motivation that cause able to find ways of reuniting the world
structure. people to unite with natural world. productively though: relatedness,
erich fromm
humanistic psychoanalysis
- Develops existential needs because of
development in culture.
transcendence, rootedness, sense of
identity, and frame of orientation.