Ila Standard 2 Artifact 4
Ila Standard 2 Artifact 4
Ila Standard 2 Artifact 4
Mini-Lesson Plan
3. RI. 1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate an understanding of a text, referring explicitly
3.RI.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support
3.RI.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a
Lesson objective:
Front-load the students with vocabulary words. Have the students read the text and practice
asking what each paragraph main idea is. They need to figure out “what” and “who” in each
paragraph. Use this information to determine the overall main idea while using self-monitoring
I would suggest monitoring the students in the first few rounds in small groups to ensure students
are practicing the skills correctly because they are juggling a few strategies at once. This
delivery of instruction can be delivered in the whole group if you provide students multiple
First you’ll introduce the BEST strategy to students. Explain to the students BEST is to self-
monitor your own learning. Students will be able to circle in the “I can” column during the
process of reading. The “I Did” column will be marked after students complete the activity.
The second part of the learning process is pre-teaching vocabulary. The teacher will
review the three vocabulary words that were learned the previous week. Then the teacher will
introduce two new vocabulary words to the students. The teacher needs to provide a simple
definition of each word and briefly discuss the visual representation of the word. The teacher
can also use related words or explain any models of words used in the text. After the vocabulary
is explained students will start to read the text. Explain to students their goal with finding the
main idea. With each paragraph, they must ask themselves, “what is this paragraph about and
who is it about?” Students will write the main idea on the side and use this information to
determine what the overall main idea is about. After determining the main idea or purpose of the
text students will refer to the self-monitoring checklist to see if they were successful in finding
the main idea, understanding the vocabulary, and monitoring their learning process along the
Some students with learning disabilities may struggle with decoding. Have the students
complete partner work and read with a partner. As they hear the vocabulary words, they are less
likely to struggle reading the vocabulary words after exposure. When choosing a relevant
picture to show the definition of the vocabulary word you must explain what the definition of the
word is otherwise the student might have a different definition. You can also use other words
such as synonyms to help the student understand the vocabulary word. You may also provide
graphic organizers if it suits the text purpose. For example, you may provide the student with a
Venn diagram for an expository text that focuses on compare and contrast.
Another option for differentiation is to complete the model-lead-test strategy for students
who struggle in small groups until they can complete it on their own. Most students will be able
to complete this after a few rounds, while some students with disabilities may need additional
practice. The text given can be modified to the student’s independent level if they cannot read at
Directions recap: Have students read the title. Look at the pictures, and have students share
what they think the story will be about. Then review three vocabulary words and introduce two
new vocabulary words. Have students write the main idea of each paragraph and ask each other
questions about the text. Students will fill in the self-monitoring checklist during and after the
Teacher: Explain to the student they will be completing the BEST self-monitoring checklist.
Choose two vocabulary words in the glossary. Explain what the word means. Draw or provide a
picture of the vocabulary word. You may also show the student the picture of the vocabulary
word in the book. For example, the vocabulary word blending is on page 11.
After that remind students to identify the main idea of each paragraph. Read the story with the
student and write the main idea of each paragraph on the side of the paper.